KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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No problem!

I've also read from two different jurors that there was no gender bias, and I was wondering who the other woman or women were earlier.

After they speak out I'll share my thoughts, but I don't really want to accuse them of anything without proof at this stage because it's purely speculation. But I do have an idea of who one of them might be.

I wonder what the court observers think? KCL? My3Sons? (sorry to others whose names have slipped my mind).

I feel fairly certain that one of them is the Artist/foreman (based on his comments). The others...I don't know. All I could do is speculate (not clinical judgement, sir! :floorlaugh:), so I won't.

I will say that there are three I stated even during deliberations I was positive would not waver from death. They are Nancy (she has confirmed as much), Paul Rudd, and Wrestler (he told GMA he voted death, too). I think Willie/Marlboro Man/Ponytail/#9 can be added to that list...
Yes, Maureen was my guess too. Great minds think alike! We'll have to wait to see if it's confirmed. My guess is nothing but a guess - I don't even know if it can be classed as speculation because I'm basing it on nothing except a hunch. I can't even remember their voices as they were polled.

I did see on a blog by Camille Kimball that Maureen was crying after the mistrial was declared, so that made me abandon my theory for a while. But then I realised that there are a lot of reasons to be upset about a mistrial.
I was looking for it too. Wilmont kept objecting during his closing breaking his flow and impact. I honestly thought Wilmont had a much stronger closing. She wanted the jurors to believe that since Jodi was already convicted of murder1, that was sufficient punishment. "You convicted her, you did your job, etc." She wanted them to ignore the aggravating factors and throw everything out the window that they learned the past 5 months. It was as if this part of the trial was in an alternate universe.

Plus the long list of good things Jodi told us she plans to do when she gets into prison. Hello!!!!! Jodi isn't joining the peace corp. She's not going to prison for rehabilitation. She's going to prison as punishment. Locked away for life so that she has no life. She's not getting ready for the "Teddy Bear Picnic." Jurors need to be reminded of that fact and the fact that she was, again, trying to manipulate the jury into believing something that just is not true. She's being sent to prison to keep her from ever doing this to another person because with a gun and the knives in her getaway car, that she claims were for protection, were more likely than not for another target she had in mind. Those are the cold hard facts.
Interesting. This link has been posted a few times.


When the final deadlock came, I personally observed three women on the jury crying, jurors #3, #6, and #16. That tells me that these women were less susceptible to the poor little waif persona spun by the defendant.

I have to wonder if the foreman mislead these jurors into believing that if they were deadlocked the judge would have to make the final decision for them?
I have to wonder if the foreman mislead these jurors into believing that if they were deadlocked the judge would have to make the final decision for them?

I think that is exactly what he did.
Friends, I stand corrected.


These three jurors are Nancy/6, Wrestler/13, and MAUREEN/16. Maureen voted death. Shows what I know :)
Great video!

I'll edit the big juror post later (unless someone else wants to add the information). If anyone else wants to do it, search my posts - the latest one with the videos in it is in the Sidebar #6 thread.

So Juror 13's name is Kevin and #16's name is Mary Lou. Kevin reminds me of that actor in the Hangover movie. Zach someone (long Greek name starting with G). I think it's the beard.

It's bedtime for me. I hope there are more juror interviews when I wake up tomorrow!
I figured out the comment thing...I'm approving comments I guess which was kinda good, at least for now, as one troll slipped through. and they have a one click "trash" feature...awesome. :rockon:

Thanks for the love guys...I'll figure it out as time goes on.

You have to wonder what is in people's heads when you are blogging as a victim's advocate site and someone makes comments to trash victims once more. Zero tolerance for someone who would be that cruel.
Great video!

I'll edit the big juror post later (unless someone else wants to add the information). If anyone else wants to do it, search my posts - the latest one with the videos in it is in the Sidebar #6 thread.

So Juror 13's name is Kevin and #16's name is Mary Lou. Kevin reminds me of that actor in the Hangover movie. Zach someone (long Greek name starting with G). I think it's the beard.

It's bedtime for me. I hope there are more juror interviews when I wake up tomorrow!

Bless them.
I was mortified when I read that some idiots had posted hateful things to you on here, Katie. I guess you are right they do get deleted pretty quickly, as I had never seen anything but love, trust and respect for you. I am happy you are starting your own, and can move that into a paid position for your valuable insights in no time, I trust. God sees you. Keep up your good work. It matters!

I know this made your day , as it did mine http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/jodi-arias-jury-members-experience-19259344
It says soooooo much about his CHARACTER that he broke his word to the other jurors about not doing interviews until next week. It is unbelievable that he spent 5 tense months with these people in a highly responsible role and broke his word the very next day!!
BTW.. and someone has probably mentioned this by now BUT.. I was VERY interested to read more of TK's tweets and someone asked her who snitched on TriColor... she said it was NOT a juror.
I think the major victory has been won- Jodi has been convicted of 1st degree murder. Everyone predicted at the beginning it would either be 2nd degree or 1st degree with life, so I'm not disappointed. Personally I wish that the state would make a deal for life without parole. It will be extremely difficult to find all 12 voting for death. The foreman was an idiot for speaking out as he did, but the 1 thing that stuck in my head was his thinking that heinous as this crime is it is not in the same league as Jeffrey Dahmer or a child murderer. So even those who support the death penalty may not give her death. But I am not the Alexanders & I can understand how they feel. However, I heard that it's the state who decides, not the family. As to the foreman, I believe he got it as he's probably the oldest (69). The jury as a whole did a good job & soon JA will fade into obscurity. She'll never be out of jail & don't forget the Alexanders have their civil trial where they can make sure JA & her family will never profit from Travis' death. I know many wanted to see her sentenced to death, but there is only 1 winner from this trial & it's Travis. Millions have seen his friends bring him to life & show what an amazing person he was. The odd shout in the dark from JA's corner to darken Travis' character is but 1 small ripple in the whole of the sea.
So glad to hear we will get info from other jurors. Yes, quite enlightening that the foreperson immediately violated an agreement the jurors had made.

karma girl: Having a dentist in the family, I hooted when I read your post. Yes, dentistry is expensive. But, so are a lot of things. Like kitchen remodels, for example. And purchasing a car. I don't know if it is the way people were brought up or what, but I am always kind of amazed when someone will pay $50,000 for a motor vehicle, yet not want to "spend the money" on absolutely needed dental repair work. I am not talking porcelain veneers here, I am talking about not replacing a lost tooth that is going to lead to the separation and eventual loss of other teeth if not replaced. Go figure. And every dentist has the means through their State dental association to fix people up with financing and a payment plan.

And speaking of karma: I am here to tell you that it does work. And yes, sometimes it can take years. I encountered it in relation to my 1st husband. No jail or anything like that, but lets just say life circumstances that I would not want to be in.

I agree. Dental health is very important to ones over all health. I grew up very poor, never went to a dentist until I was working. I had to have several teeth pulled, I will never forget the dentist telling me if I did not get a partial I could could in later years develop cancer. I am very religious about going to the dentist two times a year. . moo
I think the major victory has been won- Jodi has been convicted of 1st degree murder. Everyone predicted at the beginning it would either be 2nd degree or 1st degree with life, so I'm not disappointed. Personally I wish that the state would make a deal for life without parole. It will be extremely difficult to find all 12 voting for death. The foreman was an idiot for speaking out as he did, but the 1 thing that stuck in my head was his thinking that heinous as this crime is it is not in the same league as Jeffrey Dahmer or a child murderer. So even those who support the death penalty may not give her death. But I am not the Alexanders & I can understand how they feel. However, I heard that it's the state who decides, not the family. As to the foreman, I believe he got it as he's probably the oldest (69). The jury as a whole did a good job & soon JA will fade into obscurity. She'll never be out of jail & don't forget the Alexanders have their civil trial where they can make sure JA & her family will never profit from Travis' death. I know many wanted to see her sentenced to death, but there is only 1 winner from this trial & it's Travis. Millions have seen his friends bring him to life & show what an amazing person he was. The odd shout in the dark from JA's corner to darken Travis' character is but 1 small ripple in the whole of the sea.

Every serial killer starts with their first victim. Jodi also abused her dog as a child. When Jodi was arrested there was a gun and knives in her car. I think that should have been allowed in as evidence! Those were her weapons of choice. I think 12 jurors can be found to sentence her to death. Heck if the alternates were different, THIS jury may have very well been able to.

I think Jodi's best chance to save herself would be to show EXTREME remorse.
I feel your frustration! I've posted thank to mikee Daniel's for all he does and boy have I got some nasty remarks about the family in fact downright brutal. In the comment section!
Just sift thru the garbage. I know it's frustrating.
Did the family like the keychains?
I DIDNT want to bother you because I know your so busy! I thank you for all you do. I. Want to continue supporting the Alexander family financially.
I found something elephant for you and the girls !
Ill have those by the time trial restarts! I've seen something I thought you'd love.
Again hugs and thank you.
We have to keep in mind that the jurors DIDNT know everything we did! I'm wondering once they see all her post verdict videos and interrogation videos and much more! How the ones that voted against death would feel.
I'm anxious to hear what they have to say! Once they see all the stuff they weren't allowed to. Yessiree
Your right every victim starts somewhere! Also she already had a propensity for violence, evidenced by taking a baseball bat to her brothers head. We don't know everything we do know she kicked in walls and all kinds of other stuff.
I'm confident.t justice will prevail. Juan got first degree murder with cruelty! That's a major win. I was so down depressed with no verdict! I had to rest and rethink this and now I'm great ful that he did and maybe the next one will be a charm.
I agree. Dental health is very important to ones over all health. I grew up very poor, never went to a dentist until I was working. I had to have several teeth pulled, I will never forget the dentist telling me if I did not get a partial I could could in later years develop cancer. I am very religious about going to the dentist two times a year. . moo

I wish it was that easy. As someone with no insurance and no income, dental care is way down the road for me. I miss those twice yearly visits, and so do my teeth. But food comes first, gas second. Everything else is impossible when you have no income. After Mom passes and I can back to work, teeth are my first priority. But by that time, it will be dentures probably...... :blushing:
I think the major victory has been won- Jodi has been convicted of 1st degree murder. Everyone predicted at the beginning it would either be 2nd degree or 1st degree with life, so I'm not disappointed. Personally I wish that the state would make a deal for life without parole. It will be extremely difficult to find all 12 voting for death. The foreman was an idiot for speaking out as he did, but the 1 thing that stuck in my head was his thinking that heinous as this crime is it is not in the same league as Jeffrey Dahmer or a child murderer. So even those who support the death penalty may not give her death. But I am not the Alexanders & I can understand how they feel. However, I heard that it's the state who decides, not the family. As to the foreman, I believe he got it as he's probably the oldest (69). The jury as a whole did a good job & soon JA will fade into obscurity. She'll never be out of jail & don't forget the Alexanders have their civil trial where they can make sure JA & her family will never profit from Travis' death. I know many wanted to see her sentenced to death, but there is only 1 winner from this trial & it's Travis. Millions have seen his friends bring him to life & show what an amazing person he was. The odd shout in the dark from JA's corner to darken Travis' character is but 1 small ripple in the whole of the sea.
If she gets life with parol! The family can show up at every parole board hearing she has and put a wrench in it. I hope for death but will be ok with life! Boy does she have a rude awakening when she gets to prison. There are some vile offenders there and if she thought she was manipulative lol well I got news for her ! Her attitude will be shot down real quick! She will be sorry she DIDNT get death. She will wish she had! They thrive on making you miserable if your new and with attitude lol. We will hear in the news how she got her but kicked good lol.
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