KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I figured out the comment thing...I'm approving comments I guess which was kinda good, at least for now, as one troll slipped through. and they have a one click "trash" feature...awesome. :rockon:

Thanks for the love guys...I'll figure it out as time goes on.

You're a good writer! :hug:

I love the darling picture of you and your sister.....especially the bangs!!! My Grammy used to cut my mom's hair just like that when she was little (mom hated it lol but she looked so cute).
Every serial killer starts with their first victim. Jodi also abused her dog as a child. When Jodi was arrested there was a gun and knives in her car. I think that should have been allowed in as evidence! Those were her weapons of choice. I think 12 jurors can be found to sentence her to death. Heck if the alternates were different, THIS jury may have very well been able to.

I think Jodi's best chance to save herself would be to show EXTREME remorse.

The jury could only punish her for the actual crimes she had committed. Also would not surprise me at all if she gets a new defence team next time, one a whole lot better than the last. Wasn't there a lawyer seated behind her that last week? It's such a lottery & it's giving her the stage all over again. A smart lawyer would show a far more remorseful Jodi & she could even be given life with parole depending on the judge. I don't want to risk her ever being let out.
Did the family like the keychains?
I DIDNT want to bother you because I know your so busy! I thank you for all you do. I. Want to continue supporting the Alexander family financially.
I found something elephant for you and the girls !
Ill have those by the time trial restarts! I've seen something I thought you'd love.
Again hugs and thank you.

Doggone it I never had a chance to ask them because I handed them to Nicole and pretty much every conversation since then has been about the trial. Wild about trial heard about them and tweeted about them though so I showed him mine which I love..thank you! I'd love to hear about your new project xoxo.
Please do notice that Kiefer was not present in this interview.....

Did notice the camera was more on him then her. And when the camera did go on her it was mostly profile. I would have liked to see more of her and less of Chris. moo
I think the major victory has been won- Jodi has been convicted of 1st degree murder. Everyone predicted at the beginning it would either be 2nd degree or 1st degree with life, so I'm not disappointed. Personally I wish that the state would make a deal for life without parole. It will be extremely difficult to find all 12 voting for death. The foreman was an idiot for speaking out as he did, but the 1 thing that stuck in my head was his thinking that heinous as this crime is it is not in the same league as Jeffrey Dahmer or a child murderer. So even those who support the death penalty may not give her death. But I am not the Alexanders & I can understand how they feel. However, I heard that it's the state who decides, not the family. As to the foreman, I believe he got it as he's probably the oldest (69). The jury as a whole did a good job & soon JA will fade into obscurity. She'll never be out of jail & don't forget the Alexanders have their civil trial where they can make sure JA & her family will never profit from Travis' death. I know many wanted to see her sentenced to death, but there is only 1 winner from this trial & it's Travis. Millions have seen his friends bring him to life & show what an amazing person he was. The odd shout in the dark from JA's corner to darken Travis' character is but 1 small ripple in the whole of the sea.

I spoke with our AZLawyer last night about the odds for this re sentencing death penalty hearing and she said its been done 4 times in AZ since they instituted this process and 3 of 4 times they got the DP. With those odds and seeing a majority in this trial went for death, I think it's a sure thing the State will go for it. ESP since the family is behind it.
Great video!

I'll edit the big juror post later (unless someone else wants to add the information). If anyone else wants to do it, search my posts - the latest one with the videos in it is in the Sidebar #6 thread.

So Juror 13's name is Kevin and #16's name is Mary Lou. Kevin reminds me of that actor in the Hangover movie. Zach someone (long Greek name starting with G). I think it's the beard.

It's bedtime for me. I hope there are more juror interviews when I wake up tomorrow!

He was clean shaven throughout the trial..maybe he grew that beard right at the end to have a little protection somehow.
Ironically, the "Wrestler" is actually a banker, and "Maureen/secretary" is really an ER nurse. I agree with KCL that the Wrester/aka banker, probably would have been a really good foreman.
BTW.. and someone has probably mentioned this by now BUT.. I was VERY interested to read more of TK's tweets and someone asked her who snitched on TriColor... she said it was NOT a juror.

Now I wanna hear that too. Maybe Maria de la rosa and her little dog Kiefer.
I think the major victory has been won- Jodi has been convicted of 1st degree murder. Everyone predicted at the beginning it would either be 2nd degree or 1st degree with life, so I'm not disappointed. Personally I wish that the state would make a deal for life without parole. It will be extremely difficult to find all 12 voting for death. The foreman was an idiot for speaking out as he did, but the 1 thing that stuck in my head was his thinking that heinous as this crime is it is not in the same league as Jeffrey Dahmer or a child murderer. So even those who support the death penalty may not give her death. But I am not the Alexanders & I can understand how they feel. However, I heard that it's the state who decides, not the family. As to the foreman, I believe he got it as he's probably the oldest (69). The jury as a whole did a good job & soon JA will fade into obscurity. She'll never be out of jail & don't forget the Alexanders have their civil trial where they can make sure JA & her family will never profit from Travis' death. I know many wanted to see her sentenced to death, but there is only 1 winner from this trial & it's Travis. Millions have seen his friends bring him to life & show what an amazing person he was. The odd shout in the dark from JA's corner to darken Travis' character is but 1 small ripple in the whole of the sea.

Not directed at you, but I have heard people (including the Foreman, IIRC) throwing out Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. Just to keep facts straight, Dahmer was not given the DP:

Dahmer was indicted on 17 murder charges, later reduced to 15. Dahmer was not charged in the attempted murder of Edwards.[43] His trial began on January 30, 1992.[44] With evidence overwhelmingly against him, Dahmer pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.[45] The trial lasted two weeks.[33] The court found Dahmer sane and guilty on 15 counts of murder and sentenced him to 15 life terms,[46] totaling 957 years in prison, which was the maximum penalty available as Wisconsin abolished capital punishment in 1853

Jeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Manson was sentenced to death, but

Manson's death sentence was automatically commuted to life imprisonment when a 1972 decision by the Supreme Court of California temporarily eliminated the state's death penalty.[6] California's eventual reinstatement of capital punishment did not affect Manson, who is currently incarcerated at Corcoran State Prison.
Charles Manson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, Dahmer was never on Death Row, and Manson's stay there was short.

Where does it say in the jury instructions that the DP is only to be given to serial killers?

KCL asked me the other day what I would have done if I were in that jury room (which I never would be, but let's take a hypothetical). First, I would have insisted that in the punishment phase, actual deliberations take place. I could be wrong, but I got the impression from the foreman that the jurors just went around the table and expressed their "feelings". That's not deliberation. I would have asked the foreman, for example, to explain his position. If he stated that Arias was perfectly normal for 27 years until she met Travis, I would have gone over Dr. Demarte's testimony. (Especially since the foreman was not much of a note taker). Arias had suicidal ideations since she was a young teen. Her behavior as a teen (leaving home at 17 to live in an unheated shack, dropping out of HS, etc.) are not "normal". And on and on. Of course, the foreman doesn't seem to like to be challenged, so it might have been bloody. But actual deliberations would have occurred.
You're a good writer! :hug:

I love the darling picture of you and your sister.....especially the bangs!!! My Grammy used to cut my mom's hair just like that when she was little (mom hated it lol but she looked so cute).

Awwww thanks. Shoulda seen our bangs after our mom died and our dad started cutting them :scared:
Not directed at you, but I have heard people (including the Foreman, IIRC) throwing out Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. Just to keep facts straight, Dahmer was not given the DP:

Jeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Manson was sentenced to death, but

Charles Manson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, Dahmer was never on Death Row, and Manson's stay there was short.

Where does it say in the jury instructions that the DP is only to be given to serial killers?

KCL asked me the other day what I would have done if I were in that jury room (which I never would be, but let's take a hypothetical). First, I would have insisted that in the punishment phase, actual deliberations take place. I could be wrong, but I got the impression from the foreman that the jurors just went around the table and expressed their "feelings". That's not deliberation. I would have asked the foreman, for example, to explain his position. If he stated that Arias was perfectly normal for 27 years until she met Travis, I would have gone over Dr. Demarte's testimony. (Especially since the foreman was not much of a note taker). Arias had suicidal ideations since she was a young teen. Her behavior as a teen (leaving home at 17 to live in an unheated shack, dropping out of HS, etc.) are not "normal". And on and on. Of course, the foreman doesn't seem to like to be challenged, so it might have been bloody. But actual deliberations would have occurred.

Thank you for that!

Fwiw in the area of the creepy, Kiefer said similar Jodi minimizing things to me but comparing her to my sister's killers like her crime was so much less evil and more understandable. Just a girl who got mad at her bad boyfriend. Blech. The odd similarities in verbiage with the foreman, Brewer, Kiefer, just makes my skin crawl.
The jury could only punish her for the actual crimes she had committed. Also would not surprise me at all if she gets a new defence team next time, one a whole lot better than the last. Wasn't there a lawyer seated behind her that last week? It's such a lottery & it's giving her the stage all over again. A smart lawyer would show a far more remorseful Jodi & she could even be given life with parole depending on the judge. I don't want to risk her ever being let out.

I doubt JSS will allow a new defense team. It would take a year for a new lawyer to get up to speed with the case, and the state has already spent a fortune on Nurmi and Willmott. If a new lawyer signs on, I think he/she will have to do it pro bono and work with Nurmi and Willmott.
BTW.. and someone has probably mentioned this by now BUT.. I was VERY interested to read more of TK's tweets and someone asked her who snitched on TriColor... she said it was NOT a juror.

I had missed this earlier, but when I was searching for juror interviews (very interested in their thoughts), I ran across this interview from April with Juror #5, who said it was a joke when Richard Samuels was on the stand (apparently her laughter heard in the hallway when they were going to lunch and a reference to the expert's $300 per hour fee.)

Jodi Arias Trial: Juror 5 Meliha Omanovic says she was booted because of a joke - YouTube

(Sorry if this has been posted before.)
I spoke with our AZLawyer last night about the odds for this re sentencing death penalty hearing and she said its been done 4 times in AZ since they instituted this process and 3 of 4 times they got the DP. With those odds and seeing a majority in this trial went for death, I think it's a sure thing the State will go for it. ESP since the family is behind it.

Katie, I really hope the family see that the murder 1 conviction is a huge win. I know we see things from a different perspective, I am anti-death penalty & being British, a life sentence is the most severe sentence that can be given in the UK. Whichever way the family goes they still have my prayers & support. A big part of me would love to see her face if given the DP & the way that Travis has been re-victimised has made my blood boil. Just know that to anyone that counts (i.e. with morals & half a brain) JA has fooled no-one & her lack of heart & soul is clear, in stark contrast to Travis & the Alexanders.
It's a surprise but of course you will be the first to know of course!

Oh this message is for katircoolady
An interesting post from Jeffrey Gold this morning on his facebook page (Jeff was in the courtroom each day)
Interesting thoughts by lawyer Jeffrey Evan Gold this morning:

Tweets have to be >140 characters. Lawyers hardly think in less than 1400 characters. I'll expand a #jodiarias tweet here in good old FB that was too cryptic in twittereze. However, its a detail of case than I would not usually post in FB which I leave for broad topics not tweeter minutia . So now my FB friend s may be just as confused by my clarification to my twitter followers. But here goes. The court announced to media a question by was coming not a verdict. The public information office had a 1hr delay for verdict agreed but not so on Qs. Hung juries are not verdicts and we all knew (at least talking to me) that hung juries come as Qs simply because they are not final until the judge declares a mistrial. They are not verdicts which must be unanimous and you can't be unanimous about not being unanimous. Doesn't work that way. Now we now know that the jury foreman was in minority and pro life. He almost immediately the day before asked jury Q to judge what happens if we are deadlocked. Judge gave what is called a dynamite charge which says go back and break the logjam in other words keep debating. The foreman controls debate and votes often. In this case being in minority did he steer case to a hung jury by not encouraging true debate? Because he was in minority? Well when we got into court fie that second question, all were present but no Arias family which like we thought it was just a Q. When the judge read the jury has a verdict many were shocked. Wow a verdict! This is over! I now think the judge was shocked too because if you watch her face on tape (could not see in court) she appears so when she then gets to the non verdict part of the verdict... we cannot reach a unanimous verdict. Some mistake her look for sympathy for Alexanders. But it was disappointment I think that verdict was nit reached after a glimmer if hope raised when she saw verdict form instead of a Q. Which brings me back to the forman who choose to use verdict form rather than report jury was still hung and could not reach a verdict. Did he do this on purpose? To make his point that the jury was done and did not want another dynamite charge? He was in minority after all and debate more often sways minority. We will never know. Judge could have not accepted non verdict verdict and asked parties if they wanted another charge. A second charge is always appeal ready though anyway. So it was declared a mistrial. Its a small twitter type point, not grand FB one, but I just wonder how much the foreman who ended up on GMA next day really did his job to get a verdict vs being happy to get out of there with the ball still in Life's court, which was his vote. He certainly could not get on TV fast enough to persuade the public of his view. Just sayin'.
Thanks for that post Optics. Gold is kind of saying what I expressed: was there any real "deliberation" on the penalty phase? He's right, deliberation includes debate. And the best way to debate is to use facts, not "feelings". One thing I always listen for on voir dire is people who say "I feel" instead of "I think". I want thinkers on my juries.
Thanks for that post Optics. Gold is kind of saying what I expressed: was there any real "deliberation" on the penalty phase? He's right, deliberation includes debate. And the best way to debate is to use facts, not "feelings". One thing I always listen for on voir dire is people who say "I feel" instead of "I think". I want thinkers on my juries.

Great points! Maybe there was such a desire to remain "friends" after this was over that no one wanted to hurt anyone's "feelings". But the voters for non death simply did not follow the LAW. They delivered a compromise based on their feelings which is exactly what the Defense, although arguing constantly about the law being followed, relied upon. Ironic isn't it? (btw hope you keep sharing, appreciating your insights).
Great points! Maybe there was such a desire to remain "friends" after this was over that no one wanted to hurt anyone's "feelings". But the voters for non death simply did not follow the LAW. They delivered a compromise based on their feelings which is exactly what the Defense, although arguing constantly about the law being followed, relied upon. Ironic isn't it? (btw hope you keep sharing, appreciating your insights).

I agree. Katie, I just read Zervakos son has posted a letter or something saying his dad wanted to be "famous" before the trial. Have you seen it (or anyone else?) I msged the person on FB to ask where it was posted.
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