Found Safe Kayla Durler, 17, Mistakenly sent to school when school was closed, Pittsburgh, 5 January 2024

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“Stowe Township police are searching for a missing 17-year-old girl who has Down syndrome.

Kayla Durler, 17, of West Mifflin, was dropped off at Sto-Rox High School around 7 a.m. Friday.

School was closed Friday, but Durler was dropped off due to a miscommunication, police said.”

I’m unclear. Who dropped her off at school? A parent/care-giver? A school bus? I wonder where she was for the 3 hours before she was spotted on surveillance cameras and the distance between the school and the place on camera. Some people should be in big trouble over this. I really hope she is found safe.
I’m unclear. Who dropped her off at school? A parent/care-giver? A school bus? I wonder where she was for the 3 hours before she was spotted on surveillance cameras and the distance between the school and the place on camera. Some people should be in big trouble over this. I really hope she is found safe.
A bus. Bus driver says she wasn't notified of emergency closure due to gas leak the night before. School says bus company was notified. Makes no sense. They had to know the driver came to take the bus. The important thing is that this little girl is found. I'm sure she's terrified. Dropped off in downtown Pittsburgh and a snow storm is coming in. I cannot believe that no one on the streets of Pittsburgh realized this little girl was in trouble and called the Police to help her. It's been 12 hours since she was dropped off. Very worrisome.
I’m unclear. Who dropped her off at school? A parent/care-giver? A school bus? I wonder where she was for the 3 hours before she was spotted on surveillance cameras and the distance between the school and the place on camera. Some people should be in big trouble over this. I really hope she is found safe.
Sounds like she has transportation through a company contracted by her school (ABC Transit), and—like other school transportation services for students with special needs or physical limitation—they probably only transport individual studemts rather than running a full bus route where other kids are picked up before the bus arrives at the school. So if the driver assigned to pick up/drop off Kayla didn’t get the message that school was going to be held remotely on the date Kayla disappeared, they were likely surprised to arrive there and find it closed.

Now, the question is, why wouldn’t the driver have just turned around and brought her right back home? Were they afraid of consequences (for not getting the message about the school’s closure) from their employer? Was Kayla allowed to be at home unsupervised (if not, and her parents left for work when she departed for school, maybe the driver simply didn’t know where to bring her)? Did Kayla herself request to be dropped off elsewhere?
Yeah, I work in special education while I'm getting my master's in teaching special education, and I work with kids with Down's syndrome often, so I feel like I have somewhat of a place to speak here. I am absolutely baffled at how this mix-up could have even happened in the first place as someone who knows a decent amount about how districts run transportation for severely disabled high schoolers.

A bus driver dropping off an unsupervised kid with Down's syndrome, without a teacher, paraeducator, admin, etc. for support, is absolutely a BIG, BIG mistake and IMO I do think it is important to discuss the "how" because it (in my opinion as a special education professional) greatly impacts the facts of the case.
Looking further at the map & the satellite views, it looks like interstate bridges crossing the river, probably not a pedestrian lane, RR tracks running along the actual edge of the river, so where did she cross the river & then go into downtown where she was spotted? Did she ride public transport of some kind (other than the school bus, assuming it left her at school)? Did someone else give her a lift & drop her off?

It looks like this street runs near a river. They need to be out in droves searching for. I'm not sure if she is attracted to water or not. I hope they are speaking with an expert who works with children who have down syndrome. They can give insight into where she might seek shelter. It's dark. It's cold. And she is probably out there alone.
Who dropped her off at the school and how did Kayla know to get on regional transit bus?

Police told Pittsburgh's Action News 4 that Kayla was dropped off at school after traveling from a group home in West Mifflin. She stayed around the school for a while and talked to someone who told her to stick around, but she left. She went to a convenience store, then got on a PRT bus at Broadway and Dale streets just before 10 a.m. The 24 bus route was headed for downtown.
This is a really scary situation.

PA State Police

ALLEGHENY COUNTY: Missing Endangered Person Advisory. Allegheny County Police Department is looking for Kayla Durler. Call 911 if seen.


Allegheny County PD

#PleaseShare: County Police are assisting in the search for 17-year-old Kayla Durler from Stowe Township. This is an updated photo showing Kayla getting off a PRT bus on Stanwix St downtown at 10:15 am. Please call 9-1-1 w/ info.



I would also like to add for context that, setting aside the hows and whys of whatever happened, the fact of Kayla being dropped off at school alone, without anyone there who has been instructed to pick up Kayla and escort her, is more than likely (in my experience in SPED) out of compliance with what would be outlined in her IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for her transportation services. The IEP is a legally binding document and activity that is out of compliance with what is mandated in the IEP is illegal. BTW, I am not saying that anyone should be fired or sued. I am simply giving my 2 cents as someone who has a lot of experience with IEPs and is almost finished earning a master's in special education.

If something, such as this terrible incident, happens as a result of being out of compliance with IEPs, the door opens to lawsuits and a vast array of other legal issues. And that is for cases far, far more minor than this one. I pray Kayla is safe and warm, and can be safely recovered - Even so, I don't think that will be the last of this. This was a big mistake. The district is screwed IMO.

Transportation for kids in special education, in most cases, is noted in the IEP under what is called the "related services" (that the student receives, provided free of cost by the school district). In Kayla's case, I am 100% confident that it would have been, seeing as she had Down's syndrome and received specialized transportation services (but again - this is just my opinion as a special education professional who has experience with IEPs and almost has a master's - take it with a grain of salt if you would like). The transportation services on the IEP are very important because, as with the rest of the IEP, it is legally binding.
Another with years of experience with public schools & enough with adults receiving services. Any program I've ever known would have an assigned staff member/para/aide/teacher to meet this student at the bus. That driver would likely not open the door without that staff member there to receive the student.

And -- what's up at that group home? This resident's program is closed for the day & no one knows?

imho, any licensed driver in the USA can tell the difference between a public high school that is open -- and a public high school that is closed.

I expect that this was not the regular driver and not the usual staff at the group home?

Kayla, where are you???

jmho ymmv lrr

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