KC defense team.What now?

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Oh there's a very good explanation. CA pointed it out in an interview when asked how one would explain the pics of KC in the Hot Body contest. "There was ONE picture. Those pictures are used by the club to get other people to come in. She was paid for the picture. She was working". Oh, THANK YOU CA.......THAT explains everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (side note to KC - working? it's about time...)

I guess that is to say work takes the place of grief? Mothers of missing children must put their pain aside and be prepared for when their little ones return? After all, to be "Mom of the year" one must support their children. Too bad KC didn't think of this while Caylee was alive. And she was what? Killing two birds with one stone; looking for Zanni and Caylee and earning a living at the same time?

And all the other pictures were? "Photo shopped" from the "one" taken of her while she earned a living?

The more I think about it the more I realize, "Mom of the Year" just doesn't cut it. There must something more fitting for KC...
I think that witness reports of the "accused's" demeanor within minutes after the death of her child are of evidenciary value.

So is videotape.

George saw Casey and Caylee on June 16 just before 1 p.m. Casey talked to Jesse G. June 16 at 2:52. He thinks he heard Caylee in the background. Casey pings place her in the Anthony home area. At 4:18 she starts pinging away from the Anthony house and toward Tony's apartment.

By 4:30 Casey, according to Tony's roommates and Casey's phone pings, Casey is happily moving her stuff into Tony's apartment. Caylee isn't with her. Nor is any of Caylee's stuff. Tony's roommates say Casey was bubbly and normal. Later that night Casey is videotaped smooching with Tony in public.
If George told the truth and saw Caylee on June 16, Casey talked to Tony about moving in with him in the early morning hours while Caylee was alive.

Tony says Casey can come, but NOT Caylee.

Casey doesn't bother to pack anything for Caylee, but DOES pack up stuff for HERSELF to bring to Tony's apartment. (According to Cindy, Tony and Lee)
I think I said this before, but this is going to be the longest "autopsy" investigation in the history of forensics...2 weeks it takes? How long has defense had the remains? They aren't fooling me!!
If George told the truth and saw Caylee on June 16, Casey talked to Tony about moving in with him in the early morning hours while Caylee was alive.

Tony says Casey can come, but NOT Caylee.

Casey doesn't bother to pack anything for Caylee, but DOES pack up stuff for HERSELF to bring to Tony's apartment. (According to Cindy, Tony and Lee)

Please refresh my brain, did Tony himself say that he told Casey she could come, but not Caylee or did this just come from RG? And what about Tony's comment about only wanting boys?

Again, I think it will be interesting to see what's allowed into evidence at the trial. I have a feeling we've already seen more than the jury will see.
It's what everyones doing now! LOL you don't see it??? Gosh I was told it was to get a point across - exact words from someone on the boards

This whole case seems absent of logic - until we can see an exact timeline and what DA has we are only speculating what will happen

We have a puzzle, we've only been given some pieces not all - we are still missing a lot of pieces in which when we see them THEN and only then can we say guilty or not guilty

(Bold by me) That is the understatement of 2008. A normal person will make themselves feel nutty looking for a logical explanation in almost everything we have learned so far about this case. A thru Z. There is none!! Zip! Zero! The good thing about that, is the state won't need to find the logic in A, B or C to try and make it fit the rest of her actions since the whole case defies logic.

Fortunately our courts do not mandate just a logical response from our jurors. They can't. We are emotional beings. If the court system worked only off of logic they would enter the "facts" into a computer and the most logical decision would be spit out. No emotion would ever come into it.

Likewise when it came time for the sentencing, a computer with "just the facts" would pronounce the most logical sentence to fit the crime. No victims statements would be necessary, no more rehashing from the attorneys. No children who lost a parent, parents who want to die, rather then face a future without their children. No spouses of many years, who watched helpless as the love of their life was senselessly murdered. A judge and jury can't help let their emotions sway them. While they must follow the constraints of the law, they have the power to push it as far as it will go. Or on the other end of the spectrum, occasionally it maybe appropriate to show compassion and a more lenient sentence to better serve justice for all.
Ok so lets assume these remains are Kaylees

Lets put on our defense attorney thinking caps for a moment and discuss some possible defense tactics.

How is the defense going to defend KC?

The obvious would be suggest it was someone else did this.

Just wanted to repost the starting post of this thread.

ETA: It would be cool if we had thread for prosecuting attorney thinking caps, I, for one, would enjoy that:)
Just wanted to repost the starting post of this thread.

ETA: It would be cool if we had thread for prosecuting attorney thinking caps, I, for one, would enjoy that:)

Tried it, it didn't go over well :)
if they are smart they will plead guilty before the DP is brought back in.

We all know that's not probable. They are going to say she was framed....by whoever they feel the need to throw under the bus. I will lay money on one of the A's going after the poor meter reader guy. JMO

I would not put it past Casey to throw her own family under the bus at this point, implicating one or more individual whether directly or indirectly.

They may decide to continue with the kidnapper story, but my guess is they change tactics entirely and go with some Insanity defense. Where I don't see it going is for her to tell the truth.

They could decide to save Casey by going after someone else nearby tho. Maybe Kio should start looking for a good defense Attorney.

I think she was been "setting up" George or Lee for the fall in case the body was found with her allegations of sexual abuse. I believe that is what she will go with...............one of them killed Caylee because she was being abused too.

Oh, it will be that someone else did this.....Everyones fault but KC's.

It looks like the ABC (Anyone But Casey) defense is a favorite line of thought on WS.

Is this even probable? What would anyone else have to gain? Did anyone one else have an opportunity? Will they implicate everyone else she ever met, hoping something sticks on someone? Is there any chance in Hades this could fly?
Why even bother with a trial. Just let a judge make the decision.
Enough is Enough.

There isn't a judge in America who would ever again let KC see the light of day. With a jury trial they get 12 people with a variety of life experiences. They only need 1 out of 12 to have a sliver of doubt that maybe someone else did it. Maybe someone else helped. Maybe LE should have looked harder to find Zanny. Maybe, maybe, maybe...
There isn't a judge in America who would ever again let KC see the light of day. With a jury trial they get 12 people with a variety of life experiences. They only need 1 out of 12 to have a sliver of doubt that maybe someone else did it. Maybe someone else helped. Maybe LE should have looked harder to find Zanny. Maybe, maybe, maybe...
"Only need one juror" has been raised a few times.
Is it true that in this jurisdiction you must have a unanimous jury decision?
"Only need one juror" has been raised a few times.
Is it true that in this jurisdiction you must have a unanimous jury decision?

Yes, unaminous verdict by all 12, unless she waives her right to a jury trial and gets a bench trial, which would be real stupid. Then again, nothing surprises me in this case.
Yes, unaminous verdict by all 12, unless she waives her right to a jury trial and gets a bench trial, which would be real stupid. Then again, nothing surprises me in this case.
So what happens if there is one rogue?
Retrial? or aquital?
Great point. There are 4 things that hurt KC, 1., not ever calling 911, 2., asking for one more day, 3., not telling anyone who actually exists and, 4., the web of lies that painted normality in those 31 days.

KC asking for one more day is very damning -- what for??? KC claims she does not know where Caylee is. KC admitted grasping at straws in any fake 'search' for Caylee. Why did KC need one more day?
So even if there is a claim that KC was scared to admit Caylee was missing, scared to call 911 or LE -- once the secret was out and the parents knew -- why appeal for one more day before the authorities are brought in to help?

That and the fact the only people KC claims to have told Caylee was missing in those 31 days were both fictitious characters -- JH and JL -- so how do you search if it is a secret and everyone you do talk to you suggest everything is normal and -- Caylee is with the same Nanny and associates you now claim actually kidnapped her. You paint everything as normal. Even KC is often with Zanny during that time.

Hmmmmmm. How do you defend the events of those 31 days?

Bolded by me

Great insight - that went right over my head. :clap::clap::clap:
If George told the truth and saw Caylee on June 16, Casey talked to Tony about moving in with him in the early morning hours while Caylee was alive.

Tony says Casey can come, but NOT Caylee.

Casey doesn't bother to pack anything for Caylee, but DOES pack up stuff for HERSELF to bring to Tony's apartment. (According to Cindy, Tony and Lee)

Bolded by me

Oh my - if Tony testifies to this in court, won't it be devasting for the defense ? The motive, the opportunity (had Caylee alone), the means (drowning, strangulation, chloroform, etc).
There isn't a judge in America who would ever again let KC see the light of day. With a jury trial they get 12 people with a variety of life experiences. They only need 1 out of 12 to have a sliver of doubt that maybe someone else did it. Maybe someone else helped. Maybe LE should have looked harder to find Zanny. Maybe, maybe, maybe...

Sliver of doubt? unlikely, but I did watch the OJ trial. (ouch)
1. ODDI (other dude did it)...Not reasonable; did OD place the body in the car and drive around with it for about 60 hours minimum w/o kc kge.
2. somebody else helped her....if so, does that excuse kc of cupability...not reasonable.
3. LE should have looked harder....over 5,000 leads were tracked...not reasonable to say they should have looked harder.
4. Maybe,maybe,maybe...the moon is made of green cheese?
science tells us otherwise...."maybe"/// doesn't fly when deliberating a murder case...supporting evidence please.

The law states "Reasonable doubt" not beyond the shadow of a doubt. As far as the facts of this case goes, the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming and a "Sliver of doubt" does not cut it....I can't think of one scenario that a person could come up with to explain their reasonable doubt.
So what happens if there is one rogue?
Retrial? or aquital?

No aquittal for one rogue. Mistrial possible, however judges usually force deliberations to continue. It's a question of whether the other 11 can turn over the hold out. It happens. However if the rogue juror is sticking to his guns, then we have a mistrial and retrial.
If George told the truth and saw Caylee on June 16, Casey talked to Tony about moving in with him in the early morning hours while Caylee was alive.

Tony says Casey can come, but NOT Caylee.

Casey doesn't bother to pack anything for Caylee, but DOES pack up stuff for HERSELF to bring to Tony's apartment. (According to Cindy, Tony and Lee)

bold by me. Is this in Tony's LE interview? I don't remember seeing this before.

If George told the truth and saw Caylee on June 16, Casey talked to Tony about moving in with him in the early morning hours while Caylee was alive.

Tony says Casey can come, but NOT Caylee.

Casey doesn't bother to pack anything for Caylee, but DOES pack up stuff for HERSELF to bring to Tony's apartment. (According to Cindy, Tony and Lee)

Shows premeditation. Caylee won't need any clothes.
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