KC KNEW that Caylee was dead ALL ALONG!?!?

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Now I want to revisit ICA's jail tapes (if I can stomach viewing them again).

Remember the one where Casey starts laughing because Cindy is crying?
I have no words.
I thought about starting a thread on this too. Are there no ramifications for having thousands of people searching - and having a highly successful charity organization like Texas Equusearch almost bankrupt itself?? And how can these lawyers be permitted to lie about it the whole time? I mean is there NO responsibility to society? Is it even legal to do that? I'd have to say ANY attorney who goes along with that and lets people spend enormous amounts of time, money, and resources (which could have been used searching for ACTUAL missing kids) is extremely off in some way.

How many kids were indirectly damaged as a result of this? I guess the legal system trumps everything in our society. Shameful that we allow it to be that way.

Yep. It's abuse of the system (how much did she make on the photos? How long have they strung out this trial?) How many jobs could have been saved by just the expense of this trial?

"The Florida Department of Children and Families began issuing layoff notices Thursday to nearly 500 employees — a move officials said would save taxpayers $48 million while preserving the agency's protection and care of abused and neglected kids."

Baez can always say that Casey did not admit the drowning to him until sometime after Caylee's remains were found. Sometimes a case can go on for a long time before the attorney(s) will decide what their defense will be. In fact, I think this theory didn't materialize until he had already exhausted every other possible explanation for Casey's behavior during that 31 days. And... we have to remember it only takes one juror to have reasonable doubt.
I do recall some theories right here in the early days that involved Caylee drowning in the pool and Casey panicked and tried to cover it up because she was scared of Cindy, so to me, this is not surprising at all. Maybe he reads here.
Baez can always say that Casey did not admit the drowning to him until sometime after Caylee's remains were found. Sometimes a case can go on for a long time before the attorney(s) will decide what their defense will be. In fact, I think this theory didn't materialize until he had already exhausted every other possible explanation for Casey's behavior during that 31 days. And... we have to remember it only takes one juror to have reasonable doubt.
I do recall some theories right here in the early days that involved Caylee drowning in the pool and Casey panicked and tried to cover it up because she was scared of Cindy, so to me, this is not surprising at all. Maybe he reads here.

Or maybe the child died in the pool and Casey panicked after trying to call her parents? Seeing your child dead, and then driving in a car with her body for who knows how long is really not the profile of a murderous mother. I am pretty sure the state can't prove murder, but who knows, maybe they have her buying the ingredients of chlorform and all that. jmo
When did JB come out with the statement that every one will understand why Casey acted the way she did for the 31 days and that she did not murder her daughter?
Was it before Caylee's remains were found or after?
If it was after I think that's when Casey changed her story from the kidnapping to the drowning.
Now I want to revisit ICA's jail tapes (if I can stomach viewing them again).

Remember the one where Casey starts laughing because Cindy is crying?
I have no words.

I posted earlier but what is the striking evidence in the jail tape videos? I've seen them all but I've been so wrapped up in the other things I can't remember much about them. All I can remember is her saying to LA that Caylee is 'close to home' if you don't mind can you elaborate on them? Or post them? I'm on an Android right now. Thanks so much.
To me, that was the most surprising thing to hear. I felt like I must have heard wrong. All that time and pain for the community and her family and all the people searching for Caylee. It was almost like Caylee died again when I heard that. Why would she sit in jail for 3 years if this was true?
Or maybe the child died in the pool and Casey panicked after trying to call her parents? Seeing your child dead, and then driving in a car with her body for who knows how long is really not the profile of a murderous mother. I am pretty sure the state can't prove murder, but who knows, maybe they have her buying the ingredients of chlorform and all that. jmo

Hi. What's your theory about the duct tape? Thanks.
Baez can always say that Casey did not admit the drowning to him until sometime after Caylee's remains were found. Sometimes a case can go on for a long time before the attorney(s) will decide what their defense will be. In fact, I think this theory didn't materialize until he had already exhausted every other possible explanation for Casey's behavior during that 31 days. And... we have to remember it only takes one juror to have reasonable doubt.
I do recall some theories right here in the early days that involved Caylee drowning in the pool and Casey panicked and tried to cover it up because she was scared of Cindy, so to me, this is not surprising at all. Maybe he reads here.

Certainly. But once he "knew" when kc claimed it was an accident...should he have not tried to speak to LE? what are his responsibilities as an officer of the court? Why did he not try to plea deal? would this be enough for ineffective counsel?
Under the thread "legal questions for our verified lawyers", SoCalsleuth says "If KC told him these things, he's good to go. It is not JB's job to determine whether or not KC is lying or whether or not she is guilty of the crimes charged--that is strictly the province of the jury."

I'm taking this to mean that if Casey kept changing her story to JB, he had to keep changing his to keep in agreement with her since he's not supposed to determine if KC is lying or not. I don't know how you can possibly keep defending a client if they keep giving you a different story though. Are my not understanding SoCalSleuth?
Certainly. But once he "knew" when kc claimed it was an accident...should he have not tried to speak to LE? what are his responsibilities as an officer of the court? Why did he not try to plea deal? would this be enough for ineffective counsel?

Not only that, but if there were truly sexual abuse, surely he would have reported it!

I'm majorly calling BS on the entire "Story". :maddening:
Or maybe the child died in the pool and Casey panicked after trying to call her parents? Seeing your child dead, and then driving in a car with her body for who knows how long is really not the profile of a murderous mother. I am pretty sure the state can't prove murder, but who knows, maybe they have her buying the ingredients of chlorform and all that. jmo

But if you panicked, you don't go on a shopping spree, get a tatoo and tell people to come to your dead baby's birthday in a few weeks.
No, I knew kc knew! I'm shocked that the attorney's knew and did nothing such as plea deal or something to prevent this. after all, like JB states repeatedly, JB is an officer of the court. I WANT TO KNOW WHEN JB KNEW IT WAS AN ACCIDENT? Because once, he knew, he should have gone to LE and pleaded out, this is just plain wrong!

If JB were an ethical lawyer he would advised KC to plea this out from day one. He knew had had an unwinable case. All he has done is waste the taxpayers of Florida a lot of money when he knew all along that Caylee was dead. Again, how does he sleep? Not only has he screwed the A's, he has screwed the citizens of Florida. All to make a name for himself.
Not only that, but if there were truly sexual abuse, surely he would have reported it!

I'm majorly calling BS on the entire "Story". :maddening:

that's what an ethical professional lawyer should do, I think. good point!
Of course KC knew all along. Can't wait for tattoo guy and that revelation and especially looking forward to the publishing of evidence whatever # showing that Bella Vita tattoo and what it means. I think the jury is going to be shocked :eek: Don't you?
Are people shocked ICA knew her daughter was dead the entire time? Or are they shocked she is admiting it?
(Above respectfully 'snipped' by smart blonde)

I already believed ICA knew Caylee was dead from the beginning, because I believed ICA killed her. No surprise for me there.

But, I am shocked that she admitted it!
Floored, really.
But if you panicked, you don't go on a shopping spree, get a tatoo and tell people to come to your dead baby's birthday in a few weeks.

The tat is particularly bad news for Casey.
A tattoo is a statement.
They use them on gangs here in LA as evidence. Just had big case with gansta tattooed the deets of his crime across his chest.
(Above 'bolding' by smart blonde)

I'm fairly certain that if ICA could have gotten away with no one realizing she was pregnant until delivery, Caylee would have ended up a 'dumpster baby' as a newborn.

Either that or in the toilet of some public restroom- possibly a toilet stall at the nearest Target store.

Casey was a murderess just waiting to happen.

I've thought this all along. The only reason Caylee was born is because CA realized casey was pregnant. IMO. I am truly having a hard time wrapping my head around this now , the DT threw me for one. I keep thinking -- why are we going through all this if she "admitted" Caylee drowned. Now I get that we all believe she murdered her daughter still, but how is the state going to continue?

JB doesn't even know which end is up and he is creating a mockery of the system. I worry about the jury-- are they getting the mess of this trial? JB speaks to GA with such disgust surely it appears he believes Casey and her lie about molestation.

Something that worried me when I was thinking about this (during a movie with my husband , no less) Remember when that guy , I forget his name was searching for the body because a psyshic told them to look there? Where she actually was found. You know JB is going to bring the family in on that.

Oh this is getting to me. I just keep praying that the truth will prevail.
Me too!! Also, I think we can now rule out the pool as the place of death since Casey's pointing to that. I think Caylee died in the trunk/babysitter with duct tape on her.

I bet you were good at "Clue" game. Yes, I think you are 100% correct. This is why the SA are not missing a beat and still keeping their case as is. good pts! they are using the drowning to account for the chloroform. It's pretty obvious now
Well to be honest. The people in charge of searching pretty much figured she was dead. Which explains them searching where they were searching. You don't find living children missing for 31 days alive in a field or swamp. And as far as the volunteers go and people who donated money to the family....buyer beware.....

SuziQ - You are so right about the searchers for Caylee. There were people that came from all over the country. Whether it was an hour away or 10 hours, they came - as far away as Canada and California. They spent money on airfare, hotels, meals, gas, rental cars and donated to TES of those that could afford to. There were merchants that donated food and water by the pallet full. Lots of water. You got familiar with faces after a couple of days and when another search was called, they were back. Everyone knew there was something about this story that just wasn't quite right. When I think back on it, the places we went to search were sites that if you offered me a thousand dollars to do it again, I'd say keep your money - but when you are so focused on trying to find an innocent child and yet afraid at the same time that you WILL find her, you'll do things you wouldn't normally do. It's for this reason, I am angry at ICA. She used everyone without a care. Over a lie. A true sign of a true sociopath. No one else in this world matters but her. Someone should have taken hold of her a very long time ago and taught her different. The end result is what we see in front of us now. Sorry for the rant. I'm just so frustrated with this whole fiasco and to think that she forgot about Caylee so easily is the greatest injustice of all.

BBM - the way, just so you know, the volunteers didn't do it for the family, they did it for Caylee......so no, there was no reason to "beware".

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