KC standing by kidnap story per Lawyers

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You gotta love Jb's 'determination', doncha?

Next he'll be saying that the real truth is that KC has an evil twin who was adopted out at birth, named...you guessed it-zenaida.

Zanny , the evil twin killed caylee as revenge toward KC for being the twin the A's decided to keep.

'I have proof', he'll say. Its the exact same DNA and fingerprints as KC's at the crime scene and on the tape!!!!

That proves she has an evil twin , because my client is absolutely, 100% innocent. zanny the evil twin is the one we see on the tapes at target and BOA, not kc.
I told you all the truth would come out and you would eventually understand.'

Hehe. :rolleyes:
And that evil twin is living in Casey's body.
Ya, split personality; ooooh insanity plea....
Can you see it coming?:rolleyes:
Hopefully they will be able to prove that Caylee was killed in the home. Surely they wouldn't try saying a non existent babysitter broke into errr used her given key and killed Caylee in her home to frame Casey? Or would they.

Ooooow. I get now when KC told her parents they had a key she was setting it up. Good point!

No jury in the world is going to believe that without some proof that Zanny existed. This is so much like the SP case. It just so happens that Lacey was found in the exact area Scott was fishing.

Scott is going to fry and I hope KC does too.
OK Im a little "thick" so lets see if I have this right:

Per LE recorded statement at Universal: "Last time I saw her was on the steps of Zanny's Apt at Sawgrass"

Todd Black: "Casey Anthony handed her daughter off to a woman in a park who was with another woman in a car,"... "Her position and the position of the law firm has been that she handed her child off. ...

So Zanny then takes off in her silver ford focus, not KC's car. (where decomp was found)And gave her a script to follow for 30 days which DEMANDED she goes out clubbing (sex, drugs & rock-n-roll theory) and behave exactly like someone who didn't have a kid...demanding she lie about both her whereabouts, Zanny's and Caylee's.

The Zanny, then realizing the need to tape Caylees mouth shut, shows up at the house and used the key to use duct tape from the house (as it was much less likely to get caught doing that than buying it at a hardware store)...at which point transfered dog hair on it....Zanny then left the home again with Caylee alive & in tow...

Regardless, this stealth Nanny, believed to be a CIA operative, killed caylee & found KC's car, after caylee passed away, placed Caylee's dead body in the back of it, and left.

Poor KC drove around unknowingly transporting caylee's body around in it.

Then to punish KC even more, Zanny then somehow located KC's car again several days later, perhaps 2.6 days later, removed caylee, went back to the house, used the key again, grabbed a garbage bag from the home, went out the back sliders, set Caylee down by the back of the fence, (cadaver dog hit there) shinnied over the fence, walked through the woods, set her there, and came back to the house, put the ladder back, went back thru the house, got in her car and left...because that was WAY easier than dumping her anywhere else...

Then to add extra cruelty, the nanny had Caylee call her on July 15 from a private number....(I believe heaven must show up on caller id as "private" because the call doesnt seem to exist)

Meanwhile, poor KC has had no income since 2006 because she had no job; therefore, needing no nanny to babysit & generating no money to pay a nonexistent nanny for babysitting her child so she could work at the job she never had. And thats why she doesn't have any proof the nanny exists, or have any proof of payment to the nanny.

OK. I think I got it straight this time. No doubt a jury will buy this.

Yup. Now I UNDERSTAND. Yes, KC is mother of the year. No doubt.

Oh yeah. And she had to steal money from her best friend for underwear and sunglasses and beer as part of her search to find her daughter. That underwear was very important
still the best!


this is great, inspriring. see later post.

"Sing poet, of the immortal wrath of KC,
Now jealous of a newly formed honor,
In a daughter of her name, did plot
For her demise. Stealthily, yet with great
Forbiding depend on the plan, with
Girdles from great Neptune, the illusionist,
A liar too, trickster known to drug, set
About her plan....Great Venus, the swindler,
Was absorbed in these doings, thinking of dancing poles.

KC cried out, "Oh, waste of time, Great One, where
Is TonE's number?" Venus smirked, be not
Afraid, beloved of con jobs and false checks,
False *advertiser censored*, we bring one to your aid,
Baez the Besnookered, also beloved by the moose
And such like pondering animals.

Sweet in nature, easily bamboozled, not of
Ivy League stock, he is your main support, to
Do your best. With that will, I, Venus, give to
You Great Fortune. It is contained within your
Back pack, behind your white sunglasses.
And Lipgloss. Within that frail capsule, knit by virgins,
Working seasonal shifts at Universal, unbeknownst
By even CEO or CFO or clerk or Juliette or Jeff, lies
The secret and name of your nemesis, O, fear her.

She is not among your numbers of enemies, yet,
She has John Morgan, favored by Saturn, not the
Car, and Jupiter not the town. It is he who makes
The spears of Zanny most powerful, lethal indeed.

Zanaida! Yes, did you doubt once bespoken, she would
Not Answer like for like? Gonzales, Fernadez. With
Mercury's sharp hyphen, re-echhoed by you KC!
ZFG! ZFG! ZFG! swarmed by the millions once
Cynthia, goddess of the underworld, summoned.

Calling upon nemesis, not Chanel sounding but
Maybe Target....without rancor by JC Penney.
Tasking LE and ATT to find receipts and pings.

Behold! The source of all woe and ire is she, the Zanny!
Without fear of Pluto or Hades, I say it now, loudly.

Let Mercury and Libra pose a seat for the mother Goddess,
In her seat as doyenne of prime time tv and cable say it,
Even as she is a victim who tells us her woes at length,
Preferring the grottoes of Hilton or Ritz, warm baths.

Good dinners, too.

But briefly: "Zanny, daughter of my daughter's Imagination,
Wielder of Focus from Ford, not Nissan nor GMC, though silvery,
Sister of Samantha, devotee of the moon with her daughters
Three, like hell hounds also imaginary and cloudy in aspect
Had keys and typical for gangs were ganglike in their
Heinous carelessness about my daughter KC's reputation
For telling the truth, once asked. So what's the prob?

A liar is not a murderer, lies are just sometimes mistruths.

Zanny, born of Michigan, Texas, the Carolinas, and New
York, Puerto Rico, California, Mexico and malls unknown as yet,
Be afraid: Your greatest foe and friend, not without key.
She with the curly yet straight hair, who gave unto KC
Also the straightener for no reason is not to be found.

Therefore, O Cynthia, named of the goddess, give her
Access to a crime scene. O Hades! O duct tape!
Did you not give Cynthia a key, to the house that is.
Since she does not have a clue, oracle streaming or msnbc?

O, KC, Where laid the innocent body of the one you hated?
That not wretched Zanny, she of the curly yet straight
Hair, most likely to want to invade the bower to obtain
Chemicals of dire rectitude, for the chance of good hair?

Georgides, that's to say Lee, stalked forth, wanting
Answers only Delphi or LE or KC could give. Angrily, he
Swept the field with his Nikes, for Victory, sneakers
From Athena, then kicked at a sign as large as a half
House. It nearly buckled with his strength. It cried, "Snik."
He had victory, so well promised by Nike, sneaker smith,
And two sessions at Golds's Gym. But confused and
Dazed, there were no kidnappers. Only KC and Ants

Were in view. Bravely, but fearfully, he walked up.

Rang the bell and tried the door knob. Pluto gave him what
Few asked, entry to the underworld...

blah blah blah, etc.
What I am wondering is how they are going to introduce this line of BS at trial without putting Casey on the stand. She is the only witness to this "kidnapping," so anyone else telling the story would be hearsay.

But if she gets on the stand it will be OVER. The prosecution will use those tapes and pictures and texts and cell phone records to demolish her.

If she doesn't take the stand at all, then what is a jury supposed to think? They aren't allowed to hold her silence against her, but they are allowed to draw reasonable inferences from the evidence. Without any rebuttal, the prosecution's argument will look very reasonable, IMHO.

Excellent legal point.

Any way the info can get introduced w/o KC taking the stand? If the prosecution witnesses mention it, doesn't it open the door?
While I have seen juries who have come back with some very adle-pated verdicts I cant imagine any jury anywhere who is even going to be misled for a second by Casey's ridiculous story.
Her own well documented actions after the events she describes demolish the story's credibilty far more effectively then a dozen prosecution teams could ever hope to.
If her lawyers were actually concerned about Casey as much as their own careers they would concentrate on trying to save her life instead of foisting this preposterous nonsense on a jury.
Because when all is said and done and the facts of Caylee's demise are out there I think the death penalty is going to be back on the table in a big way.
There also was no car accident, no police report of an accident, no ER or hospital stay overnight. That's the problem with too many lies with too many details-they are too easy to debunk! They sound good at the time but they will come back to bite KC in the behind!! Hey KC-better to spend this life in prison, than eternity in H:furious:LL!!

There's also no one saying "I know Gloria, she used to be a neighbor" or " I used to work/rent to/socialize with Zanny" or, "I know a Gloria who has daughters named Sam and Zenaida".
bolded by me
Yup...KC's "dream team" is going to turn in to her worst NIGHTMARE!...just plead insanity ..with all those whopping huge lies you've told...that would be your best defense! :behindbar
Need a legal beagle for this one... can ANYONE on the defense team give the opening remarks to the jury or jsut the lead attorney?? Whatever is put before the jury will come back to bite them in the butt.... but in the OJ case it didn't matter. I believe the FL jury will see throuigh all the inevitable knat poo the defense will toss out.
Up until the bag was found LE did not have much physical evidence to convict Casey. Some but not much.

Not anymore...!!!

I think there is going to be enough evidence in that bag that will convict Casey beyond a reasonable doubt.

The duct tape may contain her fingerprints, hairs, fibers and there may be other items in that bag that we don't know about.

I know this is obvious but If there is anything at all in or on that bag that LE can tie directly to Casey then it's ....Checkmate for LE.

Goodbye KC.....I guess your not as smart as some of us thought you were.
We've all speculated - and I am dying to know - what was "with" the body that led directly back to the A's? Whatever it was, it moved that application for a search warrant along real fast! I think is was something besides the obvious (and I'm often wrong) - maybe a sheet, pillowcase, towel...something they had seen before ... and the duct tape is the obvious.
Question: has anyone on the defense side, or Casey, or anyone in the family ever said there were no witnesses to the 'kidnapping'?

And another question while I'm at it. Has anyone on the defense side, Casey, or family member ever said they found the supposed nanny sister Samantha and her kids (who witnessed the 'kidnapping')?

And since I'm on a roll here with questions before I've even had coffee lol, have they ever said what happened to that picture they sent one of their investigators after that supposedly had Casey, Z, and Caylee in it?


(putting on coffee now)
Need a legal beagle for this one... can ANYONE on the defense team give the opening remarks to the jury or jsut the lead attorney?? Whatever is put before the jury will come back to bite them in the butt.... but in the OJ case it didn't matter. I believe the FL jury will see throuigh all the inevitable knat poo the defense will toss out.

Any of her attorneys of record can give the opening argument, IMO.
I'm very curious to see how the attorneys will divide responsibilities during trial. I'm playing out the possibilities in my head and I keep coming back to the fact that Baez should probably speak as infrequently as possible :rolleyes:
Any of her attorneys of record can give the opening argument, IMO.
I'm very curious to see how the attorneys will divide responsibilities during trial. I'm playing out the possibilities in my head and I keep coming back to the fact that Baez should probably speak as infrequently as possible :rolleyes:

I expect they'll bring a fresh hot potato to the courtroom each day to pass amongst themselves ;)

"You do it."
"No YOU do it. I did it yesterday."
"I'm not doing it."
"Let's get Baez. He'll say anything."
"High five!"
I expect they'll bring a fresh hot potato to the courtroom each day to pass amongst themselves ;)

"You do it."
"No YOU do it. I did it yesterday."
"I'm not doing it."
"Let's get Baez. He'll say anything."
"High five!"

I expect they'll bring a fresh hot potato to the courtroom each day to pass amongst themselves ;)

"You do it."
"No YOU do it. I did it yesterday."
"I'm not doing it."
"Let's get Baez. He'll say anything."
"High five!"

hahah LOL!
OT. DotsEyes and Ms. Peel, you two were on a roll last night! Very invested you are!
Excellent legal point.

Any way the info can get introduced w/o KC taking the stand? If the prosecution witnesses mention it, doesn't it open the door?

It opens the door to cross examination, on the subject, to start with.
Well the first thing that I would suggest, Hey, anyone in Orlando at J Blanchard Park at (I am not sure of the time of the lie) and see if anyone comes forward. Since that murder of the girl in the park (CA telling the perp not to go jogging in said park) maybe it was under surveillance. Glad JB thinks this is a plausible defense and LKB is there for the forensic mis-con-strue.
The defense is stuck with the story and everyone on the Scheme Team knows it is nothing but BS created by their incredibly stupid and sociopathic client. That is why Baez has called in a whole "crew" of people who are there ONLY to obfuscate the truth and try to confuse the jurors enough that they will question their own common sense and suspend all reason and aquit KC, the little Orlando Madonna.

There is an old adage in law:

"If you have the facts, argue the facts. If you don't have the facts, argue the law. If you don't have the law, argue the Constitution." Watch how this plays out in this case.

Did everyone see the "crew" whining tonight because mean old LE won't let them over to watch the crime techs at work? Even the inscrutable Dr. Wii said "the cwime scene can nevew be wecweated" once it is disturbed. Well, I say "No chit Sherlock!" but you, Dr. Wii, have in fact assisted in the prosecution and defense on many cases where you were not able to see the undistrubed "cwime scene", yet were able to come to conclusions which you were very comfortable sharing to the jury as your expert opinion. Talking out of both sides of your mouth, Dr. Wii? What is this for you? Will you help free a child murderer for money?? Is money everything to you? Ching-ching.

Then there is Baden's big giant blonde hausfrau. SHE wants to see the undistubed crime scene too. She is, after all, a Pathologist by injection and obviously qualified to discern what she would see. Well, Hilda, here is some advice for the furture: announce to all your clients that they should call you BEFORE they committ the crime so that you will be able to watch the entire murder unfold, then you can more easily defend them. However, last I heard NO ONE but LE gets to pass the crime scene tape and YOU would be the first person to jump down their throats for doing so, if it was to you benefit in any other case. You have been around the block a time or two, you know this is SOP, BUT you make a show for the camera anyway. Under all that blonde is a slimey underbelly. Your scales are showing.

And who is that in the back? "Me too! I wanna go, I wanna go" says the little one with the faux dead leopard on her shoulders. I think she is Dr. Holly Golightly or something. I suppose when you don't have the facts, the law or the Constitution, you can always resort to WHINING to try to get your way (hmmm sounds familiar) but whine all you want, the rules are the rules and you have to follow them too. Boo-hoo! Oh, the humanity! It all so unfair!

They even pulled the Wise One out of mothballs and DocSpits is outraged! He has never been denied the ability to witness an autopsy before, there is no reason for it! Well, Spitsy ole boy, you don't get into the county medical examiner's office without an invite. LE has not announced that the body has been identified yet. Until it is, you don't get to play with it. Furthermore, you old forked tongue devil, you know the body is evidence and that you will be able to run whatever tests you want later and get every report on the tests performed by LE and the FBI. You have done it hundreds of times just like this without making a stink out of it. You are making a stink, just to make a stink and you stink. Or perhaps, DocSpits, you think that the ME of OCSO, the OSCO crime lab and the FBI lab in Quantico are so substandard that they can not possibly come to the correct conclusion? What, are you the ONLY guy in the world who can do this job? If so, then we are all in trouble because you are about to pass to the other side any day now and we are all going to be royally screwed. You wear your arrogance like a coat of Peacock feathers.

Sheme Team - you all make me sick to watch you pervert the justice system to the public for your own gain. YOU are the lawyers and experts that make people not trust our legal system and hold attorneys in general disdain. It is YOU that have tarnished the image of every member of every Bar Association in this country and denigrated our profession. And you did it for money and false pride. I am ashamed of you.

The jurors are going to stick Zanny so far up your substantial azzes, that her magic umbrella is going to pop out of the top of your heads and you will begin a hat dance in the courtroom. No one is ever, ever, ever, going to buy the Zanny story, not even at your deep discount. Not one person will ever believe that KC was, at any time, a loving mother because her masquarade has been discovered, her costume taken away and what is left is a skanky little nasty pox on the world, named KC.

And KC, if you don't like the jail food, eat your Bible.

(sorry OT, I know)

Oh my goodness ~ this is priceless. I cannot stop laughing. I wondered last night if they would watch the tapes of themselves and realize how utterly ridiculous they looked. Surely they all know that the jury is going to laugh out loud when they hear the nanny kidnapping story. Hopefully, there will be ~ and I'm sure they suspect there is ~ something with the remains that ABSOLUTELY ties the monster mommy to the crime scene. That is why they are running around pi$$ing all over themselves. They should all go back to the Anthony home and come up with a better plan ~ most commonly referred to as a plea bargain.
I personally can't wait to see how the prosecution handles the "I told you a long time ago that she has a key" This would be KC to the A's during the jail house visit. I'm willing to bet the A's didn't change 1 lock after this comment. If "she" had a key wouldn't the A's be worried about being murdered or coming up "missing"? Just look what happened to Caylee after all...said with extreme sarcasm of course. JMO.
There's also no one saying "I know Gloria, she used to be a neighbor" or " I used to work/rent to/socialize with Zanny" or, "I know a Gloria who has daughters named Sam and Zenaida".

Or I know Gloria who is married to Victor and they are very well off so should be stable people with stable jobs and a home that someone should be able to verify...

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