KC standing by kidnap story per Lawyers

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"Casey Anthony handed her daughter off to a woman in a park who was with another woman in a car," Black told FOXNews.com. "

ummm, I thought KC left Caylee at Sawgrass Apts where Zani babysat, but now I guess the Rob Dick version, at J Blanchard Park was the Truth, right???

If her defense team keeps this carp up, we'll watch her get the needle, LIVE!!!

What happened to the"dropped her off at the bottom of the stairs at Sawgrass"? WTH??
.... Oh, and the heavy-hitters might want to remember that little girl's name the next time they stand before a judge. It's Caylee Marie!!!
*snipped a bit*

I know, even dh commented on that.:eek:
Originally Posted by EchointheDark
"Casey Anthony handed her daughter off to a woman in a park who was with another woman in a car," Black told FOXNews.com. "

Handed her off?? Gee I thought Zanny knocked her down and took her! :rolleyes:
First of all, you don't know that it was "on top of the ground" when she disposed of it. The area could have been underwater at the time. Secondly, you discount the idea that KC could have anticipated gators taking care of her problem for her. Everything we have seen shows that the average chicken mcnugget could outwit her, so...who knows, really...

All reports have the land where the body was found being so far underwater only as a result of severe storms. It clearly appears that the bag and body was discovered as a result of the storm water receding.

Moreover, Tom Miller said the bag was not buried and did not float up. He also said that (in his mind) the bag was set where it was found and that someone had sat in that grassy area for a good length of time.

I’ll look for confirmation to what Miller said, but no one has so far claimed otherwise. So yes, the body seemingly being found on top of the ground near both a road and the house is certainly not indicative of a planned and deliberated (premeditated) murder.
So yes, the body seemingly being found on top of the ground near both a road and the house is certainly not indicative of a planned and deliberated (premeditated) murder.
Maybe Casey never got around to moving it again. Given the pings, she may have been doing swamp reconnaissance looking for a more permanent resting place.
Maybe Casey never got around to moving it again. Given the pings, she may have been doing swamp reconnaissance looking for a more permanent resting place.

With indications being the body was at different places, we do not know that this was to be a final hiding place and not a part of a plan gone awry.
Maybe Casey never got around to moving it again. Given the pings, she may have been doing swamp reconnaissance looking for a more permanent resting place.

Based on what we know, that's pure speculation, which is not admissable as evidence.
I still want to believe that Casey staged the kidnapping as a way to get back into the family home after being asked to find her own place and support herself. I'm sure that conversation was nothing new and had been going on for months.. Whatever manipulative reasoning her parents had previously chosen to give her more time had run its course and they were no longer buying it. What else would keep her and Caylee in the family home allowing her to continue her lifestyle? A kidnapping.

Her plan was her parents would have been too scared to let them live alone...... and something went terribly wrong. She could have been researching the chloroform as a means to keep Caylee quiet while taping her up as if she were kidnapped....She probably realized when Caylee was found alive ( her intention) she would be taken to a hospital and checked out. Nyquil or Benydryl would have been found in her system and questionable- not something typically used in kidnapping, so she thought she could use chloroform safely. When she realized she was screwed because she inadvertently killed Caylee she couldn't claim it was an accident because it was her plan to stage a kidnapping... so she just went with the story and made up more as she went along.

Based on what we know, that's pure speculation, which is not admissable as evidence.

If the plan relative to the remains (IF there is one, is still unknown at trial time) I would expect the prosecution to offer expert testimony on the subject.

I believe
that will remove it from the realm of speculation and into the protected area of expert opinion.

Expert opinion is not speculation nor is it objectionable as a conclusion.

I welcome disagreement but this is my personal opinion which is neither right or wrong.
If the plan relative to the remains (IF there is one, is still unknown at trial time) I would expect the prosecution to offer expert testimony on the subject.

I believe
that will remove it from the realm of speculation and into the protected area of expert opinion.

Expert opinion is not speculation nor is it objectionable as a conclusion.

I welcome disagreement but this is my personal opinion which is neither right or wrong.

I've never heard of a person who claimed to be an expert in uncovering unknown plans.

I've never heard of a person who claimed to be an expert in uncovering unknown plans.


They will probably have a geoforensics kinda person to testify as to approximate date of placement, how long in the spot, etc.
They will have a slew of experts to track movement of the body. They will offer opinions which the jury can interpet as the story of a plan unfolding.:)
Based on what we know, that's pure speculation, which is not admissable as evidence.

You're right. Speculation is not evidentiary. However, in telling the tale in closing arguments, the prosecution is allowed to speculate on what the evidence, tied together, means.
They will probably have a geoforensics kinda person to testify as to approximate date of placement, how long in the spot, etc.
They will have a slew of experts to track movement of the body. They will offer opinions which the jury can interpet as the story of a plan unfolding.:)

Experts who can track movement (American indians were good at this) is one thing. Experts with experience in uncovering unknown plans is another.
All reports have the land where the body was found being so far underwater only as a result of severe storms. It clearly appears that the bag and body was discovered as a result of the storm water receding.

Moreover, Tom Miller said the bag was not buried and did not float up. He also said that (in his mind) the bag was set where it was found and that someone had sat in that grassy area for a good length of time.

I’ll look for confirmation to what Miller said, but no one has so far claimed otherwise. So yes, the body seemingly being found on top of the ground near both a road and the house is certainly not indicative of a planned and deliberated (premeditated) murder.
For that matter, neither is driving around for 2.6 days with a dead body in your car. So, what does it indicate to you?
What happened to the"dropped her off at the bottom of the stairs at Sawgrass"? WTH??

Has anyone put together a compilation of just how many versions of the "dropoff" , "kidnapping" or whatever there have been? OR exactly who Caylee was allegedly with? Friend or foe?....."we know who they are and we are watching them"........."she is with people who love and care for her" (GA)....."KC is AFRAID to tell what she knows"..(CA)...vs. ..."she's OK" (KC)??? "I got a call from her and she was fine" (Not exact quotes)
I think it will take a computer to unravel all those stories; I know for sure my brain can't keep it straight! And so far, I haven't seen anywhere anyone's has; sorry if I missed it. HELP!!!:waitasec:
You're right. Speculation is not evidentiary. However, in telling the tale in closing arguments, the prosecution is allowed to speculate on what the evidence, tied together, means.

That's not evidence either.
For that matter, neither is driving around for 2.6 days with a dead body in your car. So, what does it indicate to you?

I've said elsewhere that, in my mind, driving around with a dead body in a car for 11 days (2.6 days would serve just as well) would indicate the lack of a plan.
I've said elsewhere that, in my mind, driving around with a dead body in a car for 11 days (2.6 days would serve just as well) would indicate the lack of a plan.

:crazy: No kidding, who could do that anyway, yuck is all I could think. But definate driving, thinking, smelling, planning in the immediate.

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