KC standing by kidnap story per Lawyers

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Only thing is... it was no accident. Casey has been planning it for months. That's why she did computer searches including looking for the name ZF-G.

Z searches were done after, in July:


I wonder, if at any time since this revelation was made, if the A's had their locks changed? I mean, if I was "reminded" that the woman who had just kidnapped my granddaughter had a key to my house and had made threats against the life of said grandchild and the entire family, I would go straight home and have the locks changed and some sort of security system put in place. Things that make you go "Hmmm!"

Don't know about locks, but they did have a security system put in. You'd have to check the cam threads or general discussion threads for that.
Man, she might as well be throwing her cell key into the ocean by refusing to change this absolutely bogus story that simply no one can buy except her parents and brother. She really is dumb, because if she wanted to preserve herself at all she would have fessed up to an accidental death and dealt with minimal incarceration instead of losing the rest of her young life.

I'm sick of KC and I can't imagine many people who aren't as disgusted with her continual lies as I am. I can only hope that as it's been said by others, her prints are up and down that duct tape. I also hope that the evidence pulled from the house difinitively links Caylee's death to her mom.

There is no Zani - and even if there were, the fact remains that she did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent the fact that they just found her daughter's body rotting away in a trash bag in the woods. Just sickening...

I agree with your post. I will say this. As much as KC disgusts me and the lies and everything that I think she has done to Caylee is beyond mind blowing, for some reason unknown to me, my anger is directed more towards CA and GA. I don't know why. Don't trust them as far as I could throw them. I guess a psychiatrist or a psychologist would have better insight into why I feel this way but I do and have from the begining. Maybe because KC is in jail and I think CA and GA are guilty of something very sinister and the feeling is intense, DK. ANyone else feeling like this? JMO
Well, which of the two kidnap stories are they going with?

1) KC dropped Caylee off at Zani's apartment at Sawgrass (just a regular day) or

2) Zani knocked KC down in park and took Caylee

ETA - Sorry Echo we must have posted at the same time.

If Zani watched Caylee all the time (like every other normal day) there would be no need to knock her down in a park with potential witnesses and kidnap her. Zani could just wait until KC dropped her off then take her. They'll have to stick with lie number 1.
OK Im a little "thick" so lets see if I have this right:

Per LE recorded statement at Universal: "Last time I saw her was on the steps of Zanny's Apt at Sawgrass"

Todd Black: "Casey Anthony handed her daughter off to a woman in a park who was with another woman in a car,"... "Her position and the position of the law firm has been that she handed her child off. ...

So Zanny then takes off in her silver ford focus, not KC's car. (where decomp was found)And gave her a script to follow for 30 days which DEMANDED she goes out clubbing (sex, drugs & rock-n-roll theory) and behave exactly like someone who didn't have a kid...demanding she lie about both her whereabouts, Zanny's and Caylee's.

The Zanny, then realizing the need to tape Caylees mouth shut, shows up at the house and used the key to use duct tape from the house (as it was much less likely to get caught doing that than buying it at a hardware store)...at which point transfered dog hair on it....Zanny then left the home again with Caylee alive & in tow...

Regardless, this stealth Nanny, believed to be a CIA operative, killed caylee & found KC's car, after caylee passed away, placed Caylee's dead body in the back of it, and left.

Poor KC drove around unknowingly transporting caylee's body around in it.

Then to punish KC even more, Zanny then somehow located KC's car again several days later, perhaps 2.6 days later, removed caylee, went back to the house, used the key again, grabbed a garbage bag from the home, went out the back sliders, set Caylee down by the back of the fence, (cadaver dog hit there) shinnied over the fence, walked through the woods, set her there, and came back to the house, put the ladder back, went back thru the house, got in her car and left...because that was WAY easier than dumping her anywhere else...

Then to add extra cruelty, the nanny had Caylee call her on July 15 from a private number....(I believe heaven must show up on caller id as "private" because the call doesnt seem to exist)

Meanwhile, poor KC has had no income since 2006 because she had no job; therefore, needing no nanny to babysit & generating no money to pay a nonexistent nanny for babysitting her child so she could work at the job she never had. And thats why she doesn't have any proof the nanny exists, or have any proof of payment to the nanny.

OK. I think I got it straight this time. No doubt a jury will buy this.

Both prosecutors and defense attorneys are waiting to hear six key things.

1) That it is Caylee.
2) The approximate date of death.
3) Whether fingerprints were found on the tape or bag.
4) The cause of death.
5) Whether the mechanics of death could be determined.
6) Was chloroform found.
I'm almost feeling sorry for Casey's attorneys. If she sticks with this story, they have to go with it. They can't possibly believe it. Can you imagine what it must be like, having to go into court and try to convince a jury of a story you don't believe yourself, knowing that the story is so outrageous that the jury will be laughing in your face?
Is there even one tiny shread of evidence that backs up the ZFG kidnapping story? These lawyers have to realize how ignorant they sound. Casey's obviously a complete moron and doomed for life but, I would think the lawyers, as professionals, would consider their reputation and careers after this case.
Unbelievable. And I suppose when asked how the decomp got in her trunk she said Zanny used her car? The imaginary Zanny did it all- jury won't buy it- but I know- the defense will insist theres no proof she did it- but a ten year old can put two and two together with this one- There will be something linking her to the murder from that garbage bag or Caylees body- watch and see

Why would Zanny the Nanny need to use Casey's car? Zanny had her own silver Ford Focus, which her father/stepfather/adoptive-step father bought for her, and she would tool around town with her sister Samantha who has a different father than Zanny, along with their kids, um her sister's kids, um there was three kids that were someone's. Oh, and Zanny only had a key to the house, that was given to her a long time ago, not Casey's car. :rolleyes: :bang:

Put a fork in 'er, she's sooooo done. :chicken:
no surprises.

I am hoping there are KC prints alllll over that duct tape.

oh yes they will. "I told you she had a key along time ago"

did the baby sitter COUGH COUGH COUGH leave any finger prints at the house???

ooooppppps thats right

What are the chances of Cindy getting a haircut before the trial? Maybe the dream team has their shears in their brief cases.
Is there any possibility that once the defense sees all of the evidence put together,that they would try to convince KC to ask for a plea deal? or to throw herself on the mercy of the court?I know the prosecution doesn't need a plea deal,but it would save the state tons of money,so they might consider it.

I think KC has been advised to accept a plea deal all along by her attorneys. I think it is KC herself, that is refusing to plea. IF SHE refuses, there is nothing her attorney's can do, except go forward with the best defense they can put together.

Even the talking heads on NG say this is a very, very tough case for the defense because KC has NO credibility and everything she has said to date has been a lie, except for "she's close." I don't envy the position KC's "dream team" is in. It is really a nightmare.

Both prosecutors and defense attorneys are waiting to hear six key things.

1) That it is Caylee.
2) The approximate date of death.
3) Whether fingerprints were found on the tape or bag.
4) The cause of death.
5) Whether the mechanics of death could be determined.
6) Was chloroform found.

And when all of these questions are answered, and all of the answers point to Casey and only Casey, the defense will present their case...




all these stories are steaming PANT LOADS OF BULL

she is done - the prosecution is just laughing at all this BULL CRAP

She's not sticking to the original kidnapping story--she's sticking to the second kidnapping story that she told to LP--the 30 day script story! Curiously, she didn't report the kidnapping at 31 days--her mother did! And, only after tracking her down and forcing her home and calling LE herself! One question I'd like KC to answer is: why has NO ONE come forward to say that they worked with, lived near, went to school with, or knew in any way shape or form, this nanny and/or her kids/and/or her sister?????????? Also, since it's improbable that KC will take the stand in her defense, how does the defense propose to get this story before the jury?
I bet the prosecution is howling at this. How easy she makes this case for them! Oh to be a fly on the wall at the State Attorney's Office.
I think KC has been advised to accept a plea deal all along by her attorneys. I think it is KC herself, that is refusing to plea. IF SHE refuses, there is nothing her attorney's can do, except go forward with the best defense they can put together.

Even the talking heads on NG say this is a very, very tough case for the defense because KC has NO credibility and everything she has said to date has been a lie, except for "she's close." I don't envy the position KC's "dream team" is in. It is really a nightmare.


Well, the attorneys do not have to defend her. No one is making them. The lawyers are jumping on this bandwagon for whatever reason knowing full well what they are up against. I don't feel for them at all. I do know if it were me i would tell KC in no uncertain terms...this is your choice...this is your best option for a decent outcome....I will not present this foolish nanny lie in front of a jury and if that is what you want I will resign....and that is what I would do.
I agree with your post. I will say this. As much as KC disgusts me and the lies and everything that I think she has done to Caylee is beyond mind blowing, for some reason unknown to me, my anger is directed more towards CA and GA. I don't know why. Don't trust them as far as I could throw them. I guess a psychiatrist or a psychologist would have better insight into why I feel this way but I do and have from the begining. Maybe because KC is in jail and I think CA and GA are guilty of something very sinister and the feeling is intense, DK. ANyone else feeling like this? JMO

Yes, I haven't trusted C&G since the beginning. I feel like they have known Caylee was deceased, and where her body was, since the beginning. I have a feeling KC told them after she had gotten back from the first LE interview - before her little trip to Universal. She had a couple of hours in between. You know C&G were all over KC to tell them the truth. Then the cover-up began. JMO
I think KC has been advised to accept a plea deal all along by her attorneys. I think it is KC herself, that is refusing to plea. IF SHE refuses, there is nothing her attorney's can do, except go forward with the best defense they can put together.

Even the talking heads on NG say this is a very, very tough case for the defense because KC has NO credibility and everything she has said to date has been a lie, except for "she's close." I don't envy the position KC's "dream team" is in. It is really a nightmare.


Neither side knows what the M.E. and lab technicians found. Things will clarify after those results are fed back.
Both prosecutors and defense attorneys are waiting to hear six key things.

1) That it is Caylee.
2) The approximate date of death.
3) Whether fingerprints were found on the tape or bag.
4) The cause of death.
5) Whether the mechanics of death could be determined.
6) Was chloroform found.


On another thread, they are suggesting that the warrant to search the A house allowed or contained in it permission to confiscate CA's binder. Can they legally do that? I would believe "yes" because they did so, but isn't there any expected right to privacy for someone already said to be under suspicion? If they expect to file obstruction charges, can the binder be used for that OR only for evidence regarding the Caylee case? Thanks in advance.
I'm almost feeling sorry for Casey's attorneys. If she sticks with this story, they have to go with it. They can't possibly believe it. Can you imagine what it must be like, having to go into court and try to convince a jury of a story you don't believe yourself, knowing that the story is so outrageous that the jury will be laughing in your face?

ITA!!!! 100% I think KC's team is in trouble here. Good publicity, but you have to wonder how good that publicity will be if the case is lost. Dr. Lee has no credibility in my opinion and is just trying to "restore" his name. I think he picked the wrong case. Don't know about Ms. Baden - but why would you sign on to a case that doesn't stand a chance in the hot place? The Defense must think they have something to go on or Ms. Baden probably would not have joined the team. Kobi joined early and from what he says he is just there to give an expert opinion on how evidence is collected and tested. It doesn't sound as if he is actually going to review the evidence (could be wrong here, but I think that is what NG was saying a couple of nights ago).

Yes - the D-team appears to be in trouble here.


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