KC's lies/ actions have affected many lives forever. How many can we list?

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Nov 27, 2008
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This is my very first thread, so please keep that in mind. Please...mods or whoever...please delete if innapropriate, not relevant or already discussed. Reading Dante's recent posts, it occurred to me just how many people KC's lies and actions have affected that we don't even think about on a daily basis....some who will probably be traumatized for the rest of their lives. Aside from her immediate family and most importantly little Caylee, how many people can we list that KC's lies and actions have affected, either financially, emotionally or in some other manner? I'll bet her destruction is spread far and wide and from one end of the country to another.
This is my very first thread, so please keep that in mind. Please...mods or whoever...please delete if innapropriate, not relevant or already discussed. Reading Dante's recent posts, it occurred to me just how many people KC's lies and actions have affected that we don't even think about on a daily basis....some who will probably be traumatized for the rest of their lives. Aside from her immediate family and most importantly little Caylee, how many people can we list that KC's lies and actions have affected, either financially, emotionally or in some other manner? I'll bet her destruction is spread far and wide and from one end of the country to another.

I can say personally that this has most definitely affected my life, and many fellow sleuthers and many more. I have been wrapped up in this for 6 months, trying to debunk things, unravel lie after lie, code after code in hopes of helping to bring Caylee home. So many of us have dedicated hours on top of hours to this. Any body for a class action suit???:crazy:Just kidding of course. Can't wait for this to come to an end. :bang:
her parents
her brother
ng -because i do beleive she cares for caylee you can see it esp the other day
YM he has probably never worked a case like this and may never again
RG for a grand daughter he once had
JG for a daughter he once had and a woman he truely loved but didnt love him
AH the friendship she thought she had
AL for thinking mabey he found the right one but didnt ..
rm dateing a girl he thought was normal
her grandparens
the rest of her family
jb because he chose to defend a sociopath and wind up caring more than he shouldve
zanny -anyone who may have that name
mine -my heart for caylee
We have all been selfish at one point in our lives and our decisions have affected others. Like me, for example, I sit on WS most of my working hours and sometimes neglect to do my projects. LOL. But, there is a different type of evil in KC (the demonic type). Not only has she affected lives, she has hurt the feelings of alot of people who thought that they had a true friend and confidante in her. Amy H. is the first that comes to mind. I'm sure there are many others but I will try to list some.

Tony L - I betcha he will never date a woman with a child again. He is traumatized forever.

Jessie G - The next time he finds a pregnant woman attractive I'm sure he'll run the opposite direction, fast.

Richard G - He has a forgiving heart, I think but he will continue to counsel his son about the perils of "sex before marriage".

Zenaida F-G - The real one. Some people think that she is somehow involved in this even though I don't think she is. Her life will never be the same.

The neighbors of the A's - They cannot get a moment of peace nor will they until this trial is over.

Most of the court employeers and OSCO employees in East Orlando - I'm sure the ones that have children hugged their kids more now.

The employees at JB's office - Secretaries, paralegals, clerks - They must know that their boss is representing a heinous, murderous woman and it must not sit well with their conscience.

All of the men that KC dated and their friends and roomates.

All of the cops that she dated included the one that she directly caused to lose his job (the other Tony, I think Anthony R.)

This is all I can come up with right now but I'm sure there are lots more.
How about that poor meter reader guy

Yes, I was thinking about him last night. Caylee was adorable but can you imagine what the remains looked like? A skull with hair and duct tape on it. No one should be seen like that. This is why they have funerals so that you can be buried in dignity and not seen when you are rotting. Poor Caylee. I refuse to remember her as a skull with hair on it but now that the description has been made public I try not to. But, that poor meter reader guy cannot undo what's already been done.
That little girl, sorry can not remember her name right now, but she was involved in the vigils with her grandmother and got so sick she ended up in the hospital over all this.

The neighbor who used to babysit Caylee when she tried to help out a working mother!

That little girl, sorry can not remember her name right now, but she was involved in the vigils with her grandmother and got so sick she ended up in the hospital over all this.

The neighbor who used to babysit Caylee when she tried to help out a working mother!


I am sure this will affect all those who knew and loved Caylee, and all of us that fell in love with this adorable little girl over the last 5 months!
The one lady that was on NG during the first month or so. She supported KC and used to babysit Caylee. I can't think of her name but she said she could not see KC doing harm to her daughter. Can you imagine knowing now that you defended a probable child killer on national TV?
the bounty hunters
my children who know what time Ng comes on and what channel
my cat Captain Jack Sparrow (i think he thinks I am neglecting him because he flops on my mouse and wont move during breaking news events)see avatar
many many more than i can guess around the world
mine for one- its consumed me- and I am disbelief with this case how such a person could do this and her behavior is beyond my comprehention. At least i can say one thing for Couey even tho I hope he rots in He--. He did admit early on what he did and where Jessica was so people werent going nuts for 6 months and more- I hope I never come in contact with a person like Casey, I couldnt take the lies. I know my poor house has been affected for 6 months and my yard- holy smokes- I walk in the door and go right to the forum. i get out of bed and turn this on before I even get coffee- affected? Nay. whats makes you think that?
I did not see on the thread until now it said "LIST ONLY" but I see other people made the same mistake- sorry-
Law Enforcement
Amscot personnel
Saw Grass Apts personnel
Tow yard personnel
All on the witness list
Anyone and everyone who has heard of this case
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