Keeping Hayleigh's Story In The Public Eye

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In the Anthony case, there were thousands of pages of information to keep us going. LE hasn't given us anything here. :frown:

They need to release something so the media, NG, and anyone else, can sink their teeth into it and revive this case!
I think the FBI is doing stuff in the background (I hope!) but I think the Local LE is overwelmed when you are from a small town and never had all the attention... they don't reallyy know how to handle it. Not that it is a good thing. But I still think the answers are right there with Misty and RC. JMO
Bringing MC in again & her telling the truth would bring the case to front & center.
If sheriff hardy is so afraid of being on television, why can't he have his information offficer give the press conferences, like most of the sheriff departments in Florida do? Even a once a week press conference would keep Haleigh's name out there.

They could start with naming the people they have cleared, so that those people don't have to live under suspicion, on top of every thing else they are dealing with. Or do they really not have any idea what they're doing?

I thought the FBI was working on this also. I know they have the investigative know-how, so it just seems mighty strange that the only news we get is some ex-reporter posting on his blog after talking to one side of the family. ???

Where is Haleigh?
I just wanted to say that I have faith in Sheriff Hardy and LE. I know that the Sheriff may be intimidated by the media and all, but I believe he'll do what he needs to do for Haleigh's sake. He appears to be a good man through and through.

I've felt for a long time that this case is being kept under wraps for a reason. Over time, people slip up. Others might start to talk...
I just wanted to say that I have faith in Sheriff Hardy and LE. I know that the Sheriff may be intimidated by the media and all, but I believe he'll do what he needs to do for Haleigh's sake. He appears to be a good man through and though.

I've felt for a long time that this case is being kept under wraps for a reason. Over time, people slip up. Others might start to talk...

Every day I search for news on Haleigh. I can't believe there is nothing -- no news, no leads, nothing. What can be done? Something must be done for this little girl. It is as sad as it is frustrating.
I just wanted to say that I have faith in Sheriff Hardy and LE. I know that the Sheriff may be intimidated by the media and all, but I believe he'll do what he needs to do for Haleigh's sake. He appears to be a good man through and though.

I've felt for a long time that this case is being kept under wraps for a reason. Over time, people slip up. Others might start to talk...

You really could be right with your assessment of Sheriff Hardy. Just because the sheriff before him was a "media hound" doesn't mean he would have been able to draw attention to Haleigh. Many community leaders considered to be such are only willing to call the cameras to them when they have had success, not when there is failure or frustration.

I too hope that things are as they are for a reason... it is unbearable not to know, I can't even imagine what it is like for Haleigh's family and community. :blowkiss:
I couldnt agree more, I think we should email, write whatever we think we can do to let them know that people want this story out there and we want information. LE in the Caylee case dealt with sideshows for months.....So Im not buying it that the parents inabilitiy to get along or whatever is keeping LE from working this case. They need to keep her name out there for tips! If tips are trickling down to zero, its because they arent generating any info to the public that may trigger any tips. MOO

We can also email Nancy and Jane to let them know it is important to us that Haleigh's story be out there... even if there aren't bombshells.

As far as the Haleigh's family sideshow as compared to the Caylee's family... law enforcement had evidence that gave them a very clear direction as to who to investigate for Caylee's murder. I don't think that that is the case with Haleigh or with many children that go missing. There may be hink and suspicion, but nothing like waiting a month to report a daughter's kidnapping and the smell of a decomposing body. The airing of the Cumming's/Sheffield's dirty laundry may be preventing law enforcement from ruling out either or both sides of Haleigh's family so they can focus on other leads. We just don't know.

It is important to let the media and law enforcement of our concern. I do hope though that there is a purpose to the lack of information being made public. Remember the night that Sandra was found, Nancy didn't showcase her disappearance as usual. Not saying that it means something in Haleigh's case.
Is it possible that they aren't searching because they don't need to because they might not know exactly where she is, but they know the key to finding her. It wouldn't be that urgent, if they believe she's in heaven.

They would want to find her. If only to put her to rest, but the more time goes by the more evidence is destroyed.
They need to release something so the media, NG, and anyone else, can sink their teeth into it and revive this case!

I agree,LE needs to talk to the press and have a press conference and keep having pressors to keep trying to get tips and leads to come in.They need to go back over the newer tips that came in at first because one of them probably is what happened to Haleigh.Most importantly I feel they need to start up the ground searches again.This little girl really may be out there.Haleighs disappearance and case is only two months old,not 25 years.Haleighs case is not a cold case and doesn't ever have to be if people and LE don't let it.The answers are out there.People need to talk.Especially Misty.They need to arrest her on obstruction of Justice if they do not think she is telling the truth.Some one needs to start doing something.
Mrs. Issi and I were talking last night and came up with a mutual thought... Could it be that the reason that this case isn't pasted everywhere and no more news coming out be simply due to culture?

I live in Ohio, but my family is from a rural part of Kentucky... "The holler", as I like to say. Folks down there don't like their business out there for everyone to see, and if they don't know you... you're not exactly gonna get a warm welcome. Mind you, they are actually very good and friendly people.

My wife and I got to talkin', like I said... and came to the conclusion that maybe those folks down there.. both LE and the families just want to keep this quiet. Perhaps they don't want the negative attention brought to their community.

It's not like the media has been real real kind to any of these people.

Of course, this really is all about finding a missing little girl... but sometimes people are bass ackwards that way.
I agree,LE needs to talk to the press and have a press conference and keep having pressors to keep trying to get tips and leads to come in.They need to go back over the newer tips that came in at first because one of them probably is what happened to Haleigh.Most importantly I feel they need to start up the ground searches again.This little girl really may be out there.Haleighs disappearance and case is only two months old,not 25 years.Haleighs case is not a cold case and doesn't ever have to be if people and LE don't let it.The answers are out there.People need to talk.Especially Misty.They need to arrest her on obstruction of Justice if they do not think she is telling the truth.Some one needs to start doing something.

All they need to do is pop their faces in the media for a moment. Drop some small tid bit of info, and people and the media will run with it like pit bulls. The longer they remain quiet, the more difficult it will be to revive.:waitasec:
The truth is...Haleigh isn't truly "missing"....someone KNOWS where she is!
I can't stand to see that this child's face is disappearing from the news. I try to keep hope that LE is close to getting their answers, I hope justice for Haleigh arrives soon.
I truly believe that LE knows that whatever happened to Hayleigh is being covered up my Ron and Misty. I think they know they will never get any answers while the 2 of them are together. The answers will come from Misty, and that won't happen til she turns on Ron. It is most likely their only hope for answers.
Mrs. Issi and I were talking last night and came up with a mutual thought... Could it be that the reason that this case isn't pasted everywhere and no more news coming out be simply due to culture?

I live in Ohio, but my family is from a rural part of Kentucky... "The holler", as I like to say. Folks down there don't like their business out there for everyone to see, and if they don't know you... you're not exactly gonna get a warm welcome. Mind you, they are actually very good and friendly people.

My wife and I got to talkin', like I said... and came to the conclusion that maybe those folks down there.. both LE and the families just want to keep this quiet. Perhaps they don't want the negative attention brought to their community.

It's not like the media has been real real kind to any of these people.

Of course, this really is all about finding a missing little girl... but sometimes people are bass ackwards that way.

I understand what you are saying. The media attention may feel like finger pointing. But when you say, "both LE and the families just want to keep this quiet." do you mean by not investigating or by not making the findings public? I assume you mean the latter, but I just wanted to make sure. :) Satsuma wishes Haleigh to be found more than we will ever know.

I agree with you, the media has not been kind at all to this community. It may feel like the journalists spent more time exploiting them than assisting in finding Haleigh.

Now the the circus is over it is important to remind law enforcement that we still care. Hats off to all of us here who have done that and will hopefully inspire others to do the same....:clap::clap::clap:
I understand what you are saying. The media attention may feel like finger pointing. But when you say, "both LE and the families just want to keep this quiet." do you mean by not investigating or by not making the findings public? I assume you mean the latter, but I just wanted to make sure. :) Satsuma wishes Haleigh to be found more than we will ever know.

I agree with you, the media has not been kind at all to this community. It may feel like the journalists spent more time exploiting them than assisting in finding Haleigh.

Now the the circus is over it is important to remind law enforcement that we still care. Hats off to all of us here who have done that and will hopefully inspire others to do the same....:clap::clap::clap:

Hi Daisy... You are correctly understanding me. I'm saying that the "players" in this case are not wanting their dirty laundry out there whether or not it may be relevant to finding the child.

You've probably read his posts here, but there is a gentleman that goes by the name of Player. He's tried to help out here on WS with fleshing out some of the finer details and has given some insight to the Cummings household. You probably already know, but he claims to be a former neighbor.

That said, this man says he has offered numerous times to be interviewed by media just to give the same type of insights... and possible truths.

He claims that no one will take him up on his offer, and that the media is more interested in the soap opera... Not the truth... or well.. anything germane to finding the little girl. Always with the sensationalism. That sells papers and airtime.

Tell ya what I'm real curious about.... RC got himself a lawyer.. Have we seen anything of this individual yet? I mean... we see Kim Picazio fairly often (much to my disdain)... but who is this person, and why isn't this lawyer making public statements in the interest of finding Haleigh?
Sixty-Two Days...Over Two Months...Nearly Nine Weeks...Almost One-Thousand, Four-Hundred and Eighty-Eight Hours...Or Eighty-Nine Thousand, Two-Hundred and Eighty Minutes...Too Long...
Where is Haleigh???
LE Remains Silent...
Ground, Air and Water Searches Are Over...
No Helicopters in the Air...
No Boats on the Water...
No boots on the Ground...
No Dogs on the Trail...
Police Tape Once Hung, Now Removed...
National Media Trucks and Camaras are Gone...
No Named Suspect(s)...
No Arrests...
No Promising Leads...
Local Newspaper, Front Page, Change the Focus, New Lead Story...
Some Semblance of Normalcy Resumes and Life Goes On...
But the Purple Haleighbug Place Reminds Us...
Sixty-Two Days...Over Two Months...Nearly Nine Weeks...Almost One-Thousand, Four-Hundred and Eighty-Eight Hours...Or Eighty-Nine Thousand, Two-Hundred and Eighty Minutes...Too Long...
Where is Haleigh???
Le Remains Silent...
Not Acceptable...
Where is Haleigh?!?!

Where is Haleigh!!??
Where is Haleigh!!!???

Happy Easter!

Sixty-Two Days...Over Two Months...Nearly Nine Weeks...Almost One-Thousand, Four-Hundred and Eighty-Eight Hours...Or Eighty-Nine Thousand, Two-Hundred and Eighty Minutes...Too Long...
Where is Haleigh???
LE Remains Silent...
Ground, Air and Water Searches Are Over...
No Helicopters in the Air...
No Boats on the Water...
No boots on the Ground...
No Dogs on the Trail...
Police Tape Once Hung, Now Removed...
National Media Trucks and Camaras are Gone...
No Named Suspect(s)...
No Arrests...
No Promising Leads...
Local Newspaper, Front Page, Change the Focus, New Lead Story...
Some Semblance of Normalcy Resumes and Life Goes On...
But the Purple Haleighbug Place Reminds Us...
Sixty-Two Days...Over Two Months...Nearly Nine Weeks...Almost One-Thousand, Four-Hundred and Eighty-Eight Hours...Or Eighty-Nine Thousand, Two-Hundred and Eighty Minutes...Too Long...
Where is Haleigh???
Le Remains Silent...
Not Acceptable...
Where is Haleigh?!?!

Where is Haleigh!!??
Where is Haleigh!!!???

Happy Easter!


And NO NANCY GRACE OR GOOD MORNING AMERICA. Nancy usually is so good at keeping a missing child name and face out to the public. WHAT HAPPENED TO HER? I know that CA is important too, but she has been found, sadly so. And her killer (alledgedly?) is in jail. Maybe we need to petition NG through emails, calls, whatever, to please continue her support of our sweet little Haleigh.:mad::sick:
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