GUILTY Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #67

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IIRC, PF brought the boots up again in conversation with JM when he alleged that KB had a nosebleed that got on his boots (and clothes) and he wondered if there might still be traces even after washing them off.

Yes, those boots were brought up three times that's why I was thinking the prosecution would be having evidence of the boots coming in with Kelsey's blood on them at a later Point. Never did. I guess the paper chase pre-empted some things LOL
Iirc, and please do not hold me to this. I believe he gave a time in his early interviews, but we dont know what the specific time was. The time reported or stated (which or both idk) was vague.
Ie SF1 said something like "I arrived at XX time, and PF sometime after that"
Well, it should be posted somewhere in the media thread, if anyone wants to look that far back. It was stated in an article sometime in December or January, I just can't remember the exact time SF2 said PF got there. I do remember him saying PF got there after Sf2 and his family arrived.
Do you think there will be a verdict in the afternoon?

Edit to change “by” to “in”

Yes, I totally expect a quick verdict!

Elect a foreman = 5 minutes
Take an initial vote to see where everybody stands = 5 minutes
Foreman says, "Oh, gee, we've only been here 10 minutes. We can't just walk out there and say Guilty. Anybody got cards? Texas Holdem okay with everybody? Who wants to deal?"
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I’ve been mulling over in my mind the whole chain of events with The Bounty Letters (see what I did there?). And what I’m coming up with is, we are going to hear a lot more about this conspiracy to commit murder. And THERE will be fallout.

Others are weighing in on the bond for Bentley, and who paid it. I myself have been thinking about how PF came by the info he provided to Bentley. Think about this. How did PF get his hands on the current physical addresses of people like Michelle Stein and Gregg Slater?

“In their passed notes, Frazee asked the man to kill witnesses — Kenney, Michelle Stein (Kenney’s friend in Idaho), John Moore (Frazee's friend who previously testified), Wendi Clark (Moore’s significant other) and lead Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent Gregg Slater — and described where they live now and what they look like.

In testimony, Slater confirmed the descriptions of each person and their places of residences were all accurate.”

Frazee trial: Letters say Frazee asked inmate to kill witnesses

PF is not personally acquainted with either Stein or Slater. So how did he get their addresses? Bentley gave no testimony that indicated he helped with that, or got someone on the outside to help. PF doesn’t have access to the Internet, right? I doubt he has anyone visiting him other than his legal team and his mother. So I think there are three possibilities:
  1. He had access to documents belonging to his defense team which listed the addresses of witnesses. I find this unlikely but still possible. If it happened this way, how incredibly stupid for the defense team to ever have that information out where the accused could see it. But, it would help explain why the defense did not object to authenticity of the letters, if they figured out that PF took the address information from their own files.
  2. PF got SF to look up the addresses (or find someone else to do it) and get them to him.
  3. PF got Bentley to ask one of his visitors such as his girlfriend to look up the info. I just don’t think this is how it happened. I think it would have come out in Bentley’s testimony.
So in my mind, he had to have gotten that info from one of those two sources, right? And there would HAVE to be ramifications. Either his attorneys would have to answer to the judge and possibly the Bar for making that info accessible knowingly or unknowingly, or else SF would be prosecuted for getting that info and passing it to an accused murderer when there would be no doubt why he would ask for that info.

Do jails not inspect papers that pass from visitors to inmates? How easy would it be for SF to slip a note to PF? I think it is unlikely that the attorneys would be responsible, so ultimately I’m thinking this MUST be SF. And how do you let something like that go and not prosecute?

I just think we haven’t heard the last about these letters. Not by a long shot. Am I off track here?

Great post and ITA! I just have a question about Michelle S. and PF possibly obtaining her address from his defense teams documents. Unless I missed it, Michelle wasn't listed as a witness and didn’t testify. The others mentioned above were mostly local (except for KK) and many were witnesses
so I can see how it would’ve been easier for someone to get their info as it could be listed in the documents. As far as Agent Slater himself being LEO, I can’t imagine his address would be readily available off the internet.

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I'm not sure; I just don't understand why they won't say ANYTHING at all. I get that they are not required to, but in a trial with this much at stake, at least get up and make a case that matches up to what you promised in your opening. Instead they choose to rest with the damning paper towel chronicles as the last thing the jury hears. Obviously doesn't matter, given the rest of the evidence likely sealed the deal prior to that anyway, but you sent home a jury after that??? Insane.

I do think that they will argue in closing for manslaughter. They'll say that even IF it happened, it was a heat of the moment situation during a custody exchange on Thanksgiving Day and it wasn't planned; she was going to bake something and bring it to dinner, then we were gonna get a tree, this wasn't supposed to happen. I don't think it'll work. But I do think they'll try and say the prosecution hasn't met a BRD burden for murder 1 in that mere chatter about wanting to kill her months prior doesn't equal premeditation. That is what their reach will be I think. I could be way off though. What do I know? I'm a prosecutor haha.
@riolove77, how could his attys argue for manslaughter if he won't produce the body? I know you said "even IF it happened", but it seems bizarre to even hint it should be less than 1st Deg Murder if he won't produce the body. It would seem he would have to stick with "What?? Who me??" that he had nothing to do with anything...or give up where the body is.
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I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow's guilty verdict along with the rest of you!
I know our time here together, on this case, is coming to an end, unless of course, new charges are added. Like say, conspiracy, etc., involving somebody we've discussed here many times. I've never doubted that PF is guilty and my opinion is he deserves the death penalty. Since that isn't on the table, I hope the rest of his miserable life is as miserable as he is. I hope he suffers terribly, but it won't hold a light to what poor Kelsey suffered at his hands. My heart goes out to the Berreths. Their lives are forever changed and they'll never be totally happy again. I'm so glad they have baby K and baby K has them. She'll help fill that void that will always be lurking in the shadows. I wish them all the best and many blessings.
I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been here from beginning until end and have supported justice, such as it is. Thank you to the mods who put in so much time and do a great job at keeping us in line. WS is the bomb and is the only place I follow cases. Thank you to all who work hard here providing updates, transcribing, providing legal guidance and so, so many other things. I won't try to call each name, because I'm afraid I may miss somebody, but I know who you are and you know who you are. You're so appreciated and I would be lost without you. This has been one heck of a group that I've really attached to. I hope we'll be together again on others of the many cases here.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I believe this jury will do the right thing. Justice for Kelsey, her baby girl, her parents and her brother!
He said that PF was late for Thanksgiving, and spent half the time outside doing chores.

His arrival time made sense, based on when he was last viewed by the neighbor’s surveillance system, and him also being spotted driving past a furniture store with the tote reoriented in the truck.

SF2 also indicated that PF parked in an unusual spot.
"Hey Ma Elk Hunt was a smashing success" "Now where is the mop".
Here you go!

Frazee's brother details Thanksgiving Day with family

District Attorney May then asked Frazee's older brother, Sean Frazee, to stand as witness in the courtroom. Sean is a Colorado Springs Police Department officer. He lives in the city with his family.

Patrick appeared to look at him with more interest than with other witnesses.

May first asked about the Frazee family ranch. Sean explained that his mother had lived at the ranch for 20 years and Patrick lived there as well. He said he hadn’t been close with his brother for the last two or three years.

On Thanksgiving Day 2018, Sean arrived at the ranch with his wife and children around 2:30 p.m. Only his mother was there, he said. They had dinner shortly afterward for about 60 to 90 minutes and Patrick still hadn’t showed up.

Around 4:30 p.m., Patrick called the ranch’s landline and said he was coming but would be late. Sean said he arrived with Kaylee around 5 p.m. and made some food for himself and Kaylee. Afterward, Patrick went outside for some chores and to feed the horses, Sean said. After he came back inside, the family had dessert and Sean’s family left around 7:30 p.m.

When asked, he said he wasn’t sure if Patrick was on his phone throughout the visit. When May asked if Sean saw anything in the back of his truck, Patrick said it was parked out of sight, so he didn’t notice, but it wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary to see a black box in the back of the truck.

Sean and Patrick’s father passed away on Aug. 28, 2018 and his children were still going through his estate at the time. They still are, Sean said. About $400,000 is at stake, he said, including property.

Sean said he knew some boys did odd jobs on the ranch. He met some of them in Colorado Springs on Nov. 29, 2018 when he had to meet Patrick to get a death certificate for their father. Patrick and the boys were headed to a scrapyard and Sean offered a recommendation— Evraz Steel off Las Vegas Street in Colorado Springs.

May asked when Sean first heard that Berreth was missing, and he said Patrick told him over the phone on Dec. 3. Patrick mentioned that her grandmother was sick, so she may have gone to visit without telling anybody. He also mentioned that she had alcohol issues and had sought help before so she may have gone away to seek more help, but again, without telling anybody. Sean said he told Patrick that he hoped she would be found alive.

During that call, Patrick also said he’d received a call from Doss Aviation about canceling Kaylee’s health insurance because Berreth hadn’t been working enough.

Sean said he thought his brother’s demeanor was concerning during the call.

He said he was with Patrick in a parking lot on Dec. 4 when a police officer approached them and asked Patrick for his phone. Sean asked if they had a warrant and the officer said no, but they planned to get one. Sean told Patrick to give the officer his phone, which he did, Sean said.

When Sean was dismissed from the witness stand, he looked over at his brother, turned his head and rolled his eyes.

Frazee trial: Defense questions timeline of surveillance photos

Thank you! Man, I'd give anything to have seen the look of disgust and the eyeroll. At least ONE person from that wretched family turned out normal.
@riolove77, how could his attys argue for manslaughter if he won't produce the body? I know you said "even IF it happened", but it seems bizarre to even hint it should be less than 1st Deg Murder if he won't produce the body. It would seem he would have to stick with "What?? Who me??" that he had nothing to do with anything...or give up where the body is.

The body is irrelevant at this point. We know she's dead, and if that tooth is hers, and we know it is, well, she's dead. I don't think anyone is even arguing that at this point. If his attorneys get up tomorrow and try to say she took off and there's not enough forensics to indicate incompatibility with life, I'll laugh. So the death isn't an issue at this point.

It's clear from the evidence the jury knows this woman is dead and this man is responsible for it. He's buried himself. So at this point, the only thing they CAN do is try to get him a lesser sentence via a lesser level of homicide.
I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow's guilty verdict along with the rest of you!
I know our time here together, on this case, is coming to an end, unless of course, new charges are added. Like say, conspiracy, etc., involving somebody we've discussed here many times. I've never doubted that PF is guilty and my opinion is he deserves the death penalty. Since that isn't on the table, I hope the rest of his miserable life is as miserable as he is. I hope he suffers terribly, but it won't hold a light to what poor Kelsey suffered at his hands. My heart goes out to the Berreths. Their lives are forever changed and they'll never be totally happy again. I'm so glad they have baby K and baby K has them. She'll help fill that void that will always be lurking in the shadows. I wish them all the best and many blessings.
I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been here from beginning until end and have supported justice, such as it is. Thank you to the mods who put in so much time and do a great job at keeping us in line. WS is the bomb and is the only place I follow cases. Thank you to all who work hard here providing updates, transcribing, providing legal guidance and so, so many other things. I won't try to call each name, because I'm afraid I may miss somebody, but I know who you are and you know who you are. You're so appreciated and I would be lost without you. This has been one heck of a group that I've really attached to. I hope we'll be together again on others of the many cases here.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I believe this jury will do the right thing. Justice for Kelsey, her baby girl, her parents and her brother!
I second this. @PommyMommy , @Seattle1 , @Yellow Rose , @oviedo @Tippy Lynn @scdiv @gitana1 @riolove77, thanks a million for all of your hard work throughout this case and the trial, every day, every thread.

It truly has been a pleasure posting with you all- way too many to list, but you're all amazing. I also appreciate that we can agree to disagree and still respect one another for it.

Much thanks to the Mods and Admins for keeping all these threads going this past year. I came in late in the first thread, being heavily involved in Jayme C's thread- glad that had a good ending as far as her escaping.

It has been a long year for the Berreth family. Thanksgiving will never be the same again for them, knowing what happened to their daughter/sister/granddaughter/niece, not too long after she spoke to her Mom on the phone. I am grateful that she at least had that last conversation with her.

Lots of love to Baby K. My heart aches for her so much.
Here you go!

Frazee's brother details Thanksgiving Day with family

District Attorney May then asked Frazee's older brother, Sean Frazee, to stand as witness in the courtroom. Sean is a Colorado Springs Police Department officer. He lives in the city with his family.

Patrick appeared to look at him with more interest than with other witnesses.

May first asked about the Frazee family ranch. Sean explained that his mother had lived at the ranch for 20 years and Patrick lived there as well. He said he hadn’t been close with his brother for the last two or three years.

On Thanksgiving Day 2018, Sean arrived at the ranch with his wife and children around 2:30 p.m. Only his mother was there, he said. They had dinner shortly afterward for about 60 to 90 minutes and Patrick still hadn’t showed up.

Around 4:30 p.m., Patrick called the ranch’s landline and said he was coming but would be late. Sean said he arrived with Kaylee around 5 p.m. and made some food for himself and Kaylee. Afterward, Patrick went outside for some chores and to feed the horses, Sean said. After he came back inside, the family had dessert and Sean’s family left around 7:30 p.m.

When asked, he said he wasn’t sure if Patrick was on his phone throughout the visit. When May asked if Sean saw anything in the back of his truck, Patrick said it was parked out of sight, so he didn’t notice, but it wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary to see a black box in the back of the truck.

Sean and Patrick’s father passed away on Aug. 28, 2018 and his children were still going through his estate at the time. They still are, Sean said. About $400,000 is at stake, he said, including property.

Sean said he knew some boys did odd jobs on the ranch. He met some of them in Colorado Springs on Nov. 29, 2018 when he had to meet Patrick to get a death certificate for their father. Patrick and the boys were headed to a scrapyard and Sean offered a recommendation— Evraz Steel off Las Vegas Street in Colorado Springs.

May asked when Sean first heard that Berreth was missing, and he said Patrick told him over the phone on Dec. 3. Patrick mentioned that her grandmother was sick, so she may have gone to visit without telling anybody. He also mentioned that she had alcohol issues and had sought help before so she may have gone away to seek more help, but again, without telling anybody. Sean said he told Patrick that he hoped she would be found alive.

During that call, Patrick also said he’d received a call from Doss Aviation about canceling Kaylee’s health insurance because Berreth hadn’t been working enough.

Sean said he thought his brother’s demeanor was concerning during the call.

He said he was with Patrick in a parking lot on Dec. 4 when a police officer approached them and asked Patrick for his phone. Sean asked if they had a warrant and the officer said no, but they planned to get one. Sean told Patrick to give the officer his phone, which he did, Sean said.

When Sean was dismissed from the witness stand, he looked over at his brother, turned his head and rolled his eyes.

Frazee trial: Defense questions timeline of surveillance photos
I guess I was wrong (for the first time evah) about pf telling sf on the phone Thanksgiving afternoon that he killed kb. Sf2 would have picked up on something like that.
This makes me sick to think about but just when I believe I've imagined Patrick Frazee at his worst, the instructions he gave John Doe come to mind.

You heard the disgusting things written on the napkin that Patrick wanted done to KK.

There is probably more than a chance he did that to Kelsey.

That prison can't hold the torment that should come his way!
My understanding was he fudged on the time of
PF's arrival for Tgiving dinner at MaF- in his initial questioning way back. But during the trial he changed it to showing PF arrived much later than SF2 had originally testified.
I suspect after hearing the grissly details of KB's death and maybe after his LE superior had a chat with him, he decided to come clean.
Yes, I thought earlier it was said that sf2 said pf was a little late. Dunno
I second this. @PommyMommy , @Seattle1 , @Yellow Rose , @oviedo @Tippy Lynn @scdiv @gitana1 @riolove77, thanks a million for all of your hard work throughout this case and the trial, every day, every thread.

It truly has been a pleasure posting with you all- way too many to list, but you're all amazing. I also appreciate that we can agree to disagree and still respect one another for it.

Much thanks to the Mods and Admins for keeping all these threads going this past year. I came in late in the first thread, being heavily involved in Jayme C's thread- glad that had a good ending as far as her escaping.

It has been a long year for the Berreth family. Thanksgiving will never be the same again for them, knowing what happened to their daughter/sister/granddaughter/niece, not too long after she spoke to her Mom on the phone. I am grateful that she at least had that last conversation with her.

Lots of love to Baby K. My heart aches for her so much.

Very nice post!

Murdering KB on Thanksgiving Day was yet another cruel move on PF’s part. It would be horrific at any time, but to have it actually be ON Thanksgiving is so much worse. The more I think of everything PF did (and those who didn’t try to prevent it), the more angry and sad I am. There will never be sufficient justice for all who are responsible for this. JMHO ...
Very excited for closing arguments and verdict watch tomorrow. I think, if Judge Sells allows them to deliberate into the evening, we'll have a verdict before 7pm Mountain time. I am SO curious what the defense will come up with. Since they went with the general denial defense, I'm very curious how they'll treat the lesser charges.
I can only imagine that the brother, SF2, has been mortified throughout all of this. I do believe he's a good man. It wouldn't be easy to believe your own brother could do something so horrible and then to have to testify. And now all this with the paper towel notes stupidity. I do feel for him. I'm so glad he did the right thing.
I can only imagine that the brother, SF2, has been mortified throughout all of this. I do believe he's a good man. It wouldn't be easy to believe your own brother could do something so horrible and then to have to testify. And now all this with the paper towel notes stupidity. I do feel for him. I'm so glad he did the right thing.

Isn't he a cop? That must make it worse for him. But I had an office friend whose son went bad in his twenties, he stuck by him thru various crimes for years, then the son finally pulled off an armed robbery and my friend said nope, no more, he's on his own. And everyone respected my friend for his decision.
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