Kim Mallon - possible match?

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Two interesting tidbits... "ours" referenced on the sheet goes back to Miles Gersh law and Mallon Resources (as previously stated).

I looked into archived news articles regarding both and two cases involving Gersh as a representative caught my eye. #1) Stetson Hills Public Building Authority, and #2) Kemper Securities (M. Munson awarded $1.3M).

Both are very intriguing possibilities.
IMHO, K* Mallon really looks like the closest resemblance. And there is the psych connection too.
11. She escaped from a mental institution and never wanted to go back there (aka K. Mallon/California).....perhaps?
Hi everyone - I'm yet another person inspired to join by the Seattle Times story. I was sucked in and wound up reading the whole thread.

My own observations:

- Whoever LEK was before the BST/LEK reinvention, she knew what she was doing when she took on her new identity. I actually owned the Loompanics catalog, which I bought at a bookstore on Haight Street in San Francisco. It could also be found at the Anarchist's Book Fair. Zines, BBS's - they all had "How to disappear" instructions. If LEK didn't hire a broker, she had some way to get hold of this kind of information (which, again, could be as easy as going to the Anarchist Book Fair or walking into a leftie bookstore) and the sophistication to use it effectively. Which leads me to:

- Her age. Others in the thread have mentioned it, the detective on the case mentioned it, and I agree, that LEK was older than she claimed. She may have just aged poorly and rapidly towards the end of her life, but I have a surmise (I think you call it "mustarding," but forgive me) that she was born around 1963. A very famous Kennedy event - the JFK assassination - occurred then. Also, the name "Lori" with that spelling reached its peak of popularity in 1963 (it was #8). It had lost considerable ground by 1968/9. The website allows you to search names by popularity.

- Regardless of whether "Lori" was close to her real name, she would have wanted a name that wasn't too unique, I would think. It might have been chosen for its generic-ness, shortness and ease of spelling. For all I know, "Lori Kennedy" might have been made up out of popular first name in peer group + notable event in birth year (and thus easy to remember?)

- Cuban food. I was reading that and thought that would be an unusual food preference for someone not from New York or Miami. But then I remembered the Versailles chain of Cuban restaurants that opened up in the LA area in the 1980's:

Versailles Cuban restaurants in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Could this be a connection with Los Angeles? LEK liked Cuban food because she ate at the Versailles restaurants? If the "Cuban food" isn't a red herring, then this might be a place she developed a taste for it; Cuban food isn't that popular on the West coast compared to Mexican food or food from Central or South American countries.

- Her hands and feet. Someone noted way back in the thread that her hands might be the most likely way to track her. You can get plastic surgery on your face and body, you can cut/dye/perm your hair but you can't really do anything about your hands and feet. To judge from the Texas Women in Business pics, LEK had notably large hands and feet. She'd be the kind of person who would have a lot of trouble finding shoes to fit her in the pre-online-shopping era. She'd be complaining to her friends about finding shoes, and probably wouldn't be able to borrow or share shoes with her friends or fellow dancers. In her case, I would want to know if there was a long-missing woman who might have had unusual difficulty finding shoes to fit!

Hello everyone, I'm new here but I've been stalking this site for about the last 50 pages. Like many of you, this story has fascinated me and she also looks so familiar to me like many of you have said. I was born in 69 and have been a bit of a sleuth myself. I was adopted at birth and was able to find my birth mother when I was about 20.

My name is also Laurie and I can tell you that growing up there were always other "Laurie/Lori's" in my classes, when I was in Elementary there were 4 of us 3 Lori's and myself, then in high school there were 3 of us, all Laurie's and at my church two other Lori's. All to say, I'm pretty sure the name was still pretty popular during 69 but I do think she looks older than me or maybe I just like to think I look younger :).

My personal feeling is she is from this area, I live in the same area she was in and its called the San Fernando Valley. There are many Cubans in this area and lots of Cuban restaurants including Versailles which I remember being very popular in the 80's. I'm pretty sure most of the things she wrote on that paper were written while she was here. The "Library' number 688 was a common prefix for that area, North Hollywood or I believe Burbank. I couldn't find it since the number has most likely since been changed. There are a few things on that page that I believe relate either strongly to this area or to her planning her move/change or both. Also because she kept it in her lockbox it may be important to her in a way that it was all she had left from her past which is another reason I think she's from here, everything else was related to her changed self.

For a moment I thought she could be Kim Mallon (sp?) buy the lips just don't match.

The Easy Bake Oven... well I never got one as a kid and it seemed like everyone had one but me. I can't say I consciously wanted one as an adult but I can say we are able to relive some of the things we missed as children through our own children and my daughter had an Easy Bake Oven before she was 2 :)

One last thing. I personally think she was very smart and not so mental till the very end when evey thing was out of her control. One thing that came to my mind is she may have had undiagnosed postpartum which made the marriage fall apart. That can go on for a couple of years and can cause great depression in it self not to mention having to go through the divorce and losing her child on Christmas Eve may have been too much for her to handle.
@mrskeev- C.N.A. numbers were changed "regularly," according to the book I quoted (published in 1984) in Post#1297. They were/are intended for phone company employees only. My presumption is that 303-293-2333 was later re-asssigned to a business.

Thanks for the clarification on the number! So I wonder when Mallon Oil was issued that number. Mallon Oil was formed in 1978 and then merged with Mallon Resouces in 1989. I realize that number probably is not as important as other things on the note but for some reason I keep going back to it.

ETA: In a further search it seems that Mallon Resources filed Articles of Incorporation on 7/18/1988. So the 303-293-2333 was probably a valid C.N.A sometime between the publishing date of 1984 (or just before that) for the book that Bookman has quoted and July of 1988.
Maybe a weird coincidence but poster Mrskeev posted in previous thread about Mallon Oil and a phone number.

I keep thinking that our lady looks like the missing Kim Mallon....

Weird, eh?

Can someone put up side-by-sides of our lady and Kim Mallon?

Maybe a weird coincidence but poster Mrskeev posted in previous thread about Mallon Oil and a phone number.

I keep thinking that our lady looks like the missing Kim Mallon....

Weird, eh?

Can someone put up side-by-sides of our lady and Kim Mallon?


Kim Mallon is listed as a missing person that needs to be submitted as a potential match. The connection to the phone number and her name/ and the timing/situation of her disappearance are a very "interesting" coincidence. We really just need somebody to step up and say they will submit the info to the appropriate authorities.

Edited to add that she has been submitted.
I have never submitted to "namus" or "charley project" but I would like Kim Mallon submitted.

Can the Mods help or someone here?

Kim Mallon is listed as a missing person that needs to be submitted as a potential match. The connection to the phone number and her name/ and the timing/situation of her disappearance are a very "interesting" coincidence. We really just need somebody to step up and say they will submit the info to the appropriate authorities.

Here is the side by side:

And I just submitted it as a possible match.

Above is Kim Mallon. She went missing from a California Psychiatric Center decades ago.
MrsKeev posted a reference found of "Mallon's Oil"...

I hope this gets submitted to Charley'sProject (I've never done it before so I hope someone here can assist).

Here is the side by side:

And I just submitted it as a possible match.
I don’t think these two look anything alike.
1) KM has a very wide forehead, JD doesn’t.
2) KM’s eyebrows don’t have the peak that JD’s do.
3) KM has a point to her chin, which JD doesn’t have.
4) KM’s top lip turns up at the corner when she smiles, JD’s is straight in all her pix.
5) KM’s eyes have a downward slant, JD’s don’t.
6) KM has a shorter face from ear to chin than JD does.

Maybe others are seeing things I don't. But someone on ST comments posted a pic of a girl who looks to have lots of freckles and thinks she looks like JD. I just don't see it.
I don’t think these two look anything alike.
1) KM has a very wide forehead, JD doesn’t.
2) KM’s eyebrows don’t have the peak that JD’s do.
3) KM has a point to her chin, which JD doesn’t have.
4) KM’s top lip turns up at the corner when she smiles, JD’s is straight in all her pix.
5) KM’s eyes have a downward slant, JD’s don’t.
6) KM has a shorter face from ear to chin than JD does.

Maybe others are seeing things I don't. But someone on ST comments posted a pic of a girl who looks to have lots of freckles and thinks she looks like JD. I just don't see it.

I agree. The eyebrows don't match and the facial shape is different, but the pic of Kim isn't that great either.

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I agree. The eyebrows don't match and the facial shape is different, but the pic of Kim isn't that great either.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

Keep in mind that one girl is 13 and the other is much older. ;)
Questions I have about Kim Mallon:
1) Is there any connection between Kim Mallon and Mallon Oil?
2) How does she compare to FLEK in things like, oh, height and eye color?
3) Was the number written down by FLEK a CNA later issued by coincidence to a company called by coincidence Mallon Oil?
4) Was Kim Mallon previously discussed on this forum?
I just thought of something, perhaps those in the know could weigh in. Since noses and ears grow throughout lifetime, is it the natural progression of her nose over time instead of nose job?
I just thought of something, perhaps those in the know could weigh in. Since noses and ears grow throughout lifetime, is it the natural progression of her nose over time instead of nose job?

Our noses are cartilage largely so they continue to get a bit larger with age. It has been speculated that she has had a nose job.

I've personally seen nose jobs that do not heal properly or have been injured during the healing process and become somewhat crooked.
Questions I have about Kim Mallon:
1) Is there any connection between Kim Mallon and Mallon Oil?
2) How does she compare to FLEK in things like, oh, height and eye color?
3) Was the number written down by FLEK a CNA later issued by coincidence to a company called by coincidence Mallon Oil?
4) Was Kim Mallon previously discussed on this forum?

Kim was discussed in the FLEK forum before and she also has her own thread here on WS. CA CA - Kim Mallon, 13, Los Angeles, 30 Sept 1973 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

The picture of Kim is not great quality and she was only 13 when she disappeared. So we are comparing a child's picture (Kim) to adult pictures of FLEK when she was somewhere between 25 to 40+ years old.

I don't remember any direct connection made between Kim and the Mallon Oil/Resources company that had the telephone number written on FLEK's note page, but there are other strange coincidences.

Notice the places and names mentioned in this one post from the Kim Mallon thread: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Kim Mallon, 13, Los Angeles, 30 Sept 1973
Questions I have about Kim Mallon:
1) Is there any connection between Kim Mallon and Mallon Oil?
2) How does she compare to FLEK in things like, oh, height and eye color?
3) Was the number written down by FLEK a CNA later issued by coincidence to a company called by coincidence Mallon Oil?
4) Was Kim Mallon previously discussed on this forum?

I tend to think that Mallon Resources and Kim Mallon are just a coincidence, albeit a strange one. OTOH I'm of the belief that no stone should be left unturned.
Just to give a quick timeline to the number: it is listed as being a CNA number in a publication quoted by Bookman, published in 1984. According to the state of Colorado Mallon Resources was incorporated in July of 1988.

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