Kiomarie and other issues

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which thread are you looking to have reopened?

I don't remember what the title was on the old thread about the remains being on the line right between/behind the houses at 4701 and 4709 on the corner. I'll see if I can find it.
I don't remember what the title was on the old thread about the remains being on the line right between/behind the houses at 4701 and 4709 on the corner. I'll see if I can find it.
you mean the thread I linked above? if so, it has been open for some time.
you mean the thread I linked above? if so, it has been open for some time.

I didn't know it had already been bumped up, I figured it was buried in the back pages. Thanks for linking it in here

Oh, were you asking which link I had asked if I could put here in my original post? It was just a SM link showing some white page listings (not, a different directory) with those names at those addresses, because Musikman wanted documentation for my post. I didn't know if I could put a SM link here, so I checked and saw you can still find listings there also, just by using the reverse look up with the address, so let Musikman know that instead of posting the SM link. Those old posts are in the original thread on that topic anyway, which you linked in, if anyone wants to see them. (Anyway when I posted, I saw that you and JWG had posted links for Musikman in the interim.)
Well actually i think most would agree it is YOU that rocks around this place.
thanks for all your help.

You both rock! And, you are posting one of my fave Latin sayings.
at I think I had the best result just putting in 4701 Hopespring Dr, Orlando and 4709 Hopespring Dr, Orlando (without any names, in the reverse lookup feature.) Wonder if "Mama Yvette" KMTC was referring to was the Maria G at 4758 or the F. "Vindy" G in the corner house 4701 that backs up to the remains site. KMTC said in the interview, she lives right there "on the curve". Don't know if she was referring to the corner, or the bend in the road further down. She was sitting with Det. Wells in front of the school facing Suburban as she said it so she could have meant the corner. Both are close though.
You are correct as always JWG! :bow:

I just looked at the current owner, not previous owners.

Maybe she took back her maiden name?

JBean, you just ROCK!!! :) :blowkiss:

Well actually i think most would agree it is YOU that rocks around this place.
thanks for all your help.

Let the record reflect that we've called to order today's session of the Mutual Admiration Society. Please respond when the secretary calls your name so that the record will reflect your attendance... :whistle:

Love you guys :blowkiss:
:waitasec: If you go here: and use the addresses, nothing shows up for either address.

Found this:

That's interesting in your real estate post there, (thanks very much Patty G as always!) that the realtor is "Vindy" L. What's the chance of it being a different person with that same nickname? Or is that the third last name that we've found for her? Just glancing around at Whitepage listings for Ms.F. "Vindy" L. G. I also find a Freddy G (with spouse Robt, so it's a female), maybe also her, at a different address. So some listings are under her full first name, some Vindy, some possibly Freddy, and with at least two surnames that we've found, maybe 3. OK.

"Backs to conservation area."
Let the record reflect that we've called to order today's session of the Mutual Admiration Society. Please respond when the secretary calls your name so that the record will reflect your attendance... :whistle:

Love you guys :blowkiss:

OK. Bond, you rock too! :bow:

Today's MAS session is closed. Time for a beer! :drink:
I have some doubt about the remains being at the Suburban location the entire time myself. I wouldn't be shocked to find out they were moved.

Having said that, I think the wallet found at the remains sight might be very telling. I don't remember seeing a pic of it at the crime scene, but I'm thinking, if that area were thoroughly searched, what are the chances a wallet would be left undisturbed or unreported? IMO nearly everyone would consider a wallet to be something more significant than the other discarded items. Since I don't know how it looked at the sight I can't say its solid evidence, just a thought.
I've always thought the wallet was interesting, too, treeseeker. :) I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? Have you been gone for a while or was it just me? I agree about not being shocked at all if the remains were put there later.
So, to recap some of the things that jumped out at me in the interviews (tell me what your interpretation is of the change in statements, etc, or if anyone has additional info regarding the other Casey W that I haven't seen), of course I'm bolding or italicizing parts that happened to jump out at me:

On the tape Det. Wells says that KMTC called him to offer info, talking about her history with Casey, and they are now sitting in front of Hidden Oaks Elementary School on Suburban drive. Kio said that back in middle school her friend Jessica K had shown her a hiding spot behind the school and she, Jessica, and Casey would hang out at 2 different spots there. (The school is located on Suburban. (On the map it appears to be across from the remains site, right?.)
KMTC said when Jessica and Casey were busy with track or basketball she used to go there alone. They stopped going there entirely in freshman year, 9th grade.

Det. Wells said KMTC had walked with him around the fenceline, she said the fences didn't use to be here, they used to ride bikes there, it used to be a "hot spot".
Now they are sitting in front of the school and KMTC mentions the area across the street from Hidden Oaks, (Suburban, right?) saying that was a place the teenagers used to do "mommy and daddy things", but that she, Jessica, and Casey just had picnics because they were younger.

KMTC mentioned a couple of the times that she thought Cindy didn't like Hispanics and wouldn't allow them in the house. She said that Casey had worked at Universal for Kodak when she was working for Attractions at Universal, back in 2004 or 2005, they'd run into each other in the park. Said Casey became a "seasonal" employee rather than full time after Caylee was born. She didn't see her after that until recently.

KMTC said when Casey had been pregnant she had asked Casey what she wanted to do with the baby because she KMTC wanted to adopt Casey's baby (although she was only 19 at the time, too) because she had been told she should not have children due to a medical condition.

When Det Wells asked if she'd ever heard of anyone named ZG, KMTC said the only lady with that last name she knows on that street is she thinks, Yvette G (that they called Mama Yvette) who lives on Hopespring, down the street from them, but that lady doesn't do any babysitting because she has children of her own to take care of. She lives right on the "curve", offered to take Det. Wells there. He said he has the address already.

KMTC mentioned that she had called Det. Wells because of her friend/neighbor B, a man on her street who owns a carpet cleaning business and who is more like a father to her than her own father and who she would go to for help if she ever did anything stupid and got into trouble . She called LE because he urged her to after she told him she'd just spoken to Casey A a few weeks ago.

Said she, KMTC, had been terminated at Universal for a "big issue" and that when she had run into Casey at Walmart in April, Casey had said she was back working for Kodak at the Mummy, but KMTC knew this was false because Kodak was no longer in the park, and she was working at The Mummy at that time and never saw Casey there.

Said she works for (what sounds like a travel company), that VIP clients call her when they have issues with children. .(Babysitting?)

When Casey called her at first she thought it was a client because Casey's name didn't pop up. It was a 407 number but not the same number Casey had given her in April because her name would have popped up.

Said when she ran into Casey at the super Walmart in April or so she'd told her if she ever needed anything to feel free to call her.

Said Casey did call her on July 9, a Wednesday, KMTC was hanging out with her puppy dogs at the time. Casey said "remember how you said I could count on you?" Asked if she could borrow $150-200 to get out of a bind. KMTC offered to drop the money off to her if she would call back to tell her where to bring it.

Said during the phone call on July 9 she could hear Caylee talking to Casey while she was on the phone, saying "Mommy, mommy", and Casey said, "Honey I can't talk right now I'm on the phone." There was a cartoon on TV in the background. KMTC says "and that was the last time I ever heard her."

Det. Wells asked for her T mobile bills for July at least to try to track down the phone number that Casey called from. (I forget, why could KMTC not provide the phone number at the time, was it not on this phone she had with her but a different one? Anyway I guess he would need the phone record to document which day Casey had called.) She moved on to the subject to the fact that she is concerned Casey might have given the child up for adoption or given her to someone if her mother stressed her out enough.

KMTC tells Det. Wells that she thought Casey was bipolar because she would sometimes call up and not remember things she had said the last time they spoke, no recollection at all, and that this only started after she had the baby, that she was fine in middle high and high school. KMTC says the first time she saw Casey back at Universal years ago she told Casey she needed to get help but she doesn't know if she did.

In a follow up call from Det. Wells, KMTC said she'd been mistaken. It was not Casey A who had called her July 9, it was a different friend, Casey W. When Det. Wells asked for the phone number for that Casey, she provided the number and said that it only rings and rings when she calls it, that she can no longer reach Casey W. When Det. Wells asked for Casey W.'s address, KMTC said she no longer lives here, her mother had wired her money to move to live with her, maybe in Alabama or Georgia, because her boyfriend was beating her. Det. Wells said he'd pulled up a few Casey W.s on the Dept of Motor Vehicles Database and asked if any of those addresses seemed like Casey W, KMTC said no they didn't and Casey W didn't drive, she always used the bus. She said that Casey W is African American, has a daughter Abby who was born when Casey W was 17, Casey W is now 23 or 24. She met Casey W when they worked at Disney together, and provided the detail that Casey W's father died the same year as KMTC's grandfather.
Seagull is all that from the LE documents that were released? or are there other sources for that info?
So, to recap (tell me if I'm missing anything guys and what your interpretation is of the change in statements), of course I'm bolding or italicizing parts that happened to jump out at me:

KMTC called LE to offer info. She met with Det. Wells down in front of the Elementary School on Suburban, around the corner from Hopespring.

She said she, Jessica, and Casey used to hang out there when they were in middle school, stopping at the 9th grade.

Said when Jessica and Casey were busy with track or basketball she used to go there alone.

Walked Det. Wells around the fenceline saying the fence didn't use to be here, it used to be a "hot spot", and mentioned the woods in front of the school on Suburban as a place the teenagers used to do "mommy and daddy things", but that she, Jessica, and Casey just had picnics because they were younger.

KMTC said a couple of the times that she thought Cindy didn't like Hispanics and wouldn't allow them in the house. She said that Casey had worked at Universal for Kodak when she was working for Attractions at Universal, back in 2004, they'd run into each other in the park. Said Casey became a "seasonal" employee rather than full time after Caylee was born.

When Det Wells asked if she'd ever heard of anyone named ZG, KMTC said the only person with that last name she knows is Mama Yvette who lives on Hopespring, on "the curve". Offered to take Det. Wells there.

Mentioned that she had called Det. Wells because of B, a man on her street who owns a carpet cleaning business and who is more like a father to her than her own father and who she would go to for help if she ever did anything stupid and got into trouble . He said she should call LE because she told him how she'd spoken to Casey on July 9.

KMTC said when Casey had been pregnant she had wanted to adopt Casey's baby (although she was only 19 at the time, too) because she had been told she should not have children due to a medical condition.

Said she, KMTC, had been terminated at Universal for a "big issue" and that when she had run into Casey at Walmart in April, Casey had said she was back working full time at Universal at the Hulk, but KMTC knew this was false because she had been working at The Hulk up til she was terminated and hadn't seen Casey.

Said she works for (what sounds like a travel company), helping VIP clients with child issues. .(Babysitting?)

When Casey called her at first she thought it was a client because Casey's name didn't pop up.

Said when she ran into Casey at the super Walmart in April or so she'd told her if she ever needed any help she could call on her.

Said Casey did call her on July 9 and said "remember how you said I could call on you if I needed help?" Asked for $150-200 to get out of a bind, trying to get away from an abusive boyfriend. KMTC offered to lend the money.

Said during the phone call on July 9 she could hear Caylee talking to Casey while she was on the phone, saying "Mommy, mommy", and Casey said, "Not now honey I'm on the phone", there was a cartoon on TV in the background.

Det. Wells asked for the phone number that Casey called on to try to determine what phone she had called from. KMTC couldn't provide the details right then, although she had a phone with her. Det. Wells called later to follow up. (I forget, why did she say again she'd have to get the number for him, was it not on this phone but a different one?)

In a follow up call from Det. Wells, KMTC said she'd been mistaken. It was not Casey A who had called her July 9, it was a different friend, Casey W. When Det. Wells asked for the phone number for that Casey, she provided the number and said that it only rings and rings when she calls it, that she can no longer reach Casey W. When Det. Wells asked for Casey W.'s address, KMTC said she no longer lives here, her mother had wired her money to move to live with her, maybe in Alabama or Georgia, because her boyfriend was beating her. Det. Wells said he'd pulled up a few Casey W.s on the Dept of Motor Vehicles Database and asked if any of those addresses seemed like Casey W, KMTC said no they didn't and Casey W didn't drive, she always used the bus. She said that Casey W is African American, has a daughter Abby who was born when Casey W was 17, Casey W is now 23 or 24. She met Casey W when they worked at Disney together, and provided the detail that Casey W's father died the same year as KMTC's grandfather.
Yikes...she sounds like a Casey clone.
I think it's only from the interviews with LE, let me listen to the interviews again JBean and double check.
Let me listen to the interviews with LE again JBean to check.
Thanks. I'd like it to be linked information so we can recap along with you, but if it is all contained in her LE intervewi that should be easy enough.
yes, as far as I'm aware it should be in the interviews JBean. I can't believe I accidentally typed "The Hulk" at first instead of the "The Mummy"! ha ha :) I'm fixing the typos as I listen again.

Edited to add: OK, checked it over. Nothing from outside the taped interview and follow up phone call. Again, those are parts that jumped out at me.

(Just so anyone who is new knows, these are just points that grabbed my attention for discussion, it's not a transcript. Check page 1 for the links to the complete interviews. :) )
I've always thought the wallet was interesting, too, treeseeker. :) I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? Have you been gone for a while or was it just me? I agree about not being shocked at all if the remains were put there later.

Hi Seagull! I've been following, just not posting much.

There are three or four people who claim the location of the remains was searched - KMTC, RK, DC, and JW, I think? I just think, if any of them were really THERE there, someone would have found or at least spotted the wallet. IMO something like that just stands out more than other things. But if it were partially buried or obscured by growth or trash, maybe not.
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