Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

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Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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BBM: Ah, yes. The nice "Gentleman Burglar" (of Atlanta) that tied John up in the john and stole some antique guns...And John beat feet to the PD there in Atlanta and cooperated fully. Funny, he could go cooperate immediately when he was "burglarized," but when his daughter is found dead in his basement, he takes him and Patsy four months to undergo questioning.

Things that make you go hmmmm....


Things that make me scream BULL POOPY!!!!!
link also includes two docs on the subject. maybe one was the one you saw?

the 2004 CBS doc contains errors: someone stating the DNA under JB's fingernails is the killer's, but we know now it was all deemed to be contaminated due to unsterile clippers :facepalm:

And it doesn't match the newly claimed TDNA that Lacy claimed exonerates the Ramsey's.

However, it had earlier been claimed to MATCH the co-mingled DNA found in her panties...

More things that make me go hmmmmm
BBM: Ah, yes. The nice "Gentleman Burglar" (of Atlanta) that tied John up in the john and stole some antique guns...And John beat feet to the PD there in Atlanta and cooperated fully.

i have never heard all this. i feel so deprived!! lol

Patsy Ramsey was at a Bible study class, and the couple's teenage son, Burke, was in school at the time.
The break-in raised new security concerns, Ramsey said.
"It's a horrible invasion of your privacy and your feeling of safety. We certainly went through that with JonBenét. It certainly has resurfaced," he told Woodward.
He said the family had attempted to make their home secure with heavy doors and locks, but that didn't stop the burglar, who broke down a door in the basement. The Ramseys' security alarm was not on at the time of the break-in.
The Ramseys bought the house, which is up for sale, in 1997 for about $700,000.
Ramsey said he wanted to warn others. "You need to be aware that there's evil in the world," he said. "While it's not likely that your paths will cross with someone like this, it does happen. To us, it happened twice."

Eye roll....."twice" in Johns words. "New security concerns" he said..... Please!
i have never heard all this. i feel so deprived!! lol

Oh, my...We will have to get you updated. I can't remember where the source is for this. Maybe the Ramseys' book? It was all over the news when it happened. I don't think there ever been an arrest either. I have my own theory about the "Gentleman Burglar." If anyone wants to hear it...LOL

Oh, my...We will have to get you updated. I can't remember where the source is for this. Maybe the Ramseys' book? It was all over the news when it happened. I don't think there ever been an arrest either. I have my own theory about the "Gentleman Burglar." If anyone wants to hear it...LOL


Oh do tell!

Patsy Ramsey was at a Bible study class, and the couple's teenage son, Burke, was in school at the time.
The break-in raised new security concerns, Ramsey said.
"It's a horrible invasion of your privacy and your feeling of safety. We certainly went through that with JonBenét. It certainly has resurfaced," he told Woodward.
He said the family had attempted to make their home secure with heavy doors and locks, but that didn't stop the burglar, who broke down a door in the basement. The Ramseys' security alarm was not on at the time of the break-in.
The Ramseys bought the house, which is up for sale, in 1997 for about $700,000.
Ramsey said he wanted to warn others. "You need to be aware that there's evil in the world," he said. "While it's not likely that your paths will cross with someone like this, it does happen. To us, it happened twice."

Eye roll....."twice" in Johns words.

Thank you Linda! I am rolling here. Thank you. After the day I had, I needed a good laugh!

BBM: The point, their daughter gets murdered by an "intruder," and yet they can't take the time to set the alarm after that happened, and JR becomes a victim? Yeah, major eye roll happening here.

In my own house after something not nearly as horrid happened... I promptly got an attack trained Doberman and a top of the line security system.
Oh do tell!

Alright, since you asked...LOL

Remember in ST's book where they wanted to "bug" the Ramseys' house before the GJ subpoenas were dropped on them? In the scenario that ST worked out the GBI, they would go in, bug the house and leave. But, if someone got caught on the inside, that person would act like a burglar and run off? That has always been my "take" of the "Gentleman Burglar" in Atlanta, that he wasn't really a burglar at all, but a cop planting bugs. Of course, we will never know, unless someone spills the beans...LOL Of course, I know this was after ST left the BPD, but it's worth thinking about...

In my own house after something not nearly as horrid happened... I promptly got an attack trained Doberman and a top of the line security system.

Yes, well most people would do something along those lines. But, we aren't dealing with "most people" here, we are dealing with John and Patsy...Which is like stepping through the looking glass.:scared::facepalm:

i found this article...

--PR wore Kmart jewelry? and allowed JR to admit it? :floorlaugh:
--if JR "got a good look at the man", why no description of "him" in the article?
--was a composite released in atlanta as stated?
--"we suspect that some weapons were taken"... what?? wouldn't JR know WHAT was missing?

yes, some (most) of this is ridiculous. more of the same.
i found this article...

--PR wore Kmart jewelry?
--if JR "got a good look at the man", why no description of "him" in the article? was a composite released in atlanta as stated?
--"we suspect some guns were taken"... what?? wouldn't JR know WHAT was missing?

yes, some (most) of this is ridiculous. more of the same.

OMG, you are bringing it all back for me! The Kmart jewelry, the guns, everything...Oh, how we laughed when this happened. Oh, my...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Yep, that "Gentleman Burglar, he was quite special. What with locking John in the john but he didn't hurt him too badly....

Has anyone considered that JonBenet might have died in the basement bathroom instead of the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom on the second floor?
Has anyone considered that JonBenet might have died in the basement bathroom instead of the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom on the second floor?

I have always thought she died in the basement outside the WC door. I think the head wound could have come in her bathroom. Does the bathroom downstairs have a tub?

Has anyone considered that JonBenet might have died in the basement bathroom instead of the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom on the second floor?

Never considered that. Are you thinking she got the head bash there or died there?
I have always thought she died in the basement outside the WC door. I think the head wound could have come in her bathroom. Does the bathroom downstairs have a tub?


I thought she died downstairs outside the WC door too, where her bladder voided. The long johns were already on her, her vaginial area had been wiped down... She was at some point turned over face down, rope tied while it was on her neck....and when she died...her bladder emptied. Explains urine on the floor and her long johns.
I have always thought she died in the basement outside the WC door. I think the head wound could have come in her bathroom. Does the bathroom downstairs have a tub?

No tub in the basement toilet (water closet, for the Brits):


  • basement-toilet.jpg
    29.8 KB · Views: 57
I noticed the top to the toilet tank is off, and leaning against the wall. Could that toilet tank top have been used to bash JB in the head? Was it usually off of the tank?
I read somewhere that the toilet in the basement didn't have a water supply and wasn't supposed to be used. you could use a pitcher/whatever to load water in the tank and then flush it, but the tank didn't refill like a hooked-up toilet does. I also read that there was a "deposit" in the toilet that hadn't been removed in that manner by an adult. and IIRC the deposit was said to have been left by FW's son who was playing down there with Burke. (I think this was related to the party on the 23rd). I searched the LS/ST/JK books and didn't find it mentioned ...
Has anyone considered that JonBenet might have died in the basement bathroom instead of the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom on the second floor?

Some interesting dialogue on acr about the bathroom toilet(
. . .LOU SMIT: Do you have any idea why

3 toilet paper would be on the back of that tank?


5 LOU SMIT: That doesn't -- doesn't

6 make --

7 JOHN RAMSEY: Doesn't make any

8 sense. I don't know if there is a roll of

9 toilet paper in there. Since that room is so

10 seldom ever even entered. No, that doesn't make

11 any sense.

12 LOU SMIT: Here is a closer look at

13 the same one. That's photograph 518.

14 JOHN RAMSEY: I don't know, that

15 doesn't -- doesn't -- anybody that would have

16 used toilet paper would have flushed in the

17 toilet, I would have thought. This redness

18 that's on there,
I think was -- that lid I think

19 was cracked, I don't remember it being red.

. . .
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