Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

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Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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I want to make a correction to something I posted earlier concerning the basement carpet fiber on the baseball bat found just outside the house in the back yard. This information originally came from the hardbound edition of Steve Thomas's book. Here is a link to a correction Thomas made in the paperback edition stating the fiber was on the golf club found out back, not the baseball bat:
I want to make a correction to something I posted earlier concerning the basement carpet fiber on the baseball bat found just outside the house in the back yard. This information originally came from the hardbound edition of Steve Thomas's book. Here is a link to a correction Thomas made in the paperback edition stating the fiber was on the golf club found out back, not the baseball bat:
...and it wasn't a carpet fiber either, BOESP. In fact, what Thomas wrote (and reiterated in this chat) was that it was "a blond hair". I know other reports were that it was a carpet fiber. But here is the lead investigator when the evidence was gathered stating it was "a blond hair" found on the golf club. How many people living in the hellhole had blond hair? And I'm sure it must have been tested. The results of that testing must be some of the information that Kane said the public doesn't know. Perhaps the next time Thomas or Kolar are on Tricia's webcast....

...and it wasn't a carpet fiber either, BOESP. In fact, what Thomas wrote (and reiterated in this chat) was that it was "a blond hair". I know other reports were that it was a carpet fiber. But here is the lead investigator when the evidence was gathered stating it was "a blond hair" found on the golf club. How many people living in the hellhole had blond hair? And I'm sure it must have been tested. The results of that testing must be some of the information that Kane said the public doesn't know. Perhaps the next time Thomas or Kolar are on Tricia's webcast....


Aw, Gumby, don't you know I was just testing to see if you were paying attention ( :floorlaugh: :facepalm: :floorlaugh: :facepalm: :floorlaugh: )

Seriously, thank you for the additional correction. My mind doesn't seem to be up to paying attention to more than one thought at a time.

Iirc (and that is subject to question), only one member of the Ramsey family had blonde hair. Now that is interesting!
Don't forget the strange vehicle he claims to have seen using binoculars! But never mentioned it to anyone that morning.

Oh... John had BAIL money all lined up in the immediate days after the murder, but never attempted to gather together the ransom.

When the deadline came & went... He disappeared to get his mail? WHAT????

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BBM: Right, Linda.....very odd indeed. If I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've checked on BR right away, I would've alerted LE in the 911 call that there's a threat about contacting LE so send over unmarked cars or park on the next street and walk over (and I would've been emphatic about it----no LE cars in front of the house!), I would've been glued to the phone for further ransom instructions especially around the timeline given per the note, and I would've sent JR out with a friend to get the ransom money to have at hand, asap.
Yeah, if I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've been frantic but the thought of getting my baby back would've been paramount and I would've done everything to ensure I was prepared. Instinctually.

And then.....

After JBR was found deceased and in the condition she was found....
I would've kept screaming "Who did this to my baby?" over and over, and once again instinctually, from a mother's perspective. It would've been my pleading words to the television cameras at any and every opportunity I could to get the word out that I needed answers. That of course would only apply *if I were innocent*.

BBM: Right, Linda.....very odd indeed. If I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've checked on BR right away, I would've alerted LE in the 911 call that there's a threat about contacting LE so send over unmarked cars or park on the next street and walk over (and I would've been emphatic about it----no LE cars in front of the house!), I would've been glued to the phone for further ransom instructions especially around the timeline given per the note, and I would've sent JR out with a friend to get the ransom money to have at hand, asap.
Yeah, if I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've been frantic but the thought of getting my baby back would've been paramount and I would've done everything to ensure I was prepared. Instinctually.

And then.....

After JBR was found deceased and in the condition she was found....
I would've kept screaming "Who did this to my baby?" over and over, and once again instinctually, from a mother's perspective. It would've been my pleading words to the television cameras at any and every opportunity I could to get the word out that I needed answers. That of course would only apply *if I were innocent*.


Exactly ! * if one were innocent *
BBM: Right, Linda.....very odd indeed. If I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've checked on BR right away, I would've alerted LE in the 911 call that there's a threat about contacting LE so send over unmarked cars or park on the next street and walk over (and I would've been emphatic about it----no LE cars in front of the house!), I would've been glued to the phone for further ransom instructions especially around the timeline given per the note, and I would've sent JR out with a friend to get the ransom money to have at hand, asap.
Yeah, if I were PR *and I was innocent*, I would've been frantic but the thought of getting my baby back would've been paramount and I would've done everything to ensure I was prepared. Instinctually.

And then.....

After JBR was found deceased and in the condition she was found....
I would've kept screaming "Who did this to my baby?" over and over, and once again instinctually, from a mother's perspective. It would've been my pleading words to the television cameras at any and every opportunity I could to get the word out that I needed answers. That of course would only apply *if I were innocent*.


I've thought about this too. If my husband carried up to me my sexually assaulted dead baby, I would probably still be screaming if not dead by now. And If it was me who accidentally killed her, I don't think I would have the desire to go into damage control. Now, the only thing that might make me snap into action is the protection of my other child. I'm pretty sure that would be the only thing to keep me alive and functioning.
Just a quick post regarding the ransom note.

Because everyone was not forthcoming on information regarding this case, I always assumed that John and Patsy's fingerprints were on the ransom note but no others.

When it was released there were no fingerprints I thought they meant no others than Patsy's and Johns.

If push came to shove I think this is what they would have said they meant by no fingerprints. No unknown fingerprints. JMO
I believe now as I've always believed that John was abusing JB and that she died during the abuse. John panicked and went upstairs to Patsy and told her that JB was dead and that he thought Burke did it. Patsy, not knowing the truth about the sexual abuse, believed John.

John then convinced her to help with the cover-up including writing the ransom note and hiding the body. They were up all night figuring out what to do.

JB was sexually abused. It's noted in the autopsy report.
I've thought about this too. If my husband carried up to me my sexually assaulted dead baby, I would probably still be screaming if not dead by now. And If it was me who accidentally killed her, I don't think I would have the desire to go into damage control. Now, the only thing that might make me snap into action is the protection of my other child. I'm pretty sure that would be the only thing to keep me alive and functioning.
True, but we see parents every day who lie about murdering their children, and they do go into damage control to protect themselves. Say PR did it, but it wasn't something she intended...maybe 'normal' punishment that escalated that night. How would she explain this battered body to a hospital? A hole and long crack in her skull, prior vaginal injuries and I don't know what else, bruises etc, I guess. After calming down enough to assess her situation and looking at JB in an unconscious, battered heap, what would we expect somebody like PR to do? I think the grand jury got the abuse part right, so IMO, this probably wasn't the 1st time PR hurt JB... IMO, ongoing abusers get good at lying, manipulating, blaming the victim, justifying and covering for themselves. So, an abuser wouldn't have the same shocked reactions that a non abuser would. They become desensitized...they've kind of been preparing for such a moment, so to speak. Anyway, this is based on the rage theory, which IMO, is a reasonable theory...except for the strangulation causing death, that is. How can that be explained except as cold blooded murder? moo
my opinion re all the finding the note mambo jambo>>>they can't get their story straight because it's all a lie...the note was placed on the stairs after it was written and wasn't touched nor moved by them until the police arrived :moo:

Where was the note when police arrived?
I believe now as I've always believed that John was abusing JB and that she died during the abuse. John panicked and went upstairs to Patsy and told her that JB was dead and that he thought Burke did it. Patsy, not knowing the truth about the sexual abuse, believed John.

John then convinced her to help with the cover-up including writing the ransom note and hiding the body. They were up all night figuring out what to

Agreed...That's what I was thinking happened. :moo:
In the beginning, LHP got a lot of negative attention and she was seriously investigated. PR named her as someone who had a key to the house and was experiencing money problems...someone who knew their habits and knew her way around the house. Hypothetically speaking here, but if PR had managed to get rid of JB's body and had typed the note, LHP might have been seen as a real suspect. moo

PR and JR threw anyone and everyone under the bus. Which is why they ended up with ZERO friends. They not only are murderers, but have no conscience, which leads me to believe JBR's death was not some horrific accident.

They make me sick. :(
Just a quick post regarding the ransom note.

Because everyone was not forthcoming on information regarding this case, I always assumed that John and Patsy's fingerprints were on the ransom note but no others.

When it was released there were no fingerprints I thought they meant no others than Patsy's and Johns.

If push came to shove I think this is what they would have said they meant by no fingerprints. No unknown fingerprints. JMO

Nope. There were NO fingerprints on the RN or on the flashlight or the batteries within. But that's not weird. :facepalm:
PR and JR threw anyone and everyone under the bus. Which is why they ended up with ZERO friends. They not only are murderers, but have no conscience, which leads me to believe JBR's death was not some horrific accident.

They make me sick. :( and me both :twocents:
Oh... And it's not even weird that when John carried JonBenet's body upstairs that everyone except Patsy rushed into the room....not Patsy, huh uh...she just sat in the sunroom...
Not weird at all ...jeez..
PR and JR threw anyone and everyone under the bus. Which is why they ended up with ZERO friends. They not only are murderers, but have no conscience, which leads me to believe JBR's death was not some horrific accident.

They make me sick. :(
Yes they did throw everybody under the bus. In one of PR's interviews, (police I think), she was telling of the events that day and she mentioned the flurry of activity surrounding LHP. IMO, this was who PR initially planned to frame. And she was the perfect scapegoat wasn't she? She had a key, knew the house, knew where everything was so need to bring murder supplies, was having financial problems, had questionable family members, might have known about JR's bonus. IMO, PR was probably surprised and PO'd when her naming LHP wasn't enough. She probably thought her word against LHP's would be enough, case closed. moo
Yes they did throw everybody under the bus. In one of PR's interviews, (police I think), she was telling of the events that day and she mentioned the flurry of activity surrounding LHP. IMO, this was who PR initially planned to frame. And she was the perfect scapegoat wasn't she? She had a key, knew the house, knew where everything was so need to bring murder supplies, was having financial problems, had questionable family members, might have known about JR's bonus. IMO, PR was probably surprised and PO'd when her naming LHP wasn't enough. She probably thought her word against LHP's would be enough, case closed. moo

I agree. I think they thought they were so precious and above board that nobody would ever suspect them. And when bus victim #1 didn't pan out, then #s 2, 3,4, 5.....infinity.......were paraded out. These people are/were odious. I hate saying this but Patsy deserved cancer. It was kinder than what JBR suffered at her maniacal hand. Sick, twisted, family. Tragic.
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