KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

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If you care to share, I am curious about what it is that leads you to conclude that this witnesses' doubts about Terri stem solely form Kaine and Desiree?

She comes across as quite intelligent and as you state, "articulate, very thoughtful." I feel certain she can make her own judgments about her encounter(s) with Terri.

Why must Desiree and Kaine be villains just because Terri is the focus? It is not a matter of these parents being the cause of Terri's actions and deceptions regarding what happened to their son. They are just reacting to the circumstances that have been dealt to them.

They are the truly grieving parents who are coming to terms with the fact that someone they have known ( a woman Kaine was married to, a woman who shared parenting responsibilities with them both) is suspected of harming, and possibly killing their child.


I didn't conclude anything.

I didn't say, or even imply, that Kaine or Desiree are villains.

Please re-read my post.

All along I believe there's been a lack of evidence on Terri. Call it instinct if you like, but I found it odd that she showed Kyron's picture to this woman & posted it onto her facebook page later. It's almost like she's alibi building, placing Kyron firmly in the school at the science fair. It could all be coincidental, but something seems a bit 'off' about it to me.
The best thing I got from this interview is that TH was at FM's that day, with baby K..
And the time frame.

I just posted about this. Then I saw yours. Did you hear something in the live interview or on the vid that she definitely was with the baby? I didn't hear her say that. tia I think that is really important. jmoo
So how did Terri have time to pick up Dede and place her somewhere else? I am really confused here...

I'm not seeing anything overly odd about this encounter in the store and I am assuming she had a photo of Kyron on her phone...I don't get out much at all but I never run into any woman with children who doesn't want to show me the latest photos, especially if just taken...whether I know them well or not.

I could be wrong and it could be all a part of the great plan with the alibi that I still don't see as being one of a mastermind...
On the Video:

- I didn't see Terri. She saw me. I walked past her. She called out to me, got my attention.

- she (Terri) is quiet and not social

Just trying to put myself in this position -- with young kids and a 16 m/o niece in my care A LOT --

I'm in a hurry - I've just gone through a science fair with a sick, cranky toddler - now I've had to stop at the second store to find meds for her - I'm preparing myself to drive her around to get her to sleep - I'm trying to figure out how to fit going to the gym in - and lunch - I've got to get ready to make the long drive to drop Kyron off with Desiree - and figure out when to pick up the science project --- I just can't see me calling out to someone I barely know and showing off pics and having a long conversation in the middle of the FM. Just sayin . . . .
Well there's a little conflict now that I'm re-listening. She says it's the longest conversation she's ever had w/Terri, but she also says it was a quick chat. So I'm not clear on how long this conversation was.

I see nothing odd at all in stopping to chat with someone you know. I always do that when I see someone I know in the supermarket. What is odd, to me, is seeing someone you know and not speaking to them.

Showing a picture you just took of your child or stepchild, when you're talking about having just been to a science fair he was in, also doesn't seem in any way odd to me.

I'm baffled by how this seems odd to people.

Now it definitely does seem odd behavior to me for someone who had just kidnapped or harmed or killed a child, or was planning to and just about to. Extremely odd in that instance. Because, to me, a person in those circumstances would be in a hurry.

But this woman says Terri didn't seem like someone who had just harmed her child, and wasn't acting abnormally. If Terri had just, or was about to, harm Kyron or kidnap him, I'd sort of expect to her to maybe be a bit breathless, a bit shifty eyed, a whole lot nervous, you know?

Good to be posting with you in Kyron's forum, my friend. :)

She said in the video, that she heard "she was Terri's friend".

She points out that she is not Terri's friend and only knows her from checking her into the gym.

I don't know how much of a conversation I would have, with the person that would check me into the gym.
I can't tell from the interview whether baby was actually with TH when she saw AL. It kinda sounds to me like she wasn't since AL doesn't mention anything about seeing the baby. Just that she knew she was sick from the day before. jmoo Anyone hear something in the interview that makes them think baby *was* with TH?

Not one word...JMO
I think the biggest question is was baby K with her and if she wasn't, where the heck was she...
It was odd to me as well.....I know lots of times I don't want to stop and chat with folks I know very very well at the market.....I cannot imagine wanting to chat if I am holding and ill/cranky baby....and pulling out a photo? I am sorry but it just seems very strange to me...together with the fact that she got this lady's attention, proceeded to have a longer convo with her than she had ever had and then showed her the photo....I think this lady was not even familiar with Skyline school let alone there was a science fair....I think she was kinda taken aback but maybe not suspicious....just kinda wondering about the whole thing.IMO
Oh I so agree BeanE!!! Do you remember the quote from the last presser, something to the effect that Gates said? It was put rather oddly & I don't want to guess in case the wording takes a life of it's own lol. I haven't seen a press quote, by chance did you transcribe that exact quote or someone else. I think that quote about the evidence they do (in his opinion) is significant! TIA

I transcribed quite a bit of it, but I'm not sure which statements of Gates you're referring to. If you can give me an idea, I can see if it's one of the ones I transcribed.

Do you mean around the part in the end when he was saying it's a "productive investigation"?
I just posted about this. Then I saw yours. Did you hear something in the live interview or on the vid that she definitely was with the baby? I didn't hear her say that. tia I think that is really important. jmoo

Well I "swore" I heard when I watched it on TV live that she said she was holding baby.. ughhh..
But when watching the video, I still got the impression she had baby with her
so I'm going to re-watch..

They are broadcasting the interview again on the 11pm news (butchered version I'm sure, with the reporter paraphrasing a lot of what she said in the interview).

*I used to train security procedures for robbery situations and I cannot tell you how irritated I am at myself for not "hearing" what she said correctly!!!

This is the PERFECT example how the news only reports what they deem
"interesting", as we can see with the article vs. the video interview..
Just trying to put myself in this position -- with young kids and a 16 m/o niece in my care A LOT --

I'm in a hurry - I've just gone through a science fair with a sick, cranky toddler - now I've had to stop at the second store to find meds for her - I'm preparing myself to drive her around to get her to sleep - I'm trying to figure out how to fit going to the gym in - and lunch - I've got to get ready to make the long drive to drop Kyron off with Desiree - and figure out when to pick up the science project --- I just can't see me calling out to someone I barely know and showing off pics and having a long conversation in the middle of the FM. Just sayin . . . .

Get outta my head Miss Sub,lol
It may be totally normal but it hits me as just odd.
Well I "swore" I heard when I watched it on TV live that she said she was holding baby.. ughhh..
But when watching the video, I still got the impression she had baby with her
so I'm going to re-watch..

They are broadcasting the interview again on the 11pm news (butchered version I'm sure, with the reporter paraphrasing a lot of what she said in the interview).

*I used to train security procedures for robbery situations and I cannot tell you how irritated I am at myself for not "hearing" what she said correctly!!!

This is the PERFECT example how the news only reports what they deem
"interesting", as we can see with the article vs. the video interview..

BBM..Don't be so hard on yourself...
She said in the video, that she heard "she was Terri's friend".

She points out that she is not Terri's friend and only knows her from checking her into the gym.

I don't know how much of a conversation I would have, with the person that would check me into the gym.

I just relistened to the parts about a quick chat, and about the longest conversation. I think what she is trying to say is that it was just a quick chat, but that even that quick chat was still the longest conversation she's had with her, because she never talks with her much.
I just relistened to the parts about a quick chat, and about the longest conversation. I think what she is trying to say is that it was just a quick chat, but that even that quick chat was still the longest conversation she's had with her, because she never talks with her much.

Right, then she adds "The only thing that I think was significant about that time is that she showed me a picture of Kyron next to his project," said Leckey.

"She just made it a point to show me his photo."
So this woman verifies that Terri was actually at one of the fred meyers stores.

Interesting that LE is pointing out in the PC that Terri parked the truck really far from the stores. Was there someone else in the truck waiting for her?
Just trying to put myself in this position -- with young kids and a 16 m/o niece in my care A LOT --

I'm in a hurry - I've just gone through a science fair with a sick, cranky toddler - now I've had to stop at the second store to find meds for her - I'm preparing myself to drive her around to get her to sleep - I'm trying to figure out how to fit going to the gym in - and lunch - I've got to get ready to make the long drive to drop Kyron off with Desiree - and figure out when to pick up the science project --- I just can't see me calling out to someone I barely know and showing off pics and having a long conversation in the middle of the FM. Just sayin . . . .

I was thinking the same thing YS! There was a reason for that little convo ..imo of course..
She says in regards to the conversation "It didn't seem anything out of the ordinary."

I would think since she's the one who experienced it, she would know better than anyone else whether or not it was odd. Dunno. There doesn't seem anything odd to me about this woman, but then... I don't know her either. :)
Wow, the woman even verifies that the baby wasn't feeling well. Terri must have had the baby with her, but I don't get "being polite and making chat because of knowing the baby wasn't feeling well". Why would that need to be thrown in, and why would that make a person more apt to be polite to a customer of their workplace. You'd think that would make a person say, "Hey, nice seeing you, I'll let you go now since the baby is not well".
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