Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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It's not believable that he found (located) the body by accident.
We've been through this before. It may not be believable to you. It may not be believable to others,but it is believable to me .From what I've read it is believable to others on this forum. It's a matter of opinion unless evidence proves otherwise.
In August, where was the bag that LE could not see?
Apparently not far from where it was in December - stashed under a palmetto in a thickly-wooded area.

Did Kronk say it had been moved between August and December?
I knew this would happen. I knew the guy's story would be short and simple. I knew LE blew him off when they went out. I also knew that no one here would give hime a break. It is obvious he is telling the truth. There is nothing suspicious about his story. And, as he said himself: "no good deed goes unpunished." I, for one, would be hesitant now to help out in any LE matter if my life and motivations were scrutinized unfairly by people on the internet.
I agree with you,but take exception to "no one here would give him a break".
Many on this forum believe RK,including me .But this is WebSleuths and people here can be a tad suspicious.And then there are some who just like to stir the pot. :) TG we have great mods!
I knew this would happen. I knew the guy's story would be short and simple. I knew LE blew him off when they went out. I also knew that no one here would give hime a break. It is obvious he is telling the truth. There is nothing suspicious about his story. And, as he said himself: "no good deed goes unpunished." I, for one, would be hesitant now to help out in any LE matter if my life and motivations were scrutinized unfairly by people on the internet.

this is exactly what i think word for word.
First degree MURDER ~!

Casey is charged with first degree murder charge in the form of a premeditated murder.

From the evidence we know of, what premises force a valid and true conclusion that this was a premeditated muder and what is the evidence that supports those premises.
Casey is charged with first degree murder charge in the form of a premeditated murder.

From the evidence we know of, what premises force a valid and true conclusion that this was a premeditated muder and what is the evidence that supports those premises.

This thread is about Kronk finding Caylee's remains,isn't it? I think your argument can be found on many other threads you will be familiar with.
Casey is charged with first degree murder charge in the form of a premeditated murder.

From the evidence we know of, what premises force a valid and true conclusion that this was a premeditated muder and what is the evidence that supports those premises.

If I'm not mistaken this exact subject has been debated to great lengths on another thread. This thread is about Kronk, the poor, hapless, chump that found Caylee and is now being ripped apart.
His story reeks of BS. That's why.

Once he takes the witness stand, he is fair game. The defense team will be on him like buzzards on a gut wagon.

Yeah, maybe they have experience with that...

It's not believable that he found (located) the body by accident.

Hi Wudge! I think that may be because he did not find the body by accident. My take on this is that this guy knew exactly where he was when he was working, was curious and decided to do a little looking around for the body on company time, perhaps. He saw something and got very excited but also did not want to look like an a$$ if it turned out to be nothing. I have been in a very similar situation (not with a body, though). You feel like a goon, and don't want to seem like a silly looky loo or busybody. But, this guy had a gut instinct that he found something. Gut instincts are nothing to sneeze at. So, he kept up with contacting LE. When he got reassigned in December, he went back to see if he could find it again. No accident, all on purpose. This time, he looked more closely and possibly kicked the bag.

For those wondering why he did not open the bag earlier, I would not have done so for fear of disturbing evidence or being in any way connected to a corpse. I see something, I leave it the hell alone. It's a pull between curiosity, wanting to help and not wanting to be accused of anything.
After a while, though, with no discovery by LE, his gut would not let it go and after he had notified LE in August, he may have felt safer about approaching a bag of evidence, 4 months later. He reported it back then so it would be unlikely if he found anything later, that he would be accused of doing anything untoward to the child.

For those questioning why he did not drag LE to the bag he saw back on 8-13-08, I think the answer is he still felt somewhat stupid back then. He did not want to be embarassed by the discovery of a bag of trash in front of this cop, who was treating him rudely and dismissively to begin with. Also, the cop, from what I heard earlier, told him to stay away because there was a snake. Normal people do not like to challenge that kind of authority much and coupled with not being sure about what he found and not wanting to look stupid, I understand his action. I have been there. They think you are just another over-excited person wanting to be connected to a big case, so you are dismised with the rest of the crackpots. If Kronk had dragged the cop to the bag, and it was nothing, how embarassing would that be? I think Kronk had an instinct but was not sure intellectually. That's why he acted the way he did.

The problem is, the public may not see it the way I do. There are big gaps in this guy's acount of what happened that may not make sense to the average person. So, he had better be prepared by the prosecution for cross: "And you just happened to be looking for shade? And that was the ONLY place in the area? So, then you saw a small white object, huh?, But you were not sure what it was? And, you did not direct LE to the exact spot when they arrived? Even though you were concerned enough to call LE 3 times about what you found, you were not concerned enough to physically take LE to the object? Ok. So, when LE came to the scene, nothing was found, correct? LE did not see what you saw? And there is alot of brush and vegetation in that area? So it may be hard to pick out one item at such a site? But, four months later, you just happened to do just that, right? You just happened to have to pee and just happened to go in the exact spot you had called LE about 4 months previous? And you just happened to find exactly what you found 4 months prior, which LE could not? I see. Does that sound logical to you? You are just a concerned citizen, correct? Uh huh. And, you were charged with kidnapping in the past, true?"
(I come from olden days of chivalry.)

. It initially smelled like garbage, and the smell is only getting worse as time passes.

again, you mean something similar to Caylee?

sorry , Wudge, I'll slink know more than I will EVER even be able to read...but thanks for explaining in a "chivalrous" way!.....:blowkiss:
but , one more see it as LE, etc. making this a "high profile case" ...I have my own view of what made this a high profile case.....
If everybody was afraid of the snakes, why wasn't animal control or some experts who deal with snakes and such, brought in by LE to search in that specific area. They have the suits, equipment, etc. to protect themselves and could have made a decent search, IMO.

Because LE dismissed his tip as nonsense. They were not about to spend the kind of money it takes to don suits, get equipment and hire an expert to search for "a white obejct" and "a bag" found by a meter reader in an area already searched and cleared by LE.
Hi Wudge! I think that may be because he did not find the body by accident. My take on this is that this guy knew exactly where he was when he was working, was curious and decided to do a little looking around for the body on company time, perhaps. He saw something and got very excited but also did not want to look like an a$$ if it turned out to be nothing. I have been in a very similar situation (not with a body, though). You feel like a goon, and don't want to seem like a silly looky loo or busybody. But, this guy had a gut instinct that he found something. Gut instincts are nothing to sneeze at. So, he kept up with contacting LE. When he got reassigned in December, he went back to see if he could find it again. No accident, all on purpose. This time, he looked more closely and possibly kicked the bag.

For those wondering why he did not open the bag earlier, I would not have done so for fear of disturbing evidence or being in any way connected to a corpse. I see something, I leave it the hell alone. It's a pull between curiosity, wanting to help and not wanting to be accused of anything.
After a while, though, with no discovery by LE, his gut would not let it go and after he had notified LE in August, he may have felt safer about approaching a bag of evidence, 4 months later. He reported it back then so it would be unlikely if he found anything later, that he would be accused of doing anything untoward to the child.

For those questioning why he did not drag LE to the bag he saw back on 8-13-08, I think the answer is he still felt somewhat stupid back then. He did not want to be embarassed by the discovery of a bag of trash in front of this cop, who was treating him rudely and dismissively to begin with. Also, the cop, from what I heard earlier, told him to stay away because there was a snake. Normal people do not like to challenge that kind of authority much and coupled with not being sure about what he found and not wanting to look stupid, I understand his action. I have been there. They think you are just another over-excited person wanting to be connected to a big case, so you are dismised with the rest of the crackpots. If Kronk had dragged the cop to the bag, and it was nothing, how embarassing would that be? I think Kronk had an instinct but was not sure intellectually. That's why he acted the way he did.

The problem is, the public may not see it the way I do. There are big gaps in this guy's acount of what happened that may not make sense to the average person. So, he had better be prepared by the prosecution for cross: "And you just happened to be looking for shade? And that was the ONLY place in the area? So, then you saw a small white object, huh?, But you were not sure what it was? And, you did not direct LE to the exact spot when they arrived? Even though you were concerned enough to call LE 3 times about what you found, you were not concerned enough to physically take LE to the object? Ok. So, when LE came to the scene, nothing was found, correct? LE did not see what you saw? And there is alot of brush and vegetation in that area? So it may be hard to pick out one item at such a site? But, four months later, you just happened to do just that, right? You just happened to have to pee and just happened to go in the exact spot you had called LE about 4 months previous? And you just happened to find exactly what you found 4 months prior, which LE could not? I see. Does that sound logical to you? You are just a concerned citizen, correct? Uh huh. And, you were charged with kidnapping in the past, true?"

Why could he and/or LE have not kicked the bag in August?

There's far too much malarkey in his story to reasonably compute. It smells like a garbage dump. I didn't buy it before and I certainly would not now.
well, he was a bounty hunter at one time and those guys are not "afraid" of LE, they work with them alot and he should have been quite comfortable talking and working with LE. BH's are tough people, I can't picture him being embarrassed by looking with LE for the bag, even if they found nothing. I think he knew the bag was there somewhere but the plan was to have LE to find it with him, not find it by himself, until he finally realized they were never going to find it and time was really running out.

When I first heard the story about his finding the bag, I immediately thought it was hinky, and as more and more of his story came out, I really felt stronger and stronger about it. I mean, how many times would somebody go out to look in the same place for that bag , and then just keep walking away. Personally, it would bother me so much I would have to go back the next day, not months later. I mean, a child's body is decomposing out there and the story is all over the media. How could be have waited?
Why could he and/or LE have not kicked the bag in August?

There's far too much malarkey in his story to reasonably compute. It smells like a garbage dump. I didn't buy it before and I certainly would not now.

Two reasons:
One, before LE was notified, he would not have wanted to disturb or be in any way connected to what could be a body of a child. (After LE was notified 3 times by him and discounted his reports, he felt safer touching the obejct without fear of being connected with potential evidence. The inital excitement was gone and the fear of distrubing something LE may take serious was gone). Two, LE, in August, according to Kronk, did a quick scan of the area and did not see any bag, or discounted it. So, LE did not disturb what it did not find. I stated in a previous post why I feel Kronk did not drag LE to the bag.
Because LE dismissed his tip as nonsense. They were not about to spend the kind of money it takes to don suits, get equipment and hire an expert to search for "a white obejct" and "a bag" found by a meter reader in an area already searched and cleared by LE.

I have to be honest I have a life and my own problems so I really dont remember the specifics of the first searches. Also I have read about a million things about this case since Caylee went missing.
If indeed this area was searched and cleared by Le, those officers need a refresher course. Unless it was underwater at the time Le searched it,then as soon as water went down they should have done another search. When a parent kills a child they usually are close to home.
Yes. This guy deserves to be gutted on the witness stand.

His 911 calls say it all, Wudge! He saw something suspicous, called 3x, LE didn't take it seriously enough. It's the same story in city after city, too. LE doesn't take things seriously enough. But that's for another thread. RK's story holds water to me (no pun intended), every aspect of it. I only question why he waited until 9:30 p.m. to make the calls. I would have called right away.
Two reasons:
One, before LE was notified, he would not have wanted to disturb or be in any way connected to what could be a body of a child. (After LE was notified 3 times by him and discounted his reports, he felt safer touching the obejct without fear of being connected with potential evidence. The inital excitement was gone and the fear of distrubing something LE may take serious was gone). Two, LE, in August, according to Kronk, did a quick scan of the area and did not see any bag, or discounted it. So, LE did not disturb what it did not find. I stated in a previous post why I feel Kronk did not drag LE to the bag.

Allegedly, he said the bag was white in August. Allegedly, the bag was underwater in August. Allegedly, he saw a six foot diamondback rattler there on August 11th, yet this former bounty hunter/bondsman failed to tell LE about it. Thus, knowingly putting LE in harm's way.

I'll wait for what's been said to be corroborated, but as time passes, so does the number of key questions the defense will use to melt him down on the witness stand.
this is exactly what i think word for word.
So I guess you believe he went into the woods to relieve himself? The same woods he was afraid to venture into because of a dead snake he had seen. I have no problem with Mr. K, but be totally honest. He shouldn't be embarassed about sleuthing on his own. One thing that did bother me, though, there was no need for him to tell a national tv audience that LE was rude to him. IMO, it just wasn't necessary. Can you imagine how many people were calling and writing to LE? We should take a poll of the people here who did...then multiply it by a gazillion. He knew he'd be scrutinized. That would be true for anyone. JMHO
His 911 calls say it all, Wudge! He saw something suspicous, called 3x, LE didn't take it seriously enough. It's the same story in city after city, too. LE doesn't take things seriously enough. But that's for another thread. RK's story holds water to me (no pun intended), every aspect of it. I only question why he waited until 9:30 p.m. to make the calls. I would have called right away.[/QUOTE

The only part I can not understand is why he did not contact Yuri. If it was me and no one took me serious thats what I would have done. I would have been very insisted the first time. I think thats why so many people are having a hard time believing him.I think the more times you call in about the same thing no one in Le would take you serious. Maybe I am just a pain in the butt who knows but if the police did not take me serious I would have called the media. I am sure some one would have come down and met me there to film the finding of Caylee.
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