Kronk suing LP

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At the end of the cross exam of the son, after he had already admitted that he did not know the date of the conversation, LDB asked him the specifics of the conversation as he remembered it. The details he gave were the EXACT things Roy Kronk had recounted as what he said to the son on December 11th.
As in "You are going to see me on TV"
IMO the son was remembering the conversation correctly. It is just a matter of when it took place.
"You are going to see me on TV"
IMO the son was remembering the conversation correctly. It is just a matter of when it took place.

He said "You are going to see me on TV" or "Watch for me on TV" in November. What he meant was that whenever he decided to call the police he would then appear on TV because he would be the famous Caylee finder. He was letting Brandon know that at a future date he would be on TV. That date came on December 11th.

Kronk essentially had the ability to choose the date when he would "officially" discover Caylee and call 911.
Glad to hear it's more then 15k.

Something I realized a few days after the verdict and maybe I misunderstood. In the closing, Jeff Ashton admitted RK perjured himself, didn't he?

He said Roy makes up stories to make himself look better to his son. RK said definitively that the call to his son was after Caylee was found. His son said November, Is the state saying he was lying about that? At the very least, the jury got that Roy or his son was lying which murks things up.

LP was on Dr Drew, I think it was, a few days before the verdict throwing out his the cops leaked to RK where the body was.

When Kronks son testified, I took it that even if he wasn't mistaken about the Nov date, that Kronk really had found the skull in August 3 times.
If you think about it that way, Kronk wasn't caught in this twisted story. He had found the skull by the time he talked to his son in Nov.
If this is the son who's mother is the bitter exwife, I don't believe him at all.
I'm sure she poisoned her sons mind against his father.

People seem to forget that Kronk didn't even want to be involved at all in this mess. He reported the skull in August 2 times at his home so he wouldn't have to give his name. Finally the third time he was fed up.
When Kronks son testified, I took it that even if he wasn't mistaken about the Nov date, that Kronk really had found the skull in August 3 times.
If you think about it that way, Kronk wasn't caught in this twisted story. He had found the skull by the time he talked to his son in Nov.
If this is the son who's mother is the bitter exwife, I don't believe him at all.
I'm sure she poisoned her sons mind against his father.

Plus his recollection, he admitted, was based on information from his wife and mother. I think if RK knew it was there in November he would have been there searching and called LE right then and not waited until December. He would not have risked someone else finding it if all he wanted to be was a hero. So I take it with a grain of salt. jmo
This does elevate the credibility of RK since he would not sue LP in this manner if there was any truth to LP's claims of a daisy chain or tip off. Why open pandora's box if it could backfire? So it seems to sunstantiate RK's role.

RD did mention RK's girlfriend in jail and that she had transferred jobs, on Dr Drew and that was the first I heard to support the theory but I doubt the connection is legit if RK is suing else it would all come out.
Plus his recollection, he admitted, was based on information from his wife and mother. So take it with a grain of salt. jmo

Ashton didn't take it with a grain of salt. He told the jury that Brandon was right.
Here is the thing.

Kronk found Caylee and he broke no laws in finding her.

Lenny got on tv many times and defamed Kronk and left out the part where he qualified his statements with "this is just my fantasy to get me on tv"

He stated many times Kronk was part of a grand conspiracy.

LP was just p*ssed that it was not LP that found Caylee.
GOOD!!!!! LP deserves this and then some for the daisy chain BS he was spruiking all over the media. Go at 'em Roy....good luck to you buddy!
I think he should sue Jose Baez for saying he is a"morally bankrupt individual".

you know what.. you are exactly correct. Kronk was made out to be the villian in this by JB. I didnt know in opening statements who they were going to pin this on Kronk or George Anthony.

Kronk should file a law suit against JB in specific.
I must admit, I like Padilla. Kronk probably does have a valid reason to sue, but Padilla has so much money, I doubt it's going to hurt him much.
He said "You are going to see me on TV" or "Watch for me on TV" in November. What he meant was that whenever he decided to call the police he would then appear on TV because he would be the famous Caylee finder. He was letting Brandon know that at a future date he would be on TV. That date came on December 11th.

Kronk essentially had the ability to choose the date when he would "officially" discover Caylee and call 911.

Well,that couldn't be true . How would Kronk know that no one else would find her? He didn't own the property . Shoot,for all he knew the owners might have been ready to clear the lot and begin building a home there.

Between Aug 11 and Dec there were thousands of people looking for Caylee's body .There's no way he could assume that he would be only one looking in that area ,especially since he called attention to it twice before.

ETA: Animals ! Especially dogs,might have taken any of the bones at any time between Aug and DEC.
If Kronk knew for sure that Caylee was there I just don't think he would risk leaving her there for so long,if he was planning to gain something by finding her. And the weather left that area under water which would have made leaving the skull and bones there very risky if he a plan.
Plus his recollection, he admitted, was based on information from his wife and mother. I think if RK knew it was there in November he would have been there searching and called LE right then and not waited until December. He would not have risked someone else finding it if all he wanted to be was a hero. So I take it with a grain of salt. jmo

I am trying to remember if the area was still under water in November, I thought it was. I think that Kronk thought that maybe he found Caylee in August but was definitely not 100% sure. You do not get in a wooded swamp with a couple of feet of water in FLA with regular clothes unless you are suicidal. Too many poisonous creatures.
I also thought that in December , he had that meter route again.
I wish him the best of luck with his law suit against LP the entertainer who wanted to find Caylee in the worst way. Kronk destroyed that and LP came up with his daisy chain, partially out of spite IMO..
I never found Kronk suspicious, a little bit odd but then I find many folks a little bit odd.. me included.
This does elevate the credibility of RK since he would not sue LP in this manner if there was any truth to LP's claims of a daisy chain or tip off. Why open pandora's box if it could backfire? So it seems to sunstantiate RK's role.

RD did mention RK's girlfriend in jail and that she had transferred jobs, on Dr Drew and that was the first I heard to support the theory but I doubt the connection is legit if RK is suing else it would all come out.

And LP is still talking about it on National TV :maddening:
Plus his recollection, he admitted, was based on information from his wife and mother. I think if RK knew it was there in November he would have been there searching and called LE right then and not waited until December. He would not have risked someone else finding it if all he wanted to be was a hero. So I take it with a grain of salt. jmo

I seem to remember (and I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time or the last) the son being asked how long after this conversation with his dad did he see him on tv and he said it was the next day or so. So if I am remembering correctly, that would have put the call in December after Kronk found Caylee. There was also a rather long list of phone calls that the prosecutor showed him and he couldn't say which call it was because they did apparently talk on a regular basis. The son just didn't come off as credible to me because of the influence of his mother.
Poor man has been dragged thru the mud all because he find a dead little girl .

I will never understand why George and Cindy weren't looking in that area themselves .
We have all scene the Ariel views and it's the only wooded area around ...the logical place to look .
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