Kronk suing LP

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ITA And when I first saw LP on TV I thought he was part of one of those tacky reality tv shows the ones where they repo cars or that dog bounty show ick.

IMO that has been his goal all along...
I seem to remember (and I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time or the last) the son being asked how long after this conversation with his dad did he see him on tv and he said it was the next day or so. So if I am remembering correctly, that would have put the call in December after Kronk found Caylee. There was also a rather long list of phone calls that the prosecutor showed him and he couldn't say which call it was because they did apparently talk on a regular basis. The son just didn't come off as credible to me because of the influence of his mother.

You have to ask yourself...

If Brandon got it wrong - why would Ashton tell the jury that he got it right?

Ashton had the opportunity to say that Brandon was obviously confused or maybe even lying, but instead he told the jury the exact opposite.
Ya know LP ticked my funny bone. I didn't believe a word he said but he made me laugh. But I think Roy Kronk should sue him and I also believe he hurt this case in many ways.

Not only that, but I could never take the dude in the big black hat seriously ;) His ever-changing theories began to sound like a cheap paperback mystery by an amateur author.
I can't speak for others but Kronk is not just a "regular people" like me. If I was more than 99% sure that I had seen a skull in a trash dump swamp only two blocks from the Anthony house and had Deputy Cain blow it off I would have acted very differently. I would have quickly called OCSO again and asked to send out another officer. I would have told them that what I saw looks exactly like a skull. I would have explained that the skull was in water and that they would need to bring whatever gear necessary to check it out. I wouldn't have waited 4 more months to go look at that skull again.

No, Kronk isn't like me at all. Not. One. Bit.

BBM - I agree, but I have to wonder if what he experienced in the past (kidnapping charge) played a part in not following up sooner. Did he figure "Well, if I found this someone else will too?" or "Surely a higher up will hear about Dep Cain and follow up!" When this didn't happen and the water receded, he went back and sure enough he saw what he thought he had seen. (Maybe he tried to convince himself he was wrong during that time?)

Regardless he found Caylee down the street from MCA's home, when no one else did (including the LEO he spoke to). He did not deserve to be dragged through the Anthony mud or tied to a daisy chain. That was just wrong on LP's part, as was saying LA/GA was Caylee's father and would be proved by the FBI docs....

I liked LP early on, wanting to get ICA a meal and a pedicure to get her to open up but he himself proved me wrong....
$15,000 isn't nearly enough. I'd love to see this depo. Maybe we'll find out once and for all exactly what LP''s involvement was with JB.

"Thank you" wasn't enough!
Yes, he did. And he made the first calls from home, late in the evening. If you thought you saw a skull in a swamp, would you wait until you got home at almost bedtime to call LE? He called 3 days in a row, but then waited 4 months to call them again. What is wrong with that picture? From the day Caylee's remains were found and Kronk went on t.v., I said there was something really odd about the whole thing. It just seemed to be too coordinated, IMO.

LP might be a big talker who loves publicity, and a lot of folks may not like him, but one thing he is not, is a fool, nor is he stupid. Not everything he spouted off about was wrong, some of it is pretty close to being accurate. LP says Kronk was set up by LE because they dropped the ball in Aug. and didn't want to look like fools for not checking it out properly.

Kronk's girlfriend worked at the jail, he did not just happen upon Caylee's remains.... he knew where they were. He looked in the wrong place the first time and didn't find them. Once he was told the correct place, he went right to them. And then he was told to keep quiet about calling the first 3 times, but it was leaked anyway. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
It's been said time and again that RK's gf worked at the jail. Has there been any proof that this was the case? I would think this would have been asked at his depo. If anyone remembers when it was found to be true, can someone please post a link? TIA
"Thank you" wasn't enough!
Now that we know for certain that Baez had "plants" all over social media, would it surprise anyone that LP was sent out to do a job (in more ways than one)?
I agree with others I can see why Kronk is suing LP. I sort of like LP and his team. But I hated how he went on NG several times to talk about the daisy chain.
You have to ask yourself...

If Brandon got it wrong - why would Ashton tell the jury that he got it right?

Ashton had the opportunity to say that Brandon was obviously confused or maybe even lying, but instead he told the jury the exact opposite.
I don't remember it that way...I saw it as Ashton plugging a hole. And when Roy WAS telling the story of what he did when he came upon the skull there were different versions...hence the word "embellishment". I don't think the problem was when he made the call to his son...I think the problem was how he handled (or as the DT could claim, tampered with) the evidence. If Ashton wanted to deflect attention away from the "stories"...more power to him!
I agree with others I can see why Kronk is suing LP. I sort of like LP and his team. But I hated how he went on NG several times to talk about the daisy chain.
"Several" is being kind. oxoxox
I don't remember it that way...I saw it as Ashton plugging a hole. And when Roy WAS telling the story of what he did when he came upon the skull there were different versions...hence the word "embellishment". I don't think the problem was when he made the call to his son...I think the problem was how he handled (or as the DT could claim, tampered with) the evidence. If Ashton wanted to deflect attention away from the "stories"...more power to him!

I agree 100% RR..I heard Ashton say only that Roy's story about lifting the bag, and skull rolling out as the "Embellishment"..Never heard JA say or agree with Roy's son recollections ( Mommy's telling him about Nov Convo)..I think LDB cleared that up quite nicely...the Convo was Dec 11th, Not Nov '08!!

I would also like to remind those who seem to have forgotton, but the LE that responded to Kronk's calls were told that this area had already been cleared..when in fact it hadnt due to flooding conditions..

Roy deserves to get something from LP!!! LP is nothing but a "Publicity Hound" who craves attention and acknowledgement..Hope Lenny gets his wallet emptied! :loser:
I don't remember it that way...I saw it as Ashton plugging a hole. And when Roy WAS telling the story of what he did when he came upon the skull there were different versions...hence the word "embellishment". I don't think the problem was when he made the call to his son...I think the problem was how he handled (or as the DT could claim, tampered with) the evidence. If Ashton wanted to deflect attention away from the "stories"...more power to him!

It shouldn't really surprise anyone that Roy would call his son in November and tell him that he had found human remains and that he would eventually end up on TV. Kronk had already told his coworkers and girlfriend that he saw a skull, and this was back in August. Why wouldn't he tell this to his son also? He told OCSO that he was 99.999% certain that it was a skull, and he had developed that certainty back in August.

I think the resistance to this isn't based on it not being, or on it not likely to be true, but rather on the repugnance of the realization of what it means. Kronk knew he had found dead Caylee and yet he sat on that knowledge for months. He even told people about it. That idea is so awful that people want to push it away.
Umm.... Roy? LP has been dragging your name through the mud for 3 years... ruining your life...

You're only asking for 15k? Maybe I've seen too many lawsuits on tv but that sounds seriously low.

its possible that he's trying to show that this isn't about filing a lawsuit to get rich but one that is more about clearing his name and setting the "records straight"
It shouldn't really surprise anyone that Roy would call his son in November and tell him that he had found human remains and that he would eventually end up on TV. Kronk had already told his coworkers and girlfriend that he saw a skull, and this was back in August. Why wouldn't he tell this to his son also? He told OCSO that he was 99.999% certain that it was a skull, and he had developed that certainty back in August.

I think the resistance to this isn't based on it not being, or on it not likely to be true, but rather on the repugnance of the realization of what it means. Kronk knew he had found dead Caylee and yet he sat on that knowledge for months. He even told people about it. That idea is so awful that people want to push it away.
I heart you HD, but Roy didn't kill Caylee. That's where any of my repugnance lies...with the assumption that he is in any way responsible. Hindsight is always the best sight. JMHO
It was right there in the closing arguments. I was stunned to hear it.

Had a hard time finding a written report about JA's closings regarding Roy Kronk..but this is one...hummm? dont see anything about Roy's November dates suggested by Roy's son at all...

Jeff Ashton’s Rebuttal

Roy Kronk
As for Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found the remains, the prosecutor said that Roy “likes to spin a good yarn,” but he is not someone who would “take a little girl’s skull home and play with it.”

The Defense accused Mr. Kronk of finding Caylee’s remains in August of 2008, taking the remains home, possibly putting the duct tape on the skull and mandible, and then returning the remains to the woods a few months later, in December.

The prosecutor, Jeff Ashton, sarcastically addressed the accusations by asking, “so they both have this rare duct tape” even though Mr. Kronk has never been to the Anthony home and does not know George Anthony; he finds the remains, takes them home – instead of claiming his reward right away – hangs on to the remains for four months, puts the rare duct tape on the skull and mandible, and returns them to the woods. [The Defense never answered 'why' Roy Kronk would do this. However, that is just one of the Defense's theories as to how the remains and the duct tape got there, the other is that George Anthony put the duct tape on and disposed of his granddaughter's remains.]

The prosecutor further argued that the groupings of the various bones throughout the scene showed how the body was disarticulated, the vertebrae was found feet away from where the skull and mandible were found, the ribs and hips were found away from the skull and the vertebrae. The locations where the bones were found, along with the chew marks found on many of the bones, were indicative of the remains being torn apart and scattered by animals that chewed on them. [And this would only have happened while the remains still had flesh for the animals to be interested. It seems impossible for Roy Kronk to have found the remains, taken them home, and returned the bones in those conditions and locations.]

Jeff Ashton pointed to a photo of the skull at the scene, “a scene staged by Mother Nature herself,” that shows the skull surrounded by the hair all around the skull, vines growing over everything, roots growing through everything, clearly not possible if the remains had been taken away.

Maybe you could so kind to post a link where JA actually suggested Roy Kronk lied about his knowledgebase, dates calling his son in Nov 2008 suggesting he was going to be rich, famous and on TV....:waitasec:
Had a hard time finding a written report about JA's closings regarding Roy Kronk..but this is one...hummm? dont see anything about Roy's November dates suggested by Roy's son at all...

Snip for brevity.

...Maybe you could so kind to post a link where JA actually suggested Roy Kronk lied about his knowledgebase, dates calling his son in Nov 2008 suggesting he was going to be rich, famous and on TV....:waitasec:

What you posted is not a transcript of the closing arguments. I'll see if I can find one. Maybe you could look too.
It's really quite extraordinary that the prosecution did not call as a witness the man who found Caylee. They had reasons for that. He wasn't credible and Ashton said that in the closing arguments (embellisher who spins yarns).
I originally posted this in another Thread. :websleuther: Consider this:

What if the story LP told about the jail guards listening in on the phone conversation between CA and JB was really true.

That could mean that RK really was sent to the lot using clues he got through his girlfriend, who got the info from the guards. The truth of the matter could be exposed through depositions or one of the guards taking a plea deal. The date of the phone call is on record. That would mean that as of that date JB knew that Caylee was dead and where she was dumped. If after that call JB continued with the charade about the 'missing' Caylee I imagine he could be charged with Obstruction Of Justice, Concealing A Body and all sorts of things.
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