GUILTY KS - Dakota DeRemus, 16, dies after altercation, Gardner, 4 Feb 2008

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Oooh, thats so sad... and really, really frightening, that people are saying they are pleased he is dead.
I take it back then, reading that it was widely known he had a heart condition. I hope the Prosecutor learns of this, and decides to try for stiffer charges. My prayers go out to the family and all who loved Dakota. :(
ok i just had to say i just woke up (523 am blahh) because im really sick...but the little that i was able to sleep....for some reason i had a nightmare about this case! I dont know why it affected me so much...but it seriously breaks my heart.
I really can't stand the kids today. Really I can't. And the parents, grrrrrr. I have been running across more and more parents who have the attitude "not my child." Really makes me sick. I'm NOT blaming this bully's parents (yet) BUT one has to wonder how he was allowed to bully this poor boy for 2 YEARS!!!!

My dearest MrsMush,:blowkiss:

How are you today?

I thought that you would like to read this article link below;

Parts of it;
Meiries said her son was bulled at Gardner Edgerton High School and that she had told the school about it. She said she's upset it didn't do more to prevent the bullying.

"I went to the school, I was on the phone with the school, I was up at the school every week," Meiries said. "Give me some answers. Somebody stand up for him -- that's what I'm asking for."

During Howard's court hearing Wednesday, Scott DeRemus, Dakota's father, yelled at Howard's mother and stepfather: "Two years! Two years your son has been bullying my son."

"I want to know why the bullying was allowed to keep going on," Meiries said.

Also on the link is this;

Scott DeRemus was detained by police after his courtroom outburst. He told KMBC he is considering legal action against the sheriff's department and that its members used excessive force on him.

A representative with the sheriff's department said it is are filing a report with the district attorney to see if Scott DeRemus should be charged with disorderly conduct.

I truly hope that Dakota's father is not charged.

I am just sick to my stomach about the death of Dakota.

I hope that the media keeps us informed about the progress of the investigation into the inaction of the school.

This is just horrible what that poor child had to endure. I can't believe people are happy he is dead and don't think this abusive little punk should be punished. Who are raising people like this? This is truly scary!
From one of the articles:

Neighbors found the 16-year-old alone on the ground. Authorities say at least four other teens witnessed the fight -- one of them even recorded it on his cell phone -- but they ran off when DeRemus collapsed.

DeRemus' grandmother made a tearful plea Thursday, asking for the Johnson County district attorney's office to charge those who watched the fight and fled. No others have been charged.

Some witnesses told police they saw Howard try to help DeRemus by pumping his chest and throwing cold water on his face.

In my opinion, this makes it even worse. They abandoned him KNOWING that there was something seriously wrong ... even attempting revive him. Since they had a cell phone, they could have called 911 and gotten him help. Yet the bunch of chicken-$hit cowards ran away.
I am disgusted by the entire story..
I agree with Mushy in that everyone seems to have the "not my child" syndrome.

If it was one of my children bullying another?? It would be a looooong time before they left their rooms or had their cell phones or computers. It would not be beneath me to take away their favorite clothes either. I would let them go to school in something not so flattering.
Of course that would not be required as a parent I taught my children empathy. Not everyone is as fortunate as they are.
heres just a few of the comments.....its taking me awhile to go back and find the others one because theres like a million comments i have to read!






I'll get the rest here in a little bit.
Kansas, i hope you are feeling better, thank you for linking us to some of the comments. These kids show no remorse or sympathy whatsoever. They're cold.
I really hope they charge Dustin as an adult and with murder, it's obvious everyone knew Dakota had a heart condition. The poor guy was picked on because of that and he just wanted to stand up for himself since the school seemed to do nothing about it. Picked on for 2 years is ridiculous and there is no excuse for nothing having been done.
The other kids involved including the one with the cell phone need to be charged as accessories to murder. If they had called an ambulance maybe they could have saved him. They tried to revive him by pushing on his chest and throwing water in his face. Sounds like a half a$$ed attempt if at all. Their cruelness is unbelievable.
I don't understand how some of these kids are blaming Dakota for fighting with a heart condition. They should be blaming those for were willing to fight him and picked on him for having a heart condition. These kids act like little sociopaths, it's disgusting.
i know its insane how some are reacting to this. I even saw one comment last night (cant find it now) that said something like "FREE DUSTIN!!! HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS!!" i just cant believe it.

(thanks...i tried to PM you back last night but your inbox is full!)
i know its insane how some are reacting to this. I even saw one comment last night (cant find it now) that said something like "FREE DUSTIN!!! HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS!!" i just cant believe it.

(thanks...i tried to PM you back last night but your inbox is full!)

Sorry about that, i just realized it this morning and emptied some out.
It is unbelievable how these kids are reacting and supporting the killer and blaming the victim. It seems those in Dustin's peer "social group" are supporting him and blaming Dakota. It would be interesting if they find those not in his group and what they are saying about this. Possibly there are other victims of Dustin's bullying.
this is so sad :(
Dakota probably was sick of people picking on him and that's why he fought. Those other kids should've called 911. How sick to sit there and video tape a fight! I realize the tape will help with a conviction but still! People amaze me at how cold and mean they can be. Why? Why? What satisfaction does it bring them to be so mean?
this is so sad :(
Dakota probably was sick of people picking on him and that's why he fought. Those other kids should've called 911. How sick to sit there and video tape a fight! I realize the tape will help with a conviction but still! People amaze me at how cold and mean they can be. Why? Why? What satisfaction does it bring them to be so mean?

It is sad ... and pathetic! What is it with so many young people? This propensity for violence and the acceptance of it as normal? As a society how can we change what is happening? I have been at a total loss for the past several years ...
I remember my High School days, my fellow students were brutal. Some of them grew out of being brutes, but from what I saw at the class re-union several years ago, I think some of them are still thugs. I was verbally abused as a student, all through school. Later it went past taunts to random gropings, sexual innuendo, and outright threats to seriously harm/kill me. I've been Dakota. I didn't fight as much as he did, I was...sneakier about trying to combat it.

I found the teachers who could see it for what it was, and in class I'd walk up with my book and notebook to "ask a question". But what everyone else in the class didn't know was I'd written the teacher a note telling them to pretend that I was asking about the assignment, then going on to explain how so-and-so was trying to cut my purse strap with his pen-knife, and to watch for it. This particular teacher would gladly then look to catch them at it.

A few times it did come to fisticuffs, once I used elbow blows (sharp, sweeping moves throwing all my weight into the blow) to knock the fellow down and was about to send all my weight onto his groin and proceed to make ground meat out of his face, when other students words stopped me and all the anger drained out of me. (They said "It wasn't him, it was <girl's name> that pushed you!" He was the closest to me, and he was a tormentor of mine, sexually, and he was smirking at me like he'd done it.) It was Choir practice on the stage/risers, the teacher was called to the office or something, and I was standing on the stagelight cover. Someone came up behind me and *PUSHED* me hard. I flew off the stage, and by a matter of inches was saved from serious injury or death. A few inches to the left and I'd have fallen down in-between the risers and the stage, hitting the back of my head (the part where it is easy to die if you get hit there) on the metal/concrete stage apron. Had I not managed to catch myself and land on my feet, I'd have fallen down the risers to the concrete floor and probably at least broken an ankle. An *advertiser censored*-whupping was called for I think. ETA2: The teacher came back, and I confessed to what happened. I don't know if he reported it or not, but he did have a talk with people.

In Art class my Junior year, my projects always seemed to go missing, or things like moustaches would appear on my paintings. I got beaten black and blue daily with metal meter sticks, and had a student threaten to feed my hair into the pug mill "so my face would look better". A pug mill is basically a meat grinder type device for processing clay. That would very probably have been fatal. I didn't dare bend over the clay barrel if it was mostly empty without tipping the barrel and watching where the Jocks were. I ended up fighting that particular Jock the next year, (who threatened to put my hair in the pug mill) but I was pushed to the absolute breaking point. That was fights on the school ground, for which I wasn't punished, because they found I was defending myself.

ETA: The art teacher that year favored jocks, and didn't like me much and it showed. He "never saw" when I was getting beaten. I mean just that, I'd go to him to tell him I was being beaten, and he'd look me in the eye while smirking and say "I didn't see anything." The principal was rather ineffectual, and his methods of dealing with the bullying just earned more sly, behind the back paybacks later. Oh, and the schoolboard liked money. "Telling" to anyone above a sympathetic teacher didn't help. But the teachers did go to bat for me, and saw to it that I didn't get punished for fighting when I finally did snap. I would never have done a Columbine situation though. That wasn't in me to do. Would I have kicked them if they were laying on the ground after being hit in the 'nads? Maybe, some of them. But not in the head, probably in the crotch again, or somewhere like some of the tender spots on the backside/hip area where they might be limping for a while. ETA: The art teacher my Senior Year went to the office herself and went to bat for me. She said "I am going to make sure they don't suspend you for this, if they try I will quit!" This was when I finally snapped and went into combat mode on the Jock who had threatened to essentially kill me/scalp me the previous year.
Off the school grounds I had a fight or two with my chief female tormentor. Once, she had the nerve to come into my parents' yard and call my mother a b*. Then, she had the nerve to come back after the scuffle and complain because she had lost some hair and she'd just paid to have a perm done. (Waa waa...) I had been told her fighting methods. She always brought two friends to a fight, and they'd join in if she started losing. So, I'd knock down the friends, stun them, get her by the back of her hair/force her to bend over and slam her forehead into my knee or thump her high on the back of her head. (The goal being to take away her desire to fight me more than hurt her.) When the friends were getting up, I'd stun them again, whirl back to her, get her by the hair again, and hold her trying to take the fight outta her. If she struggled too much, I'd thump her again. Eventually they gave up. I had the advantages of being more agile, faster at thinking, and shorter than her. I was an easy target, I was the poorest kid in my class at the least, and got sick a lot. I also wasn't stupid, but not driven enough to do the straight 4.0 uberstudent scenario. (Honestly I know I shoulda put in more effort in school, even in the classes where I knew I was getting ripped off because the course decription failed to reveal that World Cultures was just "read the newspaper and write five synopsis' of world news".)

This was back in the late 80s, early 90s that I went through this, and the violence in schools hasn't gotten any better. When will the schools begin to see that allowing the bullying environment is hurting our whole society? This has to end!
{{{{KAT}}}} I am so sorry for what you endured. I agree with you that bullying must end.
this is so sad :(
Dakota probably was sick of people picking on him and that's why he fought. Those other kids should've called 911. ....?

Ditto. :clap:
What is this world coming too?
Do these teenagers think life is a video game? I am appalled at their actions. :mad: :furious:
Kat, I went through it in the late '60's/ early 70's. 4th,5th, and 6th grade were a nightmare for me because I was the second shortest female, and I developed early. Some boys decided they didn't want to have to sit by me in class, and that's what started the name calling. My mother knew about it, but didn't do much. For 3 years, my life was hell. The boys were the main bullies, but some girls wanted to be popular with the boys and would pick on me too. Usually it happened at recess, so the teachers weren't around. In sixth grade, I was pushed into a fight and they formed a ring so I couldn't escape. I wasn't taught how to fight, so I did the only thing I knew to do- I dug my nails into her as hard as I could. I drew blood, and apparently some respect. I hid the rest of the day, out of fear, and shame. Fortunately, that crowd had no respect in Junior High, because nobody knew them, but some pranks were still pulled on me in high school, like when we were dissecting baby pigs in Biology, a pigs head ended up in one of my bags. Also, they voted me for a class calender picture thinking it would turn out badly, but I think I took a pretty classy and sexy shot!
My other revenge, was that at my last high school reunion, one of the boys who started my torment, has matured, he voluntarily walked up to me and said "Hello"! I was shocked- I about fell over!
KatK, your high school days sound like mine, although mine weren't as severe. We were lucky enough to have an art teacher who provided the art room as a sanctuary for any and all those who didn't fit in at the school; and they ate there instead of the cafeteria. That teacher was a blessing, whether she knew is or not. It usually seems to be a pattern of 'jocks' picking on nonjocks who are considered weaker, freaks, etc.
I've gotten into fights when i was in school (middle & high school) to defend myself and it worked effectively. Although in the case of Dakota, he had a heart condition and no one should have been fighting him or picking on him because of that. That's just sick, i can't wrap my mind around why someone would do something like that.
Also in my day we never had to worry about any of these school shootings and all of that.
We can only hope for more art teachers to turn their classrooms into sanctuaries for tormented students. That way they can escape from the abuse they have to face daily, hopefully preventing tick time bombs from going off.
i know its insane how some are reacting to this. I even saw one comment last night (cant find it now) that said something like "FREE DUSTIN!!! HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS!!" i just cant believe it.

KC, I just wanted to thank you for linking those comments. I know it took a lot of your time.

It so shocking how so many of these kids just don't get it. I don't believe that Dustin intended to kill Dakota, but that was the consequence of his actions. It's not even clear from the news reports that Dakota died of his heart condition, just that an autopsy confirmed he had one. Regardless, after this "fight" they knew something was seriously wrong with Dakota and fled rather than call 911.

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