Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #13 *Arrest*

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I haven’t seen journalists given a ‘hard time’
I’ve seen le spokespeople saying they have no updates or they can’t disclose xyz info.
The fbi hasn’t given a single update that I’ve seen - just WPD reporting they were involved.
If LE released too much info - and who is to say how much is too much?- the potential jury pool could be contaminated with prejudgements based on that info.

I’m not here to defend LE or line out best practices. I’m here to offer help on locating Lucas. I’m not sure this line of discussion is helping further that so this will be the last I say on this subject.

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We appreciate you Scarlett! :hugs:

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I haven’t seen journalists given a ‘hard time’
I’ve seen le spokespeople saying they have no updates or they can’t disclose xyz info.
The fbi hasn’t given a single update that I’ve seen - just WPD reporting they were involved.
If LE released too much info - and who is to say how much is too much?- the potential jury pool could be contaminated with prejudgements based on that info.

I’m not here to defend LE or line out best practices. I’m here to offer help on locating Lucas. I’m not sure this line of discussion is helping further that so this will be the last I say on this subject.

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Smaller communities in Kansas have difficulties seating juries, but Wichita is has enough of a population base to seat a jury without too many biases. The information the public desires is more about finding Lucas than about prosecuting anyone. In fact, other than the expected disgust that someone would harm a child, I had not heard anything about prosecution in this case until I read your comments, here on this forum. That's rather curious.

A few journalists have been brushed off by law enforcement about this case, and about other cases.
Will the official FB page be allowed to be linked here? If not, someone please kindly lead me to it once it is up and running! I appreciate every one of you!

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If the new FB page is approved by the family and is an open public FB page, then it will be allowed to be linked here.
Smaller communities in Kansas have difficulties seating juries, but Wichita is has enough of a population base to seat a jury without too many biases. The information the public desires is more about finding Lucas than about prosecuting anyone. In fact, other than the expected disgust that someone would harm a child, I had not heard anything about prosecution in this case until I read your comments, here on this forum. That's rather curious.

A few journalists have been brushed off by law enforcement about this case, and about other cases.

If my comments are the only ones you’ve seen regarding possible prosecution of this case then you haven’t read any of the threads thoroughly. There have been many discussions about prosecution, possible charges, current charges, etc
Brushed off? As I said above journalists had been told there were no updates. Or they couldn’t disclose certain information. I guess if you consider that brushing off...

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I think we all LE included want Lucas brought home and to receive a proper burial. I will speak only for myself I Want justice for Lucas so that the person or persons that hurt him feel the full force of the law. This type of crime against our helpless children has to stop.
I wonder if LE will hold off on giving out any additional info until at least 4/16 when EG goes back to court....? Or someone bonds her out? Given that they held off on endangerment charges for Lucas at this stage, I would bet it would be to LE advantage to continue receiving and investigating tips, building as much as they can of a case against EG, and showing their hand only when they're ready or it becomes necessary.

I know we all have questions, but like CndyM mentioned, they have to be careful not to give the appearance of accusing EG of something beyond what they think they can prove right now.

We've all asked about the pings, who EG was talking to on the phone, etc. MY question is -- did EG's car look as though it had been driven on country roads in the very recent past? Were there scratches or "dust disturbances" that might indicate that brush or branches had scraped along the side? What did the tires and undercarriage reveal? Most of the searches have been in a certain direction -- does LE believe it's a waste of time to check out locations in the opposite direction based on what they know, or would it be advisable for ALL landowners within a (?? mi) radius of the home to check their property?

Questions, questions -- I say err on the side of caution (and hope) and want LE just to hold a conference asking EVERYONE to check.
Smaller communities in Kansas have difficulties seating juries, but Wichita is has enough of a population base to seat a jury without too many biases. The information the public desires is more about finding Lucas than about prosecuting anyone. In fact, other than the expected disgust that someone would harm a child, I had not heard anything about prosecution in this case until I read your comments, here on this forum. That's rather curious.

A few journalists have been brushed off by law enforcement about this case, and about other cases.

We're going to need some links for some of these statements you're making. If you are a journalist, then you will need to get verified with Tricia so that we can take your statements as fact without a link.

Most of the media reports in this case have been really poorly written, almost as if they were written by a high school journalist student. I don't think that's LE's fault; I think that's lazy reporting and editing.

As far as getting Wichita LE to investigate missing persons, they are doing more to look for Lucas than I have ever seen the police and sheriff's office do for a missing person in my city. Just look up the number of missing people threads for my city on WS. You'll probably lose count. The police here can't even find a dead missing person (Julie Mott) who was stolen from a casket in one of the largest funeral homes in my city.

I think Wichita is doing a pretty good investigation so far, considering. But I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
We're going to need some links for some of these statements you're making. If you are a journalist, then you will need to get verified with Tricia so that we can take your statements as fact without a link.

Most of the media reports in this case have been really poorly written, almost as if they were written by a high school journalist student. I don't think that's LE's fault; I think that's lazy reporting and editing.

As far as getting Wichita LE to investigate missing persons, they are doing more to look for Lucas than I have ever seen the police and sheriff's office do for a missing person in my city. Just look up the number of missing people threads for my city on WS. You'll probably lose count. The police here can't even find a dead missing person who was stolen from a casket in one of the largest funeral homes in my city.

I think Wichita is doing a pretty good investigation so far, considering. But I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

BBM -- holy cow! That is dismal.

I would have to agree with the quality of reporting--grammatical errors that indicate a false source took up a lot of board discussion space yesterday. Had the grammar been correct, there would have been no questioning the source.

Semi off-topic -- some would argue that the 24/7 news cycle coupled with social media make the scoop come first and corrections come later....? My opinion is to get it right the first time and be a trusted news source.
I think we all LE included want Lucas brought home and to receive a proper burial. I will speak only for myself I Want justice for Lucas so that the person or persons that hurt him feel the full force of the law. This type of crime against our helpless children has to stop.

I agree with you Kamm5. However, I’m still in denial. I keep hoping for a miracle.
A miracle would be wonderful. But at this point Iam not hopeful. I just know that I’m a grandma and I love the look of love in my babies eyes when they look at me. And how anybody could hurt a pure innocent child is beyond me. So yes I want justice. We need to get back to business and find him. Which is what the family wants and I know LE wants and what we want
We're going to need some links for some of these statements you're making. If you are a journalist, then you will need to get verified with Tricia so that we can take your statements as fact without a link.

Most of the media reports in this case have been really poorly written, almost as if they were written by a high school journalist student. I don't think that's LE's fault; I think that's lazy reporting and editing.

As far as getting Wichita LE to investigate missing persons, they are doing more to look for Lucas than I have ever seen the police and sheriff's office do for a missing person in my city. Just look up the number of missing people threads for my city on WS. You'll probably lose count. The police here can't even find a dead missing person (Julie Mott) who was stolen from a casket in one of the largest funeral homes in my city.

I think Wichita is doing a pretty good investigation so far, considering. But I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

Wow!!! How does that even happen? Stolen corpse out of funeral home??!! That is so morbid.
Smaller communities in Kansas have difficulties seating juries, but Wichita is has enough of a population base to seat a jury without too many biases. The information the public desires is more about finding Lucas than about prosecuting anyone. In fact, other than the expected disgust that someone would harm a child, I had not heard anything about prosecution in this case until I read your comments, here on this forum. That's rather curious.

A few journalists have been brushed off by law enforcement about this case, and about other cases.
EG has not been accused by LE of killing Lucas, and is not jailed on a charge regarding Lucas. She’s jailed for child endangerment of another of her children. I’m confused. What prosecution would you like to discuss? The investigation is ongoing. We’ve discussed charges for leaving him alone and for her abuse of Lucas, as evidenced by photos and Lucas’ own testimony to his relatives. We’d like to bring Lucas home to his family. We’ve been here for a month discussing Lucas missing; actual Web Sleuthers feet on the ground searching; discussing possible charges; and discussing Kansas laws regarding common law marriage regarding spousal privilege. And, yes, I am, we all are, disgusted, that EG was reported for repeatedly beating this child and nothing was done to remove him from the home. And now he’s gone...So we discuss.
Do you have links regarding the journalists being brushed off by law enforcement regarding this case? Thanks in advance!

Over the past week, volunteers met with the Texas search group EquuSearch and received special training. EquuSearch is the search and rescue organization that has worked on many high profile missing persons cases.

“We learned a lot. We learned what to look for. We learned what not to look for,” La Force said.

The group is now choosing to not let the public know where they are searching and they said it’s for a good reason.

“There’s a lot of bad stories that we learned with EquuSearch about, you know, bodies and evidence being moved into cleared areas after the areas were cleared. So, basically our silence leaves Lucas where he is right now so that we can find him,” Lucas search leader, Sheila Medlam said.


Over the past week, volunteers met with the Texas search group EquuSearch and received special training. EquuSearch is the search and rescue organization that has worked on many high profile missing persons cases.

“We learned a lot. We learned what to look for. We learned what not to look for,” La Force said.

The group is now choosing to not let the public know where they are searching and they said it’s for a good reason.

“There’s a lot of bad stories that we learned with EquuSearch about, you know, bodies and evidence being moved into cleared areas after the areas were cleared. So, basically our silence leaves Lucas where he is right now so that we can find him,” Lucas search leader, Sheila Medlam said.

It definitely gives credence to the fact that the remains could have been moved in this case:thinking:. Or potentially still could be. Glad they are being discreet.
Just another thing to factor in.:moo:
It definitely gives credence to the fact that the remains could have been moved in this case:thinking:. Or potentially still could be. Glad they are being discreet.
Just another thing to factor in.:moo:

But........some search areas that have previously been cleared are known.
I wonder if WPD is watching anyone
But........some search areas that have previously been cleared are known.

That's true. LE has told the public about several of the locations they have searched, including the many parks. But LE may have reasons for releasing certain location information, but not other location information. I don't know. Some areas are much more remote so maybe they think it's more likely that someone would go to those places rather than to a public park in the middle of town. I'm sure they have a reason of some kind.
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