Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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I went back, and am fairly certain it was in thread 10, but it was removed because it led to discussion about gravel roads and search areas. I specifically remember someone posting pictures and asking which road material was closer to what she was speaking to. One picture was like pea gravel, the other was more of what I would call a "dirt road."

Just thinking out loud...

Yes, that was me [emoji1]

I believe they were deleted as it’s no longer showing in my replies.

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I read everyday with **hope**. Thank you to all of you out there putting in their best efforts. I wish I were local so that I could lend a hand. I actually had a dream/nightmare about this case. As a mother, I find it horrific. As a mother, I thank all of you for what you are doing for this little boy.

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The comments section. Every comment was asking about Lucas. I'm glad he is still on everyone's mind.
Me too! And I was glad I was given an opportunity to weigh in with my words as well. :wink:
We may not be here every moment but we are strong together for Lucas.
Just got caught up on the thread today. I hate that each day goes by and still no Lucas. The longer this goes on the harder it is going to be to determine what happened to him (unless it was blunt force that caused his death) and I hate that.
I read everyday with **hope**. Thank you to all of you out there putting in their best efforts. I wish I were local so that I could lend a hand. I actually had a dream/nightmare about this case. As a mother, I find it horrific. As a mother, I thank all of you for what you are doing for this little boy.

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I know how you feel. I think so many of us far away from Wichita have experienced nightmares and persistent thoughts about this case. :heartbeat: We're only able to do what we do while we greatly admire those local who can do so much more. And we all wait for word together.
(Snipped since what she's referring to doesn't have anything to do with Lucas.)

About an hour ago I passed by the intersection of McLean and Seneca. McLean runs along the Arkansas River and Seneca crosses the river there with a bridge.

I was looking at the map to see how close that river was to EG's residence. It is not far at all. I wonder if they should do a search along that river for him and see what turns up.
Very comprehensive- all missing/endangered child sites & pages need to have the SAME info... Recent compilation with bruises lacked SO MUCH I thought oh no, not again.
Those wanting to do something from afar can rally to get these media channels the full details. Give LH context and personalize him (not questions and emojis, avoid the emotional to focus on details).

Re: 'Someone Knows Something' Mentality.

Many people know many little things- if WPD is NOT performing interviews with those LH was around daily or routines, they are failing him royally. Abuse is invisible because everyone has an idea of what it looks and sounds like- like an iceberg, they will miss it almost every time. WPD needs to diligently comb through those who last saw Lucas in 2018. I hope they are, and happy for them to take the time they need to 'hear' him now.

As a witness of a kidnapping & murder, as someone who called 911 DURING the event only for local pd to pretend it away & throw away my reports, a reward is NOT ENOUGH to come forward.
The signs are not enough to come forward.
Their face is not enough to come forward.
We have a HUGE burden and struggle to reconcile how to pass on the information we have, to where it looks like it belongs without incurring danger to our loved ones.

I tried my best and found out things that showed me clearly there is a limit to how far a witness can go before being 'thrown away' as well. Ordinary citizens cannot understand the totality of what those 'who know' experience and how little they have to stand on.
Sometimes we don't have the name, or address, or a vehicle plate, (god forbid) physical evidence, and are told to piss off because THOSE pieces make the case easy.
A neighbor or bystander at a store is not going to have the sense of urgency that something they witnesses occuring is actually a tip. And lots of attention hungry types dump fake or useless tips on detectives.

It is also expensive to secure an attorney, draw up statements, request information from the time of event, god forbid medical (yes there's a litany of debilitating side effects). Financial incentive is scarcely enough to begin to cover the costs of what these events wreak upon us. Everyone is not financially capable of taking on the massive troubles inherently tied to 'Knowing Something'.

Reward money is highly distressing when the victim & their fate is on one's mind. Complicated. Insulting. Can feel like a taunt, why isn't it immediately available for the search & loved ones?
'Reward' as bait is geared to encourage those with the least stress of mind to inquire... those who have a lot on their mind are not seeing a reward as a reason to take a day off to put themselves in the path of 'proving' what they know to be true beyond any shadow of a doubt, for many years to come. Again, one considers all who depend on them & seek anonymity, evidence that what they 'never asked for' will not come back to ite them in the *advertiser censored*, and burden those who depend on them.

To get the type of information that the WPD seems to intimate they desire, there needs to be a sense of privacy, safety, protection, partnership, understanding that the info is actually what LE are seeking and that it will not destroy one's life in the process- again those who are not in this position can't understand how the brain changes things. Just try to understand the difference.

I've seen things that would screw up most people for life, and taken it in stride- this is just life as it happens.
That one single event has done worse to me than all of it put together.

If there is Someone(s) out there who have crucial information on LH, we have to consider how to get them to realize the significance of it (not justice, sad lost kid, guilt- they know this already- but how & why a witness statement to LE in a secure format is vital).

I’m so sorry for what you have gone through. I’ve never been through anything like that, so I can’t even imagine how awful that must have been. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Your entire post has given me much to think about, especially in regard to someone coming forward with information. I’ll be reflecting on your words for a while.

Trying to remember right. Didn’t PB say Dad left for work day before Lucas went missing? Trying to locate statement to understand timeline.
I better not find him. We had 3-4" on Wednesday in Pittsburgh! Schools closed, tons of accidents. Bridgeville PD had a funny meme too. I'll have to look for the link

We must be neighbors! I’m in Hickory 😄
Yes the father left before Lucas "disappeared".
You can probably find the specific info on the links thread or someone else will have it handy. :)
I'm working on a new thread. It should be ready in about 10 minutes.
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