Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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EG told JH that JO picked up LH on VD. (Imagine someone not familiar with this thread trying to figure out the initials!). When pressed later for further details, EG was unable to give JH any details or times about the alleged Valentine’s Day visit with JO. That’s because it was a fabrication. JO did not see Lucas on Valentine’s Day. As a matter of fact, neither JO nor her side of the family new the address of where they had moved until after Luke went missing and EG texted it to a family member.

It could be that JH wanted to Facetime with the kids on VDay, and she just told him that JO picked Lucas up, so he wouldn't see bruises or so that Lucas wouldn't tell on her for "whatever".

Or Lucas was with someone else while EG had a visitor.

JMO MOO Just thoughts...
EG told JH that JO picked up LH on VD. (Imagine someone not familiar with this thread trying to figure out the initials!). When pressed later for further details, EG was unable to give JH any details or times about the alleged Valentine’s Day visit with JO. That’s because it was a fabrication. JO did not see Lucas on Valentine’s Day. As a matter of fact, neither JO nor her side of the family new the address of where they had moved until after Luke went missing and EG texted it to a family member.

So was this VD story told to JH before LH didappeared or after?
If EG was already thinking about Jamie on VD, does that suggest that El Dorado could be where EG would go if she is trying to put the blame for everything onto Jamie?

I take it that EG wouldn't have a day-to-day knowledge of Jamie's whereabouts, so is that the place she'd most associate with Jamie or are there any other locations within our target distance where she might think it would be associated with Jamie?

I just want to make sure this comment didn't get buried. I think this is something that really needs to be taken into consideration.
Just thinking out loud here. Once, my girls, when they were like 3 and 4, went with my parents on vaca. I was abused by my dad and my mom was under instruction that he never lay a hand on my girls. I remember when they called for a chat, my oldest went to tell me about what grandpa did to katie (he spanked her til she peed her pants, which i vividly remeber as a child, and katie never peed) my mom quickly grabbed the phone from her trying to make excuses. I wonder if it was something like that, but once the cats out of the bag, there is no going back.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
I can’t argue that point with you here. Just suffice it to say I have seen people make mistakes about everything. Take a witness to an accident. Three witnesses have three differing versions. None are lying but view it from three different perspectives. When trying to determine the truth you have to look at hard physical evidence and less so on witness statements.

Its not not something I can argue on WS. it’s just good to leave some things open until the facts are revealed in court. Mostly I am very cautious not to hurt the family. They are dealing with one of the most painful situations possible- the unknown. And I will not contribute one second if pain to them in any manner.

I'm pretty sure that our VI's wouldn't give us information that wasn't verified on their end. I believe the reason the VI's gave us that info is because there was a lot of speculation on the WHEN Lucas could have came up missing. If it was possible that Lucas came up missing, say for example 5 days earlier, then the speculation that Lucas could be somewhere far away could have been true. But in order to shorten the time frame and give us a better idea exactly how far away Lucas could be, the VI's gave us a window of less than 24 hours. So we know that there is no way that Lucas could be more than 12 hours away, at the most. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Why would the VI's give false information and have people search in a closer proximity if there was a chance that Lucas was far away? It doesn't make any sense. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it has been VERIFIED by LE that the landlord was indeed at the house that day at around 5:30pm.
We don't know, and I don't think the VI's are at liberty to say at this point.
It sounds to me like vital details that can not be shared for fear of tainting the investigation.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
Just thinking out loud here. Once, my girls, when they were like 3 and 4, went with my parents on vaca. I was abused by my dad and my mom was under instruction that he never lay a hand on my girls. I remember when they called for a chat, my oldest went to tell me about what grandpa did to katie (he spanked her til she peed her pants, which i vividly remeber as a child, and katie never peed) my mom quickly grabbed the phone from her trying to make excuses. I wonder if it was something like that, but once the cats out of the bag, there is no going back.
I'm sorry that happened to you, but question why you sent your kids to an unsafe environment. I hope it was the last time they were alone with your parents.

ETA: I am editing to add that I didn't mean this to come across harshly. I was just surprised, and maybe I'm feeling a little impatient today. I'll go check myself. In the meantime, I really do not mean to come across as abrupt or judgey.
I'm sorry that happened to you, but question why you sent your kids to an unsafe environment. I hope it was the last time they were alone with your parents.
Well i was thinking they would not do that to their grandchildren. After that i kept them away and my parents tried suing me for grandparent visitation rights. They were unsuccessful in court and basically were trying to prove me unfit, my atty moved to dismiss. That was the end of that. I did try once more to have a relationship, it did not work, my grown girls saw them for who they were.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
If EG was already thinking about Jamie on VD, does that suggest that El Dorado could be where EG would go if she is trying to put the blame for everything onto Jamie?

I take it that EG wouldn't have a day-to-day knowledge of Jamie's whereabouts, so is that the place she'd most associate with Jamie or are there any other locations within our target distance where she might think it would be associated with Jamie?
I think right now it's as good a possibility as any.

In my experience, persons like EG don't have the ability to plan too far ahead. Everything is typically reactionary and CYA driven. However, the manipulations and lies are typically generated with a specific goal in mind, and framing JO for any bruises may very well have been the reasoning behind lying to JH about Valentine's Day. The fact that it can now also be weaved into Lucas' missing status is probably just another slice of skin on the lie-onion.
I came across a case in my research about a girl named Marina Sabatier. When she was reported missing, her dad said she had Down Syndrome. The problem with that is Marina did not have it. The reason he said that his daughter had it was because he had beaten her so severely, it was to the point where it actually changed her appearance. His logic was that he knew if she were found, none of her pictures would match the way she looked when she disappeared. He wasn’t concerned with the fact it could be so easily disproved, that was the least of his worries.

What she looked like before

What she looked like when just before she disappeared.

Picture credits

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That is beyond heartbreaking. 😢
I'm pretty sure that our VI's would give us information that wasn't verified on their end. I believe the reason the VI's gave us that info is because there was a lot of speculation on the WHEN Lucas could have came up missing. If it was possible that Lucas came up missing, say for example 5 days earlier, then the speculation that Lucas could be somewhere far away could have been true. But in order to shorten the time frame and give us a better idea exactly how far away Lucas could be, the VI's gave us a window of less than 24 hours. So we know that there is no way that Lucas could be more than 12 hours away, at the most. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Why would the VI's give false information and have people search in a closer proximity if there was a chance that Lucas was far away? It doesn't make any sense. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it has been VERIFIED by LE that the landlord was indeed at the house that day at around 5:30pm.

like I said people make honest mistakes all the time. And until this all unravels in court I’ll not challenge anything. And I would never hint the family would knowingly or unknowingly pass on information. They have verified information and I will not question anything they have shared here. Ever.
A thought, judging from the twitter posts on "oh the joy of motherhood" or whatever, iirc, she mentioned "birth" a couple times (sorry need to go back and find post for reference)...maybe she was fixated on this aspect of "birth" and/or lack thereof and perhaps she viewed valued Lucas less and viewed him as inferior, etc because she didn't birth him herself...(no excuse).actually didn't she mistreat her other kids? So, maybe nevermind...
So was this VD story told to JH before LH didappeared or after?

Quoting myself as to why I asked this question.
Surely EG talked to JH on VD, I would think. If she did not mention this to JH until just recently I can't imagine JH not realizing this was a fabricated story. He really can't be that dumb, can he?
like I said people make honest mistakes all the time. And until this all unravels in court I’ll not challenge anything. And I would never hint the family would knowingly or unknowingly pass on information. They have verified information and I will not question anything they have shared here. Ever.

But you are questioning it. I'm just trying to explain why you shouldn't.
Well i was thinking they would not do that to their grandchildren. After that i kept them away and my parents tried suing me for grandparent visitation rights. They were unsuccessful in court and basically were trying to prove me unfit, my atty moved to dismiss. That was the end of that. I did try once more to have a relationship, it did not work, my grown girls saw them for who they were.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

(O/T Sorry but I have to say this... My DH's parents are just as terrifying and the thought of "Grandparents visitation rights" chills me to the core. It's a constant, unending worry).
Oh boy, liltexans. Thank you for your hard work. I'm taking a mini break as soon as I can to see if things calm down later on.
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