Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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Yes, and I thought more about it after I went to bed.

We heard earlier from FLA that EG has no problem driving around with the kids in the car for reasons that aren't on the order...for instance EG drives the kids out for the visits with the bio mom and her side of the family.

So does that mean JO doesn't come to pick up Lucas, EG drives him over? Then it's even more odd that EG would make up a story that JO came over to pick up Lucas...apparently unannounced, implication of JO's causing trouble.

And according to FLA JO didn't even know JH and EG had moved even if she was inclined to turn up unannounced and demand that EG hand over Lucas.

We wanted insight into's some really big insight of something going on in EG's head just a few days before Lucas disappeared. I don't know exactly what it means, I just think it's worth exploring it to see what it might mean and if it might be an important piece of the puzzle?

I really do think we have something here we need to keep focused on, it could be the biggest driving factor yet in helping to figure out what was going on in EGs mind. Because this entire time I’ve always thought whatever happened was not premeditated, but her spinning that story about JO on VD has me now really questioning if there was more forethought and planning that I had ever imagined. I’m wondering what FLA and PB think, if this information is important to the case and what may have happened, or if they see it as more of a red herring. Because I’m very curious.

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The altercation at LH school had nothing to do with visitation times, however. In fact, JO wasn't supposed to be there but was called because both EG and JH failed to pick up Lucas from school and were presumably unreachable. I think you can read between the lines as to what the altercation was about.

Here is an account of that particular incident, according to police records (note EG's explanation for why Lucas was not picked up by her or bio dad):

It's reported on a different news site that EG claimed JO punched her in the face.
This happened only a few days after the boy's 5th birthday. :sheesh::tsktsk:

Could EG maybe have been trying to intentionally disappear Lucas to not only hurt JO, but dissolve JO's common bond with JH?
Could she maybe have been trying to intentionally disappear Lucas to not only hurt JO, but dissolve her common bond with JH?
I think so Marg and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her vile and fiendish ways...:gaah:
I don't want to even go there right now.
:moo: and all that
I really do think we have something here we need to keep focused on, it could be the biggest driving factor yet in helping to figure out what was going on in EGs mind. Because this entire time I’ve always thought whatever happened was not premeditated, but her spinning that story about JO on VD has me now really questioning if there was more forethought and planning that I had ever imagined. I’m wondering what FLA and PB think, if this information is important to the case and what may have happened, or if they see it as more of a red herring. Because I’m very curious.

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It wouldn't be the first time a killer tried to pin the crime on an ex - in Malik Drummond's case the dad beat him to death and he and his girlfriend tried to come up with a plan to blame Malik's bio mom. Their plan failed so they stuck with the story that he wandered off. Seems like the guilty don't realize how difficult it is to stage a crime. Thank goodness!

Emily, where's Lucas? You're gonna lose this game so fess up and let LE bring him home to his mom!
I realize JH is considered a victim at this point, but MSM has put out documents that show allegations of abuse of JH harming a child, so I am assuming we can discuss that. We have seen no documentation with regards of EG physically hitting a child. I realize VI have stated Lucas told them that EG was mean to him and pulled him by his hair and drug him across the kitchen, and I have no doubt Lucas was telling the truth. EG's ex documents claim that her behavior was unstable and drug use, but unless I missed it nothing about her physically harming the children. In the altercations that police documented, both EG and JH had injuries so both of them were violent with each other. I keep reading about EG not taking Lucas to doctor when he was so sick, well JH was home at least part of the time when Lucas was extremely ill. I guess I am just so confused why there is so much talk about EG lying and tricking JH - are we to believe that EG was the perfect mom 10 days a month and then turn evil once JH went to work. IMO they are supporting each other because they have an abusive co-dependent relationship and have lots of dirt on each other. She makes excuses for his behavior, he makes excuses for hers.

I think once EG is charged with harming Lucas JH will still stand beside her. Hopefully she will go to prison for a long time and all the remaining children involved in this situation can be with family members that love and cherish them.

Great post, I agree with everything you posted.
I know I’ve been MIA due to a demanding work project I’ve been working on. Doesn’t mean I haven’t scrolled through at 1:15am after working 18 hour days. Thankfully my project is completed and I just have to babysit my 24 men on the ground in FL, GA, VA and TX.

Please don’t take this the wrong way as posts, texts and emails can be misconstrued... With that said - I am local. I have searched hours independently. I have studied maps. Have gone through locations with GigTu, Henry, PB, N6, Scarlett and others. IMO if you aren’t local or haven’t been part of these searches it’s hard for me to sit here and read how those of us must just be overlooking Lucas due to him being in plain sight. Have you ever been to Wichita? From the house on Edgemoor you can be in the middle of a field in less than 20 min. Fields and tree rows for days. It’s not that simple. It’s just not. I have been in the Andover area for 24 years. I grew up out here. I went to school here and so do my children now.

Is it possible LE, TES, locals have missed something? Absolutely. Doesn’t mean we haven’t braved all different kinds of elements (we are known for high winds most of the year) and tried our hardest. So, if anyone wants to come join us in this heartbreaking search please do. We’d love to have the additional help. If you’re not local head on over to the Flyers for Lucas thread and help us there. We need all of the help we can get to keep his sweet little face in front of others.

What Lucas has been through has put my heart through the ringer. I’ve gone through every emotion possible but mainly anger towards EG for ever laying a hand on that sweet boy and sadness for what he has been through in his short life. No one, especially innocent children, should ever go through this.

Sorry for the rant. Today is my first day off in 21 days. Exhausted to say the least.

PS - Pink I’ve mentally replied to you 37588436 times. This weekend I will actually hit send. [emoji23]

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You are an incredible example of what #TeamLucas is all about [emoji172]. Hopefully you’re catching up on much needed sleep!
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.

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When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.
OMG this just gets worse and worse :)
I agree with all of your thoughts. Things had to be strained.<br>
I'm almost at the point of thinking EG did in fact have framing JO for Lucas being missing in her mind.<br>
Actually I believe she did.<img src="images/smilies/notgood.gif" border="0" alt="" title="This is not good" smilieid="524" class="inlineimg"><br>
Heck I certainly don't want to think this was premeditated. I never really have.<br>
I never had kids but if I did I would want to work directly with whomever was the new caregiver of my child if at all possible.<br>
There is likely some interplay going on in the background between EG, JH and JO even as EG remains in jail.<br>
JO must despise EG and I certainly understand and she has all of my sympathies.<br>
JH's continuing support for Emily and his comments about that and not wanting to address any abuse allegations just make me feel sick.<img src="images/smilies/gaah.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Gaah!" smilieid="561" class="inlineimg"><br>
Add that to FLA telling us that EG has frequent visitors and some sort of "groupies" entertaining her ego and it's insane. I agree she should be left alone to stew in her own juices.<br>
Hes supporting her? <br>
Its probably because they have something on each other. Things like their lifestyle.<br>
Along with his knowledge of how his son was treated. He was given the heads up after all.<br>
Maybe he was not so kind himself?<br>
There must be a reason he ignored warnings?<br>
Or maybe hes just one big cowardly WUSS?<br>
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.

Wow....another reason they need to keep her locked up.
,Im not sure what happened above with my post and the post I was replying to. All the br's.
Can I fix that?
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.
Another reason why JH still feels so protective towards her...jmo

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Could EG maybe have been trying to intentionally disappear Lucas to not only hurt JO, but dissolve JO's common bond with JH?

This could be exactly what she was trying to do. Im starting to jump on the premeditated bandwagon.

She already managed to isolate him from his own family by getting him to turn against them.

And if she was purposely trying to get pregnant by him and she had found out she was indeed pregnant then she may have thought up a plan to get rid of the boy and blame it on JO. That would make JH fully turn against JO and give JH all to herself and only have to focus on her kids and their new kid together.

I do think her telling JH that JO took the boy on VD is tied to this somehow. And now I am wondering if she carried out her plan on Friday night before she even knew about the LL visit. Maybe she did not even know the LL had visited the house and saw the boy. It could be why she followed through with her plan. Maybe it was only after LE began investigating that the news about the LL seeing the boy became known to her.
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas&#8217; disappearance, she commented:

&#8220;...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...&#8221;

Many have wondered what she meant by &#8220;a time like this.&#8221;

Well, EG is pregnant. I don&#8217;t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.

OMG! This might explain more than we know! For one thing, maybe why JH would welcome her home. Not that he's not suspecting her of Lucas missing but to get her in a less stressful environment, make sure she takes care of herself, etc. Maybe he was trying to take care of his unborn child at a time like this. idk just thinking out loud. What a mess!
I think I am going to have to sit on my hands again for a while...
Still active in the background....
This just makes me sick. Was it ever discussed about JO taking custody ? I m leaning towards premeditated also. How about some charges about endangering unborn child smoking the weed while pregnant
When EG was interviewed from jail about Lucas’ disappearance, she commented:

“...this is very painful that this is happening at a time like this, right now...”

Many have wondered what she meant by “a time like this.”

Well, EG is pregnant. I don’t know how far along she is, but she was pregnant when she smoked pot in the garage and when Lucas went missing. This may be why she was in the medical pod when she was first booked into jail.

*flails hands maniacally, stares in "Bish, Really" at EG*

How /Convenient/, another Hostage.

'At A Time Like This' (nobody can lay a finger on her saintly @$$)

I'm just going to quote my reply to n_6CC from thread #14, because why tf not.

n_6CC said:
I just hate that people have figured out how to abuse the system for their own personal financial gain, among other sick reasons. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

tnith said:
If one knows what & where the rules cover, they know how to use them. Doubly so, for unscrupulous types lacking some form of stability/security.

The most terrifying types know what everyone else DOESN'T know- they may not see everything but they see that others cannot/don't see/Presume (keep all parties separate therefore unable to complete the 'bigger picture'); therefore can be 'led' to desired ends & even blamed for outcomes...

Just as she knew which face to present to authorities- school, LL's, and LE, EG certainly knew family court rules; doubtless she was involved with family court long enough to be aware of whom to impress and how (left her sons' county, affords her privacy in movements).

Surely there are some who saw through her act which she carried an ax to grind over (she'll 'show them'/'told you so'/blame/ vindication/pit both states DHS against one another covering their butts)...
I'm here for the documents covering her interactions with officials prior to LH's disappearance ('tattling' actions against workers or reports on those she clashed with?).

I'm also very much here for pushing the 'everyone who knew her' along the way knows something vital aspect, they may not know exactly what she's done to LH but they collectively know WHAT she is & what she's capable of (more or less his fate & location).

Can LH's loved ones afford everyone looking for the 'mostly' answer if his fate is buried in the minutiae of his very much unknown day to day life? Some may know his very body is considered a crime scene and vital to moving forward on investigation & charges, others may not (new members)- so should his life & experiences also be considered a part of what was to come. Look back to what he shared.
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