Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #21 *Arrest*

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BBM, hang in here:

Lucas is integral to what occured in our eyes only; insofar as EG is concerned he's only ever been an afterthought.

Case in point: Young woman gets pregnant, revels in how baby brings special attention/privileges/power socially, perversely along with excessive drain on energy/money/social stimulation.
Woman takes aggression of frustration from situation out on baby/toddler, creates undue DV stress & to save relationship and position that grants her desired 'powers' which are now dwindling as responsibilities mount, has another baby to repeat the 'honeymoon' period that bestowed special position...

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Let us say now that the powers that be intervene to remove not-so-young woman & any special control she exerts over the hostage family, but it's too late- she's deep in the cycle & not about to let something piddling and superficial as interlopers get the best of her.

She goes shopping for a replacement family to prove her saintly status as mother; working father looking for caregiver/homemaker bargains this is a good fit for his needs- they settle in & pick up where the last mess left off. Soon she's secured another bun in the oven to recapture the untouchable status of mommy to be & continues the damnable battle to wreck everyone who saw through her bs the first hundred times.

Enter LH's family reports and this couplings ugliness of the last couple years, coming to a head at the end of 2017; everyone is against her once again and EG is not about to go down without a battle- only option left in her mind is to isolate the problem.

She'd played people long enough to know how to swing things now.

This brings us to early 2018; in which everything EG set up for her 'perfect mommy' vindication, must begrudgingly be 'cashed in' with trusted allies who've been positioned pretty well, yet dug a little too deep into the fray to be able to extricate themself without serious side effects. They take full weight of decision from EG & alleviate her crisis just enough to allow her to steamroll on to victory unhindered.
Fast forward 5 weeks; now we've read printed fragments of what couldn't be blamed away, coming together as everyone who interrupted EG's goals and plans began to creep ever closer to interacting & upsetting all 'her hard work invested' (enabling and side taking).

Just as we knew all along half truths were hidden between her lies, what was mentioned in my prior post about holding both ideas is essential to understanding what exists within all EG's facades. Diverse fronts others accepted in liu of looking straight at her abnormal acts; our unhappy facts were still mere shadows in their minds.
Evils revealed guide us through the forest which those who might've saved LH couldn't see for the trees.

Lucas would slowly vanish, as a natural counterbalance to EG's obsessive plans of perfecting position and power over all who scorned her.
This last cycle took center stage over every aspect of as many lives as she could exert it- running ragged away from where every eye upon her turned, drawing ever more attention and still we wonder where that road leads!?

There was never a chance that EG might win at this race against herself, and she failed utterly to consider the only possible outcome of her determination would be the inverse of her desires.

Whooooaaaa...[emoji50] the way you just climbed into her head both amazes and scares me lol
Are you a psychologist? Empath? I’m an empath but only with folks in person but the way you read that situation was phenomenal and makes sense to me!

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Whooooaaaa...[emoji50] the way you just climbed into her head both amazes and scares me lol
Are you a psychologist? Empath? I’m an empath but only with folks in person but the way you read that situation was phenomenal and makes sense to me!

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I second that opinion. I felt like I was crawling inside the head of a psychopath while reading that. So incredibly precise.
I believe they are the same person but won't comment further on this particular subject until it is verified the first one did indeed come from her Facebook account as stated. So far no one has addressed that or provided a link. It is very telling to me though because the mod has not yet removed the photos even after asking for verification.

They are both her.
Sure that’s true, but I’m trying to bend my mind around eg telling jh that jo had Lucas on the 14th and then on the 15th jh has contact with Lucas thru FaceTime and how does that conversation go, like does he ask him if he had fun with mom? I mean I know there is so much we don’t know and the people who have the answers are, at the very least, suspect in their honesty. I don’t know if there’s a line we could draw that would connect all these dots or if it’s all random lies by a lying liar. I would say moo only but at this point I don’t even know if I have a solid opinion. I once lived with a compulsive liar who kept me off balance everyday by confusing the simplest of facts. In hindsight I now know it was done to keep me from seeing what he was actually keeping hidden.

Exactly! I would imagine, if EG told JH that Lucas was with JO on Valentine's Day, he would ask if he had a great day or what they did together. Lucas, being a young boy, would have probably told his father anyway, without being prompted- such as, if he had indeed spent time with his mother, she might have bought him something special for Valentine's Day like a Batman box of chocolates or a stuffed animal, and he might tell his father about it, especially if JH asked him if he got his gift through the mail for V-day. Most kids love to talk about what presents they got for special days, Lucas in my eyes, wouldn't be any different.

Unless of course, the darling EG threatened Lucas before he Facetimed with JH- maybe saying something like "you better not tell your daddy you were with mommy, or you won't be able to see her ever again" or something along those lines, to keep Lucas from saying where he really was on Valentine's Day.
Well then this should change where the searchers have been searching. Because I agree with whoever it was that said Emily wouldn't have walked far with Lucas in her arms. Not only that, unless this happened in the very early morning hours, she would have been seen.
What about having him in a umbrella stroller?
The VD lie when did she tell JH the lie.
The VD lie when did she tell JH the lie.

My understanding is that it was after Lucas was reported missing, but before she was arrested. I will just say IMO because I still can't figure out how to search here and I don't know how to bring a post from a prior thread either, but FLA explained over the course of several posts, beginning with the one about the mouse. If that helps. Sorry.
There are one major problem with the theory that EG planned to blame JO for the disappearance, by saying that she had Lucas on Valentines Day.

Would EG really believe that JO wouldn't be able to easily disprove that? In order to set someone up, you need to know that they don't have an alibi to dispute the allegations.

Wouldn't JO have some solid witnesses to dispute that the boy was with her that day?
Thank you, finally, someone else said it........

Now, please know, I am NOT doubting the word of our VI's. I am just questioning if they heard this from LE themselves, or was this little detail spoken to them directly from JH (or EG).

I do not doubt that Jonathan talked to Lucas via facetime on the 15th. I do not believe that Lucas was "fine". I still do not believe that Jonathan was not aware of the abuse. I still can not shake the feeling that Jonathan had a hand in some of the abuse as well.
I had a college roommate who was a meth user. She was completely erratic, but I had no idea she was on hard drugs until a we didn't live together anymore. Then looking back, it explained a lot of how she acted, but I didn't know, not did I suspect, it when we lived together. And she was someone I spent time with, we didn't just see each other in passing at our apartment.

(I have experienced this with heroin users, never would have known...)
There are one major problem with the theory that EG planned to blame JO for the disappearance, by saying that she had Lucas on Valentines Day.

Would EG really believe that JO wouldn't be able to easily disprove that? In order to set someone up, you need to know that they don't have an alibi to dispute the allegations.

Wouldn't JO have some solid witnesses to dispute that the boy was with her that day?

I'm starting to think the VD lie had nothing to do with setting JO up and more to do with needing an excuse why Lucas wasn't with her on VD. IF she was seeing someone else naturally she would want to be with that person on VD. I have no proof she was seeing anyone but give a ton of bricks weight to everything our VIs tell us and there have been comments about that aspect of her personality. I cant think of any other logical reason for the lie. JH probably expected EG to take care of Lucas while he was away at work so naming anyone else wouldn't work. I believe I read the visits were arranged between EG and JO so it's not like he'd be the wiser. If she left their daughter and Lucas with someone like her cousin so she could do whatever i don't think that would fly with him. She could have said the baby was sleeping and Lucas was with JO. If they had argued previously about her being unfaithful he probably kept close tabs on her by calling and checking in with her regularly. JMO. Would love to know if she's carrying his baby. Might explain a lot.
The VD lie is interesting because I think that Lucas was probably drugged and out somewhere in the house, like in a closet or the garage, etc etc etc. VI'S say that the lie was told after Lucas was disappeared but before her arrest. My guess is that Emily told somebody else that Lucas was with his mother on VD and that person came forward after Lucas came up missing. This person may have been calling in to the tip line and told crime stoppers that Lucas had been with his mom on VD or they may have called and spoke directly to the detective. Perhaps Emily was questioned about it because she had told the police that Lucas had not seen his mother since December. She was caught in a bold faced lie. I do not think the VD lie has anything to do with what happened to Lucas. I tend to flip flop about the premeditated thing often until my thoughts clear and I am able to think better. I think that Emily wanted to have fun and do what she wanted to do without Lucas there because Lucas was big enough to tell. So she probably left him at home more often then not.

I have also been thinking a lot about this alleged picture she snapped of 2 people outside of her home. I wonder if Emily snapped a photo of 2 random people at night, maybe even neighbor's around the corner, and sent the pic to Jonathan as a kind of alibi. Like if someone came around later and said, I seen a man and a woman smoking outside your house then Jonathan would know what they were talking about and Emily wouldn't have any 'splainin to do. Because I think that the people who were outside smoking were Emily and the person who helped her. Maybe a man that Emily was seeing on the side? Or even just a male friend. Even possibly someone she just met and was having a good ol time with. Like PB said before, maybe this person didn't even know that Emily had children. Or maybe they just didn't know about Lucas. Maybe that person would have known about Lucas if he wasn't being hidden somewhere to hide the abuse that was being inflicted on him. This is just a theory and it is JMO.

I have a request. Can we please stop sharing pics of the evil monster? Every time I see her face I want to damage my computer screen by punching it right in Emilys cyber face. I hate looking at her. Of course that is just a request.

ETA: I am going through the last thread and I guess I am not the only one who had the idea that the picture Emily snapped and sent to Jonathan was her and another guy. I do not know why I didn't remember those since it was only one thread ago. LOL. Well, all I can say is that I must have been inspired!
That is called meth usage- it eats away cartilage, bone, etc. and fast.

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No....not at all. I was a user for years and definitely didn't experience a change in the appearance of my nose. Yes, the chemicals can eat away at the lining and cartilage, but not to the point where it would make the nose more slim. On top of that, most people don't snort it anymore. Most smoke, swallow or shoot for the best effects.

Keep a serious face and place a finger on either side of your nose. Then, without moving your fingers, smile very big. Your nose stretches out when you smile. Some do more than others. I agree that she does look very eaten up for such a short period of time, however and I do believe she is a user - although I think heroin or opioids are her DOC. Just my opinion and persepective <3
So, in this article it states that Emily told LE that Lucas had not seen his mom since December-
She apparently told JH the lie about Lucas&#8217;s mom having him on Vday.
Why lie to JH about this, but tell LE the truth?
The lie seems to have been told before he went missing. The question is WHY?? Looking at the major dates of abuse allegations and fight between her and JH, they seem to fall within a few days of major holidays. Mother&#8217;s Day, Valentines Day- why would she want to lie to him about Vday-did she not want him to know she was going to OG without him? Did he ask to speak to Lucas on VDay and she wouldn&#8217;t or couldn&#8217;t produce him? It almost sounds to me like she was punishing JH for being gone or Lucas was somewhere else- if he was somewhere else, why lie about it??

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I feel like EG had plans for VD (whether they were just with friends, a drug deal, or if she was seeing someone else romantically, who knows) and didn't want to lug Lucas along, so she told JH that JO took Lucas for the day when in reality she was just leaving him home alone again.
I'm wondering if it wasn't common fro her to give him some type of medicine (benadryl, nyquil, etc) to knock him out so she could slip out while he was snoozing and then get back before or shortly after he woke up again, hoping that he wouldn't realize how long she had left him alone. Maybe she realized after the LL seeing Lucas Friday that the same dose wasn't keeping him down as long and decided to double up that night, killing him. That would fit a lot. The Casey Anthony comparisons by Tim. Her selfishness. Her abusive and decietful nature. It would have been an "accidental" death, but she would still know that it was an ABUSIVE accident that would get her kids and freedom taken away for a very long time. I've missed a handful of threads, so I might be missing info - if so I apologize.

Agh. IDK. I'm just tossing out ideas.
I have a request. Can we please stop sharing pics of the evil monster? Every time I see her face I want to damage my computer screen by punching it right in Emilys cyber face. I hate looking at her. Of course that is just a request.

ETA: I am going through the last thread and I guess I am not the only one who had the idea that the picture Emily snapped and sent to Jonathan was her and another guy. I do not know why I didn't remember those since it was only one thread ago. LOL. Well, all I can say is that I must have been inspired!

Snipped by me - I totally relate to this feeling. My local Dollar General store has a girl working there who could be her twin. I wanted to jump over the counter even though logically I knew that it could not be EG.
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