Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #23

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Has EG asked at all, even once for help in finding Lucas. Via FB, Instagram, Twitter, through police, a journalist anything at all ? That in itself is telling enough. I don’t think from memory and a quick search seeing her appealing for help at all in those first days.

Best wishes to searches and the PI this coming few days. I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts after a couple days break.

(Please find me if I don’t find you)

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A loving, caring parent would ask for help finding their missing and presumed deceased child. EG has not shown that she fits the description of a loving, caring parent. Why would she ask for help finding a beautiful boy that she clearly despised and mistreated? Especially when she most likely already knows where he is? In her mind, she's given her story and done her part. Now she's just hiding from the inevitable truth that I feel confident will be brought to light. I'm not suprised by her lack of emotion at all. She got what she wanted- for now. IMO. MOO.

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I am so grateful to all of the searchers and pleased to see the many reports by MSM. HOWEVER, will someone please suggest to the search teams that when there is an opportunity to speak to the public that they ask residents to search all private property? Please?

Four interviews yesterday...

If she didn't take him to the doctors, how did she get him a prescription for Zofran?

sorry, i should have been clearer - i meant more she wasn't taking him to the DR enough and/or telling the doctor the full story. imo, i dont think she was giving him the medical attn that he needed.

or, there is the possibility of some prescriptions being forged.
She was a criminal case junkie?


Thinking of you all— see you on the new thread 💚
#TeamLucas I will still be here when we get back online! Prayers for all the family FLA and JO and Paddleboader. Lets find Lucas! :heartbeat:
I wonder if EG has been reading stuff on FB? I wonder if she knows JH's FB password? If she's seen that he's removed all photos of her from his page? I wonder a lot of things. I wonder why I quoted your post and then wondered these things...
I don't think he removed them. I think her FB was reported until it was shut down, at which time all pics of her came down that she had posted and tagged him in, which led them to no longer be on his page. Or, he simply changed his privacy settings on pics of EG so that people couldn't keep commenting on them. Or a combo of both.
The difference in EG and what we see again and again with guardians, is their tendency to colour in recalled incidents as regards to the missing person, because their mind cannot help but be there.

The affidavit was comprised entirely of cleaning and laundry, with a smidge of kids in the background to paste it together. With ONE child in the house, I can't get 10 minutes without being asked for something or needing to intervene in some project. Small humans are devious, you don't want them quiet in a room 'minding their own business' (unless you'd like to spend some more time cleaning that business).

The entire script reads like poorly scrawled fiction from a 10 year old.

This literally made me laugh out loud!!!!! Thanks for the laugh- this is so so true! :lol:
Someone should alert a MSM person to the social media comment mentioned in perfecting pinks post. If a MSM reporter put it in an article, then it would be fair game to discuss. Just a thought.

See you all on the flip side.
Here's one thing that's been bugging me. In one of the custody reports, it is mentioned that Lucas seemed to have more injuries after EG and JH were fighting. WHO is it that determined that was a fact, or is it an assumption - and how do they know that EG and JH were fighting before the times he was injured?
I wish LE would have EG write her 24 hours before Lucas went missing again and compare the two writings. Might be interesting. From what I could tell of what we do know she wrote, her day seemed pretty mundane. For a young person I thought her day just sounded way too boring. I didn't pick up where there was verbal interaction with the children, like teaching MH to talk, the kids playing together, EG getting a kick out of things they do or say.......just fed them, cleaned up after them, did laundry, lounged with them, etc. It just seemed like it was missing the meat of living thru the day, almost like she was just an observer going thru the motions of existence. Then for the detective who interviewed her to state that EG was emotionless kind of all went together.
I'm sure she learned enough the first time around to not subject herself to any questioning again. She's not a suspect yet, or in custody, so if they did ask her, she can just decline, and go back home.
I'm way behind and frantically trying to catch up before WS goes dark but want to say a hearty AMEN to this!!!

Well she admitted to smoking pot and leaving Lucas home alone. Admitting to giving him medication not prescribed to him would not be out of the question.

My concern with the Zofran isn’t that she gave it to him, but he had been sick for quite a long time......I’d be concerned with dehydration if he was sick from stomach flu. And if he was really dehydrated that can cause heart arrhythmia as well. EG is running out of time to claim “accidental” overdose, if she hasn’t run out of time for that already. You need a body to prove that, and if I knew that I had beat a child to death instead of them “accidentally” dying, I wouldn’t want the body to be found either. My concern has always been that Lucas was actually sick from internal injuries he could have sustained prior to his disappearance. It can take days or weeks to slowly bleed to death inside. Coincidentally, JH seems to have been around when new bruises would appear on LH. It would be hard to say who actually caused those injuries if both EG and JH were home when Lucas got them.

As someone who has devoted countless hours looking for Lucas, I find it odd and very telling that everyone else in the family as well as the community, has been so thankful and grateful to us who have had “boots on the ground”.....everyone that is but JH and EG. I have yet to hear a thank you or even an acknowledgement that we have been looking for 3 months. Whether or not you have picked a side, anyone looking for my lost and missing child would have my utmost gratitude and respect. We’ve searched in ice, snow, rain, mud, cold, heat, taken time away from our families and lives, spent our own money in gas at the minimum, etc and I don’t understand the lack of appreciation or even recognition on their part. And that’s just those of us doing the physical searching........the people who are doing the mapping, tracking, researching of potential areas, communicating and coordinating those efforts to the right people are doing just as much work as we are searching. Obviously we aren’t doing this for EG or JH, ourselves or for the recognition, we are doing it for Lucas, because the thought of him laying outside in the cold, the mud and the rain keeps us up at night. It’s hard to get that thought of my head, if EG doesn’t want to tell her “story” then that is her choice, but I would be so afraid to let someone else write my “story”, because the only thing that we can imagine right now, is the very worst of the worst. Only monsters and unredeemably evil people take a child’s life, hold a family hostage by denying them a body and consume an entire community’s efforts like this has with Lucas here in Wichita.

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Here is her twitter account if that helps



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Twitter is hard to use to determine how a person writes because the 140 character limit makes them have to often change what they'd normally say, to fit it in. IMO
I have to agree wholeheartedly. JO's actions since the disappearance speak volumes.

No one disputes the fact that JO may not have always made the best choices, been an imperfect parent or is free from guilt or blame when it comes to Lucas. But here is the thing, she OWNS it. Every single last bit of it. She doesn’t dispute her faults or argues against her blame for where she is in life, she doesn’t try to diminish those things by diverting attention to someone else. She even inexplicably defends JH as a father, someone who has chosen not only to accuse her of hurting Lucas but to then support the person who most likely is responsible for his disappearance. She comes to the vigils, the picnics, came to some searches, does interviews, she even came to court briefly, but had to leave....which I don’t blame her for. I just don’t understand why JH has chosen to ignore the obvious, when at least if he could say that EG made some bad choices, that would show he could be a good candidate for learning how to be a better parent. If it were my call, you can’t redeem yourself as a parent if you refuse to acknowledge change worthy behavior. And he certainly wouldn’t be an eligible safe placement for any of his children like EG’s ex has been for their sons. At least I know tonight that there are not children unsafe in either of their care.

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I haven't been posting for quite a while as I haven't really had any new ideas or anything helpful to add. But I've been here reading daily and praying sweet Lucas is found and justice is served. A huge thank you to all those that have continued searching (online and locals on foot). Please know that while some that should seem not to appreciate all the hard work you have done :gaah:, so many others do.
I just want to say thank you for your hard work with these families. Being in the middle of a missing person's case is hard enough; but having the extenuating circumstances with this one has got to be exhausting.

I don’t think I’ll be in contact with him any longer.
I do wonder if inclusive of the beatings which may have led to his vomiting, she gave him her Zofran which ultimately killed him. She admitted giving him Zofran. Where did she get it? When he is found I doubt he will be in any condition to realize how much she gave him but they might be able to find skull injuries.

Never say never....I've seen on Forensic files, etc, where all kinds of things are found in minute samples via Gas chromatography, mass spectrometry for example (not sure what type of test they'd use here for that), even in unearthed remains, you know when they exhume the body years later to see if the husband poisoned the wife:rolleyes: .
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