Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #23

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We need to find out if EG took Lucas to the Dr. for his recent symptoms, that being injuries and a flu bug. We need to know if she knew she was pregnant prior to her arrest. We need to know if she was prescribed Zofran or if Lucas was and if neither then how did she get it? I want to know if any Zofran was found in the home during the investigation.

I wonder if he could have choked on his vomit? (Like Jim Hendrix, etc). And if she was gone, leaving him alone, she may fear a negligence, etc charge...IDK....with all the history of bruises, injuries etc, I suspect Lucas likely died a violent death at her physical hands, no accidents about it, moo.
Hmm, perhaps. IMO, one could take all quotes made by JH and "glean" a level of superiority and entitlement. The true snark is (from what I recall seeing) is off limits here. I say this coming from a place of full-on support for JH for the majority of the 3 months, making excuses for him left and right -- but my back-breaking straw has arrived. I'm done with him.

I am feeling the same! I tried to empathize and treat him like a victim. But I no longer feel I can. I am so done with him.
The March 2017 report was made after Lucas went missing

March 2017: Someone saw Lucas with “temporary tattoos that were hiding bruises.” Lucas was reported to have been covered “from head to toe in bruises,” according to a report to the Kansas Department for Children and Families on Feb. 19, two days after Glass told police he had disappeared.

October and Nov are the same report that was reported Nov 8

Late October 2017: While Glass and Lucas visited Hernandez in Carlsbad, N.M., Lucas had two black eyes, the report said. That was reported to New Mexico’s child protection services agency on Nov. 8, 2017.

May 2017 was the first report and it was closed unfounded
May 16, 2017: DCF, the Kansas child protection agency, received the first of two reports of suspected abuse involving Lucas.

I think crimeonline it just picking up tidbits from articles and reporting it and the wording is off.

Marking for timeline.

This will all come likely up in the order to prove history of abuse.
I am so grateful to all of the searchers and pleased to see the many reports by MSM. HOWEVER, will someone please suggest to the search teams that when there is an opportunity to speak to the public that they ask residents to search all private property? Please?

Four interviews yesterday...


They don’t show the entire interviews, we always ask for them to do that.

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When does the new PI begin? I'm thinking he's going to start with interviewing Emily. Do you think LE will give him any info they are keeping tight to the vest? Do they work like that with a PI?
Not that I have ever heard of. A grieving parent with a child missing would be beside themselves in the beginning, hoping their child is alive and ok. We didn't see that with EG. Of course now, LH is presumed deceased so a parents response would be anger toward whoever did anything to him. So far, we haven't seen any normal reactions for ones child missing out of EG that I know of. I personally found it mind boggling when the interviewing detective said that Emily was emotionless in her interviews. What struck my mind was
a. she killed him and
b. she's not sure how to act, so she decided to show nothing.

I believe she had a "family spokesperson" early on, and that leads me to believe she had the forethought to understand everyone looks at the parents (and last person with child) first. I wish we could know more about her state of mind when disappearing Lucas, but she had time after the fact to tie up loose ends and prepare for that 911 call. The guilty will still trip themselves up, but EG seemed very careful to avoid media and utilized spokesperson to handle that aspect.

So, we cannot sleuth spokesperson right now -- perhaps once we come back there will be more to that -- but there has been a general lack of impulse control from this individual as pressure heats up. This makes me think EG would not have utilized her as spokesperson unless 1) this individual knows very little about what actually occurred or 2) EG doesn't care if things land entirely on this individual, and actually sees an opportunity to send people wondering in that direction, given that Lucas was sent off to "play" a lot.

Either way, spokesperson appears to have a lot more to lose than EG at this point -- I hope she understands that.
Not to mention she was so worried about him while she "put a movie on for him" that she checked on him every 20-30 min... But leaving him home alone to go to Olive Garden is completely acceptable [emoji19]

MOO - she is feeding info that sounds like what she SHOULD be doing. Checking on him, laundry, cleaning up messes, making lunch, etc. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there wasn't any truth to the rest of her claims. (Besides the ones she had to own up to since there was proof)
Is there any possibility that she was out late and the kids were with her? Possibly even with someone else. No phone call would've been necessary, she is already with them. Then she would have access to another vehicle, phone, person to brainstorm what to do...
Which makes me think of her initial interview when she was first arrested "not my story to tell..."
I could be way out in left field but haven't quite read about the possibility of an "accident" happening not in the home.

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Does anyone have copies of example pieces of EG's typing that they could share? As many as possible?
Thank you if you can help!

What I really want to see is examples of EG's typed FB statuses and her typed interactions with people. I just want to examine the punctuation, syntax, and phraseology.

I really want to see punctuation and ...I want to see how she talks to people? It's very hard to explain.

If you saw the post a few pages back by perfectingpink, could you please watch out for things like that while we're down (and afterwards, too!) and if it's something that can be linked to post it when we get back (and if it's not postable, use your initiative?)

In addition to above ^, I have a request for locals and/or those who regularly communicate with family/friends who are locals (within 30 mile tri-county radius) -- going back to other location possibilities, some things came up in prior threads:
* locations familiar to EG possibly including those to the south or west
* locations within city limits familiar to EG & her associates (known or unknown)
* locations near former employers of EG

Remember if you have tips to please not post them on this thread, but instead contact the tip line or contact search teams with suggested locations -- they will not be able to tell you if they've already searched the area you suggest.

It will be hard to be away from you all but I agree with what's been said -- maybe the quiet and reflection will make some things "pop" and give us fresh perspective when we return. I'm looking forward to it -- take care of yourselves! :loveyou:
When does the new PI begin? I'm thinking he's going to start with interviewing Emily. Do you think LE will give him any info they are keeping tight to the vest? Do they work like that with a PI?

After reading about this guy, I am really hopeful and excited -- and patient. Looks like he's dedicated to giving all he's got, even if it takes a while. I just hope JH and EG are as willing to cooperate with him as they want us to believe.
May I just add to this and suggest that we clarify that you're referring to "EG family member acting as spokesperson", so that there isn't any confusion between that person and our own , who is a verified family spokesperson in this case? I know we all know the difference, but just to prevent anyone from mis-interpreting. :)

(I completely agree with what you say here)

I believe she had a "family spokesperson" early on, and that leads me to believe she had the forethought to understand everyone looks at the parents (and last person with child) first. I wish we could know more about her state of mind when disappearing Lucas, but she had time after the fact to tie up loose ends and prepare for that 911 call. The guilty will still trip themselves up, but EG seemed very careful to avoid media and utilized spokesperson to handle that aspect.

So, we cannot sleuth spokesperson right now -- perhaps once we come back there will be more to that -- but there has been a general lack of impulse control from this individual as pressure heats up. This makes me think EG would not have utilized her as spokesperson unless 1) this individual knows very little about what actually occurred or 2) EG doesn't care if things land entirely on this individual, and actually sees an opportunity to send people wondering in that direction, given that Lucas was sent off to "play" a lot.

Either way, spokesperson appears to have a lot more to lose than EG at this point -- I hope she understands that.
I believe she had a "family spokesperson" early on, and that leads me to believe she had the forethought to understand everyone looks at the parents (and last person with child) first. I wish we could know more about her state of mind when disappearing Lucas, but she had time after the fact to tie up loose ends and prepare for that 911 call. The guilty will still trip themselves up, but EG seemed very careful to avoid media and utilized spokesperson to handle that aspect.

So, we cannot sleuth spokesperson right now -- perhaps once we come back there will be more to that -- but there has been a general lack of impulse control from this individual as pressure heats up. This makes me think EG would not have utilized her as spokesperson unless 1) this individual knows very little about what actually occurred or 2) EG doesn't care if things land entirely on this individual, and actually sees an opportunity to send people wondering in that direction, given that Lucas was sent off to "play" a lot.

Either way, spokesperson appears to have a lot more to lose than EG at this point -- I hope she understands that.

I'm anxious to see what new ideas come out when the floodgates open and said person becomes sleuthable.
Not to mention she was so worried about him while she "put a movie on for him" that she checked on him every 20-30 min... But leaving him home alone to go to Olive Garden is completely acceptable [emoji19]

MOO - she is feeding info that sounds like what she SHOULD be doing. Checking on him, laundry, cleaning up messes, making lunch, etc. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there wasn't any truth to the rest of her claims. (Besides the ones she had to own up to since there was proof)
Is there any possibility that she was out late and the kids were with her? Possibly even with someone else. No phone call would've been necessary, she is already with them. Then she would have access to another vehicle, phone, person to brainstorm what to do...
Which makes me think of her initial interview when she was first arrested "not my story to tell..."
I could be way out in left field but haven't quite read about the possibility of an "accident" happening not in the home.

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I think it's definitely possible. We don't know if there were calls to anyone or not, but if she was hanging out already with someone at the home and something happened to Lucas during that time, she could utilize that person (we're in this together).

I wish we could know more about the neighbor's "Q&A" with Lucas when EG was gone to OG. I believe whatever EG did, she was careful to appear to have both children and/or a babysitter when leaving the house that night -- and if she told neighbor that Lucas was too sick to go to OG (not confirmed, just speculation), she wouldn't want the neighbor wondering why she was dragging a sick Lucas out somewhere in the middle of the night.

Either she used her vehicle and had someone "babysit" or someone came to the home with their vehicle. If she stayed at home and utilized someone else to disappear Lucas, she may not know where he is and she is pushing any responsibility onto him/her/them "that's on them", "not my story to tell"
Was trying to get caught up today- I think I mostly am caught up but clearly missed when EG admitted giving Lucas zofran?

ALWAYS here praying, thinking of Lucas and wishing his outcome was different. ❤️
She is all in for Lucas -- she has put all her cards on the table.

I find it interesting that one of JH's most recent FB posts is a meme stating "The ugliest thing that I have ever seen is a human being without compassion." Who deserves HIS compassion right now? Not his sprung live-in girlfriend. As far as I'm concerned, she's been sheltered, more-or-less on vacation from the realities of Lucas' disappearance.

Personally, coming from a family with a history of mental illness (something JO has owned), I understand her.
So many times in these cases, people ask why parents don't admit the inability to handle their children and "do what's best" for them.

People judge her behavior, not realizing that distraction and self-medicating can be expected -- assumptions are made. People do what they think will help them survive and cope. I cannot imagine being in Jamie's shoes, trying to cope.

Jamie did something that we ask of parents -- she recognized he would be better under other full time care, even if that meant dealing with the pain of missing him. She was willing to face federal charges for kidnapping across state lines in order to shed light on what was happening to her baby, and she says she will never get over the guilt for not acting on that impulse sooner, that she wasn't able to handle things through the legal channels.

What makes a "good parent"? There are plenty of debates to be had, but I believe Jamie did what we wish all parents would do.

Her interviews show that she doesn't hide or pretend, and she's standing in the eye of the *****storm for the sole purpose of finding her baby and bringing him home. I think she is so brave, and I respect the hell out of her.

I have to say, this post brought tears to my eyes!!! I so agree with all of it. Poor Jamie- my heart goes out to heart every single day. Completely agonizing situation.
Was trying to get caught up today- I think I mostly am caught up but clearly missed when EG admitted giving Lucas zofran?

ALWAYS here praying, thinking of Lucas and wishing his outcome was different. [emoji173]️
She wrote a few pages detailing her actions on that Friday and Saturday and it was read at the hearing.

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Does anyone remember which day it was/what time of day when a neighbor said that they saw EG's car backed into the garage? I know that info was out waaaaaay towards the beginning but I just remembered.
May I just add to this and suggest that we clarify that you're referring to "EG family member acting as spokesperson", so that there isn't any confusion between that person and our own , who is a verified family spokesperson in this case? I know we all know the difference, but just to prevent anyone from mis-interpreting. :)

(I completely agree with what you say here)

Yes, absolutely -- thank you! It's too late for me to edit my post, but for the public let me say here and now that "EG family member acting as spokesperson" is exactly what I meant.
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