Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #24 Arrest

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Any news about how this tragedy can be turned into something good? Any laws being set in place for Kansas and anywhere else that prevents parents/caregivers from leaving a child home by themselves? We must put it into a law. If EG story is true than LE could have saved him the night he supposedly died. He would have had a chance to live if it was reported being left alone. If laws would have already been in place. Lucas will forever be remembered. Let’s make sure laws get passed. Sherin Mathews was left home alone while her parents went out to eat. What’s the deal?
There are laws on the books regarding leaving children unattended - it’s covered under neglect and endangerment.
The lack of that law isn’t the problem but rather people who ignore the law, ignore responsibility in favor of what makes them feel good.
A law where someone has to report abuse if they see or suspect it, like a spouse; is in the works last I saw.
I am sure glad Marshburn was hired over Klein, I believe Marshburn personality is a better fit with different type's of people. I just wish Lucas could have been found much sooner.

No it was just EG and the PI out there when Lucas was found.
Private investigator had one advantage police lacked in finding Lucas' body

After Marshburn arrived in Wichita, Medlam met with him for about four hours early Thursday, sharing information that she and fellow searchers had gained about where Lucas might be.

Later Thursday morning, Medlam, Marshburn and his private investigative partner drove together through an area about 2 miles south of where the body was later found.

The volunteer searchers had previously identified that area as a probable location for his remains, based on information that she can’t disclose, Medlam said.

Marshburn told her he made a plan to put Glass in a truck and persuade her to tell where Lucas was.

His strategy, Medlam said, was to take her out in the truck and convey to her that people know where Lucas is and were “zeroing in on it.”
His plan was to “wear her down, and keep it fresh in her mind that the little boy that she claims to love was out there somewhere,” Medlam said.

Marshburn and his partner spent five and a half hours with Glass on Thursday, Medlam said. During that time, he told the volunteer searchers to stay away — so Glass wouldn’t be distracted by them.

Medlam recalled that Marshburn told her that he and Glass drove across the same bridge where Lucas would be found — about 30 times.

Glass seemed to have trouble recalling the precise spot, Medlam said Marshburn told her.

Eventually, Marshburn announced that he would stop at every bridge.

The first one he stopped at, he found the remains underneath.

For three months, police had been gathering information to find the missing boy.

IMO - if she believed that they "knew" where he was and was zeroing in on finding him, maybe that also lets us know that they have more evidence than we know of in regards to her being in that area, whether it be phone pings, GPS, or a tip. Or maybe he just tricked her into thinking that they had that type of evidence - but he'd have to get pretty particular with her (in regards to the area) for her to believe him.....unless he really just threw her off of her game that much.

Sorry for the ramble.
I have to agree. I dont think Lucas wanted you to see him like that. Thankfully, someone prepared to see that found him. I pray that EG had to see what she did. I hope it haunts her forever. I hope Mr. Marshburn receives therapy. It cannot be healthy to see what he had to see.

Pink, I hope you and Mr. Pink will receive help too if it is needed.
I know i’m giving tmi and I’m embarrassed. of my sisters had a dream the night before we found him with my brother asking her not to go search again. What can I say? Four determined alpha females who loved their brothers. Only God is omnipotent. God bless you pink. I love you.
Marshburn declined to talk about Glass’ reaction at the scene for fear of jeopardizing the prosecution’s case. He also refused to say whether Glass had told him what happened to the boy.

He said it took him and Ward about four hours to actually find the body after they got to the general area, and had to work off clues rather than go right to it. They drove around with Glass as they talked and looked, he said.

“All those roads look alike, all those bridges look the same, all those woods — everything just looks the same. And then you go from winter to summer, I mean things just change, and you are dealing with a person whose mind is not even clear all the time,” Marshburn said. “We had to do it step by step.”

Police: Body identified as missing 5-year-old Kansas boy

According to this article it was Marshburn, his associate Ward and Emily.
Hours after Emily Glass led a private investigator to the body of 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez and after the investigator had been interviewed by detectives Thursday, he shared something with Sheila Medlam.

And it was this: Glass told the private investigator “that she put Lucas to bed Friday night (Feb. 16), that when she woke up Saturday morning (Feb. 17), he was dead,” Medlam said.

Marshburn told her he made a plan to put Glass in a truck and persuade her to tell where Lucas was.

His strategy, Medlam said, was to take her out in the truck and convey to her that people know where Lucas is and were “zeroing in on it.”

Private investigator had one advantage police lacked in finding Lucas' body
I’m at work and sneaking peeks at the updates between customers and when I read that account it literally took my breath away. Whether its true or a lie she thinks will get her off easy I don’t know. What I do know is that as a mother the fear of waking to find your child has passed is the stuff of nightmares. The past 24 hours has been such a roller coaster for us all here at WS and times a 1,000 for Lucas family. Those two words that now appear before his name on the threads is startling each time I get back in. Peace be to us all.
This is my theory as well!!! FLA and PB told us to focus on the late hours of Friday night. I believe LE knew that a crime occurred before she called due to maybe phone records, lack of messaging back, phone pings possibly, and of course the LL seeing Lucas at home alone on Friday. My bet is that sometime later through the night after putting MH to bed, she became more furious with Lucas being seen and beat him badly. I tend to believe she put a pull up on him before driving him in the the car before he died, but worried he could possibly die in the vehicle. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was beaten, near death, but still alive when she dumped him. Because that’s the kind of person she is. She would probably want him in pain, alone, on a gravel road, scared out of his mind!!!! Sorry for going that graphic but that’s what I believe happened. She was scared and worried about the consequences and wanted him to be scared and alone and feel some of the consequences for her ****** actions. All my own opinion. She’s a witch. Enough said!
I've worried myself that she might have taken him out that night when he was still alive and did what you said above.

I also believe it was pre-meditated. So many things lead to it- the lie about JO having him on VD, the so called couple outside smoking that she took a picture of (to set this up that he might have been kidnapped by these people), she was allegedly scared of them because she was all alone with two kids, yet she left Lucas alone that Friday night. Also, she made it a point to say she gave him Zofran for his stomach- did she want us all to believe that he died from an accidental overdose or the stomach flu?
Just EG according to newsbrief this morning on KAKE.
David Marshburn of North Carolina, a private investigator hired by Lucas’ family, told police he was led by Emily Glass, Lucas’ stepmother, to the location of the body. The private investigator then called the Wichita Police Department, who responded to the location.

“When we arrived, we found the private investigator and Emily Glass at the scene,” Ramsay said.

Glass was arrested on Thursday and booked into the Sedgwick County Jail on charges of felony obstruction of justice.

According to Harvey County Sheriff Chad Gay, at around 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Harvey County dispatch was called by Wichita Police Department to notify them of the body being discovered.

The body, located underneath a bridge out of sight from the dirt road, looked as though it had been there for a while, Gay said.
Confirmed: Lucas Hernandez' body found in Harvey County
He was out of town working according to a woman in this video:
Community remembers Lucas Hernandez

I don't know how to add videos to a post.
Yes, JH left town and had just gotten to NM when DM called him to let him know that Lucas had been found....he had to turn around and drive back. I'm thinking she was with her stepdad and the news misreported in their hurry to get the news out - but I could be wrong.
I am concerned that some people who inserted themselves in this are giving interviews and giving out information. I hope nothing gets released that could jeopardize the investigation.

I wonder if you are thinking of the person I am thinking of. Well, there are a few but one I've seen giving interviews to the media. That is irritating me a lot, too.
I’m sorry guys, I don’t post often I mostly just read. I’m extremely sorry to Lucas’s family! I have no words, no one word or sentence is enough other than my heart is broken for your broken hearts! Please forgive me for my speculation, it isn’t mean to hurt your family. Mods, please delete if my post is offensive or hurtful.

There’s is something that the live in girlfriend said that I can’t shake and keep coming back to. My experience with liars (take my word for it I could be an expert, no really) is there is always an element of truth to their “story” hence the statement my mind that I can’t leave alone. She stated that she gave LH & MH a bath, what if that’s where she lost her cool, there in the bathtub? Maybe since since the sweet baby had an upset stomach, maybe he threw up in the bath or a different body function in the tub because he was sick. Maybe she knocked him down (I’m sure she did that often) and he busted his head on the side of the tub or maybe she held him under the water?

I’m hoping that now that I have posted about the bath tub I can let it go and stop rolling it around in my head.
I’m sorry guys, I don’t post often I mostly just read. I’m extremely sorry to Lucas’s family! I have no words, no one word or sentence is enough other than my heart is broken for your broken hearts! Please forgive me for my speculation, it isn’t mean to hurt your family. Mods, please delete if my post is offensive or hurtful.

There’s is something that the live in girlfriend said that I can’t shake and keep coming back to. My experience with liars (take my word for it I could be an expert, no really) is there is always an element of truth to their “story” hence the statement my mind that I can’t leave alone. She stated that she gave LH & MH a bath, what if that’s where she lost her cool, there in the bathtub? Maybe since since the sweet baby had an upset stomach, maybe he threw up in the bath or a different body function in the tub because he was sick. Maybe she knocked him down (I’m sure she did that often) and he busted his head on the side of the tub or maybe she held him under the water?

I’m hoping that now that I have posted about the bath tub I can let it go and stop rolling it around in my head.
Yes. When I read that I had the same thought......I think I mentioned it here on the previous thread but I definitely felt what you were feeling in regards to that statement. She was so detailed about everything else up to the bath and then it was just basically "bath and bed" - like she glossed over it....and maybe that is because that was when it happened.

I am also curious if EG viewed the body once it was found or if she basically just waited for them. Did she help look or just wait in the car while he did?
I’m still certain she never came right out and said where he was because she still wasn’t willing to take ownership. The PI asked questions... she got uncomfortable or fidgety and the more he mentioned places, things, parts of that night she would give long pauses or answer his questions by re asking what he just asked ... either that or she was so doped up the night of the murder she couldn’t fully remember where she had put him but I’m guessing she just wasn’t willing to fess up completely !

I think she just didnt want to get close enough to have to see what she had done! i despise her so much!!! I hope the PI made her look at Lucas.
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