Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #27

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In the Ride Along podcast, around 18:00 DM is talking about what will happen during her first appearance and Glass is concerned with jail time.

DM says everyone has the right to an affordable bond, Glass says "I didn't."Around 19:10 DM talks about the 50k bond. He says he could've bonded her on it if he had been around.

Now get this: Glass says "Well first you'd have to release me because you want to find Lucas." DM says "What?" and Glass says "[garbled - maybe everyone] says that why you'd release me is to find Lucas. I get it"

At this DM had to stress it would have been to talk to her out of LE's earshot in order to protect her.

Category: Family Crime

In other words Glass was "fishing" to hear DM assure her it was about concern for her, not Lucas. This was going on as they were riding to find Lucas' body. Even then she couldn't stand attention being paid to Lucas. What a selfish, jealous woman!
i think we all tend to forget JH also struck EG's children.He should get no pass on anything.It is impossible to know what all he really knew about really happened to lucas.I have three young ones between 9 and 3 I would take them so far away from something like that.
I just want to see JH looked at the same way people tend to look at the majority of cases similar to this we see where a child's mom's boyfriend (or husband) abuses and kills the mom's child. I rarely see anyone defend women who look the other way while their child gets abused or killed by their significant other. I look at this case the same way, but the genders are different from the majority of cases we see. This time it's a woman who abused and killed her boyfriend's child. JH does not get sympathy from me because he was trying to provide for his family. Plenty of women are the breadwinners in their families as well. It doesn't make it okay to leave one's child in the care of an abuser.

I don't believe in expecting people to feel a certain way and complaining if you don't see enough anger from them against a certain person or situation.

I've seen people in here saying their partners abused their children and they didn't know about it. I see the world in shades of grey. When they tell their stories on here people say "oh you poor thing, that's terrible". But how does that fit with the black/white, 1/0 attitude that *has* to be applied or else. I find that a bit of emotional blackmail. I find it a sad thing in human nature that we judge people by whether they hate enough and that sometimes people are disgusted with anyone who does express a little empathy for at least part of a situation. I find it a bit too close to the attitude of "I don't care how x crime happened, just hang 'em". I want to learn how these things happen. I want to learn how someone could fight through being gaslit (if that happened here) to see reality, and feel empowered to do something about it.

I have a tendency to over-sympathize with people and it might take me a while to figure out they don't have the feelings I think they must be feeling. On the other hand I try to step back emotionally in these cases and try to observe, learn, try to come up with ideas. Even if my heart goes out to a parent whose child is missing or deceased I struggle with saying that and tend to go straight over it to examining the details of the case. It's not because I'm hard-hearted; the people who know me better think I'm way too sensitive. Seeing things in shades of grey, tending to over-empathize, being more about the structure of human nature and actions, I have empathy for JH's situation, but that doesn't mean I excuse him of every mistake he's made. I also want people to be attacked for things that are factual, and I see people misinterpret something or make what appears to be a slightly faulty claim on here and bash him for that, and I'm not complaining because I understand that the anger people feel toward him is coming from a caring place, and people are angry at the situation, and he did fail his children. But what if he was gaslit? For me that's a grey area where I feel uncomfortable judging someone harshly when I haven't walked in their shoes.

JH is being accused here of not wanting Lucas found or for EG to admit to what she'd done. And he's being judged and attacked on that basis. If the basis is fair and accurate I think that's fair. I don't know that the basis is fair or accurate, so I'm not going to join in with that bashing. He seemed very upset that he was struggling to get a PI in, because he said he wanted his son found. I think someone on here might have been onto something when they said he was unfair in what he said about no one looking for Lucas and that might have been because he'd been convinced that Lucas wasn't lying in a ditch in the Wichita area. Yet JH did also say thanks to searchers at one of the vigils. He also tried to clarify his comments about no one doing anything, which made me think the original words were spoken more in despair. None of us can make a perfect statement that we don't later wish we'd said a different way or added in different things, it's a lot easier to attack someone for not saying the exact words we wanted/expected them to say. So JH goes back to work, maybe thinking it will be weeks or months before Lucas is found. If he was jobless or lost his job through taking time off for this he'd be attacked for that too. Jamie is suffering the same thing, she's being attacked for everything she says and does and for everything she doesn't say or do. I know Jamie is in a different position than JH, because she didn't have the power to kick EG out of that house, and JH did. We all saw the things people said about Jamie for the interview she did on the couch with JH, and I think the same thing is happening with JH. People attack based on their assumptions about a person.

I am sad because someone said something that made me feel they hated me because I wasn't hating on JH enough, and it was someone for whom I have so much respect. I had to try and tell myself that it doesn't matter how that person (or anyone else here) feels about me, because we can still work together in these threads regardless, and that is what really matters.

I have never been one to follow the crowd in hating people or falling out with someone because someone else wants me to. I play Devil's Advocate a lot and get judged for the things I put forward as food for thought or what if. I like seeing people do that on this forum! I might not agree with what they say but I respect that they had the balls to say it even though it went against the crowd assumption.

I don't want to be hated as a JH supporter or lumped into a category like that, because I don't feel inside that that's what I am, I just dislike bashing people based on miscomprehension of something and I have all these grey areas where I will play Devil's Advocate, and I often just want to wait to get more information. We all have different levels where we feel we have enough information to draw firm conclusions...look at Global Warming, some people feel they have enough information/evidence *now* some people are just as certain that they don't have enough. That's what it is to be on a globe of human beings, there are certain averages, and sometimes there are multiple averages like in this case where there is an average of people who are firmly in the EG dunnit camp but another average of people who are in the "Err, maybe it was JO or maybe the three of them were in it together" camp and then there are outliers who think the PI found Lucas so fast because it was he who dunnit. (I kid you not).

Can't we just apply the "scroll on" thing if someone says they do or they don't have sympathy for JH? Please? If you don't want to go that way, fine, but I don't agree with it. The main thing here is LUCAS not how we each feel about JH.
I just want to repost this section from the bottom of my last post, because regardless of whether anyone cares why I feel this way, I do feel this way:

Can't we just apply the "scroll on" thing if someone says they do or they don't have sympathy for JH? Please? If you don't want to go that way, fine, but I don't agree with it. The main thing here is LUCAS not how we each feel about JH.

PS I am NOT saying people shouldn't criticise JH at all. He has done (or not done) a lot of things to be critical of and angry about.
I just want to see JH looked at the same way people tend to look at the majority of cases similar to this we see where a child's mom's boyfriend (or husband) abuses and kills the mom's child. I rarely see anyone defend women who look the other way while their child gets abused or killed by their significant other. I look at this case the same way, but the genders are different from the majority of cases we see. This time it's a woman who abused and killed her boyfriend's child. JH does not get sympathy from me because he was trying to provide for his family. Plenty of women are the breadwinners in their families as well. It doesn't make it okay to leave one's child in the care of an abuser.

Get over here, hugs going your way for this post. Couldn't have said it better.
I just want to see JH looked at the same way people tend to look at the majority of cases similar to this we see where a child's mom's boyfriend (or husband) abuses and kills the mom's child. I rarely see anyone defend women who look the other way while their child gets abused or killed by their significant other. I look at this case the same way, but the genders are different from the majority of cases we see. This time it's a woman who abused and killed her boyfriend's child. JH does not get sympathy from me because he was trying to provide for his family. Plenty of women are the breadwinners in their families as well. It doesn't make it okay to leave one's child in the care of an abuser.

I am probably in a minority here, but I spent eight years under a stepmother that hated the dead wife's young daughter (me.). She was very harsh, very mean, physically and mentally abusive. I never ever told my dad, because the threat was always there about what would happen to me if I did. I daren't believe my father was totally ignorant, and I also don't believe he didn't love everything about me. He just HAD NO choice..that's what he believed on the inside. His own brain allowed him to believe that, his own shortcomings, whatever we call them. I believe JH loved his son. He didn't want to believe, and therefore his brain could not even examine it. I'm not saying it's right. I just think that could be how it went for JH. I feel such overwhelming pity and sadness for JO, JH, all of their relatives, and more than all of them, for Lucas. They, along with young Lucas, are all broken now.
I am probably in a minority here, but I spent eight years under a stepmother that hated the dead wife's young daughter (me.). She was very harsh, very mean, physically and mentally abusive. I never ever told my dad, because the threat was always there about what would happen to me if I did. I daren't believe my father was totally ignorant, and I also don't believe he didn't love everything about me. He just HAD NO choice..that's what he believed on the inside. His own brain allowed him to believe that, his own shortcomings, whatever we call them. I believe JH loved his son. He didn't want to believe, and therefore his brain could not even examine it. I'm not saying it's right. I just think that could be how it went for JH. I feel such overwhelming pity and sadness for JO, JH, all of their relatives, and more than all of them, for Lucas. They, along with young Lucas, are all broken now.

It's just that, Lucas deserved more than for him to not believe. Also, I'm not sure how he could not believe, he was covered in injuries. It was his job to believe, because that was part of protecting his son. No excuses. There is always another choice.
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I just want to repost this section from the bottom of my last post, because regardless of whether anyone cares why I feel this way, I do feel this way:

Can't we just apply the "scroll on" thing if someone says they do or they don't have sympathy for JH? Please? If you don't want to go that way, fine, but I don't agree with it. The main thing here is LUCAS not how we each feel about JH.

PS I am NOT saying people shouldn't criticise JH at all. He has done (or not done) a lot of things to be critical of and angry about.

I was just stating my opinion. No one has to agree with it. I simply don't like double standards. If someone feels sympathy for a man such as JH then I would expect them to feel sympathy for a woman in his situation. I have no idea who on here sympathizes with him or not. I don't, but you don't have to agree with me. But yes, we can all express our feelings about his actions (or lack thereof).
I just want to repost this section from the bottom of my last post, because regardless of whether anyone cares why I feel this way, I do feel this way:

Can't we just apply the "scroll on" thing if someone says they do or they don't have sympathy for JH? Please? If you don't want to go that way, fine, but I don't agree with it. The main thing here is LUCAS not how we each feel about JH.

But this IS about Lucas. We need to hold people accountable to the roles they played in what happened to Lucas. JH played a role. He endangered Lucas when he left him with her, and he needs to be held accountable for that.
Everyone, please remember these posts (mine anyway) are not directed at anyone here. I see some posts are being directed at me, and that would hurt my feelings, but I'm an INTJ personality so I'm pretty thick skinned.

These are just our thoughts and opinions and they are not about anyone here. This is about Lucas and his situation.
But this IS about Lucas. We need to hold people accountable to the roles they played in what happened to Lucas. JH played a role. He endangered Lucas when he left him with her, and he needs to be held accountable for that.

I agree. That's why I added on another part saying criticism is absolutely due to him. I agree that is an important part of the thread. It's not that that made me react that way. Or overreact that way is probably more accurate.

I was just stating my opinion. No one has to agree with it. I simply don't like double standards. If someone feels sympathy for a man such as JH then I would expect them to feel sympathy for a woman in his situation. I have no idea who on here sympathizes with him or not. I don't, but you don't have to agree with me. But yes, we can all express our feelings about his actions (or lack thereof).

Some of them I do feel for. There was one not long ago that I just felt so sorry for her losing her child but she'd picked a really rotten apple for a boyfriend. It's the grief that they must still feel that I sympathise with, not the bad decisions they've made.
I think we need to remember that there's a difference between an explanation and an excuse. There may well be some valid explanations for JH's behavior (or lack thereof), but that doesn't excuse him from not protecting his son.

Do I feel pity for him? Yes. Do I think he's partially responsible for Lucas' loss? Yes.
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Normal is just a setting on a washing machine.
Everyone has their own ‘normal’ for their life and this was made abundantly clear to me when, someone I know who grew up with abuse was completely blown away when I called their abuser out on the behavior. When seeing the abusive one have a conversation with a child, and they made a thinly veiled threat toward that child I said that IS ABSOLUTELY child abuse. The person literally- literally- ran away crying how dare I attack them like that. But my friend it was as if they suddenly woke up and realized yes, that is abuse and broke down because it was ‘normal’ for them growing up ...
i think we all tend to forget JH also struck EG's children.He should get no pass on anything.It is impossible to know what all he really knew about really happened to lucas.I have three young ones between 9 and 3 I would take them so far away from something like that.
He knew. He knew about the injuries in NM last summer, then fled and kept Lucas away from any family after that. His own parents called CPS. He knew everything that was happening to that little boy, but in my opinion he didn't want to lose his babysitter. jmo
I think we need to remember that there's a difference between an explanation and an excuse. There may well be some reasonable/valid explanations for JH's behavior (or lack thereof), but that doesn't excuse him from not protecting his son.

Do I feel pity for him? Yes. Do I think he's partially responsible for Lucas' loss? Yes.

I think I would question whether there's a difference between someone standing right there watching while their partner abuses a child in front of them, and maybe saying, "oh, it was just discipline" compared with someone who sees their partner being caring to the child in front of them, then they come home from work and are told the child fell off the swing and got a bad bruise.

In one of the NG's Marshburn said that he asked JH to think about whether all, or most, of those bruises occurred when he was out of town, and he said that JH had a bit of a lightbulb moment. Well that's all anyone has been asking him to think about for the past three months and he couldn't have that lightbulb moment until Marshburn explained it to him?! But on the other side I do think JH might have felt pulled in all directions and maybe ended up favoring the direction that meant his son would come home alive. I don't personally understand that, I find it a lot easier to understand JO saying that she 'knew' Lucas wasn't coming home alive when she saw all the police cars and SWAT vans in the street. But we're not all the same how we process things.
It's just that, Lucas deserved more than for him to not believe. Also, I'm not sure how he could not believe, he was covered in injuries. It was his job to believe, because that was part of protecting his son. No excuses. There is always another choice.
exactly.People on here say they were abused ok I understand that but if you were walking around beat up like Lucas and your other parent didn't believe it than they are guilty too.You know that little boy wanted someone to save him.
I think I would question whether there's a difference between someone standing right there watching while their partner abuses a child in front of them, and maybe saying, "oh, it was just discipline" compared with someone who sees their partner being caring to the child in front of them, then they come home from work and are told the child fell off the swing and got a bad bruise.

In one of the NG's Marshburn said that he asked JH to think about whether all, or most, of those bruises occurred when he was out of town, and he said that JH had a bit of a lightbulb moment. Well that's all anyone has been asking him to think about for the past three months and he couldn't have that lightbulb moment until Marshburn explained it to him?! But on the other side I do think JH might have felt pulled in all directions and maybe ended up favoring the direction that meant his son would come home alive. I don't personally understand that, I find it a lot easier to understand JO saying that she 'knew' Lucas wasn't coming home alive when she saw all the police cars and SWAT vans in the street. But we're not all the same how we process things.

I can't give JH a hall pass just because "we're not all the same how we process things". What he did was not ok. It's not "normal".
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