Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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What do you mean we don't know what happened there? We know he was born with a cleft palate, and it led to issues with his ability to eat right after birth, and it caused the issues with his teeth. We learned that very early on.
it’s not unlike what Amonet refers to as reflux, I recently learned with my niece who has a g-tube to be fed and she does try mouth feedings regularly so she can come off the g-tube, but she has had issues with reflux that are just awful.
it’s not unlike what Amonet refers to as reflux, I recently learned with my niece who has a g-tube to be fed and she does try mouth feedings regularly so she can come off the g-tube, but she has had issues with reflux that are just awful.
I have friends who have a 1 year old that had to have a G-tube for about the first 10 months of his life. Now they struggle with reflux too, even though his original reason for the G-tube wasn't related to a gastrointestinal issue at all.
I don't think I agree with that at all. There is nothing to say JH knew where LH was or had anything to do with it, and multiple interviews with LE, DM, and a lie detector test seem to corroborate that. I think in his grief, he's struggling to believe he allowed this to happen to LH, and he isn't thinking ahead at what else could happen (EG hurts him or herself with the gun). He's trying to get through the next 10 minutes, not focusing on the next days or weeks .
Please notice that I said IMO.
I keep thinking about JH still taking care of Emily even after she led DM to Lucas's body. He said he allowed her to stay in the house since he wasn't staying there and yet after a night out with his friends that's exactly where he went to stay the night! Knowing she was staying there! Huh? IMO there's really no huh about it. He was staying there with her. Period.
Disturbing, isn't it? If my husband had ever done such a thing as hide my child's body and keep it to himself where he/she was located, there would be no way in hell I would be near that man again, never mind sleep in the same home as him!
Yes, he said "we."

Nancy asks him at about 39.50 if Lucas had any type of health issue. Jonathan answers, "No immediate health problems other than he had been um, vomiting for a few weeks and we had taken him to the doctor, and they had given him a prescription for um, liquid Zofran. And, even the prescription didn't seem to help his vomiting. So to me, I mean I don't know if it could be complications from that or that maybe he hadn't gotten enough nutrients from vomiting so long and maybe there was a problem."

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace

IMHO his "um" bothers me. The timing of the "ums" might be followed by untruths. Moo.

Also I know personally of at least 3 extremely severe cases of food poisoning and that medicine instantly stopped what had been constant continuous vomiting. One pill under the tongue was like a miracle drug (administered orally in an ambulance).
I think the first question there would be really helpful now they're not going to be a trial for EG. Not just the date but the context, was Lucas actually on screen and chatting or was he in bed asleep and EG just pointed the camera at the bed for JH to whisper "goodnight, bubba".

The second is trickier to ask, but it would be very interesting to know if it could be asked carefully. We don't know if JH took Lucas aside and asked him about these injuries without EG being around. We don't know how he might have asked, whether it was an open question of "how did this happen?" or whether JH just took EG's word for all the injuries and never really asked Lucas. And if he asked Lucas about EG's treatment of him when all these abuse allegations were made and CPS came around to question them, did JH ask Lucas privately and assure he wouldn't get into trouble for the true answer, or was it more "EG's okay with you isn't she?" ... while EG was in the next room and maybe not enough sense of safety for Lucas to open up.

I don't know if that second question is so much about what happened to Lucas or just satisfying our curiosity, though. We have the words of relatives, we have the CPS report, we know it happened. JH would have options for answers, truth or lie, surface truth, deep truth, or lie. If he says he was clueless he gets castigated and accused of lying. If he says deep down he wasn't really sure, he gets castigated and possibly put on trial for neglect and endangerment. If he lies and says he knew nothing, we don't really learn anything from the lie.

The first question could also potentially be answered with a lie...but that goes to the case of Lucas' death, which is the thing we have the biggest questions over. We know Lucas was abused by EG, we don't know exactly the circumstances of Lucas' death, so it's information on the latter that I find more intriguing.

So if we had a wishlist of questions for NG to ask JH, things relating to the possible COD and timetable, things JH can answer without needing to share what he's been told by LE, what would be on that list?

When did JH last see/communicate with Lucas, and what were the circumstances?
Did JH go to the doctor's appointment with Lucas over the vomiting?
What did the doctor say about a possible reason for the vomiting?
Was there a follow-up appointment when the zofran didn't seem to be helping?

My question for asking JH if he spoke to Lucas after the incident of him being hurt was more about did EG call him and let him know Lucas had been hurt or did JH just facetime and saw Lucas all banged up, how was Lucas acting at that time, was he lethargic, did Lucas tell him his head hurt or tummy hurt at that time. To me it is important because if Lucas did die from internal injuries I don't think an autopsy is gonna reveal that - such as he had internal bleeding. At this point though I don't really trust anything JH states though because IMO he is still covering for EG.
I have no doubt EG was abusing Lucas, what we don't know is if JH was also abusing him. People refer to the DCF reports of Lucas saying EG doesn't like me anymore, and that bruises appeared after EG and JH fought - well these statements are coming from relatives we do not know what Lucas told the DCF workers. In addition the family saw bruises and JH was out of town - were the bruises days old when family saw them what stage of healing where they in - it could be hard to pinpoint exactly when an injury occurred that resulted in the bruises so maybe JH wasn't always out of town. If the injuries were noticed after EG and JH fought well maybe little Lucas got hurt during one of their fights.
Jan. 22, 2018: Lucas came to Beech Elementary School with nine abrasions and bruises

Jan. 23, 2018: The day after the school nurse saw the injuries, Lucas came to her office with a stomachache. The school nurse called Glass, who picked up Lucas, and he returned to school two days later with a note from a pediatric nurse practitioner at GraceMed Jardine Clinic. The note stated, ‘Patient’s injuries are consistent with a fall."

The school nurse said that Lucas missed school on Feb. 1 because he was throwing up at school. He vomited again on Feb. 6, and Glass picked him up. He missed the next two days of school.

Also on Feb. 9, 2018: Lucas came to school for the last time. He again had a doctor’s note, this time stating he had a stomach virus.

Horrific new details emerge in court document about missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez

I think JH was in town Jan 30th - thru morning of Feb 9th.

From the linked article:

"The person said Lucas had a bruise on his bottom 'that looked like the shape of a clothes iron. … Lucas reportedly stated (Glass) had caused the bruises,' the document says."

Lucas was failed by so many people and systems. My heart continues to break for him.
From the linked article:

"The person said Lucas had a bruise on his bottom 'that looked like the shape of a clothes iron. … Lucas reportedly stated (Glass) had caused the bruises,' the document says."

Lucas was failed by so many people and systems. My heart continues to break for him.

The thing is I have no doubt Lucas told family this - but Lucas could of not told DCF this because Lucas was already gone when this was reported.

March 2017: Someone saw Lucas with “temporary tattoos that were hiding bruises.” Lucas was reported to have been covered “from head to toe in bruises,” according to a report to the Kansas Department for Children and Families on Feb. 19, two days after Glass told police he had disappeared. The person said Lucas had a bruise on his bottom “that looked like the shape of a clothes iron. … Lucas reportedly stated (Glass) had caused the bruises,” the document says.
Horrific new details emerge in court document about missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez
I have seen nothing from LE stating that JH took and passed a polygraph.
I've listened to the link where (paraphrasing this) JO states that Jonathan passed a poly with flying colors. I'm wondering if Jonathan told her this himself and that is the only source she has. Just wondering, because unless LE states that he took one and passed with flying colors, I don't believe a dang thing.
It would be a waste of public funds/resources to bring charges against a dead person if that’s what you meant.

It’s the very reason I strongly believe a coroners inquest wold be appropriate in this case. EG is dead, there will be no trial thus an inquest can answer many of these questions and lingering doubts. It is a public process much like a trial with a jury of 6 and witnesses are called. The Coroner is seated as the Judge.

If you meant charges at the time EG was last in custody, the minute the DA files charges certain deadlines/clocks start ticking. IE RIght to a speedy trial is one very important as well as some discovery. LE needs time. And the autopsy needs to be complete.

For example if he had charged EG within the 72 hours after her arrest, and hypothetically Lucas COD came back as a flu, bacterial infection and very weak or no evidence of abuse, he’d be in a difficult position of having to revise to lesser charges.

A defense attorney would have a field day with that revision. And any crime, such as neglect might get lost in the rhetoric the defense would create for reasonable doubt regarding the lesser charges.

A DA has to be careful when charging and have enough good sound evidence for each charge against a defendant.

Sorry hope it’s clear. Pain is clouding my brain today
No that’s not what I meant. Someone had mentioned JH being able to collect victims assistance money and my point was since no cause of death has come out yet I don’t know that he would qualify for those state funds.
Yes, he said "we."

Nancy asks him at about 39.50 if Lucas had any type of health issue. Jonathan answers, "No immediate health problems other than he had been um, vomiting for a few weeks and we had taken him to the doctor, and they had given him a prescription for um, liquid Zofran. And, even the prescription didn't seem to help his vomiting. So to me, I mean I don't know if it could be complications from that or that maybe he hadn't gotten enough nutrients from vomiting so long and maybe there was a problem."

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
Thanks. This is what I was remembering. I think the *we* could easily be a figure of speech. It wouldn't be an unusual way of saying it around here, even if JH didn't personally attend the appt. IMHO
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