Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #5 *Arrest*

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I saw somewhere many pages back that they didn't know how much he weighed. I think it had something to do with how 60 was written out.

He looks MUCH smaller than 60 pounds to me, especially in the latest pictures (the ones wearing the oversized bball hat especially.)
There is no way to deny my 61lb 4’ 5 year old is chubby. She eats the same as all our other beanpole kids did. IMO Lucas never weighed in at 60lbs.
Her height is that is that of an average sized seven year old.

IMO there’s no way on this great green earth that Lucas weighs 60 lbs.

She’s wearing my mother’s poncho (my nana bought in 1965) that’s been passed down and seen three generations now, I loved it when I was a kid.

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Just something that I've been thinking about since yesterday.. How in the world might EG surreptitiously move/hide a 60 pound child? That is quite heavy..she herself is on the slight side, as I read her police paperwork. Yes, I personally can lift 60 pounds, (and I am a lot older than her.. A lot) but still, I could not go far, not easily if I were were man handling 60 pounds. So I'm just wondering if there might be someone that has helped her. 60 pounds of d*** weight (can't say it..) is awfully hard to easily be sneaky with. With that in mind, I hope LE is going through her contact list in her phone (maybe?). I know they're pretty smart. Just thinking out loud.

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One word: adrenaline
Live 10 pm news with parents interview in 2 minutes:

Did anyone see the interview? Dad spoke more than mom but didn't really say much.
Some statements he made came off a little strange to me but I need to watch it again when the video gets posted.
Mom just had tears flowing down her face. My heart breaks for her. :(
I hope there is more to this interview they are showing later.
Reporter cut away sort of suddenly and said the parents could not discuss the details of the investigation.
More was said about the park search and a group that is providing food to the searchers.
She’s wearing my mother’s poncho (my nana bought in 1965) that’s been passed down and seen three generations now, I loved it when I was a kid.

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Don't laugh, but I had one just like it, lol! Dating myself here.....I love ponchos! Pretty girl there, keeleydog.
Well, that interview was less than I imagined. Still sad, and I don’t ever want any parent to have to face this tragedy. I would be so emotional about my child missing. I would be unstoppable-I on the other hand would feel very shameful if I could have saved my child from this. In my opinion, these two parents are full of shame.

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I unfortunately had caught up reading this new thread in just enough time to click the link and see that I had juuuuust missed it.
Marking my spot.
Feel like this little guy was let down by people he knew and trusted. :(
I agree interview nothing.. mother seemed to be holding back anger by not speaking. Father giving Pat answers
This is complete speculation on my part, so take it as you wish. She doesn't strike me as a very complex or thoughtful person. She acts out of illogical anger, her actions are not very well thought out, she seems impulsive. I don't think she made a calculated plan to kill Lucas, I think it was the result of some impulsive action or accidental. Whether impulsive or accidental she would have freaked out, as most anyone would with a dead child on their hands, she would want to get rid of Lucas as quickly as possible, get as much distance between her and Lucas as possible without drawing any attention. If my theory is correct, I think she probably left him somewhere within the city or just on the outskirts. I wouldn't be surprised if he's found in a ditch or culvert covered up with leaves and such or maybe where the body of a child would blend like a junk yard.

It's hard to get a good read on her from the outside. She seems like a study in contradictions, at least to me as an outsider with no knowledge of her actual personality.

I agree with you on this. I even wonder if it was her maybe? But whatever happened was a result of her failure to be a loving and thoughtful person to an innocent child.

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Only good thing about that interview was they put up LOTS of new pics of little Lucas. He is such an adorable child! :tears:
It would have had more of an impact upon me if they had come out and made a plea for help finding him, back at jump.
And JH insisted that there were no signs that anything like this would ever happen.... yeah....
It was reported that Monday they will take the case to DA-I doubt they will let her post bond before that. If DA decides to formally charge, she will remain in Jail.

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Weekends do not count.

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Feb 11th was a Sunday, so the 2 other boys seen were probably hers.

Gardening on the 15th...
I wonder what she planted there!
I'm nosy! [emoji103]

They moved in the 7th.
10 days later he is gone.
He had missed 10 days of school by the 17th.
So, Feb 5,6,7,8,9 &
Feb 12,13,14,15,16- he was absent.

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I hope they had the doctor who saw him corroborate his strep diagnosis. For strep you need to be on antibiotics. He was also seen outside while he was ill with strep- after they moved in, but was absent from school? Strep is specific. It’s not like saying oh “Betty, has been so ill. She had the flu”. Also as a child who had strep often I can’t think of an instance where I would have actively missed ten days of school. Your are no longer able to give the illness to others 24 hours after being on antibiotic. Finally, had he seen a doctor to get checked for strep, I am sure the doctor would have asked about any bruising. I am hoping they have spoken to this doctor!!!!! Moo

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I’ve been following, but I’m a bit confused.
Isn’t tomorrow the 72 hour HFSW up and she could post bail?
Tomorrow MONDAY they will present the case to the prosecutor and they will decide on charges.

I hope they had the doctor who saw him corroborate his strep diagnosis. For strep you need to be on antibiotics. He was also seen outside while he was ill with strep- after they moved in, but was absent from school? Strep is specific. It’s not like saying oh “Betty, has been so ill. She had the flu”. Also as a child who had strep often I can’t think of an instance where I would have actively missed ten days of school. Your are no longer able to give the illness to others 24 hours after being on antibiotic. Finally, had he seen a doctor to get checked for strep, I am sure the doctor would have asked about any bruising. I am hoping they have spoken to this doctor!!!!! Moo

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We have not had any confirmation that he had strep or missed school at all.
Weekends do not count.

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I know they said it was now a criminal case, was just wondering if they have to have formal charges filed prior to the 72 hour expiration.
I hope they are working this weekend on putting things together for the DA on Monday.
I really worry she will get out.
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