KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

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Well...it's just been that kind of a day. I drove out to my Mom's and turned the radio up real loud and screamed until I was hoarse. Then I felt like an idiot and drove back home.

If we had to lose her, I wish we could have just said one last goodbye. I love you. I'll miss you forever.

Oh, how I wish we could have been there for her. I hate it that she was all alone. I hate it.
You are very brave to come on WS and share your thoughts and feelings and anguish.
Thank you.
I think we're putting the cart before the horse speaking of forgiveness here. And really, it's not up to any of us anyway.

Rita, you and your family need to let whatever emotions you feel run their course. If you are faithful people, I sincerely hope it brings you comfort. But there is no need to let anyone who may be responsible for taking your Mom out of her life off the hook at this point.

You are entitled to feel whatever you are feeling.
Rita, Tony, Gene, David, and families;
I am so thankful that your mother has given you the gift of loving God. I don't know how you would be able to go through all of this without Jesus. I don't know the why, why, why's of all of this, but I know that you all know the WHO, WHO, WHO, of this that is in charge and that is your mama's best friend, Jesus. He has never left her side, never. Don't lose hope, God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way......He will make a way. I believe, (speaking as a mama, and a mamaw) that she would want you to hold onto your faith, and to eachother, and to try to ....well...as you said earlier...let it go. That doesn't mean you stop doing all the things you have been...it just means........put it totally in Gods Hands. And I am going to say something else, that I hope doesn't upset you all...because I love you as my brothers and sisters in Christ,
but please think it through before making a decision on how you feel. I am going to pray for your "dad", it sounds like he did not do a very good job at being "dad", but your mama must have seen something in him worth loving, something worth praying for after all the years they were together. I pray he is not responsible, as this would be very hard to take, but I also believe that your mama taught you that "the one who needs loved the most, often deserves it the least". If nothing else, pray to be released from the way he has made you feel. Don't let the anger and hurt from the past keep you captive in your own spirit, who is that hurting?...you. Love covers a multitude of sins. I'm so very sorry that he did you all wrong, and I bet if he was really honest with himself, he is so sorry that he can't even stand himself, therefore escaping into alcohol and hatefulness. Listen to the whispers in the air from your mama, she would want you to love him anyway. Try to forgive, that doesn't mean forget....it just means it releases you from all the hurt he inflicted. When you mama gets home, we will all rejoice with you, oh what a joyous day it will be :angel:

What a beautiful post. You know, it was in the days following Taylor passing away that I realized a lot of the anger that I'd felt for almost a year for my "dad" was simply gone. And with the encouragement of a saint on this earth, a close life-long family friend, I said, "I forgive him. Forgive me God, this anger is worthless, I am not letting it rule my life anymore." It was still very hard to watch him continue to hurt my Mom and brothers because I was completely helpless to stop it, but the anger was truly gone.

This will be an uphill battle for me, because nothing gets to me like someone hurting my family, and this is so far beyond that. I know what the right way is, it just isn't easy.
I think we're putting the cart before the horse speaking of forgiveness here. And really, it's not up to any of us anyway.

Rita, you and your family need to let whatever emotions you feel run their course. If you are faithful people, I sincerely hope it brings you comfort. But there is no need to let anyone who may be responsible for taking your Mom out of her life off the hook at this point.

You are entitled to feel whatever you are feeling.

If I thought there was no God, no Heaven, no life after this one, I think I would have just given up after Taylor, my niece, passed away. When she went to Heaven, my faith in God was changed and multiplied. I remember saying I lived a black and white Christian life before, but after she went to Heaven, I lived in color, because my faith was so dramatically changed and increased.

Faith and prayers are all that will get us through this, no matter what happens.
If I thought there was no God, no Heaven, no life after this one, I think I would have just given up after Taylor, my niece, passed away. When she went to Heaven, my faith in God was changed and multiplied. I remember saying I lived a black and white Christian life before, but after she went to Heaven, I lived in color, because my faith was so dramatically changed and increased.

Faith and prayers are all that will get us through this, no matter what happens.

I know that you feel so troubled that she was alone, but I am sure that for her, it was a great relief that none of her children or grandchildren were there to be subjected to whatever happened to her, or to have anything happen to them! Whatever has happened, it would have been so much worse for her if she thought any harm had come to any of you.

Hoping for news about her soon.....


You have so many awesome friends and supporters on here! Everyone wants this to be over and for Pat to be home with you and for the mystery of what happened to be known ~ but in the meantime what a great group of up-lifting people!

I was moved by what Harleysmom wrote and i know that what she said is probably more true than we want to admit. Forgiveness does release us. I am sure that she meant for you to forgive him for the way he was in years past and that she not addressing that you forgive him for this--- when we don't know who is responsible for "this".


One thing I did want to point out -- who would benefit monitarily from Pat being gone?? Some have said that her ex would -- but would he? I mean what he lost in the settlement is already lost to him. If he pays alimony, which he probably does, -- he will still have to pay until she is declared dead and that would take YEARS if she is not found!! So it would be more beneficial for him to have her dead than to have her missing. I could be wrong- but I can't imagine a court changing this unless they have proof that she is not coming back.
I know that you feel so troubled that she was alone, but I am sure that for her, it was a great relief that none of her children or grandchildren were there to be subjected to whatever happened to her, or to have anything happen to them! Whatever has happened, it would have been so much worse for her if she thought any harm had come to any of you.

Hoping for news about her soon.....


I know you are right. It's hard to get out of my head though. And knowing how hard she fought, her knowing she was so close to help, the hope she must have had...


You have so many awesome friends and supporters on here! Everyone wants this to be over and for Pat to be home with you and for the mystery of what happened to be known ~ but in the meantime what a great group of up-lifting people!

I was moved by what Harleysmom wrote and i know that what she said is probably more true than we want to admit. Forgiveness does release us. I am sure that she meant for you to forgive him for the way he was in years past and that she not addressing that you forgive him for this--- when we don't know who is responsible for "this".


One thing I did want to point out -- who would benefit monitarily from Pat being gone?? Some have said that her ex would -- but would he? I mean what he lost in the settlement is already lost to him. If he pays alimony, which he probably does, -- he will still have to pay until she is declared dead and that would take YEARS if she is not found!! So it would be more beneficial for him to have her dead than to have her missing. I could be wrong- but I can't imagine a court changing this unless they have proof that she is not coming back.

You're right. This is my oversight in not posting. I called my Mom's lawyer in the week after Mom went missing to ask how alimony and settlement payments would work, if "dad" was still required to pay them and he said they would have to continue until we know that she not alive. Only after she has been missing for 5 years, can she be declared deceased. So, a mark in his favor, unless he didn't know the law regarding a missing person.
You have not offended me at all...in fact that is what was in the back of my mind for many, many years, from the time we were all very little, that someday he would hurt her. He was the first and only person I thought would or could do this when we found out she was missing. It was beyond my comprehension that is could have been anyone else.

First of all, from how I know him, if he had wanted to harm her, it would have been for bitterness, revenge, blame...he would gain a little monetarily but nothing compared to what he already lost in the divorce, so to me it would have to have been emotional. But we are certain he didn't do it himself and if he paid someone to do it, why would they not just harm her and leave her there? Why go to all the trouble of taking her? Down the road, when she escapes, why do they chase her, leaving evidence in a struggle, and get her back in the vehicle? Why not just say this is too much trouble and harm her then and leave her there? The ballcap and moneyclip ARE part of what was left at the scene, and were not left there intentionally. She put up a pretty big fight trying to get away. There was a house just west of where the scene on the road happened (very close), and the family was home, w/ lights on in the house, so I'm pretty sure she knew if she could get there, she could get help.

I don't believe he has a lot of feeling left for her, but he does love his money - he was angry w/ her for taking what he thought she didn't have any right to. But I don't see this fitting as far as him being directly involved. I could be totally wrong though.

Thank you LaLaw2000 for your thoughts and ideas - they are appreciated, and again, I am not offended in any way.

The only reason i can think of for him to not just harm her at the scene is control reasons. If he is a control freak, then he may enjoy having "power" over her, and by just killing someone, he might not be able to enjoy the "control" and "power" aspects of it as much. Her fear at being taken may add to the "power" the culprit was feeling at the time. Also having her kidnapped by others to bring to him could also add to those feelings. The culprit may have had something in mind in his plans of the abduction and Lord knows what else of your mother. His plans may have been to take her to a place that was his, thus giving him more power as she wasn't in the comforts of her own home, she would be on his "turf" and it would give him more feelings of power and control.
From her putting up a fight down the road, it seems that your mother may have knocked the ballcap and money clip off her attacker, and if the attacker was alone or there was 2 very disorganized attackers, their main focus would be to get your mother contained and back into the vehicle and in the process, the evidence was completely forgotten about. Or he/they may have been faced with a choice of either retrieving the evidence and risking your mother escaping again, so they picked the latter and left it behind if they were aware at all.
Whoever took your mother, it seems that they would be "working" for your father in some way. The only reason to take another individual and do them harm, aside from a vested personal interest in doing so, would be to do it for another person who may be paying them or there are promises of some type of "reward" for committing the act of kidnapping and harming another, The reward could be monetary, emotional (as in they would gain approval from your father or whoever hired them).
Her not being harmed and left in her own home makes me think that someone was getting her to deliver to another person. They may not have realized that she'd be such a fighter. Maybe, if they were hired, they didn't even want to hurt her, yet they had to keep her under "control" in order to deliver her to the one who hired them to do their dirty deeds. If the person was hired to kidnap her and deliver her to someone else, there is at least 2 different people involved. Maybe the one hired didn't realize how much harm would be done, if they didn't realize your mother was a fighter. Once they kidnapped her and got her down the road and she escaped, maybe they figured she could already identify them and they'd gone that far they may as well finish the job and contain her so that they could deliver her to your father (for example) or whoever put them up to it. The goal of taking her seems to be to keep her alive to deliver her to another person, imo..

When your mother lets her dog out, what does the enclosure around the porch look like? Is it for the dog to run around in? While the dog is outside, is it normal for Pat to leave the screen door closed, yet the heavy door open so that she can keep and eye on her pup and also hear it if need be?
I forget the details about the enclosure..

This is such a horrible thing, noone should have to go through this. My prayers for you and your family and that God shines his light down on you to get the truth out of the darkness..
I had to post this here as well, on the off chance "someone" is reading along.....

I wish any of this made sense......it's the not knowing that has everyone so in an emotional tangle..... Please...if you are reading this, and you know something, please give all of us some closure.....tears sting our eyelids daily, and we dare not break down for fear of never stopping.....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....have ...mercy on Pat's family and friends and come forward...an e-mail from a public computer, a call from a phone booth, SOMETHING. You will never be able to rest until you clear your heart of this terrible sad situation. There is reward money-enough to start a brand new life and get away from any retaliation you may fear from the person(s) who did this.....you can be safe and free, and you will have cleared your consience, and made peace with yourself and God. Come forward before Christmas....we are all praying that you do, and we promise to keep you safe from the backlash of doing so if we possiby can........let us help you help us. In the name of God, PLEASE.come forward.
Bump. Can't stop thinking about Pat and her family. May they all find peace soon.
Thanks for bumping. I wish I had more to report. We continue to do tv/radio/newspaper interviews in hopes of getting someone to tell what they know. SOMEBODY has to know SOMETHING. LE tells us that leads continue to come in.

I feel so blessed to live in the community that I do. Every day when I pick up the kids from school, I see another vehicle that has "Find Pat Kimmi" written on the windows. It's very humbling to know all the ways that people are helping.
The only reason i can think of for him to not just harm her at the scene is control reasons. If he is a control freak, then he may enjoy having "power" over her, and by just killing someone, he might not be able to enjoy the "control" and "power" aspects of it as much. Her fear at being taken may add to the "power" the culprit was feeling at the time. Also having her kidnapped by others to bring to him could also add to those feelings. The culprit may have had something in mind in his plans of the abduction and Lord knows what else of your mother. His plans may have been to take her to a place that was his, thus giving him more power as she wasn't in the comforts of her own home, she would be on his "turf" and it would give him more feelings of power and control.
From her putting up a fight down the road, it seems that your mother may have knocked the ballcap and money clip off her attacker, and if the attacker was alone or there was 2 very disorganized attackers, their main focus would be to get your mother contained and back into the vehicle and in the process, the evidence was completely forgotten about. Or he/they may have been faced with a choice of either retrieving the evidence and risking your mother escaping again, so they picked the latter and left it behind if they were aware at all.

I can see him telling someone "just get rid of her" and having the satisfaction of knowing she's gone. That would be "payment" for what she's done to him (in his messed up universe where nothing is his fault), and not wanting any more to do w/ the crime than he has to so that he can SAY he had nothing to do w/ it. He can convince himself of almost anything.

I think your last sentence is exactly right - that's what I believe.
bumping up to the top for Pat.

Rita, I pray for your Mom and your family every single day.
I keep thinking that IF the dually PU was involved...SOMEONE reported seeing it in the area and that may have caused the PU to change plans, leave the area in a hurry, not notice missing hat & money clip or not take time to look for them, etc. because SOMEONE was driving down the road and may see something suspicious????
I keep thinking that IF the dually PU was involved...SOMEONE reported seeing it in the area and that may have caused the PU to change plans, leave the area in a hurry, not notice missing hat & money clip or not take time to look for them, etc. because SOMEONE was driving down the road and may see something suspicious????

BINGO. I think that Mom not only wrecked their plans and here they are having this big struggle so close to a house where people are obviously home and THEN someone sees them. I think they got the heck out of there. I don't know whether they knowingly left the items because they were too scared to take the time to pick them up or if they only realized later that they were missing. UHHHH. She was SO close to getting help and it didn't happen. WHY WHY WHY did someone do this to her???
BINGO. I think that Mom not only wrecked their plans and here they are having this big struggle so close to a house where people are obviously home and THEN someone sees them. I think they got the heck out of there. I don't know whether they knowingly left the items because they were too scared to take the time to pick them up or if they only realized later that they were missing. UHHHH. She was SO close to getting help and it didn't happen. WHY WHY WHY did someone do this to her???

It's hard for me to figure out where the dually red truck came from or where they were going. I'm wondering if the person driving it stopped for gas in town, or any of the surrounding towns before or after the person took your mother. And if they did stop, i know it's late in the game, however maybe there's video or at least witnesses who may have remembered the truck stopping somewhere to get gas. You never know who will remember something. You could potentially have a witness who remembered seeing the truck somewhere only because they may really like duallys. My nephew used to love them and he'd always point them out on the road.
Also, did LE get any tiretracks from the dually and make imprints of them?
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