KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #3

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I just have to wonder if that wreck was suppose to be a murder/suicide. I know he was lucky (that he lived), but wouldn't most people expect to be killed if they were trying that stunt to only kill the other person and not yourself?

Normally that would be pretty hard to aim to just kill one person. Of course, they can't don't arrest you for trying to kill yourself, but they can for trying to kill the other person.

What do you think? You think he thought he could just kill her and not himself or was it intended for both?

I think he just got lucky (to live that is). I'm glad he'll live to pay his price!

Also, if I was his wife and I knew DH tried to kill me I'd be telling ALL. I'm sure the Kimmis' will get their mom back. Thank goodness!
He might have disconnected the air bag on the passenger side, which would make it pretty clear that attempted first degree murder had occurred, once that had been discovered.
What a photo...thank you... and gee gods!!!
It makes me sad, sick, what else can I say...

I got to the web site with the mug shot. Made me feel sick to my stomach. Fighting back the tears thinking of Pat. :(
Someone finally phoned the Capital-Journal staff and woke them up:

Sabethan arrested in Brown wreck
March 4, 2010 - 6:10pm


Plus a bit closer-up version of mug shot:

He looks like the Marlboro Man on the Planet of the Damned, methinks

Amen! It is about time that the main stream media get onto Pat's case with incisors and never let it go until justice is served.

A sunny Kansas morning watching my son play peewee football against Horton....... That is how I will forever remember the day I heard about Pat missing. After we got home from the game (Horton and their awesome team kicked our a$$ btw), I logged on to websleuths to see what was going on and saw that a woman, Patricia Kimmi, was missing from HORTON. I was instantly wanting to know what happened and wanted to help in anyway possible. Why?

This is the why (and the why I am not only a websleuths member but active contributor as well): When I was in 6th grade in a small and sleepy Ohio town (Creston, OH), my classmate was abducted, raped and murdered in our one 'flashing light town'. She was missing for days.... it seemed weeks... until she was finally found behind an oil pump in a cornfield (and I can well remember hearing that news on the radio). It touched myself and my classmates in a way no one can describe... Her name was Tina Marie Harmon. I wished I could have been there to get off the bus with her... to help her..

Since the day I found out about Pat missing she has tugged at my heartstrings. Not only her, but her family as well. Living so close to Horton I wanted to help in any way I could.

I am seeing now that Pat WILL have justice. But we still need to find her. I further add that to any official efforts to find her I will gladly volunteer. I pray for her family, her friends and any lives that she has touched. Rita tells me she would often be on moving trucks moving military people into housing.. I tell you.. not a truck goes by without me thinking of Pat.
I just have to wonder if that wreck was suppose to be a murder/suicide. I know he was lucky (that he lived), but wouldn't most people expect to be killed if they were trying that stunt to only kill the other person and not yourself?

Normally that would be pretty hard to aim to just kill one person. Of course, they can't don't arrest you for trying to kill yourself, but they can for trying to kill the other person.

What do you think? You think he thought he could just kill her and not himself or was it intended for both?

I think he just got lucky (to live that is). I'm glad he'll live to pay his price!

Also, if I was his wife and I knew DH tried to kill me I'd be telling ALL. I'm sure the Kimmis' will get their mom back. Thank goodness!

Did you not see the picture of the vehicle? It's on page 24 or 25. Don't have time to find it right now. His intent is clear when you see that picture. It is to me anyway.

He looks like a creeper!! Looks like someone if you saw in the store you would have to look away and NOT give a friendly smile to.

Amen! It is about time that the main stream media get onto Pat's case with incisors and never let it go until justice is served.

A sunny Kansas morning watching my son play peewee football against Horton....... That is how I will forever remember the day I heard about Pat missing. After we got home from the game (Horton and their awesome team kicked our a$$ btw), I logged on to websleuths to see what was going on and saw that a woman, Patricia Kimmi, was missing from HORTON. I was instantly wanting to know what happened and wanted to help in anyway possible. Why?

This is the why (and the why I am not only a websleuths member but active contributor as well): When I was in 6th grade in a small and sleepy Ohio town (Creston, OH), my classmate was abducted, raped and murdered in our one 'flashing light town'. She was missing for days.... it seemed weeks... until she was finally found behind an oil pump in a cornfield (and I can well remember hearing that news on the radio). It touched myself and my classmates in a way no one can describe... Her name was Tina Marie Harmon. I wished I could have been there to get off the bus with her... to help her..

Since the day I found out about Pat missing she has tugged at my heartstrings. Not only her, but her family as well. Living so close to Horton I wanted to help in any way I could.

I am seeing now that Pat WILL have justice. But we still need to find her. I further add that to any official efforts to find her I will gladly volunteer. I pray for her family, her friends and any lives that she has touched. Rita tells me she would often be on moving trucks moving military people into housing.. I tell you.. not a truck goes by without me thinking of Pat.

Wow...I don't know if you are supposed to put your real name on here but I guess someone will tell me if I shouldn't...My name is Tina Marie. That made me feel really bad for the girl and how real this all is. I live in a very small town not far from Horton and my father-in-law worked for the Kimmi's many many years ago at the saw mill. It's hard to even comprehend all of this happening in our community. I just can't say I'm sorry to the Kimmi family enough times. My heart truly goes out to this wonderful and loving family. May God help you find peace.
He looks like Marlboro Man's dad or grandpa...
Or creepy uncle.

I think we should all pray that Rebecca will tell the police EVERYTHING she knows or suspects
and pray that she has some solid hard information to help the case and help the Kimmi's find some answers.

I am so thankful something is happening.
God bless the Kimmi family and LE all of you people on here.
We are all united in this fight for justice, I think...
Oh man - he looks like a miserable, mean, angry person.

I can't wait to find out what evidence they have on the attempted murder charge. That is a crazy way to try and kill someone - when they're sitting right next to you in the car! But I suppose it could have been an attempted murder-suicide as well. This should have realized the first time he harmed someone and botched it so badly that he wasn't cut out for it. Idiot.

Very curious about this auction too. I wonder if he's trying to make some quick money or getting rid of evidence?

Still hoping and praying that the Kimmi's will finally get the answers and be able to bring their Mama home.

I hope Rebecca is spilling her guts to LE right now!!!! Now there is a woman scorned!
Did you not see the picture of the vehicle? It's on page 24 or 25. Don't have time to find it right now. His intent is clear when you see that picture. It is to me anyway.

He looks like a creeper!! Looks like someone if you saw in the store you would have to look away and NOT give a friendly smile to.


Yes, I did see the picture. Let's put it this way, if you were going to kill someone and you wanted to live, would you do it that way? Would you go towards a semi truck at 65 miles an hour and think you had a good enough aim to kill the passenger and not yourself?

I think it may have hit her side because the semi veered left to try to avoid the collision and that "may be" why it got her side worse.

I mean, you don't have a lot of time to steer "just right" to kill the other person and not yourself.

With a murder/suicide attempt you would still be charged with attempted murder even if you "meant" to kill yourself also (and failed).

This is just another angle. I'm not saying that is what happened.

I just know it wouldn't be my method of choice to murder someone and plan on coming out alive.

Do you see what I mean?
Mima, I agree with your theory, absolutely.

I think Roger planned to kill both his wife and himself. As far as the auction, there is still Jennifer, the daughter to tend to the details. Seems like Roger tried to tie up loose ends before his "death".

But why? Was he afraid of Kimmi's ex-husband enough to off himself and his wife? Or did he know the wife was going to flip and turn him in?
I'm surprised they opted for the attempted first degree murder charge, which makes me think they do have physical evidence (disconnected passenger airbags, anyone?) to prove that he did more than just make a snap judgement on the highway that morning to drive head-on into a tanker truck - that it was premeditated, with malice aforethought, as they say.
Mima, I agree with your theory, absolutely.

I think Roger planned to kill both his wife and himself. As far as the auction, there is still Jennifer, the daughter to tend to the details. Seems like Roger tried to tie up loose ends before his "death".

But why? Was he afraid of Kimmi's ex-husband enough to off himself and his wife? Or did he know the wife was going to flip and turn him in?

Thank you for understanding what I was trying to explain.

I think he knew he was done and couldn't deal with going to prison. A real chicken's way out. He was desperate. Or maybe he didn't plan it and just flipped out when he saw the semi and decided that would be a fast way out.

I'm sure his wife will tell all now. I really think she will. At least everyone will know the truth.

I wonder if the ex Mr. Kimmi is squirming now? Of course, we still aren't hearing much about him. Maybe there will be a shocking ending and RH had reason to do this all on his own???? I don't think so though.
I'm surprised they opted for the attempted first degree murder charge, which makes me think they do have physical evidence (disconnected passenger airbags, anyone?) to prove that he did more than just make a snap judgement on the highway that morning to drive head-on into a tanker truck - that it was premeditated, with malice aforethought, as they say.

Very good thinking. Hmmmm....
Marlboro man???? LOL.

Just wish I was the one who put those technicolor bruises on his face!

My dear friend, I think we have a posse that would be holding him down for you.

My sincere thanks for all the quick posting of updates and links. You guys are amazing and appreciated. I've run a wide range of emotions since the first moment I was told Pat was missing. Knowing this creep is behind bars and things are happening is the first time I've felt anything like restitution/vindication/justice happening. May this puzzle have all the pieces in the box and put together real soon.
Yes, I did see the picture. Let's put it this way, if you were going to kill someone and you wanted to live, would you do it that way? Would you go towards a semi truck at 65 miles an hour and think you had a good enough aim to kill the passenger and not yourself?

I think it may have hit her side because the semi veered left to try to avoid the collision and that "may be" why it got her side worse.

I mean, you don't have a lot of time to steer "just right" to kill the other person and not yourself.

With a murder/suicide attempt you would still be charged with attempted murder even if you "meant" to kill yourself also (and failed).

This is just another angle. I'm not saying that is what happened.

I just know it wouldn't be my method of choice to murder someone and plan on coming out alive.

Do you see what I mean?

ITA - I said it last week and I'll say it again - that's a crazy-scary way to try to kill the person you're with.

But then, it would seem we're not dealing a "normal" person here.
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