KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #4

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I honestly "wish" EK was not involved for his families sake, but my wishes rarely come true. As I see it, he is the only one with a motive that we know of so far.

Well of course RoH had a motive too! $$$$$$$
I honestly "wish" EK was not involved for his families sake, but my wishes rarely come true. As I see it, he is the only one with a motive that we know of so far.

Well of course RoH had a motive too! $$$$$$$

I mean ROH had a motive if he got money from EK to do the job. I need to think before I post!
I understood you Mima and completely agree with you as well. I think Motive is 99.9% of the circumstantial case at this point (imhoo)
How does EK benefit from the murder if there is no body? He still has to pay if Pat is only missing. And if she were declared dead then she probably had a will leaving everything to the kids. He wouldn't have to pay for 10 years, but would move to the top of the list of suspects. I guess that is why we can't begin to imagine why someone would do something so evil. We have a conscience and try to live and act accordingly. I hope and pray that our questions will be answered quickly.
How does EK benefit from the murder if there is no body? He still has to pay if Pat is only missing. And if she were declared dead then she probably had a will leaving everything to the kids. He wouldn't have to pay for 10 years, but would move to the top of the list of suspects. I guess that is why we can't begin to imagine why someone would do something so evil. We have a conscience and try to live and act accordingly. I hope and pray that our questions will be answered quickly.

Perhaps because sheer revenge was the motive? Or perhaps because this scheme sprang into being after visits to taverns and package stores, and thus the "logic" at some point became hazy? Or perhaps because....*

KS Probate Code for the Estates of Absentees:

59-2704. Absentee presumed dead; presumption of death involving a catastrophic event or disaster. (a) An absentee shall be presumed to be dead for the purposes of this act if:

(1) The absentee shall remain unheard from by those persons most likely to hear from such absentee for a period of not less than five years; and

(2) one or more persons who had a bona fide motive for locating the absentee have conducted a diligent search for the absentee in all places where such absentee's presence could reasonably be expected.

(b) If no such search has been made with reference to an absentee who has been unheard from for more than five years and for whose estate a trustee has been appointed in accordance with this act, the district court may on the court's own motion order the trustee to conduct such search under the direction of the court and pay the reasonable expenses thereof out of the estate.
(c) Absentees missing as a result of a catastrophic event or disaster shall be presumed dead under K.S.A. 59-2708, and amendments thereto.


*I would assume that the five years would apply as well to payments from divorce settlements.

Five years, though, is half as much as a full ten, i.e.,

"In another development, the Hiawatha World reported details about the divorce settlement between Eugene and Pat Kimmi, regarding a battle over the Kimmi Lumber & Sawmill. The business reportedly was worth about $1.5 million, and Eugene was to pay his ex-wife almost $250,000 in maintenance over 10 years unless death or remarriage occurred first".


I'm assuming that EK would ask for relief from payment judgements after five years, perhaps assuming that, with the passage of time, the heat might be off. How wrong an assumption that would be.
How does EK benefit from the murder if there is no body? He still has to pay if Pat is only missing. And if she were declared dead then she probably had a will leaving everything to the kids. He wouldn't have to pay for 10 years, but would move to the top of the list of suspects. I guess that is why we can't begin to imagine why someone would do something so evil. We have a conscience and try to live and act accordingly. I hope and pray that our questions will be answered quickly.

As mean as EK sounds, maybe hate/revenge was more of a factor in him wanting her killed than the money was.
As mean as EK sounds, maybe hate/revenge was more of a factor in him wanting her killed than the money was.

my personal opinion is that ek never intended paying rh anyway
Forgive me if this has been answered a while ago, but did we ever establish whether Pat was acquainted with ReHo/would she have answered the door for her?
my personal opinion is that ek never intended paying rh anyway

My thoughts exactly!! Why would he....one's word against another..? Maybe (if involved) EK didn't do his homework. Just knew he had to pay unless she remarried or death, knowing she would probably never remarry.
Forgive me if this has been answered a while ago, but did we ever establish whether Pat was acquainted with ReHo/would she have answered the door for her?

Good question, key question. I haven't seen it answered although I may have missed it.
How does EK benefit from the murder if there is no body? He still has to pay if Pat is only missing. And if she were declared dead then she probably had a will leaving everything to the kids. He wouldn't have to pay for 10 years, but would move to the top of the list of suspects. I guess that is why we can't begin to imagine why someone would do something so evil. We have a conscience and try to live and act accordingly. I hope and pray that our questions will be answered quickly.
bbm respectfully.

There are more reasons that could apply to the motive in this case in my opinion. Revenge and Avarice to name a few. If you have read all of the threads on the case Rita has described how Eugene treated Pat and his family and it, to me, shows a mean, vindictive, controlling sort of person. Perhaps his sole motive was keeping Pat from ever seeing this money... in other words... a sort of, 'if I can't have it than no one will' mentality. All or nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised at all when it is all said and done that we could possibly find out that RoH did this for little nothing. Those two, at this point to me, seem like birds of a feather and capable of thinking along those narrow minded veins. (moo of course)
Kimmi kids, I am so sorry that your family life is being dissected like this by strangers on an Internet forum (including myself)....I hope that the fact that we care about you, and care about your Mom help you feel how much we want to understand this, bring her home and have justice for her. It is so hard to understand WHY anybody could do this to ANYONE, let alone her.
Could RH have wanted to remove a financial drain on his business partnership? Only thing is, if RH did it entirely of his own idea and volition, one would think/hope/pray that EK would speak up for the sake of his children and grandchildren if he himself were not involved. I hope that his wife, should she know anything, do the RIGHT thing for her family.
Kimmi kids, I am so sorry that your family life is being dissected like this by strangers on an Internet forum (including myself)....I hope that the fact that we care about you, and care about your Mom help you feel how much we want to understand this, bring her home and have justice for her. It is so hard to understand WHY anybody could do this to ANYONE, let alone her.Could RH have wanted to remove a financial drain on his business partnership? Only thing is, if RH did it entirely of his own idea and volition, one would think/hope/pray that EK would speak up for the sake of his children and grandchildren if he himself were not involved. I hope that his wife, should she know anything, do the RIGHT thing for her family.

BBM. Thank you, but that's ok. That's what this website is for and we appreciate that. We read along...sometimes we smack the computer screen...sometimes we call each other and say, GOOD GRAVY, did you see what so-and-so posted??? :)

Today I cried when I was making a roast and trying to remember what Mom seasoned hers with. I wanted to tell her how good my boys are doing at school and that the girls got all A's and B's on their report cards. I want to talk to her about what we'll do for Easter. I cried a lot because my daughter is so upset about Grandparent's day this Friday at school...and Ninny was supposed to go with her. We can't even start counseling because I don't see how the counselor can help when you can't tell them everything you're dealing with. I don't feel sorry for anybody but my family and friends who loved my Mom.

No contact in any way from day one from the ex. I hear the only one he feels sorry for is himself.

We look forward to the day when we can speak freely. And we still very much appreciate the continued thoughts and prayers for our family.
"Could RH have wanted to remove a financial drain on his business partnership?"

Were/are they "business partners" or just partners in crime? I don't remember that being said. Obviously, that doesn't mean it wasn't said. My rememberer just doesn't work like it used to.

Romans 12:18-20 (NIV)
18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a]says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head
"Could RH have wanted to remove a financial drain on his business partnership?"

Were/are they "business partners" or just partners in crime? I don't remember that being said. Obviously, that doesn't mean it wasn't said. My rememberer just doesn't work like it used to.

Romans 12:18-20 (NIV)
18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a]says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head

One article mentioned that EK's "business partner" was also a person of interest in the case. It never directly said it was RoHo, but the only other person of interest that we know of is his wife.
Oh Lord eyestowardHeaven - bless you and your children and the rest of your siblings' families! What an utter nightmare to slog through, like quicksand I'm sure, going day after day of emotional hurdles that seem to be endless.

Your Mom's thread here at WS is filled with so much compassion flowing from one end of the country to another. I suspect that harsher language and opinions have been tempered by the tone that has been set here with you and your brothers posting. And if anyone has the reason to let go full throttle, it would be you and your brothers. You are a kind and gentle family with strong faith, and I know one day, you will find some measure of peace in your hearts. Until then, know you are supported by a community of strangers who stand by you in all you feel.

Godspeed justice for Pat Kimmi...............
One article mentioned that EK's "business partner" was also a person of interest in the case.

hmmmmm,.....it makes one wonder if there is somebody that they haven't mentioned in the papers. :waitasec: Is that possible?
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