KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #4

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Good morning, all!

May today be the day for some answers! GB Pat's children and their families.
Rita (eyestowardHeaven), Gene (MindonMom) your families and friends, you continue to be in the thoughts and prayers of so many people all across our great nation. I would guess that you are nearly exhausted after yesterday's events and so hope that today will be the day that will bring all the answers and a conclusion to the search for your Mom. I can't begin to imagine your feelings but know that the Lord will help you accept the answers and build more strength to continue on. I'm quite certain that the WS members will continue to be here for you as your Mom's case continues. You've given me strength just by your posts and I hope that you are drawing strength from the members here. May God bless you with more patience and strength today.
Ms. Kimmi's children, I lit a candle for your mother while I was at church last night, I prayed that you would all have the strength and the answers that you need. I prayed that your Mom would be brought home to you, and that those who are responsible are brought to justice. This is the prayer that I said...

O, Blessed Mother and St Joseph,
you searched when your Son Jesus
disappeared when he was twelve.
You would not give up
until he was found.
You know the pain of having someone missing,
and the joy of finding them,
as you found your son.
Help those who are searching now,
to find the answers to their questions,
and an end to their searching.
Inspire people to be vigilant,
so that their eyes and ears
may see and hear news that will bring hope.
Comfort those who feel lonely and sad
because the one they love has vanished.
Be with them in the storm
and guide them in their efforts.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

My priest saw that I had been there for awhile last night, and he asked what was troubling me. I told him about your mom and he offered this prayer for you and your family.

God our Father,
your Son Jesus Christ as a child
was lost in the chaos of a great city
and was restored to the love of his family;
watch over Patricia, now missing, for whom we pray
and protect her with your love.
Be near to those who are anxious for her;
let your presence change their sorrow into comfort,
their anxiety into trust,
their despair into faith,
that they may know your loving purposes.
And this we ask in the name of Jesus our Lord,
who loves and lives and cares for all your children. Amen.
I have known the Kimmi family for nearly 20 years, hung out at the saw mill when I was a teenager from time to time. Attending school with most of the Kimmi boys and their wives. And Rita and her husband have came to my son's aid several times while we lived in Horton. And recently Rita helped with my sons Memorial birthday party. Even with all their heartache, they still reach out to help others.

Everytime I saw Pat she would always smile and ask how my oldest son was doing. It breaks my heart to see the Kimmi family going through one gut wrenching, heartbreaking event after another. And yet they have continue to rise above all the BS and stand strong in faith and in love. A lot of people in Brown County should take note of that and learn what that means. Because, seriously most of us would have gone crazy if we was in the Kimmi family shoes. Of couse they have their moments of weakness, they are human after all. The bottom line is there is a dear sweet lady missing and it has been far too long waiting in the wings for answers. Thank the good Lord that the time is coming for answers. This is something that is truly affecting the whole community.

The day I got the Silver Alert text message I sat and bawled. Who would do this? I got on the phone started contacting neighbors, family members. Fwd text, sent out hundreds of flyers on Pat. I look for her everywhere I go. And am glad to see the community coming together armed in prayers and in hands searching for this truly wonderful lady.

I do want to say that I have also known ReHo for nearly 10 years. She was my Home Interior lady. We hosted several showings a year, so I got to know her fairly well. And I want to say that we talked about a lot of stuff, but never spoke of husband. Maybe once out of a hundred coversations. And it was short and with no true info on what kind of person he was. It seemed odd then as it does now for a couple to be married so long and not speak of their spouse. ReHo called me a week before their name came up in the press. I havent heard from her in about 6 months which wasnt like ReHo not to call and check in with us. For she was very fond of my oldest son. Always sending get well cards, thinking of you cards and birthday cards. She would come to his birthday parties, and took part in my youngest baby shower. I was very surprised to hear her name come up. Now as I think about all of this it does explain why she would get nervous when we would close a party and she would stay hours after the closing and seemed even more nervous when she finally left. And how we would be talking on the phone when I would hear her husband coming in the house and she would quickly get off the phone. Perhaps she was afraid of him. Like I said she never spoke of him only about her child and grandchild. I recall telling my husband one night that I felt she was scared of her husband as she was always finding a way not to be home. Am not defending REHo, just stating what I know first hand.

I am SO glad they have RoHo behind bars. There is something in his eyes that scream evil. (just my thoughts)

Regardless of who is involved in this I have one simple prayer. That Pat is found. For the life of me I can not wrap my mind around why someone would do this to her. I dont think Pat has a mean bone in her body for she has always been a sweet and caring lady who truly loves her children and her grandchildren. And I for one is very proud of the Kimmi kids for how they are handling all the rumors, the press and the stress. I am very quick to shutting down any rumors that come my way. It is one thing that bugs me to no end, then again we are talking Brown County. Still it is unfair and wrong for anyone to say anything ill about Pat. From the first time I meet her I adored her.

Rita hun, you keep holding your head high, know that many are surrounding you in God's love and praying for God's light to shield you and your family. Not a day goes by that I dont think of your Mom or your family. I pray for peace and for answers. And when you do feel a moment of weakness just remember that we love you and we stand behind you and the family. We will not allow you to break and fall. And we too will not give up till we bring Pat home and justice is served to those who did this cruel act against her, and against your family, as you are victims here as well. They will be judged and punished on earth but they also have a much higher judge that is upon them. Much love to each of the Kimmi family.
While the investigators are doing their work and Pat's family is near, a bump full of prayers to the top of the page.

Waiting for more news is nerve-wracking but we must find patience and be grateful for the wonderful job that all LE involved in Pat's case has been so thorough.

Will check back after work for your updates, fellow WS members.
while LE does their remarkable job of finding evidence
and hopefully finding Patricia Kimmi
all leading to an arrest(s)
and eventual conviction.

Waiting is so hard.
And if it is hard for me,
it is 1000 times harder for the Kimmi children.

Patience, they say, is a virtue.
Have been thinking about the animal they found yesterday that was in plastic. Wishing they (LE) would dig deeper in that hole. Why would RH put any animal in plastic unless he was trying to throw off the dogs??? Just a thought.
My heart breaks for the Kimmi family. They are always in my prayers. May The Lord wrap his loving arms around each one of you.
I do not like posting things but this really bothers me with this animal they found yesterday.
Have been thinking about the animal they found yesterday that was in plastic. Wishing they (LE) would dig deeper in that hole. Why would RH put any animal in plastic unless he was trying to throw off the dogs??? Just a thought.
My heart breaks for the Kimmi family. They are always in my prayers. May The Lord wrap his loving arms around each one of you.
I do not like posting things but this really bothers me with this animal they found yesterday.

Was there confirmation that they found a dog wrapped in plastic buried in the yard or is that still based on the photo analysis from yesterday?
Was there confirmation that they found a dog wrapped in plastic buried in the yard or is that still based on the photo analysis from yesterday?

No confirmation published on-line that I've found, save for what was written yesterday in the Hiawatha World's online report that you refer to.
Yes they confirmed that a dog was found in a hole with black plastic wrapped around it. Read it in the Hiawatha paper I think.. I will look again and post when found.
After further searching through the hole, it appeared that an item covered in black plastic was taken from the hole and placed on a yellow piece of plastic. From what could be determined from a limited view underneath Calhoon's SUV, authorities appeared to tear open the bulky object. Upon closer inspection of photos taken at the site, it appeared to be the remains of a dog.
After further searching through the hole, it appeared that an item covered in black plastic was taken from the hole and placed on a yellow piece of plastic. From what could be determined from a limited view underneath Calhoon's SUV, authorities appeared to tear open the bulky object. Upon closer inspection of photos taken at the site, it appeared to be the remains of a dog.

Here's the link for the above:

With such a dearth of updates today from both the World (no updates for at least five hours) and KQ2 (not even a Tweet in over three hours), I'm tempted to think that perhaps something has been found at the farmsite, and that news sources have been asked to keep it under their hats for a bit. WISHFUL THINKING is all this amounts to, probably!
Here's the link for the above:

With such a dearth of updates today from both the World (no updates for at least five hours) and KQ2 (not even a Tweet in over three hours), I'm tempted to think that perhaps something has been found at the farmsite, and that news sources have been asked to keep it under their hats for a bit. WISHFUL THINKING is all this amounts to, probably!

I am logging on here hourly to check for news and checking all the newspaper online sites etc. We are all wanting this so bad~~
FOR PAT and FOR HER KIDS AND GRANDKIDS--- Dear God, please continue to give comfort and strength to everyone involved in this investigation and let your light guide LE to the answers everyone is waiting for.
Here's the link for the above:

With such a dearth of updates today from both the World (no updates for at least five hours) and KQ2 (not even a Tweet in over three hours), I'm tempted to think that perhaps something has been found at the farmsite, and that news sources have been asked to keep it under their hats for a bit. WISHFUL THINKING is all this amounts to, probably!

With silence from Lourin Sprenger from KQ2, I suspect that either she has left the site or there is some sort of blackout requested by law enforcement. She posted some photos and updates via Twitter. In this digital age it cost nothing for her to continue to take pictures and provide updates on a regular basis (via her Blackberry and UberTwitter, it appears). That's the point of on-location media coverage - isn't it? To either report that something is happening or that nothing is happening.
With silence from Lourin Sprenger from KQ2, I suspect that either she has left the site or there is some sort of blackout requested by law enforcement. She posted some photos and updates via Twitter. In this digital age it cost nothing for her to continue to take pictures and provide updates on a regular basis (via her Blackberry and UberTwitter, it appears). That's the point of on-location media coverage - isn't it? To either report that something is happening or that nothing is happening.

Exactly. She could at least tweet some info about the scene in general, what appeared to be going on, update that info, etc. She's probably back in St. Joe by now; but although the Hiawatha World did say they'd provide updates "as developments warrant," I'm surprised by their silence, especially. While no news isn't really a development, they must know some of us are on the edge of our seats, waiting for anything one way or the other.
Bumping to keep the Kimmi family where they need to be. Just trying to remember...patience is a virtue.
KNZA at least has a little bit of an update:

Wednesday a farm pond on the property of Roger and Rebecca Hollister was drained, while excavation of the land was conducted.

There’s no word on why the pond was drained or what specific items of evidence were discovered during the search Wednesday.

The search today (Thursday) was described as more low key, with efforts focused on another pond on the property.

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