KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #5

DNA Solves
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This is a clip from KQ2 in St. Joe
Investigators say a tip led them back to a site near Roger and Rebecca Hollister's home. That tip came on the same day Roger's wife Rebecca visited him in jail.
Let them both fry. She knew and didn't tell...

Great find. AmandaReckonwith was right all along, I missed it.

http://stjoechannel.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=128135 (third paragraph)
This is a clip from KQ2 in St. Joe
Investigators say a tip led them back to a site near Roger and Rebecca Hollister's home. That tip came on the same day Roger's wife Rebecca visited him in jail.
Let them both fry. She knew and didn't tell...

Sure looks that way. B*t*h!!!!
Instead investigators were led to a shallow grave approximately 30 miles west of Kimmi's home.

"The pathologist and law enforcement officers dug basically an inch of soil at a time and were able to recover the remains," Kuckelman said.

according to this they had a very specific tip. They dug "an inch of soil at a time".....
until they were able to find Pat and bring her home to her family.

So why all the prosecutorial comments that most likely only one person would be charged? I say charge them all.... there has to be more to this! Justice for Pat and her family is what is most important.

((aside: I know that the prosecutor cannot say a whole lot at this time and hopefully forensics from the site where she has been found can tie in to all the parties responsible))
the remains were found Tuesday night on land across the street from the rural Sabetha farm belonging to Roger and Rebecca Hollister. The property is owned by Roger Hollister's brother.http://www.wibw.com/home/headlines/92889414.html

ETA: I think that is why the address of the dig was confusing.. the land where she was found is literally right across the street the "HO HO" property
Instead investigators were led to a shallow grave approximately 30 miles west of Kimmi's home.

"The pathologist and law enforcement officers dug basically an inch of soil at a time and were able to recover the remains," Kuckelman said.

according to this they had a very specific tip. They dug "an inch of soil at a time".....
until they were able to find Pat and bring her home to her family.

So why all the prosecutorial comments that most likely only one person would be charged? I say charge them all.... there has to be more to this! Justice for Pat and her family is what is most important.

((aside: I know that the prosecutor cannot say a whole lot at this time and hopefully forensics from the site where she has been found can tie in to all the parties responsible))

I think Jerry Kuckelman is priming the "let Roger Hollister think he's going down for this when others aren't" pump, and hoping he'll think that over, then turn on the instigator of this crime as well as any others who are involved. We'll see.
Now I want to know why? Why do this to someone you don't even know? Love of money? Misguided loyalty to a friend?
Now I want to know why? Why do this to someone you don't even know? Love of money? Misguided loyalty to a friend?

From what Rita and her family have shared over the last six months (correct me if I am wrong Rita and Gene), Pat spent a life dealing with EK's abuse of her as a wife and mother up to and including his infidelity. EK had a thriving lumber business.. of which part was rightfully Pat's. He ***jmoo*** seems to be a self-centered, controlling, alcoholic, small-minded and short thinking bully who lost the backing of all his children in the process. (again jmhoo). His perception of all of those losses in my opinion enraged him. So the connection to the Hollisters.... what is that all about? I still have questions as does everyone I am sure.

From what we do know so far RoHo ***may*** have had some monies owed to him by Ek or perhaps had some other sort of connection. We all know that money speaks but so do similar personalities... There have been rumors that RoHo is also an abusive husband... and perhaps like minds are like minds...

Either way I hope that ALL INVOLVED PARTIES are sorted out in this. I do not see RoHo having a motive on his OWN.

I however do see any and all actions committed here to be by men who thought they would not be caught... who thought they were smarter than any law enforcement..... and well, that seems to have come back and bit them on their self absorbed a$$es


eta: the title of my post "cahoots" is because that is what I am thinking happened between several parties
From what Rita and her family have shared over the last six months (correct me if I am wrong Rita and Gene), Pat spent a life dealing with EK's abuse of her as a wife and mother up to and including his infidelity. EK had a thriving lumber business.. of which part was rightfully Pat's. He ***jmoo*** seems to be a self-centered, controlling, alcoholic, small-minded and short thinking bully who lost the backing of all his children in the process. (again jmhoo). His perception of all of those losses in my opinion enraged him. So the connection to the Hollisters.... what is that all about? I still have questions as does everyone I am sure.

From what we do know so far RoHo ***may*** have had some monies owed to him by Ek or perhaps had some other sort of connection. We all know that money speaks but so do similar personalities... There have been rumors that RoHo is also an abusive husband... and perhaps like minds are like minds...

Either way I hope that ALL INVOLVED PARTIES are sorted out in this. I do not see RoHo having a motive on his OWN.

I however do see any and all actions committed here to be by men who thought they would not be caught... who thought they were smarter than any law enforcement..... and well, that seems to have come back and bit them on their self absorbed a$$es


eta: the title of my post "cahoots" is because that is what I am thinking happened between several parties

ITA NBM! I believe EK will be behind all of this. And possibly others. God - it just makes me crazy! Thank God they all thought they were smarter than everyone else. Idiots.

They can and will lock them all up - but really, there will never be answers to the real questions and it will NEVER make one bit of sense. Ever.

RIP Pat Kimmi. And may your loved ones find some measure of peace and comfort as this unfolds.
Rebecca Hollister: led law enforcement to the remains; just recently met with her husband in jail. Testified under oath in the case; proceeding her testimony in the case had an 'alleged' attempt of murder of her life at the hands of her husband, Roger Hollister; Filed legal paperwork to attain funds from the sale of their farm and equipment after the accident and after the vanishing of Pat kimmi. Was a salesperson of home interior.

just who is she? What did she know? What did she DO?
From what Rita and her family have shared over the last six months (correct me if I am wrong Rita and Gene), Pat spent a life dealing with EK's abuse of her as a wife and mother up to and including his infidelity. EK had a thriving lumber business.. of which part was rightfully Pat's. He ***jmoo*** seems to be a self-centered, controlling, alcoholic, small-minded and short thinking bully who lost the backing of all his children in the process. (again jmhoo). His perception of all of those losses in my opinion enraged him. So the connection to the Hollisters.... what is that all about? I still have questions as does everyone I am sure.

From what we do know so far RoHo ***may*** have had some monies owed to him by Ek or perhaps had some other sort of connection. We all know that money speaks but so do similar personalities... There have been rumors that RoHo is also an abusive husband... and perhaps like minds are like minds...

Either way I hope that ALL INVOLVED PARTIES are sorted out in this. I do not see RoHo having a motive on his OWN.

I however do see any and all actions committed here to be by men who thought they would not be caught... who thought they were smarter than any law enforcement..... and well, that seems to have come back and bit them on their self absorbed a$$es


eta: the title of my post "cahoots" is because that is what I am thinking happened between several parties

I gave EK far too much credit...I thought at the very least, he was faithful, up until the cheating that caused the divorce. We have found that he was anything but faithful. He never, ever deserved our Mom. Other than that Nurse, I don't have a single thing to correct in your post.

For the first time since this happened, I shared my thoughts and opinions with EK via answering machine since he wasn't man enough to take my calls. He tells people what a hell his life has been since this began. His drunken, greedy, bitter selfishness knows no bounds. He has no clue what he's done to us.
rebecca hollister: led law enforcement to the remains; just recently met with her husband in jail. Testified under oath in the case; proceeding her testimony in the case had an 'alleged' attempt of murder of her life at the hands of her husband, roger hollister; filed legal paperwork to attain funds from the sale of their farm and equipment after the accident and after the vanishing of pat kimmi. Was a salesperson of home interior.

Just who is she? What did she know? What did she do?

Here's my two cents opinion and theory.

RoHo was a business partner of EK. Pat got what might be considered big bucks from the divorce settlement, maybe enough to cause a cash flow problem for the partnership... in this bad economy perhaps there wasn't enough demand for lumber.

Answer... lose the problem. To them it meant they had to get rid of Pat, make her disappear. Meantime EK keeps paying the bank his end of the bargain so as not to arouse suspicion and even a sociopathic azzhole like him knows the husband is the first suspect.

Remember, EK had no respect or care for Pat, as evidenced by what his family has told us here. Which also means he doesn't have real feelings for his children. He cares about himself. End of story.

They might have gotten away with it too. But RoHo was stupid.
1) the truck part showed up at a salvage yard.
If that had not happened, I doubt any suspicion would amount to much.
2) he figured he could kill ReHo and maybe himself.
If that had not happened, ReHo possibly would not have told where they buried Pat.

Rebecca knew the truth all along. Maybe she was threatened, or maybe she just saw where they dug. BUT SHE KNEW. ALL ALONG she knew where Pat was.

I think she made a deal. I think at least one Ho will go free.

As for EK, maybe RoHo will talk when he is threatened with a DP. Bitterness will take over where loyalty ends.

I hope they both stay the rest of their horrid lives in prison.

ReHo has lost a leg, maybe that is punishment enough for her part, I dunno.

I gave too much credit to ReHo during my posts here. I just couldn't believe before that she really knew about all of this....or even worse that she could have had anything to do with it.

I was so wrong.

Who is she? Great question.

That woman has been in my house (years ago), has been around my family!

She has lost a leg. But...just my opinion....that isn't nearly punishment enough. Not nearly.
ReHo has lost a leg, maybe that is punishment enough for her part, I dunno.

Did we ever find out for sure if ReHo actually lost a leg? I know it was speculated on, but I must have missed where it was for sure.
Did we ever find out for sure if ReHo actually lost a leg? I know it was speculated on, but I must have missed where it was for sure.

I was wondering that, too. I remember reading that she had multiple leg fractures, but they both still seemed to be attached.

This quotes her daughter:

"She said Rebecca Hollister suffered 16 breaks in both of her legs, broke ribs, cracked her pelvis, her lungs collapsed, and she'll need a complete hip and knee replacement on her right side."

I gave EK far too much credit...I thought at the very least, he was faithful, up until the cheating that caused the divorce. We have found that he was anything but faithful. He never, ever deserved our Mom. Other than that Nurse, I don't have a single thing to correct in your post.

For the first time since this happened, I shared my thoughts and opinions with EK via answering machine since he wasn't man enough to take my calls. He tells people what a hell his life has been since this began. His drunken, greedy, bitter selfishness knows no bounds. He has no clue what he's done to us.

"He tells people what a hell his life has been since this began."

OFGS!!! PLEASE!!! Enough with the pity party!! This man has absolutely no clue what hell and havoc he and his other pieces of trash cohorts have thrust upon what used to be HIS family. I'm trying to be respectful here Rita, I really am. But this really burns my butt because we all have cried along with you on this horrible journey and this man has lost any ounce of respect he might have ever deserved. So please forgive me for being outspoken.

We all know where your dignity and class came from, it was obviously learned, taught and adapted from your loving, beautiful mother. She will live on through her children and grandchildren through their example, such as yesterday. Nothing but dignity and courage was shown by your family as RoHo was lead out of the courthouse in chains. That was total class.

Now all EK he can say for himself is that he has a steadily escalating criminal record and he was a sperm donor once upon a time. (who's afraid to pick up the telephone!)
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