KS KS - Sabrina Williams, 15, Wichita, 16 July 2013

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No Amber alert?

Long distance relationship. Guy from TX. I guess they don't have his name? Yikes.
she was asking for help after being cut off by the ex who chased them down

doesn't sound voluntary
from above link: (http://www.kake.com/news/headlines/...chita-Teen-Is-Heading-To-Texas-215770821.html)

"Her mother tells us she was in a long distance relationship with a guy from Texas, but they recently broke up.

Tuesday, Sabrina's mother says the ex-boyfriend made the trip to Wichita and showed up at their door.

"... the ex-boyfriend left but spotted Sabrina leaving a nearby gas station with her sister and followed their car.

&#8220;He saw them and chased them and then he cut in front of their car. When he cut in front, he pulled her out,&#8221; Williams said.

&#8220;She was saying help, help."


Sabrina was last seen in a white extended cab Nissan Truck with Texas plates. Police believe she is headed to Texas. "

more at link

I cant find any updates. A bump will have to do for now!
My bold:
&#8220;She was saying help, help. I didn't know how to grab her, I was so nervous at that point. I saw him drive off with her. I was scared,&#8221; Sabrina's sister Peaches Marks said.

Police say they are still investigating to see if Sabrina was kidnapped or if she voluntarily went with the ex-boyfriend. Either way, they say they are working to find her.

Which part of 'Help, Help" makes this voluntary?

I don't like the sound of this.
I think this guy was on a mission to get her to leave with him regardless.
I think he has an agenda - and its not good.
*He can't take no for an answer, and doesn't stop even after being threatened by the mother to call the cops on him.
I watched this video a few times, very confusing IMO. However, if that is the road he ran her car off to grab her, its very busy. You would think there would be more witnesses. If she is in a long distance relationship I'm thinking she must have online ability so they should be able to find this guy from TX. They also know what kind of car/truck he is driving so there should be an Amber Alert. IMO


pic (not very good)
Its a photo from one of those photo booths it looks like...It is terrible!

You mean to tell me a 15 yr old doesn't have 1000 selfies online?
Sounds like they don't quite believe the sister's story somehow, or from her body language or expressions, she appears to be lying. This could have been a set up, to make the parents think she was kidnapped, but she wanted to go with the boyfriend. Teen girls do weird things, but I think from listening to the LE in the interview they're not quite sold that this was a kidnapping.
Face it the WPD does not care about teens they just classify them as runaways. Another teen is missing now she is 16 yo Taylore Gilpen. I have been making CNN Ireport and asked people to recommend and share on the Ireport Page. Guess we have to do the WPD job. I will note that only half that viewed it recommended it and shared the two teens missing Ireports. The second teen missing Ireport has a link to the first one (Sabrina Williams): http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1010164.
Sounds like they don't quite believe the sister's story somehow, or from her body language or expressions, she appears to be lying. This could have been a set up, to make the parents think she was kidnapped, but she wanted to go with the boyfriend. Teen girls do weird things, but I think from listening to the LE in the interview they're not quite sold that this was a kidnapping.

I talked to an Officer for the WPD. Teens are usually classified as runaways no matter the circumstances. I also tried calling the Sergeant of the Missing Exploited Children Unit and no responses to my calls. KAKE has said they tried to follow up and there was no responses. The police don't see teens as the same as say someone that is under 13. It was also stated AMBER alert was not used because of age, that is what the officer said even though she was reported kidnapped and the sister said that. I think you are just trying to make an excuse for the WPDs lack of caring for teens. Note: He was an Ex boyfriend.
Sounds like they don't quite believe the sister's story somehow, or from her body language or expressions, she appears to be lying. This could have been a set up, to make the parents think she was kidnapped, but she wanted to go with the boyfriend. Teen girls do weird things, but I think from listening to the LE in the interview they're not quite sold that this was a kidnapping.

Exactly what I was thinking. Someone in her family is psychic...

Anyhow IMO the sister probably just aided her in getting away and doesn't want the parents mad at her. The story doesn't make any sense. Definitely looks like a runaway. LE has to determine certain factors before they can decide charges.

I do not believe for one second that they do not care about teens as someone else stated. LE doesn't have a bone in the fight they are simply doing their job. Not knowing the guys name or age sends up major red flags in my book. How exactly was she having a long distance relationship?

Also the sisters story of being nervous and forgetting that she has arms and hands to help hold her sister in the vehicle doesn't make any sense. Sounds like LE knows a lot more then we do. Which is usually the case.
If "Peaches" was driving, and someone pulls out in front of her and she was trying to get away it seems hard to believe she'd stop her car.
is her car one of those that automatically locks? So, she'd have to unlock it, too, to give the boyfriend access.
Exactly what I was thinking. Someone in her family is psychic...

Anyhow IMO the sister probably just aided her in getting away and doesn't want the parents mad at her. The story doesn't make any sense. Definitely looks like a runaway. LE has to determine certain factors before they can decide charges.

I do not believe for one second that they do not care about teens as someone else stated. LE doesn't have a bone in the fight they are simply doing their job. Not knowing the guys name or age sends up major red flags in my book. How exactly was she having a long distance relationship?

Also the sisters story of being nervous and forgetting that she has arms and hands to help hold her sister in the vehicle doesn't make any sense. Sounds like LE knows a lot more then we do. Which is usually the case.
<mod snip>
look it up yourself all teens over age 13 are classified as a runaway no matter the circumstances. Unlike anyone under age 13 they hardly investigate. You don't think a teen can be kidnapped. Were you there to see if the ex might have manipulated himself inside? No I don't think so. You know there was a Supreme Court case that the decision was police did not have to "protect" anyone. How is this relevant? It means the police really can choose who they protect and teens aren't on their list. Did you not also read two other missing teens were forced into prostitution in Wichita. Could it have been different if law enforcement would have fully investigated? I think it may have been. See when it is teens it basically gets swept under the rug and nothing is done. Plus, this was reported as a kidnapping and it should have been treated that way.
It makes me wonder if the people trying to push it off as not a kidnapping are friends and family of the ex boyfriend. Odd he was on his way to texas .<modsnip>Note: He was an ex boyfriend.
Are you a friend or family member, truthfulchat?

We can only go by what is reported in the media (unless someone close to the missing person becomes a verified insider and offers more information). Sometimes when there's not a lot of information in the media, we might try to read between the lines of what is being reported, which may or may not provide a truthful assessment of the situation.

If you're close to this situation - a friend, family member or a local, you might want to be verified as an insider to provide a more accurate reflection of what happened.
I talked to an Officer for the WPD. Teens are usually classified as runaways no matter the circumstances. I also tried calling the Sergeant of the Missing Exploited Children Unit and no responses to my calls. KAKE has said they tried to follow up and there was no responses. The police don't see teens as the same as say someone that is under 13. It was also stated AMBER alert was not used because of age, that is what the officer said even though she was reported kidnapped and the sister said that. <modsnip>. Note: He was an Ex boyfriend.

Okay, whatever. I don't live in Wichita, so I don't know how they operate. Just throwing out possibilities. I do know that more teens run away than are kidnapped or murdered. They do it every day, all over the country. When LE doesn't feel that a witness's statement makes sense, or there are holes in the story, and there is also no evidence of foul play... what can they do? It's not illegal for teens to run away with a boyfriend... ex, or current. They also cannot force a teen to come home if he/she doesn't want to. So basically their hands are tied. All they can do is put out a BOLO and hope someone spots her somewhere.
Is the BF/ex an adult? Then it might make a difference, i.e if he is over 18.
I don't see her listed with NCMEC. IIRC, a parent or LE has to request that? Regardless of how she is listed (runaway or whichever), IMO, it's critical to get her name out there.
I don't see her listed with NCMEC. IIRC, a parent or LE has to request that? Regardless of how she is listed (runaway or whichever), IMO, it's critical to get her name out there.

Thank you Annie. I didn't see that either. More proof the LE don't care that's probably why they will not respond to even the news network that told the story.

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