GUILTY KS - Three adults & toddler brutally murdered, Ottawa, 6 May 2013

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Did Kyle Flack know one or all the victims?

I read one article that one of the men was killed at an earlier date and that Kaylie and her bf were killed later. does anybody know why?
Re: the first question, I read earlier that Flack had lived at the house but had been evicted by the others for not paying his share. Can't find the link and don't know the accuracy.
I'm in tears right now. My mind will never wrap around the knowledge that someone could kill sweet Lana. I mean look at her. Oh God, I'm sick. She couldn't testify against him. He could've let her live. I don't know him but I hate him.
All day I have tried to study for finals and all I could keep seeing in my head was this sweet baby's face. All of these young innocent lives snuffed out like a candle. That little girl could have been the first female president, some world changing scientist, ....:eek:verreaction::eek:verreaction:

Thanks for the interest in this little town. When this all began last week, and they said the baby wasn't found..A part of me had so much hope Flack was going to give her to someone and get some type of plea deal and then he'd turn her over safe and sound. Now my thoughts are since that didn't happen he no longer can use her as bargaining chip. Gaah my heart is just breaking.

When I see this guy - I see a true to life psychopath. I may try and find his folks over the coming weeks and see if they would be willing to talk with me.

I am just heartsick for all 3 of the victims families. Does anyone know if court will be televised tomorrow?
All day I have tried to study for finals and all I could keep seeing in my head was this sweet baby's face. All of these young innocent lives snuffed out like a candle. That little girl could have been the first female president, some world changing scientist, ....:eek:verreaction::eek:verreaction:

Thanks for the interest in this little town. When this all began last week, and they said the baby wasn't found..A part of me had so much hope Flack was going to give her to someone and get some type of plea deal and then he'd turn her over safe and sound. Now my thoughts are since that didn't happen he no longer can use her as bargaining chip. Gaah my heart is just breaking.

When I see this guy - I see a true to life psychopath. I may try and find his folks over the coming weeks and see if they would be willing to talk with me.

I am just heartsick for all 3 of the victims families. Does anyone know if court will be televised tomorrow?

Keep us posted SaucyGal, if you do get in contact with anyone related to this please let us know what you find out. I hope you know by now that we here at WS do not care about the size of your town. We care about every case. This is a great community of like minded folks and we here are more than willing to support any victim or suffering person when, where, and however we can.

Posted on: 9:30 pm, May 12, 2013,
by Sharita Hutton,
updated on: 06:01am, May 13, 2013

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — On Sunday night, the Bailey family and their friends were mourning the loss of little Lana-Leigh Bailey, but told FOX 4 News they are going to bed with a little closure.

The visitation will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15. The service for Kaylie and Lana is scheduled 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16.
Sweet baby. I hope her death was quick and she was not afraid.
Kyle Flack, the man accused of killing four people in Franklin County, Kan., will appear in Monday afternoon. Flack faces capital charges and could face the death penalty.

Kansas has not executed an inmate since 1965. One factor that could keep Flack from being sentenced to death stems back to 2006, when Flack was found guilty of attempted murder for shooting another Franklin County man. Then prosecutors noted in court records that Flack had "a history of mental issues."

Mental health issues can be a critical concern for both prosecutors and defense lawyers in capital cases.

Prosecutors are expected to determine the direction of this case during a 1:30 p.m. hearing on Monday.
Crazy like a fox, Flack was independently trying to broker a deal on Friday. That doesn't sound mentally impaired to me ... I hope the hearing is televised.

Bobby Burch &#8207;@BobBurch Ottawa Herald News
Here at Franklin County district court, awaiting Kyle T. Flack's 2nd criminal hearing. Pic:

Garrett Haake &#8207;@GarrettHaake 41ActionNews
Accused of 4 murders, Kyle Flack walks to his 2nd court appearance under heavy guard. Updates at 4 on @41ActionNews

As a man suspected of slaying four people at a farm near Ottawa entered a courtroom Monday afternoon, friends and family of the victims quietly watched to see what he would do and say.


It seemed as if the standing-room-only crowd was holding its breath in anticipation. But other than glancing around the courtroom and briefly answering a question from a Franklin County District Court judge, Kyle Flack did and said little.

After Flack’s lawyers announced that he was waiving his right to a preliminary hearing within 15 days of being charged, the Franklin County District Court judge asked Flack, 27, if that was correct.

“Yes sir,” answered Flack, who wore shackles, slip-on shoes and an orange-and-cream jail uniform.

The judge set a status hearing for July 8.

Read more here:
I am not very savvy on all judicial procedures, especially in a Capital case...If Flack waives his prelim, what does that mean? Would the next hearing be the time he would state his plea or was today that type of hearing? Would some of you more experienced WS'ers know whether this move would indicate he's going to plead guilty and not go to trial? TIA
I am not very savvy on all judicial procedures, especially in a Capital case...If Flack waives his prelim, what does that mean? Would the next hearing be the time he would state his plea or was today that type of hearing? Would some of you more experienced WS'ers know whether this move would indicate he's going to plead guilty and not go to trial? TIA

From what I understand a status hearing is set to hold a time on the court docket. With it set so far out it allows time for the DA to decide if they are going to seek the DP or LWOP. It also allows Flack's defence team to build their defence and/or try to negotiate a plea agreement. I feel that this is especially likely if the DA is seeking death and a guilty plea would take the DP off the table in exchange for a LWOP sentence. If a plea were negotiated between now and July 8th it is possible that he could enter it then. If no plea, each side will check the status of the case and move forward towards trial. HTH Saucygal!

If anyone sees anything that I got wrong please feel free to correct me as I make no claims of vast legal knowledge or formal training. I am just an avid crime/trial follower and I certainly want to see justice done in this tragic case.
From Summer's link

&#8220;I can use this as an excuse to be a junkie for the rest of my life or I can use it as fuel to turn my life around and help somebody else. I&#8217;m gonna choose the latter.&#8221;

I really hope Shawn means that; it would mean some tiny bit of good came from this terrible crime.
From Summer's link

I really hope Shawn means that; it would mean some tiny bit of good came from this terrible crime.

Lana had her Daddy's eyes, I too hope he turns his life around.

Prayers for all the families involved~
I haven't seen ANYTHING on the news about this case. did however hear a rumor from a solid source here yesterday, about how/where she was found. I was literally ILL, horrified... words can't say. Just be prepared, is all I can say, if it comes out later on the news. To believe this happened just MINUTES from here is still simply mind-blowing... and I am IRATE that they waited so damn long to search. :stormingmad::banghead: I hope to god they FRY that SOB.
OH NO :( ........... Oh God I hope it was instant when she first hit the earth and she didn't linger injured for hours . I wish her daddy in prison gets to meet up with her killer in prison. Wouldn't that be something?

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