KY KY - Andrea Knabel, 36, mother of two, Audubon Park, Louisville, 13 Aug 2019 #2

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Retrieved from Finding Andrea E3 “Chameleon” 01:28min/ Img files attached imgs of PI/TL office fire that destroyed TL’s alleged entire case file (of files, videos, interviews, pictures) he told JF he would go over with JF when in town to review case. First image is TL cell phone footage of fire provided to the doc crew. TL avoided JF when in town to review case file; then fire happened, destroying said alleged case file. I found a news clip of the same fire from doc screen shots & subtitles with address of fire. Some imgs in doc appear to be from the same news clip. There is also footage of TL talking about fire outside of building in the same episode.

Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building (20 Dec 2020)
Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building

Transcript of JF-EK Interview from Finding Andrea documentary E3 “Chameleon” 04:44min-07:55min

/start transcript JF-EK interview 04:44min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

JF: “I know this is difficult. Talk to me a little bit about the day this all happened. Just you know, what you saw.”

EK: “I went to work that day. Fed the kids dinner and everything. My friend Michelle came over to spend time with me. We were sitting on my porch drinking a glass of wine. And AK walked up. And she was upset. She was crying. It was kinda like, you know how you kinda hold it together when you’re by yourself and then when you see someone you care about you know you kinda let it out.”

JF: “Why was AK upset?”

EK: “SK and Mom, and EB, I think they were all talking to her about her choice of action, like, to get her life back together was right. They didn’t agree with things. I think they didn’t like her choice of friends. Mom and SK were talking about like what they thought she should do in order to get back on her feet. And SK was kinda taking Mom’s side. And it hurt her feelings. She said she felt like they were all kinda, you know, ganging up on her. Like maybe…it was probably just overwhelming having you know, several people telling her she was doing things wrong. She said that they were really mean and umm…I think she said something about SK hitting her.”

JF: “Did you believe her?”

EK: “Maybe it could be true. I mean you know, she’s upset and kinda being loud and upset and you know, crying and talking really loud, like I was scared about. Like….are my neighbors gonna get me kicked out after I just moved in here.”

JF: “Okay.”

EK: “She didn’t know what to do. I started to get tired because it was getting closer to like one—one-ish and I had to work the next day. So I went in and I talked to AK about umm…you know, I’ll take you home while my friend Michelle’s here, you know, she can stay here with the kids. So I dropped her off at my Moms house.”

JF: “So then, around 01:30 in the morning what happened?”

EK: “Andrea ended up walking back to my house.”

JF: “Did she say why she came back after you dropped her off?”

EK: “She said she didn’t have a key to the house and…she said that they didn’t…they didn’t answer the door. She was telling me like she wanted to stay with me and then she was crying again. I was stressed out by the situation. Sorry, this is like, the worst part, like…I have my life right now this…”

JF: “I…I understand. Just take your time.”

EK: “One situation. So I told her no I’m sorry and I told her that like, just, go back to Mom’s house and everything will be fine. And I looked through the blinds and I saw her walking away. That’s the last time I saw her.”

/end transcript 07:55min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)


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Has Andreas mom appeared on any of the recent shows? I find it extremely odd that she has never publicly said anything about Andreas disappearance.
I’ve never seen anything. But I’m guessing she’s lined up with SK and EB versus EK and Andrea’s father.
I’d think it would be a family effort to find Andrea. :(
Retrieved from Finding Andrea E3 “Chameleon” 01:28min/ Img files attached imgs of PI/TL office fire that destroyed TL’s alleged entire case file (of files, videos, interviews, pictures) he told JF he would go over with JF when in town to review case. First image is TL cell phone footage of fire provided to the doc crew. TL avoided JF when in town to review case file; then fire happened, destroying said alleged case file. I found a news clip of the same fire from doc screen shots & subtitles with address of fire. Some imgs in doc appear to be from the same news clip. There is also footage of TL talking about fire outside of building in the same episode.

Who is "TL"?
There is another page ran by NS and JF the retired homicide detective called “Justice for Andrea Knabel”, it is technically under “Personal Blog” and thankfully it isn’t full of drama. MOO: I find it suspicious there are 3 pages/groups ran by EK that all share seemingly discrediting posts about other investigators and less about finding AK. The groups censor discussions re: certain investigative direction. A documentary is a great way to possibly gain leads from the public. Any publicity is better than no publicity in a case that isn’t going anywhere.

MOO It is suspicious TL wouldn’t want help from JF, appears to avoid him, then there is a fire that destroys all of the files, recordings, videos, and other evidence TL tells JF he has and will share…

How do we know the files existed? Why wouldn’t you have backup files? What was the source of the fire? I thought most PIs had a LE background?
Where was AK’s last location? Did EK drive AK to her mother’s or did AK walk? EK said she drove AK to her back, TL said she walked-EK said she came back and left again when turned away-was AK driven back both times? I noticed the news journalist in the documentary had the same surname as TL-are they related? In episode 4, why did the witness retract and flop his statement? Could he have been threatened? Was NS initially threatened and that is why she returned with JF, whom she would feel safer with? I hope LMPD can work with JF and make progress finding AK-JF says in a YT interview (link below) he is receiving a lot of tips, which is great. I feel this case is solvable.

Investigation Discovery interview with MK, NS, and JF Finding Andrea

I found it EXTREMELY coincidental and suspicious about that fire as well. One could speculate he was only there to muddy waters or to have an “insider perspective”. My biggest takeaway from the docuseries. No one else found that “fire” the least bit suspicious?
Andrea’s mom was staying so far away from her house that she couldn’t come let Andrea in the house? Or get an rideshare to where she was staying?
According EK in the transcript from episode 3 above, AK’s Mom was there at the house during the initial argument (I was unsure until re-watching/transcribing interview). :(
I found it EXTREMELY coincidental and suspicious about that fire as well. One could speculate he was only there to muddy waters or to have an “insider perspective”. My biggest takeaway from the docuseries. No one else found that “fire” the least bit suspicious?
Same. EXTREMELY. From my understanding (from E3) he had 1 month to meet with JF to share files/work together. Why wasn’t anything backed up? There are so many ways to make sure you don’t lose important information.
His “excuse” “They’re taking over my investigation” unprofessional and in his own words “drama”. Looked like a clown more than “investigator” . Then, has his twin brother searching flop houses and crack towns to make it look like he’s got some info or leads
Retrieved from Finding Andrea E3 “Chameleon” 01:28min/ Img files attached imgs of PI/TL office fire that destroyed TL’s alleged entire case file (of files, videos, interviews, pictures) he told JF he would go over with JF when in town to review case. First image is TL cell phone footage of fire provided to the doc crew. TL avoided JF when in town to review case file; then fire happened, destroying said alleged case file. I found a news clip of the same fire from doc screen shots & subtitles with address of fire. Some imgs in doc appear to be from the same news clip. There is also footage of TL talking about fire outside of building in the same episode.

Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building (20 Dec 2020)
Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building

Transcript of JF-EK Interview from Finding Andrea documentary E3 “Chameleon” 04:44min-07:55min

/start transcript JF-EK interview 04:44min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

JF: “I know this is difficult. Talk to me a little bit about the day this all happened. Just you know, what you saw.”

EK: “I went to work that day. Fed the kids dinner and everything. My friend Michelle came over to spend time with me. We were sitting on my porch drinking a glass of wine. And AK walked up. And she was upset. She was crying. It was kinda like, you know how you kinda hold it together when you’re by yourself and then when you see someone you care about you know you kinda let it out.”

JF: “Why was AK upset?”

EK: “SK and Mom, and EB, I think they were all talking to her about her choice of action, like, to get her life back together was right. They didn’t agree with things. I think they didn’t like her choice of friends. Mom and SK were talking about like what they thought she should do in order to get back on her feet. And SK was kinda taking Mom’s side. And it hurt her feelings. She said she felt like they were all kinda, you know, ganging up on her. Like maybe…it was probably just overwhelming having you know, several people telling her she was doing things wrong. She said that they were really mean and umm…I think she said something about SK hitting her.”

JF: “Did you believe her?”

EK: “Maybe it could be true. I mean you know, she’s upset and kinda being loud and upset and you know, crying and talking really loud, like I was scared about. Like….are my neighbors gonna get me kicked out after I just moved in here.”

JF: “Okay.”

EK: “She didn’t know what to do. I started to get tired because it was getting closer to like one—one-ish and I had to work the next day. So I went in and I talked to AK about umm…you know, I’ll take you home while my friend Michelle’s here, you know, she can stay here with the kids. So I dropped her off at my Moms house.”

JF: “So then, around 01:30 in the morning what happened?”

EK: “Andrea ended up walking back to my house.”

JF: “Did she say why she came back after you dropped her off?”

EK: “She said she didn’t have a key to the house and…she said that they didn’t…they didn’t answer the door. She was telling me like she wanted to stay with me and then she was crying again. I was stressed out by the situation. Sorry, this is like, the worst part, like…I have my life right now this…”

JF: “I…I understand. Just take your time.”

EK: “One situation. So I told her no I’m sorry and I told her that like, just, go back to Mom’s house and everything will be fine. And I looked through the blinds and I saw her walking away. That’s the last time I saw her.”

/end transcript 07:55min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

I come from an enmeshed southern family with a ton of codependency issues. People in the south are weird when it comes to keeping up their reputation and wanting everything to appear "just so" on the outside. Likewise, over-relying on one's parents is the norm in the South. I am also in graduate school to become a LMFT and spent many years in family therapy as a client with my parents, during which time my mother was often thrown out for her belief that it is a parents "God-Given Right" to have no boundaries with her children and that no boundaries is the sign of a healthy household. [[This is in fact, incorrect. Children need to learn how to think for themselves - it is how they begin to grow their own identity. It is how they learn emotion regulation. It is how they learn to stand on their own two feet. See: Differentiation of Self — The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family ]] That said, I see this kind of child-rearing often in the American South, as I was also raised this way. It is unfortunate, and unhealthy. That said, her reliance on him to make decisions about what to do about AK, to me, doesn't indicate anything more sinister than what it is. She just doesn't know how to make her leave without blaming it on her father. Likely she knew AK was using drugs, and likely she was worried about exposing it to the children who she said she had put to sleep in the house (recall she said she had put the children to sleep in the Investigative Discovery documentary - it was a quick statement, you could very easily miss it, and she does not refer to any children that she may or may not have again throughout the series, although I did spot her cleaning what appeared to be children's sized dishes in the sink in Episode 4).

Since I just watched the show in its entirety last night, the timeline is not fuzzy for me, and it did not sound like anyone was covering anything up.
EK is interviewed on camera about AK's evening timeline a few times during the Discovery series.

There is an interview during the first episode, with a producer, but the interview about AK's evening timeline is not as thorough about AK's back and forth as an interview during a later episode (Episode 3, "Chameleon", the episode, with the transcript quoted above) proves to be (this could also be because of editing).

Considering we know that during the conversation the sister and mother were attacking AK's choice of friends, lack of a job, and life choices - AK is overwhelmed. We know AK is using methamphetamine because it is confirmed in Episode 4, "Black Sheep". We might also speculate, MOO, that perhaps her superficial sister and mother might not like her choice of friends NOT ONLY the (1) drug dealers but ALSO the volunteer (2) Missing in America group she hangs out with (because how is this going to help her get a paying job, or why would she want to be in dangerous situation, or be hanging out in 'scummy areas' etc. etc.) (although - later we find out her dad has no idea she is involved in this - so maybe they don't even know about this - and then there's a shame element - so who do they even think she is friends with at all? Do they think she has no friends?) Everything about this is so tragic, and it screams out AK was trying to find herself and find acceptance and love. MOO MOO

I am so proud of the neighbors for speaking up and saying all that they heard happening at that house. I hope more of them have spoken up. And I appreciate MK for his strength. I think folks have been far too hard on him. He will step up when the time is right. I appreciate him for answering the producer's question over video chat in Episode 4, "Black Sheep" about SK and her answering questions about EB and using his own term - "Weak Link". Though he was not able to answer questions when asked by a crew in person - I think when push comes to shove he does not want to see his daughter SK with EB, and when confronted with the two of them side by side he will choose both of his daughter AK and SK over EB. At this point the only thing I'm a little confused about is the gold impala cruising by EK's place - like did that have to do with the disappearance? Maybe not...? Maybe dealer was really curious about AK? I mean why would he be coming around AK's family if he took AK? just a thought...

And all should watch the Youtube that was linked on the previous page. What MK said about AK and EK was beautiful. Really beautiful!
According EK in the transcript from episode 3 above, AK’s Mom was there at the house during the initial argument (I was unsure until re-watching/transcribing interview). :(
I had no idea she was there. So she left and went to a hotel? A friend’s house? Said y’all deal with it, I’m out of here?

The argument was downplayed from the beginning as a little family spat.
I come from an enmeshed southern family with a ton of codependency issues. People in the south are weird when it comes to keeping up their reputation and wanting everything to appear "just so" on the outside. Likewise, over-relying on one's parents is the norm in the South. I am also in graduate school to become a LMFT and spent many years in family therapy as a client with my parents, during which time my mother was often thrown out for her belief that it is a parents "God-Given Right" to have no boundaries with her children and that no boundaries is the sign of a healthy household. [[This is in fact, incorrect. Children need to learn how to think for themselves - it is how they begin to grow their own identity. It is how they learn emotion regulation. It is how they learn to stand on their own two feet. See: Differentiation of Self — The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family ]] That said, I see this kind of child-rearing often in the American South, as I was also raised this way. It is unfortunate, and unhealthy. That said, her reliance on him to make decisions about what to do about AK, to me, doesn't indicate anything more sinister than what it is. She just doesn't know how to make her leave without blaming it on her father. Likely she knew AK was using drugs, and likely she was worried about exposing it to the children who she said she had put to sleep in the house (recall she said she had put the children to sleep in the Investigative Discovery documentary - it was a quick statement, you could very easily miss it, and she does not refer to any children that she may or may not have again throughout the series, although I did spot her cleaning what appeared to be children's sized dishes in the sink in Episode 4).

Since I just watched the show in its entirety last night, the timeline is not fuzzy for me, and it did not sound like anyone was covering anything up.
EK is interviewed on camera about AK's evening timeline a few times during the Discovery series.

There is an interview during the first episode, with a producer, but the interview about AK's evening timeline is not as thorough about AK's back and forth as an interview during a later episode (Episode 3, "Chameleon", the episode, with the transcript quoted above) proves to be (this could also be because of editing).

Considering we know that during the conversation the sister and mother were attacking AK's choice of friends, lack of a job, and life choices - AK is overwhelmed. We know AK is using methamphetamine because it is confirmed in Episode 4, "Black Sheep". We might also speculate, MOO, that perhaps her superficial sister and mother might not like her choice of friends NOT ONLY the (1) drug dealers but ALSO the volunteer (2) Missing in America group she hangs out with (because how is this going to help her get a paying job, or why would she want to be in dangerous situation, or be hanging out in 'scummy areas' etc. etc.) (although - later we find out her dad has no idea she is involved in this - so maybe they don't even know about this - and then there's a shame element - so who do they even think she is friends with at all? Do they think she has no friends?) Everything about this is so tragic, and it screams out AK was trying to find herself and find acceptance and love. MOO MOO

I am so proud of the neighbors for speaking up and saying all that they heard happening at that house. I hope more of them have spoken up. And I appreciate MK for his strength. I think folks have been far too hard on him. He will step up when the time is right. I appreciate him for answering the producer's question over video chat in Episode 4, "Black Sheep" about SK and her answering questions about EB and using his own term - "Weak Link". Though he was not able to answer questions when asked by a crew in person - I think when push comes to shove he does not want to see his daughter SK with EB, and when confronted with the two of them side by side he will choose both of his daughter AK and SK over EB. At this point the only thing I'm a little confused about is the gold impala cruising by EK's place - like did that have to do with the disappearance? Maybe not...? Maybe dealer was really curious about AK? I mean why would he be coming around AK's family if he took AK? just a thought...

And all should watch the Youtube that was linked on the previous page. What MK said about AK and EK was beautiful. Really beautiful!

Thank you for your perspective and input, I always find the difference in family interaction fascinating behaviorally. It is very hard to stereotype any group of people’s behavior as a whole IMO, as perception can differ from one person to the next. When there are 5-6 people, I feel it is impossible to base research on any type of behavioral compartmentalization-I do my best to avoid stereotyping individual behavior and do my best to stoically interpret what I see in front of me (via tangible actions/facts/observations).

**(Begin differing personal experience growing up in the Deep South I want to address in my response but I personally feel is irrelevant in any investigation/sometimes a distraction from what we can observe tangibly)**

I grew up in the Deep South. My experience was a bit different (or perhaps my interpretation different, other members of the family different, other cultural microcosmic factors, etc). My parents/grandparents emphasized: honesty, loyalty, strength, independent thought, love/compassion/understanding, non-judgement, forgiveness, respect and *MANNERS*. I emphasized manners because I feel this is often mis-stereotyped about Southern culture (MOO, nothing is right or wrong FTR). For example, you don’t talk religion/politics/etc over the dinner table; you respect other’s homes; if you spill/break something (God forbid!) as a guest you clean it up and apologize; you don’t allow your children to run amok in another’s house, you teach them respect for others at a very young age.

Ironically, the reason I say I wouldn’t call my parents late at night unless an emergency personally, is due to these ingrained values; inconsideration is like a cardinal sin in the Deep South from my experience-but *it would never be inconsiderate to reach out to family when in crisis for help, regardless of the time.*
I grew up taught the total opposite-you ALWAYS have boundaries/respect for others/their time. Again, it is not disrespectful when you genuinely need help-in that case it’s a faux pas to NOT contact family and/or help family when they need help.

Personally, my family would do anything to help when asked and I would do the same for them. I can’t even fathom an aunt or uncle or cousin locking me out of the house when I had nowhere to go-much less my own parents/siblings-especially in the middle of the night. I was brought up taught to help others, even strangers-as long as you didn’t put yourself in danger/betray your own morals (I.e., you would call the police if you were witnessing a situation of DV in the front yard, 911 if someone is hurt, etc). I was taught to love others without judgement, “do unto others as you’d have them do unto you”, “two wrongs don’t make a right”, “actions speak louder than words”, etc….personally, I feel extremely grateful to have been taught these values growing up in the Deep South microcosm of my early childhood environment.

MOO cultural stereotypes are irrelevant in an investigation because they can differ greatly-from person to person, family to family, state to state, or even town to city in the same state.

With that being said, MOO there is nothing in this case that reminds me personally of “Southern values” as I know them from spending the majority of my life in the Deep South. In fact, most of the behavior I’ve observed in multiple individuals in this case, is the antithesis of what I would call stereotypical Southern behavior. I could dissect behavior by behavior but I’m not here to judge or infer about anyone’s cognitive mental process or the morality of their behavior.

Sometimes these same things can be used to demonize victims/investigative direction, victimize suspects, and manipulate/muddy perception of those with good intentions who’s only desire is to find the truth. IMO it is a distraction, as anything emotional can cloud stoic, objective, constructive, research/problem-solving.


MOO Observations are neutral. They aren’t sinister or innocent until proven otherwise. EK did not accuse her Dad (MK) of anything. If you are referring to the phone call mentioned in the doc where MK said his daughter was mad and blamed him, MK was talking about his other daughter-SK-who wasn’t interviewed publicly, hasn’t spoke publicly, lived with AK at the mother’s house at the time of her disappearance, and argued with AK the night of her disappearance according to EK in the transcript above.

Furthermore, if EK was understandably concerned due to drug use, she would have no reason to know that and lie that she wasn’t aware of it to investigators. If EK was lying about her knowledge of AK’s alleged drug use, how reliable would that make her other statements? Currently, I have no reason to disbelieve EK’s given statement that she was unaware of AK’s alleged drug use. From my recollection EK mentions her children at least twice, in E1 and E3, but I’m unsure how this part is related?

If the timeline isn’t fuzzy for you, could you please list the timeline?
AK’s phone has never been found, and her last location, first reported as at her mother’s, at 6:31am, was actually an unknown location. There is an article re: discrepancy of the timeline earlier in this thread.

I’m unsure what you mean re: “due to editing” of the JF-EK interview? Are you implying the doc edited part of the interview out? Wouldn’t more information be better than less? What motivation would the documentary crew have for leaving anything out? Re: my transcript of the interview-I paused the program for every line of interview subtitles, meticulously typing every word verbatim, please tell me if/where/timestamp something is incorrect so I can correct it.

The discrepancy I’m referring to in EK’s account is related to the interview with MK (link below) starting at 11:31min, MK says he advised EK to call her mother that night re: AK situation. When did EK talk to MK? I assume if he advised her and it was unexpected AK would show up it was via a phone call? MK says to his knowledge EK called her mother after their conversation. When did these conversations happen in the middle of the night? EK did not mention any phone calls in the transcript above in her account on that night; from my understanding, MK is implying EK had 2 conversations re: AK showing up seeking help, one with MK, one with her mother. Where does this fit in the timeline? Had MK advised EK before that night at some point?

To attempt to clarify the next part of your comment-AK lost her job, which was mentioned in the documentary, 2 different related newspaper clippings re: lay-offs from Humana (the company she worked for) were shown. AK was one of those lay offs, and understandably upset about being laid off. AK was described in the doc as professional and hard working, MOO her volunteer work with MIA helping people kept her busy while searching for another job.

Additionally IMO, I don’t care for the criticism, gossip, and judgement of NS/MIA/JF. I find it very odd, especially when observed in the manner I have observed it, is not constructive to finding AK. It is distracting when attempting to research in a group allegedly dedicated to finding AK. I asked for sources re: NS allegations and how it was applicable to finding AK? Someone very close to AK running the group dedicated to finding her, commented to “Google NS MIA”. I actually did this :) and I the first (MOO) legitimate article I found about NS told a different narrative than what I perceive as unfounded, suspicious, character assassination of someone who has good intentions and volunteers to help people.

I’m providing that article from 2016 below. (Mods please snip/inform me of anything unacceptable as I’m still new to the rules).

I feel this is important to the investigation because of the abnormality of this type of destructive, cruel behavior/accusations towards others who care and are trying to help. It was also mentioned in E1 of the documentary. Is this coming from a place of high emotional distress about AK’s disappearance or as a means of sabotaging specific investigational directions?

Lastly, what did MK mean when he said SK told him to “be careful because EB knows people that can make you disappear”? Was that coming from a place of concern for MK’s well-being or was that a threat?

To clarify, in E4 “weak link” is the term MK said LMPD used to describe SK in relation to EB.

11:31min begin MK statement about EK/AK disappearance/advice

‘I’ve lost everything,’ says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases (2016)

“BRIDGEWATER — Eleven years ago, Nancy Schaefer set out to help reunite families with her missing loved ones. Today, even though she's just lost her home and most of her possessions, she remains undeterred.

Schaefer, founder of Missing in America, a volunteer group that’s helped law enforcement and families with hundreds of missing persons cases nationwide, was recently evicted from her Bridgewater apartment and is in the process of clearing out what little she has left.

As the founder of Missing in America, Schaefer — who left her accounting job two years ago — is also the sole funding source for the organization. The 45-year-old estimates that in the past decade, she's spent about $300,000 of her own money to continue helping families locate missing loved ones.

"You have to understand how passionate I am about this cause," she said.

Now, Schaeffer said she has a just a few days before she has to leave her apartment. She said that because she's in default on her rent payments, she also won't get back her security deposit, which has her sinking further into debt.

"It's been really rough, but I'm trying to remain strong," Schaefer said. "I've had to sell everything in yard sales, all my possessions, everything but my clothes."

But rather than use the money she made selling her belongings to help find a new home or get her own finances in order, Schaefer has decided to dedicate the funds to making Missing in America an official 501(c)3 charity organization.

As a temporary solution to her housing issue, Schaefer said she will be staying in Kentucky with the mother of a 19-year-old woman who went missing from Columbia University in May. LaCreis Renee Kidd's daughter was eventually located. Last month, she created a page dedicated to helping raise money so Schaefer could get back on her feet. As of Monday, $2,170 of the $5,000 goal had been raised. Schaefer said she offered to give her landlord the funds, but her offer was declined and instead, she was told to vacate her apartment.

Schaefer said she doesn't want to move out of New Jersey and leave her children and family, but she's out of options at this point. She also said she will not take money from any of the families that she is currently assisting through Missing in America.

"I've been very committed to this cause for 11 years and you don't think about yourself when you're in this situation," Schaefer said. "I have lost everything for the cause, and I would do it all over again."

Toniann Antonelli is a social content producer for NJ 101.5. She can be reached at, or on Twitter @ToniRadio1015.

'I've lost everything,' says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases
I had no idea she was there. So she left and went to a hotel? A friend’s house? Said y’all deal with it, I’m out of here?

The argument was downplayed from the beginning as a little family spat.

I have no idea because it’s never been established where the mother was. Was she there the entire night? Did she leave? If so, where did she go?
I find the silence from SK, EB, and mom deafening. Even more so if there was a physical altercation with all 3 present that night and there were arguments prior to her disappearance. I can't believe knowing things could have gotten physical, anyone would think sending AK back to that house was a good idea.

I am somewhat sympathetic to AK's family in what was likely an awful situation that had probably been ongoing for some time. I know what it's like to have a family member who has driven everyone to their breaking point. I think the comment about being worried more about reputation isn't that fair, because I think it's just as likely they were far more concerned that basically smearing AK publicly would be detrimental to finding her.

I truly don't think anyone in that family wasn't aware of Andrea's drug use. I would imagine her behavior could be quite erratic, if not completely out of control. Unfortunately, most people are far less empathetic/sympathetic to victim's with known issues, so trying to brush that information under the rug probably is beneficial in keeping people interested in AK's case. Maybe I'm completely off base. That's just how I see it as an outsider with only the information that's been released.

That being said, I don't think anyone involved in this case has done AK's investigation any favors. It seems everyone has a personal beef they've made very public just based on what I've read on FB pages. I keep home LE will step in soon and say they've found some new evidence or some new leads or are ready to make an arrest, but it seems like this case isn't a priority for them.
Thank you for your perspective and input, I always find the difference in family interaction fascinating behaviorally. It is very hard to stereotype any group of people’s behavior as a whole IMO, as perception can differ from one person to the next. When there are 5-6 people, I feel it is impossible to base research on any type of behavioral compartmentalization-I do my best to avoid stereotyping individual behavior and do my best to stoically interpret what I see in front of me (via tangible actions/facts/observations).

**(Begin differing personal experience growing up in the Deep South I want to address in my response but I personally feel is irrelevant in any investigation/sometimes a distraction from what we can observe tangibly)**

I grew up in the Deep South. My experience was a bit different (or perhaps my interpretation different, other members of the family different, other cultural microcosmic factors, etc). My parents/grandparents emphasized: honesty, loyalty, strength, independent thought, love/compassion/understanding, non-judgement, forgiveness, respect and *MANNERS*. I emphasized manners because I feel this is often mis-stereotyped about Southern culture (MOO, nothing is right or wrong FTR). For example, you don’t talk religion/politics/etc over the dinner table; you respect other’s homes; if you spill/break something (God forbid!) as a guest you clean it up and apologize; you don’t allow your children to run amok in another’s house, you teach them respect for others at a very young age.

Ironically, the reason I say I wouldn’t call my parents late at night unless an emergency personally, is due to these ingrained values; inconsideration is like a cardinal sin in the Deep South from my experience-but *it would never be inconsiderate to reach out to family when in crisis for help, regardless of the time.*
I grew up taught the total opposite-you ALWAYS have boundaries/respect for others/their time. Again, it is not disrespectful when you genuinely need help-in that case it’s a faux pas to NOT contact family and/or help family when they need help.

Personally, my family would do anything to help when asked and I would do the same for them. I can’t even fathom an aunt or uncle or cousin locking me out of the house when I had nowhere to go-much less my own parents/siblings-especially in the middle of the night. I was brought up taught to help others, even strangers-as long as you didn’t put yourself in danger/betray your own morals (I.e., you would call the police if you were witnessing a situation of DV in the front yard, 911 if someone is hurt, etc). I was taught to love others without judgement, “do unto others as you’d have them do unto you”, “two wrongs don’t make a right”, “actions speak louder than words”, etc….personally, I feel extremely grateful to have been taught these values growing up in the Deep South microcosm of my early childhood environment.

MOO cultural stereotypes are irrelevant in an investigation because they can differ greatly-from person to person, family to family, state to state, or even town to city in the same state.

With that being said, MOO there is nothing in this case that reminds me personally of “Southern values” as I know them from spending the majority of my life in the Deep South. In fact, most of the behavior I’ve observed in multiple individuals in this case, is the antithesis of what I would call stereotypical Southern behavior. I could dissect behavior by behavior but I’m not here to judge or infer about anyone’s cognitive mental process or the morality of their behavior.

Sometimes these same things can be used to demonize victims/investigative direction, victimize suspects, and manipulate/muddy perception of those with good intentions who’s only desire is to find the truth. IMO it is a distraction, as anything emotional can cloud stoic, objective, constructive, research/problem-solving.


MOO Observations are neutral. They aren’t sinister or innocent until proven otherwise. EK did not accuse her Dad (MK) of anything. If you are referring to the phone call mentioned in the doc where MK said his daughter was mad and blamed him, MK was talking about his other daughter-SK-who wasn’t interviewed publicly, hasn’t spoke publicly, lived with AK at the mother’s house at the time of her disappearance, and argued with AK the night of her disappearance according to EK in the transcript above.

Furthermore, if EK was understandably concerned due to drug use, she would have no reason to know that and lie that she wasn’t aware of it to investigators. If EK was lying about her knowledge of AK’s alleged drug use, how reliable would that make her other statements? Currently, I have no reason to disbelieve EK’s given statement that she was unaware of AK’s alleged drug use. From my recollection EK mentions her children at least twice, in E1 and E3, but I’m unsure how this part is related?

If the timeline isn’t fuzzy for you, could you please list the timeline?
AK’s phone has never been found, and her last location, first reported as at her mother’s, at 6:31am, was actually an unknown location. There is an article re: discrepancy of the timeline earlier in this thread.

I’m unsure what you mean re: “due to editing” of the JF-EK interview? Are you implying the doc edited part of the interview out? Wouldn’t more information be better than less? What motivation would the documentary crew have for leaving anything out? Re: my transcript of the interview-I paused the program for every line of interview subtitles, meticulously typing every word verbatim, please tell me if/where/timestamp something is incorrect so I can correct it.

The discrepancy I’m referring to in EK’s account is related to the interview with MK (link below) starting at 11:31min, MK says he advised EK to call her mother that night re: AK situation. When did EK talk to MK? I assume if he advised her and it was unexpected AK would show up it was via a phone call? MK says to his knowledge EK called her mother after their conversation. When did these conversations happen in the middle of the night? EK did not mention any phone calls in the transcript above in her account on that night; from my understanding, MK is implying EK had 2 conversations re: AK showing up seeking help, one with MK, one with her mother. Where does this fit in the timeline? Had MK advised EK before that night at some point?

To attempt to clarify the next part of your comment-AK lost her job, which was mentioned in the documentary, 2 different related newspaper clippings re: lay-offs from Humana (the company she worked for) were shown. AK was one of those lay offs, and understandably upset about being laid off. AK was described in the doc as professional and hard working, MOO her volunteer work with MIA helping people kept her busy while searching for another job.

Additionally IMO, I don’t care for the criticism, gossip, and judgement of NS/MIA/JF. I find it very odd, especially when observed in the manner I have observed it, is not constructive to finding AK. It is distracting when attempting to research in a group allegedly dedicated to finding AK. I asked for sources re: NS allegations and how it was applicable to finding AK? Someone very close to AK running the group dedicated to finding her, commented to “Google NS MIA”. I actually did this :) and I the first (MOO) legitimate article I found about NS told a different narrative than what I perceive as unfounded, suspicious, character assassination of someone who has good intentions and volunteers to help people.

I’m providing that article from 2016 below. (Mods please snip/inform me of anything unacceptable as I’m still new to the rules).

I feel this is important to the investigation because of the abnormality of this type of destructive, cruel behavior/accusations towards others who care and are trying to help. It was also mentioned in E1 of the documentary. Is this coming from a place of high emotional distress about AK’s disappearance or as a means of sabotaging specific investigational directions?

Lastly, what did MK mean when he said SK told him to “be careful because EB knows people that can make you disappear”? Was that coming from a place of concern for MK’s well-being or was that a threat?

To clarify, in E4 “weak link” is the term MK said LMPD used to describe SK in relation to EB.

11:31min begin MK statement about EK/AK disappearance/advice

‘I’ve lost everything,’ says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases (2016)

“BRIDGEWATER — Eleven years ago, Nancy Schaefer set out to help reunite families with her missing loved ones. Today, even though she's just lost her home and most of her possessions, she remains undeterred.

Schaefer, founder of Missing in America, a volunteer group that’s helped law enforcement and families with hundreds of missing persons cases nationwide, was recently evicted from her Bridgewater apartment and is in the process of clearing out what little she has left.

As the founder of Missing in America, Schaefer — who left her accounting job two years ago — is also the sole funding source for the organization. The 45-year-old estimates that in the past decade, she's spent about $300,000 of her own money to continue helping families locate missing loved ones.

"You have to understand how passionate I am about this cause," she said.

Now, Schaeffer said she has a just a few days before she has to leave her apartment. She said that because she's in default on her rent payments, she also won't get back her security deposit, which has her sinking further into debt.

"It's been really rough, but I'm trying to remain strong," Schaefer said. "I've had to sell everything in yard sales, all my possessions, everything but my clothes."

But rather than use the money she made selling her belongings to help find a new home or get her own finances in order, Schaefer has decided to dedicate the funds to making Missing in America an official 501(c)3 charity organization.

As a temporary solution to her housing issue, Schaefer said she will be staying in Kentucky with the mother of a 19-year-old woman who went missing from Columbia University in May. LaCreis Renee Kidd's daughter was eventually located. Last month, she created a ******** page dedicated to helping raise money so Schaefer could get back on her feet. As of Monday, $2,170 of the $5,000 goal had been raised. Schaefer said she offered to give her landlord the funds, but her offer was declined and instead, she was told to vacate her apartment.

Schaefer said she doesn't want to move out of New Jersey and leave her children and family, but she's out of options at this point. She also said she will not take money from any of the families that she is currently assisting through Missing in America.

"I've been very committed to this cause for 11 years and you don't think about yourself when you're in this situation," Schaefer said. "I have lost everything for the cause, and I would do it all over again."

Toniann Antonelli is a social content producer for NJ 101.5. She can be reached at, or on Twitter @ToniRadio1015.

'I've lost everything,' says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases

I'm really confused about what you're saying or if you're saying it to me? Maybe you misread everything I said. I know what MK was saying and who he was saying it about. He was it about SK. Not about EK. I don't think EK is lying. I'm really not sure why you're attacking me. I think you misread everything I said based on the fact that you are trying to defend your "Southern values". I think for some reason that portion of my comment rubbed you the wrong way -- and so you misread everything else I wrote after that-- the factual portion of post as opposed to the opinion portion of my post. I did say MOO and I'm sorry if that offended you - but no reason to attack me from there for your misunderstanding. I certainly am on the same page as you regarding the investigation and have never attacked anyone involved in helping to solve the crime. I think JF and NS are doing a great job and thank god they are shaking the trees that need to be shook in this case.

I'm not into arguing with people. I've never been attacked like this before on a site like this. So you go on and enjoy yourself.
I'm really confused about what you're saying or if you're saying it to me? Maybe you misread everything I said. I know what MK was saying and who he was saying it about. He was it about SK. Not about EK. I don't think EK is lying. I'm really not sure why you're attacking me. I think you misread everything I said based on the fact that you are trying to defend your "Southern values". I think for some reason that portion of my comment rubbed you the wrong way -- and so you misread everything else I wrote after that-- the factual portion of post as opposed to the opinion portion of my post. I did say MOO and I'm sorry if that offended you - but no reason to attack me from there for your misunderstanding. I certainly am on the same page as you regarding the investigation and have never attacked anyone involved in helping to solve the crime. I think JF and NS are doing a great job and thank god they are shaking the trees that need to be shook in this case.

I'm not into arguing with people. I've never been attacked like this before on a site like this. So you go on and enjoy yourself.

TFW I started out my reply thanking you for sharing a different experience and how I find different family dynamics fascinating. Your comment didn’t rub me the wrong way at all or offend me- it started a stream of thoughts and questions which I actually enjoy.

I was not accusing anyone of lying, simply asking questions to gain clarification about the timeline/facts of the night AK disappeared.

My goal is to gain clarification for the sake of research re: issues unclear to me about this case. You mentioned you understood the timeline so I was genuinely asking you to post it to analyze and compare as its unclear to me and many others. You mentioned Moms dissatisfaction with AK life choices mentioned in the doc surrounding family argument labeled (1) (2). The way my brain works is, people comment with specific subjects and I start thinking about different possibilities and interconnections. You mention SVs, I respond with my own experiences with addendum (that is was my personal opinion/experience and NOT fact or right or wrong) to share back. You mentioned MIA which made me start thinking about the bizarre dynamic between parties in relation to the *case*, not in relation to you. I asked about 20 questions because I think putting brains together can help find answers. I find all conversation valuable to gain insight. I was also being very serious about being informed if I recorded something incorrect, and I respond per paragraph/do so in chronological order of the comment I’m responding to.
If anything it’s impossible to offend me over the internet, perhaps I’m nerdy idk ‍♀️ I’m not thinking like that.

I think this case can be solved and AK can be found, and clarification of foundational facts are imperative to find answers. I personally need more clarification of facts this in this case because I keep hearing what I perceive as different accounts/missing factors/etc. <3
I find the silence from SK, EB, and mom deafening. Even more so if there was a physical altercation with all 3 present that night and there were arguments prior to her disappearance. I can't believe knowing things could have gotten physical, anyone would think sending AK back to that house was a good idea.

I am somewhat sympathetic to AK's family in what was likely an awful situation that had probably been ongoing for some time. I know what it's like to have a family member who has driven everyone to their breaking point. I think the comment about being worried more about reputation isn't that fair, because I think it's just as likely they were far more concerned that basically smearing AK publicly would be detrimental to finding her.

I truly don't think anyone in that family wasn't aware of Andrea's drug use. I would imagine her behavior could be quite erratic, if not completely out of control. Unfortunately, most people are far less empathetic/sympathetic to victim's with known issues, so trying to brush that information under the rug probably is beneficial in keeping people interested in AK's case. Maybe I'm completely off base. That's just how I see it as an outsider with only the information that's been released.

That being said, I don't think anyone involved in this case has done AK's investigation any favors. It seems everyone has a personal beef they've made very public just based on what I've read on FB pages. I keep home LE will step in soon and say they've found some new evidence or some new leads or are ready to make an arrest, but it seems like this case isn't a priority for them.

I agree that AK drug abuse can definitely result in cases tossed under the rug unfortunately-regardless of someone’s personal life they deserve justice and their family/loved ones deserve answers. M, the witness interviewed in E4 Black Sheep who was friends with AK, is the first time I heard anyone say the family cared more about their reputation (after returning for a second interview where he tells a different story/theory about her disappearance). As you stated none of the personal-public black and forth is constructive to the investigation. JF said in the ID interview he was receiving lots of leads since the documentary aired which is fantastic, hopefully JF&LMPD can work together and find AK.
Thank you for your perspective and input, I always find the difference in family interaction fascinating behaviorally. It is very hard to stereotype any group of people’s behavior as a whole IMO, as perception can differ from one person to the next.


MOO Observations are neutral. They aren’t sinister or innocent until proven otherwise. EK did not accuse her Dad (MK) of anything. If you are referring to the phone call mentioned in the doc where MK said his daughter was mad and blamed him, MK was talking about his other daughter-SK-who wasn’t interviewed publicly, hasn’t spoke publicly, lived with AK at the mother’s house at the time of her disappearance, and argued with AK the night of her disappearance according to EK in the transcript above.

Furthermore, if EK was understandably concerned due to drug use, she would have no reason to know that and lie that she wasn’t aware of it to investigators. If EK was lying about her knowledge of AK’s alleged drug use, how reliable would that make her other statements? Currently, I have no reason to disbelieve EK’s given statement that she was unaware of AK’s alleged drug use. From my recollection EK mentions her children at least twice, in E1 and E3, but I’m unsure how this part is related?

If the timeline isn’t fuzzy for you, could you please list the timeline?
AK’s phone has never been found, and her last location, first reported as at her mother’s, at 6:31am, was actually an unknown location. There is an article re: discrepancy of the timeline earlier in this thread.

I’m unsure what you mean re: “due to editing” of the JF-EK interview? Are you implying the doc edited part of the interview out? Wouldn’t more information be better than less? What motivation would the documentary crew have for leaving anything out? Re: my transcript of the interview-I paused the program for every line of interview subtitles, meticulously typing every word verbatim, please tell me if/where/timestamp something is incorrect so I can correct it.

The discrepancy I’m referring to in EK’s account is related to the interview with MK (link below) starting at 11:31min, MK says he advised EK to call her mother that night re: AK situation. When did EK talk to MK? I assume if he advised her and it was unexpected AK would show up it was via a phone call? MK says to his knowledge EK called her mother after their conversation. When did these conversations happen in the middle of the night? EK did not mention any phone calls in the transcript above in her account on that night; from my understanding, MK is implying EK had 2 conversations re: AK showing up seeking help, one with MK, one with her mother. Where does this fit in the timeline? Had MK advised EK before that night at some point?

To attempt to clarify the next part of your comment-AK lost her job, which was mentioned in the documentary, 2 different related newspaper clippings re: lay-offs from Humana (the company she worked for) were shown. AK was one of those lay offs, and understandably upset about being laid off. AK was described in the doc as professional and hard working, MOO her volunteer work with MIA helping people kept her busy while searching for another job.

Additionally IMO, I don’t care for the criticism, gossip, and judgement of NS/MIA/JF. I find it very odd, especially when observed in the manner I have observed it, is not constructive to finding AK. It is distracting when attempting to research in a group allegedly dedicated to finding AK. I asked for sources re: NS allegations and how it was applicable to finding AK? Someone very close to AK running the group dedicated to finding her, commented to “Google NS MIA”. I actually did this :) and I the first (MOO) legitimate article I found about NS told a different narrative than what I perceive as unfounded, suspicious, character assassination of someone who has good intentions and volunteers to help people.

I’m providing that article from 2016 below. (Mods please snip/inform me of anything unacceptable as I’m still new to the rules).

I feel this is important to the investigation because of the abnormality of this type of destructive, cruel behavior/accusations towards others who care and are trying to help. It was also mentioned in E1 of the documentary. Is this coming from a place of high emotional distress about AK’s disappearance or as a means of sabotaging specific investigational directions?

Lastly, what did MK mean when he said SK told him to “be careful because EB knows people that can make you disappear”? Was that coming from a place of concern for MK’s well-being or was that a threat?

To clarify, in E4 “weak link” is the term MK said LMPD used to describe SK in relation to EB.

11:31min begin MK statement about EK/AK disappearance/advice

‘I’ve lost everything,’ says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases (2016)

“BRIDGEWATER — Eleven years ago, Nancy Schaefer set out to help reunite families with her missing loved ones. Today, even though she's just lost her home and most of her possessions, she remains undeterred.

Schaefer, founder of Missing in America, a volunteer group that’s helped law enforcement and families with hundreds of missing persons cases nationwide, was recently evicted from her Bridgewater apartment and is in the process of clearing out what little she has left.

As the founder of Missing in America, Schaefer — who left her accounting job two years ago — is also the sole funding source for the organization. The 45-year-old estimates that in the past decade, she's spent about $300,000 of her own money to continue helping families locate missing loved ones.

"You have to understand how passionate I am about this cause," she said.

Now, Schaeffer said she has a just a few days before she has to leave her apartment. She said that because she's in default on her rent payments, she also won't get back her security deposit, which has her sinking further into debt.

"It's been really rough, but I'm trying to remain strong," Schaefer said. "I've had to sell everything in yard sales, all my possessions, everything but my clothes."

But rather than use the money she made selling her belongings to help find a new home or get her own finances in order, Schaefer has decided to dedicate the funds to making Missing in America an official 501(c)3 charity organization.

As a temporary solution to her housing issue, Schaefer said she will be staying in Kentucky with the mother of a 19-year-old woman who went missing from Columbia University in May. LaCreis Renee Kidd's daughter was eventually located. Last month, she created a ******** page dedicated to helping raise money so Schaefer could get back on her feet. As of Monday, $2,170 of the $5,000 goal had been raised. Schaefer said she offered to give her landlord the funds, but her offer was declined and instead, she was told to vacate her apartment.

Schaefer said she doesn't want to move out of New Jersey and leave her children and family, but she's out of options at this point. She also said she will not take money from any of the families that she is currently assisting through Missing in America.

"I've been very committed to this cause for 11 years and you don't think about yourself when you're in this situation," Schaefer said. "I have lost everything for the cause, and I would do it all over again."

Toniann Antonelli is a social content producer for NJ 101.5. She can be reached at, or on Twitter @ToniRadio1015.

'I've lost everything,' says NJ woman devoted to missing person cases

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