KY KY - Andrea Knabel, 36, mother of two, Audubon Park, Louisville, 13 Aug 2019 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Retrieved from Finding Andrea E3 “Chameleon” 01:28min/ Img files attached imgs of PI/TL office fire that destroyed TL’s alleged entire case file (of files, videos, interviews, pictures) he told JF he would go over with JF when in town to review case. First image is TL cell phone footage of fire provided to the doc crew. TL avoided JF when in town to review case file; then fire happened, destroying said alleged case file. I found a news clip of the same fire from doc screen shots & subtitles with address of fire. Some imgs in doc appear to be from the same news clip. There is also footage of TL talking about fire outside of building in the same episode.

Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building (20 Dec 2020)
Fire breaks out in downtown Jeffersonville building

Transcript of JF-EK Interview from Finding Andrea documentary E3 “Chameleon” 04:44min-07:55min

/start transcript JF-EK interview 04:44min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

JF: “I know this is difficult. Talk to me a little bit about the day this all happened. Just you know, what you saw.”

EK: “I went to work that day. Fed the kids dinner and everything. My friend Michelle came over to spend time with me. We were sitting on my porch drinking a glass of wine. And AK walked up. And she was upset. She was crying. It was kinda like, you know how you kinda hold it together when you’re by yourself and then when you see someone you care about you know you kinda let it out.”

JF: “Why was AK upset?”

EK: “SK and Mom, and EB, I think they were all talking to her about her choice of action, like, to get her life back together was right. They didn’t agree with things. I think they didn’t like her choice of friends. Mom and SK were talking about like what they thought she should do in order to get back on her feet. And SK was kinda taking Mom’s side. And it hurt her feelings. She said she felt like they were all kinda, you know, ganging up on her. Like maybe…it was probably just overwhelming having you know, several people telling her she was doing things wrong. She said that they were really mean and umm…I think she said something about SK hitting her.”

JF: “Did you believe her?”

EK: “Maybe it could be true. I mean you know, she’s upset and kinda being loud and upset and you know, crying and talking really loud, like I was scared about. Like….are my neighbors gonna get me kicked out after I just moved in here.”

JF: “Okay.”

EK: “She didn’t know what to do. I started to get tired because it was getting closer to like one—one-ish and I had to work the next day. So I went in and I talked to AK about umm…you know, I’ll take you home while my friend Michelle’s here, you know, she can stay here with the kids. So I dropped her off at my Moms house.”

JF: “So then, around 01:30 in the morning what happened?”

EK: “Andrea ended up walking back to my house.”

JF: “Did she say why she came back after you dropped her off?”

EK: “She said she didn’t have a key to the house and…she said that they didn’t…they didn’t answer the door. She was telling me like she wanted to stay with me and then she was crying again. I was stressed out by the situation. Sorry, this is like, the worst part, like…I have my life right now this…”

JF: “I…I understand. Just take your time.”

EK: “One situation. So I told her no I’m sorry and I told her that like, just, go back to Mom’s house and everything will be fine. And I looked through the blinds and I saw her walking away. That’s the last time I saw her.”

/end transcript 07:55min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

Please add anything I’ve missed or anything additional you noticed & inform me if you see any mistakes that need correction.

Timeline of Andrea Knabel Disappearance

13 Aug 2019

**1:38am AK leaves EKs house the first time, on foot**

**1:54am AK arrives back at her mother’s house**
-according to Det. Lauder @ 13:57min in E1 “Local Mom” Finding Andrea (retrieved from
footage of “The Missing” 4/21/2020)
AK made it “back to her moms house but she never went inside moms house when she made it over there in the early morning hours.”

-MK states (14:09 min E1) “everyone at the household they just said that they were asleep, that they couldn’t hear anybody that might have been knocking. They were asleep the whole time.”

**3:53am ping at her mother’s house/unknown location**

-TL says @ E1 13:37min “Local Mom” pings at MOTHERS HOUSE

-JF says according to Google location, this location is UNKNOWN (link below)

**6:31am last ping, unknown location**

-JF never found proof the last ping was at Moms house, the Google location evidence sent to doc crew by TL showed last location as unknown

-TL states @ E1 last cell ping shows AK @ Moms but unclear if inside or outside of house

If location didn’t update at 3:53am as initially reported, that means from 3:53am-6:31am AKs location was unknown.
Where was AK?
Where is AK?

“LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Flyers stapled to telephone poles across the city beg for the public's help in finding Andrea Knabel, a mother of two missing since August 2019.

For over a year, Mike Knabel has spent every moment he could searching for his daughter. Now, a new set of eyes has discovered a discrepancy in the timeline the night she was last seen alive.

Chapter One | Knabel's Case

The UNSOLVED team first covered Andrea Knabel's story in 2020. In a terrible twist of fate, the member of 'Missing in America' — a group dedicated to searching for missing people — became the focus of searches.

Knabel had been staying at her mother's home when her family said they had some sort of argument. She eventually left for the hospital, where she had some sort of infection on her face, and returned home before heading to her sister's place.

Family members told WHAS11 in November that she was last seen at her sister Erin's home. Though evidence shows she made it back to her mother's home that night, she was never seen again.

Investigators have struggled to narrow the field of possibilities and find answers in Knabel's case, leaving her family to their own devices.

Knabel's father, Mike, said the Louisville Metro Police Department assured his family that the case is "open and active." Still, he said his attempts to contact the agency tasked with uncovering what happened to his daughter have been unsuccessful.

"Its very, very difficult to keep the Louisville police department focused on this," Mike Knabel said.

Still, new eyes have brought new developments to the case — and new hope to the Knabel family.

"We are beaten up, yes, but we don't feel like we're beaten," Mike Knabel said. "We feel like we're strong enough to see this to the end. We hope we are."

Chapter Two | New Set of Eyes

Joe Fanciulli, a retired homicide detective with a law enforcement career spanning 50 years, found Knabel's case through a Facebook group for missing people. He got involved in the family's search in January.

" met Andrea's family and volunteered to go in and look at this as a cold case-go back to the beginning — redo everything," Fanciulli said.

In the days after Knabel first disappeared, investigators used her computer to create a "Google timeline," tracking her final movements before her cell phone went dark. That's where Fancuilli started.

"When I looked at them they weren't quite complete," Fancuilli said.

Following Knabel's trail, physically walking the route himself, Fancuilli discovered a discrepancy. Investigators originally reported that Knabel was at her mother's home until around 6:30 a.m. Fancuilli said that timeline is not correct.

"What I found in doing some backchecking was that the phone may not have been on at the house at 6:31 a.m. because when it shut off and came on, it never update that 3:53 a.m. location," Fancuilli said. "We don't know where Andrea was from 3:53 a.m. on, but we do know that the phone was last on at 6:31 a.m."

Though it may seem like a small error, Fancuilli said the difference of three hours is huge — and now that they're poking around, more people are speaking out with new information.

"We're turning over a lot of rocks and we're poking a lot of hornets nests and it's starting to bring out more information now than I think the family has had in the last year and a half, and that's a good thing," Fancuilli said.

But is it enough?

Chapter Three | Going Cold

The Knabel family said they worried that without collaboration from LMPD, the new leads may end up going cold.

"We don't feel let down, we are let down, but I'm not sure who to blame exactly," Mike Knabel said.

Knabel said a lot of key people in the investigation are more than willing to talk about what they know, but no one has spoken to them.

"These are long shots and we fully understand that, but with any investigation you can't neglect something like that, you have to take your longshots, too," Mike Knabel said.

Knabel reached out to LMPD, letting them know that they have information that might help them further the investigation. He said despite the department saying they work on the case regularly, the family has not seen anything.

I'd at least like some communication, to talk to them about it, but I think they've got their own plan and their own system and maybe the distraught father of a daughter that's been done 19 months isn't part of that," Knabel said.

Despite his disappointment with local law enforcement's efforts, he ended his latest attempt for answers with gratitude.

"My family enthusiastically supports your efforts, and thanks you for what you do for the community," his most recent email to LMPD said. "Signed, Mike Knabel and Family."

There is an anonymous tipline dedicated to getting any new information that might be useful to the case. People are asked to report anything they know that might help at (855) 746-0846.

Andrea Knabel's family finds new developments in missing case |
Please add anything I’ve missed or anything additional you noticed & inform me if you see any mistakes that need correction.

Timeline of Andrea Knabel Disappearance

13 Aug 2019

**1:38am AK leaves EKs house the first time, on foot**

**1:54am AK arrives back at her mother’s house**
-according to Det. Lauder @ 13:57min in E1 “Local Mom” Finding Andrea (retrieved from
footage of “The Missing” 4/21/2020)
AK made it “back to her moms house but she never went inside moms house when she made it over there in the early morning hours.”

-MK states (14:09 min E1) “everyone at the household they just said that they were asleep, that they couldn’t hear anybody that might have been knocking. They were asleep the whole time.”

**3:53am ping at her mother’s house/unknown location**

-TL says @ E1 13:37min “Local Mom” pings at MOTHERS HOUSE

-JF says according to Google location, this location is UNKNOWN (link below)

**6:31am last ping, unknown location**

-JF never found proof the last ping was at Moms house, the Google location evidence sent to doc crew by TL showed last location as unknown

-TL states @ E1 last cell ping shows AK @ Moms but unclear if inside or outside of house

If location didn’t update at 3:53am as initially reported, that means from 3:53am-6:31am AKs location was unknown.
Where was AK?
Where is AK?

“LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Flyers stapled to telephone poles across the city beg for the public's help in finding Andrea Knabel, a mother of two missing since August 2019.

For over a year, Mike Knabel has spent every moment he could searching for his daughter. Now, a new set of eyes has discovered a discrepancy in the timeline the night she was last seen alive.

Chapter One | Knabel's Case

The UNSOLVED team first covered Andrea Knabel's story in 2020. In a terrible twist of fate, the member of 'Missing in America' — a group dedicated to searching for missing people — became the focus of searches.

Knabel had been staying at her mother's home when her family said they had some sort of argument. She eventually left for the hospital, where she had some sort of infection on her face, and returned home before heading to her sister's place.

Family members told WHAS11 in November that she was last seen at her sister Erin's home. Though evidence shows she made it back to her mother's home that night, she was never seen again.

Investigators have struggled to narrow the field of possibilities and find answers in Knabel's case, leaving her family to their own devices.

Knabel's father, Mike, said the Louisville Metro Police Department assured his family that the case is "open and active." Still, he said his attempts to contact the agency tasked with uncovering what happened to his daughter have been unsuccessful.

"Its very, very difficult to keep the Louisville police department focused on this," Mike Knabel said.

Still, new eyes have brought new developments to the case — and new hope to the Knabel family.

"We are beaten up, yes, but we don't feel like we're beaten," Mike Knabel said. "We feel like we're strong enough to see this to the end. We hope we are."

Chapter Two | New Set of Eyes

Joe Fanciulli, a retired homicide detective with a law enforcement career spanning 50 years, found Knabel's case through a Facebook group for missing people. He got involved in the family's search in January.

" met Andrea's family and volunteered to go in and look at this as a cold case-go back to the beginning — redo everything," Fanciulli said.

In the days after Knabel first disappeared, investigators used her computer to create a "Google timeline," tracking her final movements before her cell phone went dark. That's where Fancuilli started.

"When I looked at them they weren't quite complete," Fancuilli said.

Following Knabel's trail, physically walking the route himself, Fancuilli discovered a discrepancy. Investigators originally reported that Knabel was at her mother's home until around 6:30 a.m. Fancuilli said that timeline is not correct.

"What I found in doing some backchecking was that the phone may not have been on at the house at 6:31 a.m. because when it shut off and came on, it never update that 3:53 a.m. location," Fancuilli said. "We don't know where Andrea was from 3:53 a.m. on, but we do know that the phone was last on at 6:31 a.m."

Though it may seem like a small error, Fancuilli said the difference of three hours is huge — and now that they're poking around, more people are speaking out with new information.

"We're turning over a lot of rocks and we're poking a lot of hornets nests and it's starting to bring out more information now than I think the family has had in the last year and a half, and that's a good thing," Fancuilli said.

But is it enough?

Chapter Three | Going Cold

The Knabel family said they worried that without collaboration from LMPD, the new leads may end up going cold.

"We don't feel let down, we are let down, but I'm not sure who to blame exactly," Mike Knabel said.

Knabel said a lot of key people in the investigation are more than willing to talk about what they know, but no one has spoken to them.

"These are long shots and we fully understand that, but with any investigation you can't neglect something like that, you have to take your longshots, too," Mike Knabel said.

Knabel reached out to LMPD, letting them know that they have information that might help them further the investigation. He said despite the department saying they work on the case regularly, the family has not seen anything.

I'd at least like some communication, to talk to them about it, but I think they've got their own plan and their own system and maybe the distraught father of a daughter that's been done 19 months isn't part of that," Knabel said.

Despite his disappointment with local law enforcement's efforts, he ended his latest attempt for answers with gratitude.

"My family enthusiastically supports your efforts, and thanks you for what you do for the community," his most recent email to LMPD said. "Signed, Mike Knabel and Family."

There is an anonymous tipline dedicated to getting any new information that might be useful to the case. People are asked to report anything they know that might help at (855) 746-0846.

Andrea Knabel's family finds new developments in missing case |

Finding Andrea E1 “Local Mom” Transcripts of interviews (Timestampped)



“I don’t think Andrea had a key. I don’t know why she didn’t have a key that specific night. I don’t have the answer to that.”



“It seems to me If somebody was knocking at that door frantically banging, it would’ve…it would’ve.. Anyone would’ve woken up. I would think. SK and EB have been interviewed twice by the police….

EB and I don’t quite see eye to eye. We’re…You know, I’m nice to him but he’s not my favorite person and I’m probably not his either.”


Interview with Connie Leonard “Investigative Reporter”

*Connie has the same last name as the PI, TL- Are they related??



“We know that police, they conducted a search warrant on the house. We know they didn’t find anything.”


“We know there wasn’t a sign of a struggle. There was no evidence of blood. There was nothing.”

20:39 min

MK recalls the mysterious car driving back and forth at least “a half a dozen times” through neighborhood (links to news articles re: mysterious car below)

21:24 min


“When you talk to LMP, they’re not saying nothing, so we did not have her phone records.”

21:31 min

Det. Lauder:

“Phone records revealed that she had spoken to a few people during this back and forth between mom and EK’s house, but nobody agreed to come pick her up or help her out.”

21:48 min

LC, MIA Member:

“She tried somewhere in this timeframe to contact Suzette (another MIA member).”

-NOTE: Confirmed to be 2:12 am

29:41 min


“SK, my youngest daughter, is not speaking with me. Last time I spoke with her, I believe it was getting close to a year ago. She called me and yelled at me. She was mad at me that I didn’t help AK. And she says I was a bad father. She’s nearly missing every bit as much as AK is in my life right now.”

32:57 min


“She was the same AK that I always knew, until the end.”

33:07 min


(in previously unreleased Skype interview for Randy Tat)

“Hello. My name is AK. I’m a private ingest…vest…I messed it up. *laughs* I’m sorry. Okay, ready?

Well, my strengths with Missing in America are I’m very, um, strong in analyzing and research. Also I’m great out in the field. I’m pretty…I’m very street smart. I’m good going undercover.”

33:50 min

Randy Tat - original Missing in America documentary producer:

“I was trying to develop a documentary about these women. I found them all to be very fascinating. You know, I’ve known these women for a long time, and AK was a professional. If I needed something, AK was my go-to. But I didn’t really know her like I knew the other women. She had a gift of gab. She had a way of getting what she wanted from people. You know, we probably Skyped 50, 60 times. And every time I would speak with her, I felt like she was very guarded.”

35:39 min


“No one has seen this footage of her before now. I’ve been haunted by this footage ever since she disappeared.”

36:06 min


“What kind of cases are you working on now?”

36:08 min


“Um, this other…this newest case, um, that we’ve gotten is a rather dangerous case, um, where the man missing was involved in, uh, some criminal activity. We have to do a lot of undercover and, uh, be careful bc there’s a lot of other factors involved.”

36:50 min


“One day, TL called me and said I need your help with a missing person’s case. I asked him what the name of the case was and he said Austin Gamez. So I said “Okay.” I didn’t know anything about the case at that time…AG, I didn’t know anything about him until I started looking into his case.”

37:27 min


“The man missing was involved in some criminal activity. A girl was found, which is actually the friend of the missing person, she was found shot in her vehicle execution style, the back of her head.”

37:49 min


“TL had told me that one of the family members had retained his services. We’d looked at possible suspects and started pulling background checks and some surveillance, stuff like that. Um, met with the client, and then I asked Suzette and AK to help me.”

38:36 min


“These are very dangerous people. They’re well known in the community of being dangerous. The cases that involve drugs, drug dealers, possible, we as a group, are not equipped to handle something like that. And I pulled my group out. I felt it was too dangerous.”

39:17 min


“He’s still missing. It’s been going on about two weeks now. Um, we haven’t had any-any big leads, yet. We’re just kind of doing research, looking at the profiles of some of his friends and kind of trying to put together a story, or speculating, you know, what possibly could have happened to him. This is a case where I’m going undercover. This could be a potentially very dangerous case.”

39:49 min

Producer to NS:

“Did you know that AK said to RT…that she was planning to go undercover in that case?”

39:58 min


/looks very upset, pauses/

“No, I didn’t know that. And RT never said anything to me about that. Oh, my god..”



“AG, um, that is a very sticky case. Um, and I don’t even wanna really go into that on camera, bc it is a very sticky case.”

41:28 min

Producer to TL:

“Who contacted you about that case?”

41:31 min


I can’t give that information, whatsoever. So, and that’s all I can…I’m gonna go into right now. It is a very touchy touchy case. You know, there are….Uh, yeah, um, we’re not gonna talk about that on video. It’s very dangerous. Extremely dangerous, probably one of the most dangerous cases I’ve ever been involved with.”

Finding Andrea Series

Prime Video: Finding Andrea - Season 1
Timeline of Andrea Knabel Disappearance - UPDATED

13 Aug 2019


-AK leaves EKs house the first time, on foot


-AK arrives back at her mother’s house

-according to Det. Lauder

AK made it “back to her moms house but she never went inside moms house when she made it over there in the early morning hours.”

(@ 13:57min in E1 “Local Mom” Finding Andrea (retrieved from footage of “The Missing” 4/21/2020)

-MK “everyone at the household they just said that they were asleep, that they couldn’t hear anybody that might have been knocking. They were asleep the whole time.” (14:09 min E1)

2:12 am

-AK calls Suzette

2:13 am
-S texts back, but says AK never opens msg

(22:11 min E1 “Local Mom”)


-ping at her mother’s house

-TL says @ 3:53am pings at MOTHERS HOUSE (E1 13:37min “Local Mom”)

-JF says for the *next ~3 hrs* AK’s location is technically unknown

6:31am last ping, unknown location

-JF never found proof the last ping was at Moms house, the Google location evidence sent to doc crew by TL showed last location as unknown

-TL states @ E1 last cell ping shows AK @ Moms but unclear if inside or outside of house

*Please add anything I’ve missed or anything additional you noticed & inform me if you see any mistakes that need correction*

If location didn’t update after 3:53am as initially reported, that means from 3:53am-6:31am AKs location was unknown.

Where was AK?

Where is AK?

Has AK’s mother been interviewed?
Timeline of Andrea Knabel Disappearance - UPDATED

13 Aug 2019


-AK leaves EKs house the first time, on foot


-AK arrives back at her mother’s house

-according to Det. Lauder

AK made it “back to her moms house but she never went inside moms house when she made it over there in the early morning hours.”

(@ 13:57min in E1 “Local Mom” Finding Andrea (retrieved from footage of “The Missing” 4/21/2020)

-MK “everyone at the household they just said that they were asleep, that they couldn’t hear anybody that might have been knocking. They were asleep the whole time.” (14:09 min E1)

2:12 am

-AK calls Suzette

2:13 am
-S texts back, but says AK never opens msg

(22:11 min E1 “Local Mom”)


-ping at her mother’s house

-TL says @ 3:53am pings at MOTHERS HOUSE (E1 13:37min “Local Mom”)

-JF says for the *next ~3 hrs* AK’s location is technically unknown

6:31am last ping, unknown location

-JF never found proof the last ping was at Moms house, the Google location evidence sent to doc crew by TL showed last location as unknown

-TL states @ E1 last cell ping shows AK @ Moms but unclear if inside or outside of house

*Please add anything I’ve missed or anything additional you noticed & inform me if you see any mistakes that need correction*

If location didn’t update after 3:53am as initially reported, that means from 3:53am-6:31am AKs location was unknown.

Where was AK?

Where is AK?

Has AK’s mother been interviewed?

Timeline of Andrea Knabel Disappearance - UPDATED WITH LMPD STATEMENT

13 Aug 2019


(@ 26:11 LINKED BELOW):

"On Aug 17, 2019, AK was reported missing by her sister, EK. The reported person stated the last known contact with AK was on Aug 13, 2019, around 0100 hours. At the time of her disappearance, AK was living in the Audubon Park neighborhood along with her (other) sister and (her sister's) boyfriend. While investigating AK's disappearance, detectives interviewed family, friends, known associates and any contact she may have had that could help provide information in the case.
Detectives have conducted area searches and followed up on various crime tips to included possible sightings and locations of AK's whereabouts with no avail. Multiple sear
ch warrants have been executed during this investigation in attempt to retrieve/locate any evidence that could provide details into AK's disappearance. Detectives have also asked certain members of the family to consent to a polygraph examination which they have declined to do so at this point. This investigation is currently ongoing and is classified as open/active."

0100 hours

-Last known contact with AK

(LMPD initial report by EK, 26:11 min, Dr. Phil Interview 10/15/21, linked below)

1-1ish am

-EK drives AK back to her mother’s while her friend Michelle watches the children

(According to EK viz. Detective JF interview with EK E3 “Chameleon”)

1:38 am

I received the proverbial call that all parents fear at exactly 1:38 in the morning. I’ll never forget it ever, ever, ever. And it was EK calling me to ask for advice on what to do. AK had returned to her residence for the second time. It was very late. Her house was under remodeling and painting. So everyone was sleeping in the lower level. And AK was still up and not ready for bed. And EK had to get up and be up very, get to work very early. So, I advised EK and she, you know, it can be my fault. A lot of people on social media bring this up as if it’s EK’s fault. I advised EK to tell AK to go back home and let’s call her mother to make sure she gets in. And for every piece of information I know that happened and that AK did make it back to the house. So I don’t want EK to feel guilty about anything like that. For all we know, Andrea did make it back to the house.” -MK

(IDCONversations: Finding Andrea; 10:57min)


-AK leaves EK’s house the second time, on foot

(Timestamped via Google phone location; 13:07 min E1 “Local Mom”/TL?)


-AK arrives back at her mother’s house

(Google Location via phone/TL?)

According to Det. Lauder:
AK made it “back to her moms house but she never went inside moms house when she made it over there in the early morning hours.”

(@ 13:57min in E1 “Local Mom” Finding Andrea - retrieved from footage of “The Missing” 4/21/2020)

Was this referencing the 1-1ish time Andrea was driven home the first time?

Can phone locations be verified by the phone company since the phone was never found?

“Everyone at the household they just said that they were asleep, that they couldn’t hear anybody that might have been knocking. They were asleep the whole time.”
(14:09 min E1 “Local Mom”)

2:12 am

-AK calls Suzette

2:13 am

-S texts back, but says AK never opens msg

(22:11 min E1 “Local Mom”)


-ping at her mother’s house

-TL says @ 3:53am pings at MOTHERS HOUSE
(E1 13:37min “Local Mom”)

-JF says for the *next ~3 hrs* AK’s location is technically unknown

6:31am last ping, unknown location

-JF never found proof the last ping was at Moms house, the Google location evidence sent to doc crew by TL showed last location as unknown

-TL states @ E1 last cell ping shows AK @ Moms but unclear if inside or outside of house

*Please add anything I’ve missed or anything additional you noticed & inform me if you see any mistakes that need correction*

If location didn’t update after 3:53am as initially reported, that means from 3:53am-6:31am AKs location was unknown.

Where was AK?

Has AK’s mother been interviewed?

The mother and EK’s house were both under construction?

MK said everyone said they were all asleep and didn’t hear if anyone was knocking @ 1:54am when she returned; Does this mean we don’t know if she ever got into the house or not ?

Would all 3 people present in the house not hear someone knocking and being loud & upset at 1:54am?

Did AK knock when she returned at 1:54am?

Is it possible she stayed outside of the house on the property?

Has Michelle, EK’s friend, been interviewed?

Did EK never say AK returned a second time when initially reporting to police, or would they omit that from their press release/not necessarily include it?

Why was AK’s disappearance reported 4 days later?

Where is AK?

10/15/2021 Exclusive: Finding Missing Mom, Andrea Knabel (Dr. Phil)

FULL TRANSCRIPT Finding Andrea, EPISODE 3 - Chameleon

0:39 min


"You know, we are just looking for the missing person. We're not trying to get a murder conviction or a-- pin a drug charge on anybody. So, you have to be very careful when you're dealing with people, um, because if they think you're trying to get them in trouble, then, you know, they may want to kill you. That's why you gotta be very careful, um, in how you deal with everyone involved."



"30 firefighters worked to put out a major fire in this building in Downtown, Jeffersonville. This happened around 02:30 this afternoon in a building on Port Avenue in Spring Street."

1:31 min


"A building in Jeffersonville, gutted by fire over the weekend. Many different businesses now picking up the pieces after what's already been a tough year."

1:44 min

TED, TL's brother:

"Our office is that one right there."

1:51 min


"My worst fear on Andrea's case is losing all my notes, all my information. It's two binders full of information. And I'm....I'm old-school, I like to write a lot of stuff down. You know, notes, print-offs, persons of interest, you know, some things I have on, on the cloud, but...a lot of it is in my head."

2:26 min


"Oh! It's bad. Real bad. I'm sure none of this is gonna be worth anything might."

2:38 min


"I've been here for the last month or so. Every time I've called TL and talked to him there's been a different excuse. I think, in the beginning, he appeared to be cooperating with the production team. But when push came to shove and we actually had to sit down and have a meeting and he had to produce stuff, um, he either didn't want to produce it, or he didn't have it."

3:02 min


"And what about the hard drive from the computer?"


"Grab 'em."


"Maybe the hard drive can be...salvaged in this."


"His excuse now is, 'My business burned down and my computer's burned up.' You've got hours and hours and hours of interviews that have never been saved on a server anywhere, have never been transcribed. Makes no sense at all."


"There's all kinds of [bleep] here."


"I don't know when or if I'm ever gonna get this guy to talk to me. It's possible that the AG case is connected to what happened to AK. But if the information about what went on during that investigation is all burned up in a fire, I don't think I'm gonna get the answers I'm looking for.

Since I've got nothing from TL, I want to focus on the night AK disappeared, and follow her path step by step.

At the time, AK was living at her mom's house with her younger sister SK and SK's fiancé EB. I know from the conversations I've had that there was a lot of arguing and fighting going on amongst the family members. So that's a piece of it. What were these fights about? What was really going on in that house?"

/start transcript JF-EK interview 04:44min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea) 04:44min-07:55min


“I know this is difficult. Talk to me a little bit about the day this all happened. Just you know, what you saw.”


“I went to work that day. Fed the kids dinner and everything. My friend Michelle came over to spend time with me. We were sitting on my porch drinking a glass of wine. And AK walked up. And she was upset. She was crying. It was kinda like, you know how you kinda hold it together when you’re by yourself and then when you see someone you care about you know, you kinda let it out.”

JF: “Why was AK upset?”


“SK and Mom, and EB, I think they all were talking to her about her choice of action, like, to get her life back together was right. They didn’t agree with things. I think they didn’t like her choice of friends. Mom and SK were talking about like what they thought she should do in order to get back on her feet. And SK was kinda taking Mom’s side. And it hurt her feelings. She said she felt like they were all kinda, you know, ganging up on her. Like maybe…it was probably just overwhelming having you know, several people telling her she was doing things wrong. She said that they were really mean and umm…I think she said something about SK hitting her.”


“Did you believe her?”


“Maybe it could be true. I mean you know, she’s upset and kinda being loud and upset and you know, crying and talking really loud, like I was scared about. Like….are my neighbors gonna get me kicked out after I just moved in here.”




“She didn’t know what to do. I started to get tired because it was getting closer to like one—one-ish and I had to work the next day. So I went in and I talked to AK about umm…you know, I’ll take you home while my friend Michelle’s here, you know, she can stay here with the kids. So I dropped her off at my Moms house.”


“So then, around 01:30 in the morning what happened?


“Andrea ended up walking back to my house.


“Did she say why she came back after you dropped her off?”

EK: “

"She said she didn’t have a key to the house and…she said that they didn’t…they didn’t answer the door. She was telling me like she wanted to stay with me and then she was crying again. I was stressed out by the situation. Sorry, this is like, the worst part, like…I have my life right now this… one situation.”


“I…I understand. Just take your time.”


“So, I told her no I’m sorry and I told her that like, just, go back to Mom’s house and everything will be fine. And I looked through the blinds and I saw her walking away. That’s the last time I saw her.”

/end transcript JF-EK Interview 07:55min E3 Chameleon (Finding Andrea)

7:58 min


"She shows up at EK's house in the middle of the night crying, in a crisis, and the advice you give is just send her on her way? You can imagine that AK might feel that EK and her whole family let her down that night."

8:25 min


"I wish I would have done things differently that night. That's something I've beaten myself up about a lot and I think about a lot. She probably felt like...we....we didn't care about her but...I really did. It's normal to wanna place blame on yourself but....people will tell me, like logically it could've happened any night. Doesn't make me feel any better about it."

8:55 min

Diane Stumph (DS)
MIA Member

"Before AK disappeared, she had told me that SK was very spoilt by her dad, um, and so was EK and she was kinda the black sheep of the family."

9:08 min


"One of the things that AK expressed to me was that she felt that no matter who was right or wrong, that her family always chose EK and SK. SK's the youngest and she's the favorite. She's the model...she's the one that had a lot going for her. AK expressed to me their relationship was not good at all. It was very jealous, very contentious, very competing...and AK would have to suffer the consequences."

9:42 min


"Hey MK, this is TL. I just got a call from the Kentucky State Police...and they found a body."

9: 52 min (DATE IN DOC 19 JANUARY 2021)


"Our top story, human skeletal remains discovered on Tuesday in Metcalf County according to Kentucky State Police."


"Troopers found the skeletal remains in a wooded area on Edwin Williams Road in Northern Metcalf County. They were taken to the same medical examiner's office in Louisville for identification."

10:12 min


"They believe there could be a chance it could be AK."


"Oh my goodness."


"We're not sure this is her. Okay. That's all. I just want to tell you this."




"They deemed her to be about five foot seven. And he said: 'Her name came up in our investigation' And they need to get the dental records ASAP."

10:48 min


"So, this--the remains are skeletal, which means if she was, if this is her, she's been gone a long time. Probably over a year."


"How can they tell her height by that?"


"'EK, we're talking dental records, okay?' AK had certain work done on her teeth and included in that, that was prominent, was a retainer and this bridge that connected four teeth in the bottom front of her mouth. Very, very clearly identified on the X-ray..the remains that were identified apparently had a bridge just like AK."

EK (on phone):

"How can they be so sure that it's her, if it's skel-"

MK (interrupts):

"Listen to me. The dental records...are..are extremely close."


"Was there a retainer? So it's probably...I'm going to say it's not her."


"Well, I'll update you on anything I hear."


"Hopefully it won't be her."


"Okay, I will. I...I love you. Bye."


"Love you Dad. Bye."

12:07 min


"Hey Joe. MK got a call from...Kentucky State Police...because they had found....a body."



12:30 min


"As much as JF is trying to tell me 'You gotta prepare yourself, you gotta prepare yourself..', it's...I almost don't wanna...I...I just don't know. I don't even wanna think about it. But I guess I gotta, I guess I gotta have to."

13:11 min


"I try my best not...not to get emotional about it just because it can...makes my life really hard you know. I'm assuming it's not her until it's proven that it is. It's just the best way for me to deal with it."

13:40 min

MK (answers phone):

"This is M."


"Hey M, this is Sergeant ***** here."


"Yes sir, go ahead."


"I took some, just some quick phone photos of what I have here. And, I'm sure your daughter had braces at one time?"


"Yes. She did and I believe she had her wisdom teeth removed."


"Yeah...We've got wisdom teeth on this one.."


"Thank you, sir. Have a good day."

14:37 min


"AK had her wisdom teeth removed and um, the remains had those. So, it wasn't her. Of course, I didn't want it to be AK. But, after the gut punch, I.....felt a sense of calmness. Felt like things were being released. I guess emotionally that maybe this...this was the ending. It's the strangest reaction I could imagine. I do know these things go on sometimes five years, 10 years, 20 years. And some people are never found. I don't know how to process that."

15:28 min


"With any kind of case that I've ever worked, um, bringing closure is a good feeling. But, you know, there isn't always a happy ending at the end of 60 minutes. I'm hoping this won't be one of those. But they have to be prepared for the fact that it may not happen.

After talking to EK I really want to drill down on the night AK disappeared:

Based upon what I've learned so far, pretty much all the members of the family were fighting with AK. She was acting erratically, she had no key to the house, which leads me to believe that they really didn't want her there. I wanna make sure the timeline we're working with is accurate. TL did the initial work examining AK's Google timeline. My understanding is, he's the one who told the media, that AK disappeared from her mother's house at 06:31 am.
Before his office burned down, he shared some photographs of the screen of AK's computer with the Google timeline open. He gave those photographs to the production team who then gave them to me.

AK left EK's the second time around 01:40 am. She walked home and allegedly found the door locked. So, we can assume she's sitting outside waiting for help. AK's phone went dead at 06:31 and stopped sending Google locations, which would have been the last recorded time that the phone was operational.

Wait a minute. /scrolls back through screen shots/

The Find Your Phone feature says that that phone was active until 06:31 am. But when you move to the photograph taken by TL of the Google Location, it shows that phone active at Mom's house at 03:53 am. On the Find My Phone feature it doesn't say where it is, all it says is, is that it was active at 06:31 am. /puts hand on head in deep thought/ TL said AK was at her mother's house at 06:31 am. But that's not necessarily true. Bottom line is when the phone turned back on briefly at 06:31 am she could've been anywhere. People talk about "Aha" moments. This isn't an "Aha" moment, this is a holy **** moment."

18:58 min


"Is it possible that at 6:31 she was not at her mother's house?"


"No, it's 100%. Positive she was at her mother's house at 6:31 (am). 03:50....or 1:54 to 3:53 am."


"Okay, what comes after that?"


"That's where it ends but...I... there’s another tab that you can click on. And when I clicked on that that's when it showed the 6:31."


"Can you...can you pull that up?"


"That's not it. I don't know if I took a picture of that. I don't even know if it's on here, I think it's on my other computer. I can e-mail it over to you."




"TL never provided proof of AK's location at 6:31am."

20:02 min


"Now that I know that the timeline might be wrong, I need to find out if the neighbors near where AK, EB, and SK were staying heard or saw anything earlier that night.

Hi. How are you? I'm-I'm doing some follow-up investigation on the girl that went missing across the street about a year-and-a-half ago. Are you familiar with that?"


"Well, this is my daughter's house, and she just moved in here last summer."


"I'm doing some follow-up on the girl that went missing a year-and-a half ago. Did anybody hear anything? Any banging, any noise? Any.."

"Um..I'm not sure. My grandma said that around the time she went missing they did a bunch of construction in the middle of the night. So, she doesn't know when it started...but she knows it was sometime around her disappearance."

"So, there's banging and crashing and stuff goin' on, construction kinda noise, in the middle of the night?"


"Yea, she said that."


"SK and EB were renovating areas of the home while Mom was away. But, who does construction in the middle of the night?"

JF (at another neighbor's house)


"Hi, can I help you?"


"Yeah. I'm doing some follow-up on that girl that went missing about a year and a half ago. Got a minute? We are sort of re-investigating."


"Would you like to come in for a sec?"




"I would hear..fights all summer long...that I assumed was SK and her boyfriend. But a friend told me that it was, it had been, AK and SK and her boyfriend having the fights. And I didn't say anything to the detective about that much kinda fighting going on. You don't wanna get involved...I was getting ready to call the police cause I thought, if I hear someone being hurt..I'm gonna call the police cause this is ridiculous that I'm hearing it out on my back porch with their doors closed. I feel bad...I feel like I'm betraying my neighbor, but I just want to find her and I...and I find it suspicious that, especially with the boyfriend and the younger sister that they...once it happened...I never saw them again for probably six months. And they didn't come back, that I'm aware of, for the one-year anniversary."


"Neighbors did not hear what the arguments were about."


"They've told me more than they've told police."

23:33 min

Suzzette Rodriguez (SR)
MIA Member

"EB and SK have not been a part of any of the searches and there have been many vast searches for AK."

LaCreis Kidd (LK)
MIA Member

"They have never not once come to a search. they haven't passed out any fliers."


"If my sister was missing under those circumstances, this is serious, that if she was reported missing to the PD, I'd be a sobbing mess. They were just like 'Who cares?'."


"EB and SK claim that they didn't hear her. That they were asleep. I don't know. I'm a really light sleeper. It's hard for me to believe anybody knocking at your door you wouldn't hear it."


"The early story was that they were sleeping. And that 'We didn't know she came back.' And a second interview was made and the story got changed. That, um, they, they were awake when AK got back but wouldn't let her in because they were fearful of AK being upset. What we are told, are two different things and I've not been able to get a straight answer. Obviously, the only people that know that for a fact are likely SK and EB."


"It's very odd. It...the behavior is very odd."


"I don't know if it's cause they're jerks or because, you know, it's too much for them. So, I mean, I don't know if that means they're involved or that means they don't care. Or I guess it could be both."


"Producers asked SK and EB to speak with them about AK's disappearance and some of the allegations made against them. They did not respond to these requests."

25:33 min


"Before they shut down all communication, SK and EB did talk to someone in the days after AK went missing."

DS (MIA Member):

"She was missing approximately maybe a week when I got out here. I went to go look at the house. Um, over where AK was staying."


"Uh-huh, and what happened there?"


"SK and EB were there. And, from there, we went into the house. SK said, 'I'll show you where her room is.'"

(In interview alone) "I'm a psychic medium, I feel it. So when I first got up to the top of the steps I had felt like I had a hit to the back of my head."

DS back to JF:

"Walked into a room where there was a pile of clothes underneath this plastic. In the room, when you look to the right side there was a hole. Drywall. And that wall was definitely busted like somebody's head had hit into it."


"And this was...where was this crack?"


"In AK's....AK's bedroom. Could have been caused by somebody slamming her head into it...because it had to have been hard enough to create...where it went clear back to it, the backside of the drywall, but the police, I was told, didn't find any damage in there. There was a lot of damage in there."


"When you got to the house, did you have a private conversation with either EB or SK?"


"Yes, I did."


"Tell me about those conversations."


"Okay. I was standing at the top of the steps with him (EB), I had asked him, you know, had she been acting strange that day. Before she went missing and he said she was acting erratic. 'You know, kind of, not like herself'", he said. There was a lot of yelling and banging going on her bedroom. That her and SK had been arguing. He said, 'We were told by AK's mom to change the locks."


"Was this to keep AK out?"



"Did he say when he changed to locks?"


"I believe it was that day."


"AK comes home and can't get in the house."


"Right, Now he kept saying when we were sleeping when she got back. I said if he's sleepin', how did he know when she got back?"

28:02 min


"Without talking to EB and SK we don't know if AK was pounding on the door, outside crying, we don't know what was going on. Was that hole in the wall caused by the general construction in the house or could it have been caused by something else, like a fight? If what DS says is true, that hole could have been fixed by the time the police showed up."

28:33 min


"I'm not unconvinced that something didn't happen in that house that night."


"So, he's.... his temper's volatile. The volatility of that guy to begin with. And the strange stuff that went on in the house, like immediately after AK goes missing, they paint her...her room. The hole in the wall, that couldn't be explained that was at head height. You can't discount anything until you can prove it's not true. You can't dwell on it but you can't discount it."


"Soon after AK went missing, I did talk to SK. I pleaded with her. To tell us and the police everything she knows. I told her that you're gonna be interviewed. I just encouraged her to make sure she tells them the answer to everything she knows. It's very, very important that she do that. And she says, 'Okay I will.' That's....that's where we left it."


"Why aren't SK and EB speaking up?"


"That's a good question and I'm the person that will not have that answer. I told the police, he and I have never been close. He feuded with my daughter SK. SK has leaked things to me over the years and apparently, he liked to get into fights. I wanted her away from him. Then told her that I wanted to talk to EB about this.

And she looked at me real seriously and said 'Be very careful of what you say and do around him. He told me he knows people that can make you disappear.'"

30:44 min


"I've just learned about someone who may have information about what was going on between AK, EB, and SK. AK's friend and former roommate [bleep]."


"The first time I heard [bleep]'s name mentioned it's because it was AK's boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. Most people would say, 'No, like...[chuckles] Obviously, you know, she was the ex and Ak was the current girlfriend, but, they ended up becoming really good friends."

31:16 min

MAN to JF:

"Hello. Who are you?"


"Hi, how you doin? I'm J, Supposed to meet [bleep]."


"Okay, one second, okay?"


"Yeah sure."


"JF, she apologized, but um...she doesn't want to have the conversation with the children being here. Can you meet in a coffee place or maybe there's a...I think there might be a McDonalds just down the street."


"Yea that's cool."


"Alright, I'll have her call you right now."


"Thanks so much."


"She's waiting for her fiance to come pick the kids up."

[bleep] via text:

"I'm coming now my fiance is going to watch them. I'm coming to McDonalds now."

JF via text:

"OK, I'm standing by at McDonald's."


JF via text:

"Everything OK?"

"She seems to have lost track of time here. It was 1:36 when she said she was on her way here. And it's now 3: 14."

[JF phone rings]

AK's EX:

"Hello. Hi J?"




"AK's ex-boyfriend reaches out to JF while JF waits to speak with AK's former roommate."

AK's EX:

"OK so let me ask you a question...what's...what did they just put a new guy on this case?"


"No, no, I wasn't hired by anybody. I'm doin this gratis on my own to help the family."

AK's EX:

"I was probably one of the closest people to AK. You know what? It's like...I need to kinda start watching who I talk to. The thing is man, by me saying anything about any kind of information...that puts my life at risk. You know what I'm saying? I've had people contact me and tell me to leave it the **** alone or I'm gonna be next..I'm gonna be next.

Me and AK, I dated her for a long time. Years go by. And like, I didn't talk to her for a long time and then we kinda hooked back up after me and ***** split up. So, when I got locked up, she decided, I guess she was gonna use my connections. The people I was selling **** to, and get rich."


"Was she selling something?"

AK's EX:

"She was selling ice. Methamphetamine. Same thing I got, I went to jail for. But she didn't ever do that before. Then I find out that she was doing quite a bit of methamphetamine. She was definitely doing it, I know that. But she wasn't doing it before I got locked up. I did. I used it before then, but..and I feel bad. I feel like, maybe...Me, I kind of hold it on my heart. You know what I'm saying? I was a negative influence on her or something. You know what I'm saying? Then she comes up missing, huh. And I'm like, what the ****? Is it my fault?

When I got out of prison, I started pushing up some dirt cause I figured, hell, if anybody can find out anything, I can. At this point, it's gonna be, they need to be, not just looking for her. they need to be trying to maybe start looking for somebody that did something to her. She's probably not alive."


"If you think there's people that ought to be pushed or looked at, I need to know who those people are."

AK's EX:

"The first thing was that she owed some drug dealer money..well, like she was...owed somebody a bunch of money. Like she didn't pay somebody money. I mean, I obviously can't say I know for a fact because I was...I was in prison. But anything that I would know or would be able to tell you is something I heard from somebody else. His information seemed pretty, pretty legit, man. I don't know. He seemed....he seemed concerned. Know what I mean?"


"This person who told you this stuff, is that somebody I should be talking to?"

AK's EX:

"MR is his name. I'd say he's pretty knowledgeable. I mean...But you know, honestly...I'm not pointing no fingers at nobody but...her sister and her sister's boyfriend. Yes. They got in a fist fight the night before, right before she came up missing. She was at that house. Trying to break into the house. Her sister and her boyfriend don't even, they don't try to help find her. They're just, they don't want to be talked to about it. Come on man, what the hell?

I started thinking for a little while, I mean, I don't know. Is her family covering it up? Or is it cause...did they want, you know, not lose two daughters instead of losing one. You know what I mean?"


"How do you know about this fist-fight? What's that all about?"

AK's EX:

"They got in a fist fight the night before. Her and her sister got in a fist fight. AK was messing with EB, her sister's boyfriend. They were messing around. And AK was trying to make her sister jealous. Her and her sister always had some kind of a...I mean...SK's the golden child. But they don't know everything about SK. The most reliable information I have given you today came from MR."

37:00 min

JF to camera:

"We're here searching for AK. This area is of particular interest because in the research we've done on missing females and um, found remains, this park is a pretty active place, unfortunately, for that."

"EK reached out to MR through social media to come to this search. From what I understand, MR is a friend of AK's who has critical information about AK's life around drugs. He's a key to help me put a lot of pieces together. I don't know if he'll actually show. but if he does, I wanna see if he'll talk to me about AK."


"MR shows up for the search. JF speaks with MR while he mans the sign-in table."


"I don't know if NS explained who I am. My name's J. I'm trying to go back and review everything. Um..I know you were somebody that was close to AK, around the time she went missing."


"Yes sir."


"And I'd like to talk to you about that. Get some thoughts from ya."


"No problem. Yes sir."


"What kind of drugs was she using?"


"Methamphetamine. Like the last time i had seen her, I show up, she asked me for a ride, so I get there, and she wants to go to Walgreens. So I take her to Walgreens, and she comes out with athlete's foot cream... and starts putting it on her face. I was like, what are you doing? She was like, she had a sore on her face where she'd been picking and she thought something was growing outside of her face."

39:02 min

(in background interview)

"It sounds like from the descriptions of her behavior, picking at her face and how she would be acting, um, from my experience, she clearly had some level of meth addiction."

JF to MR:

"And when was that in relationship to when she went missing?"


"This was like three or four days prior."


"Okay. I understand that when [bleep] went to prison, there's a possibility that she basically took his business over."


"Yes. That's what happened."


"Both as a supplier and as a customer...

MR: "Yea."

"Okay. And were you sorta helping her get around to these suppliers?"


"She messed with one guy."


"Do you think that she had issues with this dealer or any other dealer she might've been involved in that could've been a reason for her disappearance?"


"Early on somebody had told me that she had sold, or she had paid dude with some counterfeit money. I don't know for sure but I know that like the last couple of weeks...I don't know if she owed him money, I don't know if it was because the dude wasn't having it or if she didn't have the money to do it."


"Is he somebody she would've called that night?"


"I mean, I guess. Possibly."


"And you never saw him? Never seen his vehicle or any of this?"


"I've seen him one time. Drove a gold, either Malibu or Impala."


"The mid-2000s? The more boxier one. And what color was it? Gold?"


"Yep. Gold. The boxier shaped. With like limo tint windows."

40:58 min



"We're in the kitchen and we could see a person coming by in a bright gold car, Impala. With completely darkened out windows, kept coming by, stopping, gawking, watching the place. It ended up being a stolen vehicle, stolen license plate."

41:20 min


"Her dealer was the guy with the golden Impala. That car that MK and EK saw going back and forth that night, that the detective just blew off and wasn't bothered looking into, that was possibly the drug dealer.

When I first got involved in this case, the picture I had of AK, was that she was the girl next door. She was a devoted friend, she was a single mom who was struggling, she was somebody who devoted what time she had to helping to find people..."

AK (From old footage):

"But I have a very...I have a street-smart size of me just because of all the different people I know and so forth."

("I call her my chameleon" [chuckles])


"But as I dug farther in, I realized she was involved in a lot of things..."


Finding Andrea, episode 3

Watch Finding Andrea - Season 1 | Prime Video

Investigators looking for Andrea Knabel seek vehicle 'stalking' sister's house, dad says (29 Nov 2019)

Andrea Knabel missing: Vehicle was 'stalking' sister's Louisville home
UPDATE: The new documentary (Finding Andrea) and retired homicide detective have caused a revamped interest in the disappearance of AK, which is super exciting JMO.
SM happenings lately have been behaviorally fascinating at the least, with people coming forward saying they have been silenced in the past. The retired homicide detective appears to assist running the Justice for Andrea Page (FB), and there is now a private group ran by the page where discrepancies surrounding AK’s disappearance and timeline are being discussed.

Are ss allowed? I have seen them mentioned in previous threads but haven’t noticed any posted yet? Please let me know, I’ve been collecting. Specifically there are contradictory stories posted by the PI and EK regarding when and why the locks were changed and why AK was ultimately locked out. If given the OK I will post them in a subsequent comment, but I grabbed them from the Justice for AK page. I am working on transcribing the other 3 episodes in their entirety.

Why have so many posts on the PI tip page been deleted?
Wouldn’t you want to keep posts up to bring attention to any MP case?
Why are inaccuracies being kept up about the timeline instead of removed and/or replaced with accurate timelines?
Why were people trying to help in the beginning on SM seemingly met with unnatural hostility for asking legitimate questions?
Will AK’s mother and SK or EB ever speak about AK’s disappearance?
Was AK’s mother spoken to by LE?
Why did EK only mention one visit by AK to her house when initially filing police report?
When exactly did EK change story to two visits by AK to EK’s House in the middle of the night?
Why would these stories change from initial PR to documentary release?
Why was AK locked out of her current residence (her mother’s) in the middle of the night?
Why did the neighbors in the documentary mention hearing construction in the middle of the night?
Why would there be construction in the middle of the night?
Did SK and EB ever even finish the renovations at the mother’s house?
How many times did AK go to EK’s? One or two?
How long did PIs have her laptop-2 days or 2 weeks? Why wasn’t it immediately turned over to LMPD?
Why was it 4 days until AK was reported missing?
Where is AK?

Investigation Discovery-The Missing: Andrea Knabel Episode 4/21/2020

Have You Seen Andrea Knabel? | The Missing

Justice for Andrea Knabel (group linked in About section)
Last edited:
I am stuck at home this weekend, and this case caught my interest.
So much information, yet so little.

I think one of the questions that I got stuck on was 'why was she asking for a ride" some places reference it as a 'ride home', when she lived just 10 minutes away from her sisters home, in her mother's house. I came to thinking, lets say she is confused, upset and tired, she calls a friend and asks for a ride home, or asks her sister for a ride home.

But she doesn't mean her mother's home where she is currently living, but her father's home?He lived about 1 or 2 hour+ walk away, and about 20-30 minute car-ride. What if that was the ride she wanted, a ride home, was to her dad's home? Perhaps she expressed herself poorly because she was very emotional.
There is another page ran by NS and JF the retired homicide detective called “Justice for Andrea Knabel”, it is technically under “Personal Blog” and thankfully it isn’t full of drama. MOO: I find it suspicious there are 3 pages/groups ran by EK that all share seemingly discrediting posts about other investigators and less about finding AK. The groups censor discussions re: certain investigative direction. A documentary is a great way to possibly gain leads from the public. Any publicity is better than no publicity in a case that isn’t going anywhere.

MOO It is suspicious TL wouldn’t want help from JF, appears to avoid him, then there is a fire that destroys all of the files, recordings, videos, and other evidence TL tells JF he has and will share…

How do we know the files existed? Why wouldn’t you have backup files? What was the source of the fire? I thought most PIs had a LE background?
Where was AK’s last location? Did EK drive AK to her mother’s or did AK walk? EK said she drove AK to her back, TL said she walked-EK said she came back and left again when turned away-was AK driven back both times? I noticed the news journalist in the documentary had the same surname as TL-are they related? In episode 4, why did the witness retract and flop his statement? Could he have been threatened? Was NS initially threatened and that is why she returned with JF, whom she would feel safer with? I hope LMPD can work with JF and make progress finding AK-JF says in a YT interview (link below) he is receiving a lot of tips, which is great. I feel this case is solvable.

Investigation Discovery interview with MK, NS, and JF Finding Andrea
EK drove her the first time.
I am stuck at home this weekend, and this case caught my interest.
So much information, yet so little.

I think one of the questions that I got stuck on was 'why was she asking for a ride" some places reference it as a 'ride home', when she lived just 10 minutes away from her sisters home, in her mother's house. I came to thinking, lets say she is confused, upset and tired, she calls a friend and asks for a ride home, or asks her sister for a ride home.

But she doesn't mean her mother's home where she is currently living, but her father's home?He lived about 1 or 2 hour+ walk away, and about 20-30 minute car-ride. What if that was the ride she wanted, a ride home, was to her dad's home? Perhaps she expressed herself poorly because she was very emotional.

I think one thing that has made this so confusing is the fragmented timeline. The first story reported to the LMPD was EK last saw AK at 1 am where she drove her home while her friend stayed and watched EK's children. I assume sometime in between that original report made 4 days after AK disappeared on 8/17/19 and when the documentary first started being filmed and/or the Google timeline was created, there are now 2 trips to EK. EK drives AK back the first time regardless of the 1 trip-2 trip conundrum. In the 2 trip to EK's story, AK leaves on feet after coming back a second time. AK did take a ride share back to her residence at her mother's house after the hospital? Or took a ride share back to EK's house? It is still a bit puzzling honestly.
TRANSCRIPT IDCONversations: Finding Andrea (Investigation Discovery)

/Start of Interviews @ 6:00 min/


MK, could you describe to us what AK was like? I mean, what was she like growing up? What kind of person was she?


She was, well, every child has their gifts. She was an unusual child. She was very precocious, very joyful, seemed to be way ahead of her time, could interact with nearly anyone of any age at a very young age. School was a breeze. So, she was gifted in that respect as well. And anyway, she carried that over into caring and helping other people, starting out with her sisters. Even at a young age, she acted as a second mother to them, and really, kind of, continued that throughout her whole life, I think.


When you think about AK, what's the thing you love most about her, if you could pinpoint it to maybe one thing, which I know is probably pretty hard?


There is. It's just her ability to, she had special abilities to make relationships and friends with anyone, anywhere, strangers, it didn't really matter. She would end up knowing everyone and I thought that was a true talent that very, very few people possess that she definitely had. So I do remember that. And I remember that and her being so helpful with her sisters, growing up. She way very nurturing, and it was just a joy to see her intermingle with them and help them so much.


NS, I want to bring you in here, just as a close friend of AK. Could you tell us how you guys met originally? What were her, sort of, best qualities as a friend?


Well, one of the things that really stuck out to me, when I spoke to her, it was, we reached out to each other regarding her friend who was missing because her and Suzette were kinda going at it, you know, alone. And she was determined to find this girl. And nothing else mattered to her, work, nothing, but making sure that this girl is safe, basically. When I met her she was extremely street smart-Like then the first day we met up to go down to Lexington, on that particular case, she wouldn't even drive in the vehicle with me because she didn't know me. She's very smart, you know, protective that way. But after seeing her work the case, I was just like she has a talent that nobody I have ever seen in my life.


How close did you two become?


We became very close. One of the reasons why we bonded is we had similar childhoods, similar experiences and we shared our innermost emotional, you know something you wouldn't normally share with someone, especially when you have, pretty much, two guarded people. We related on to a lot of aspects. She was always there for me, vice-versa, and she's just that one loyal person.


Yea, a common theme here seems to be that she just has an incredibly big heart and is such a warm person, with obviously dedication for sure, right, NS?


You could be upset, and she'll pull you and drive-we used to drive down the road. I always used to get upset all the time because of the bullying on Facebook. And she used to pull me, and she'd say, let's go for a ride. And you'd have to, she did a Live Your Best Life song. And she made me smile the whole way and scream the song. And she made me smile the whole way and scream the song. But it was like, in a good way, you know what I'm saying? It just kind of took, I can't say there is maybe one other person that I’ve ever had in my life that had those kinds of qualities that cared about how people feel. And, you know, just kind of was this like, and MK was right how he described her. She could go and be in a boardroom, extremely intelligent. I mean, probably over intelligent, but that's based off my looks-you know, looking from the outside, you know? I was just completely impressed, and she helped a lot of families with our group.


Yea, it seems it. I really appreciate you both sharing that. I'm sure it's hard to, kind of, bring up these memories, but I wanna dive a little bit deeper on the day that she, I wanna revisit the day that she disappeared, August 13, 2019.
MK, AK disappeared in the early morning hours of that late summer day. I cannot imagine how gut-wrenching and awful that day must've been for you. I don't even wanna try, How do you remember the events of that day?


Well, it was gut-wrenching in retrospect, because my last experience with them, I didn't know that she was gonna go missing. So I received the proverbial call that all parents fear at exactly 1:38 in the morning. I’ll never forget it ever, ever, ever. And it was EK calling me to ask for advice on what to do. AK had returned to her residence for the second time. It was very late. Her house was under remodeling and painting. So everyone was sleeping in the lower level. And AK was still up and not ready for bed. And EK had to get up and be up very, get to work very early. So, I advised EK and she, you know, it can be my fault. A lot of people on social media bring this up as if it’s EK’s fault. I advised EK to tell AK to go back home and let’s call her mother to make sure she gets in. And for every piece of information I know that happened and that AK did make it back to the house. So I don’t want EK to feel guilty about anything like that. For all we know, Andrea did make it back to the house.

So after that occurred, there was some talk later in the day, everybody was trying to find out where AK was. She didn't have her children. So, AK would, it would be normal for her to go stay with a friend or two, even for an extended period of time, for a day or two or three sometimes. So, we really didn't think anything, but we communicated back and forth wondering where she was. And I think other people tried to contact her as well. So it went on and on for a couple of days. And then we decided, I asked Erin to go ahead and file a missing person’s report and she did.


NS, you were obviously AK's best friend and worked alongside her for a number of years in MIA. How did you feel when she went missing? How was that day for you?


I was completely shocked, but then again, on the smart side of myself says, well, maybe she's just, you know, because of the circumstances, maybe she's just somewhere off venting, you know, or letting out steam, you know, cause like MK said, that wasn't uncommon of her. She would either go with her ex-roommate’s house sometimes cause when I was in Kentucky, before I left, I picked her up at that ex roommate's home. So, she was staying there when I was getting ready to leave to Pennsylvania. So that, what MK said is absolutely true. But when I got no phone call back, no Facetime, nothing was responded, that is bizarre for AK, especially with me.
We had just been talking, I think, over Facebook regarding some things, but hindsight being 20-20, you know, when you're trying to deal with your own stuff, sometimes you don't see the red flags, and you know, I really, I was just like, ah, she's probably just venting off.


And how did you mobilize Missing in America to search for her? I mean, what are some of the first steps that you guys, kind of, take and your organization took in order to find somebody who's missing?


The normal protocols with this particular case did not get into effect because normally we have a certain waiting hour and stuff like that, and we have to make contact with law enforcement, but we knew, from it being AK, one of our members, we kinda went into high gear because nothing was normal for her. Nothing that was happening was normal at all. So I can see her being upset at somebody and not, you know, wanting to do, you know, answer a phone call or whatever. And she's just out off at her friend's venting, but there was no reason for her to not answer my phone calls and we'd been chatting back and forth on Facebook. So, you know, off and on throughout that week before. So it, there was no reason for her to not answer my call. She would not not answer my phone calls, I believe in my heart. So, I knew something was really wrong.


Well, as we know, AK's case is, unfortunately, still an active investigation almost after two years with many, many, many questions left unanswered, especially as we see in Finding Andrea. This has left a huge hole in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved her, of course, however, NS, MK, and others have pushed through and continued to move along in the investigation. As we see in the series, they've tracked down new leads, uncovered new evidence, and introduced new investigators to the case. MK, over the past 2 years, what has it been like not having any answers, any concrete answers in AK's disappearance? Does it affect your hope at all?


It doesn't affect, does not affect out hope, but what one does is you just live, you learn to live in grief, but you still have to be functional. And all the stages of grief are very difficult to go through. EK and I, who, we are kind of a team, we've decided to try to replace the depression part of it with activity. So that has been our answer. We don't wanna cocoon and take antidepressant drugs. We wanna get out there and be active and do something to let that help us through this. And so, that's what we've tried to do. I can't say we've been successful all the time, but we just made it kind of a mission to try to fight through this with activity rather than to sit back and let it totally depress you and ruin the other aspects of your life that are good, like grandchildren or children, something like that.


Well, not to harp on it too much, but as we sort of see in the Discovery Plus series, you have been working around the clock, tirelessly, nonstop, trying to track down every possible lead to find her, no matter how out there those leads might be. How does that feel? And is it every lead that comes in you're gonna follow?


Everything was frantic really with me in the search and EK and others for the first 500 days, maybe. That's a long time. And so, you're, nearly out every night to the middle of the night or middle of the morning, if you will, and operating on fumes and to the point where it can possibly damage you and you, everybody has a breaking point, and I was very near mine. One night when I was coming home, I was three blocks away from my home and my brain couldn't tell what I was doing or where I was. And so, I found then it was time to pull back a little bit. So now, everything I do is more targeted towards things that are current. What I would do in the past is I'd go back to four or five, even six places that were previous lead sites and go back to them relentlessly in different times of the day and night. And I no longer do that to the same extent, unless there's something current that comes along because we truly feel that AK is probably not, probably not here in open site, if we're gonna find her alive and well, it's gonna be somewhere else. That's why we hope this Discovery exposure and others can help us find her.


Well, piggybacking off that, NS, what's it sort of been like continuing the investigation? How do you keep the momentum going in cases like this that have gone on months and years?


Andrea. My love and my loyalty to AK. But I wanna say something to MK, I'm kinda a little shocked of what he just said because I've had the same thing happen to me three or four times of where I literally lost time.


Wow. That's a lot to relate to on this case. You know, thanks to you, NS, we do have a new investigator looking into AK's case. He's a handsome one at that, a retired Lakewood homicide detective, Joseph Fanciulli. Hey, you know, I, you know, he's a handsome, I can say it, but can you explain how you met JF and how he began to, sort of, get involved in AK's case before I bring in JF himself?


You know, I had reached out to Joe on Facebook regarding AK's case because I was feeling really frustrated. I was feeling like it wasn't going anywhere. It was probably the most complicated case I've ever had to deal with on the professional side. That has been my biggest challenge. It's either I don't do anything, and it kills me, either I do do stuff and it kills me more. So, it's kinda, but my love for her, absolutely. But yeah, I reached out to him, we hit it off, and one thing led to another. I had no idea about the other background of him just basically like conversations. So as the relationship got deeper, it wasn't until almost like a year, where he saw me broken down. I would never ask someone, or I would never put someone in a position to say, this is what I need you to do. Or like, I wasn't with him for that reason. He just, hugged me and said, let's go find your friend. And wiped away my tears.


All right, JF, well, you've been setting there patiently and silently so I wanna bring you into this conversation. JF, you spent a long time working as a homicide detective in the Lakewood Police Department. I can only imagine the things you've seen and read about. What were your first impressions of AK's case and how did you really start to dive into it?


We were very lucky that the Discovery folks came along when they did, and it's been a year, little over a year since they got involved. And they asked me if I would basically be willing to look at this as a cold case and follow me around and see what came out of it. None of this stuff was scripted, just sort of the way it-I've always done things by the seat of the pants and moving one foot in front of the other. That's how I always described working a case. It's one foot in front of the other. I did a, you know, I kinda did a deep dive with NS about AK, about what, you know, everything she knew about AK. I started digging into AK's social media life. And the more I did that, the more I would find people she was connected with in her Facebook lives, because she had several, who had criminal records, were involved in drugs, sort of things that were a little shocking to NS, having lived with her. And we sort of talked through these things. And then of course, you know, enter the Discovery folks and we started working the case.

You start working the way you start working any case. You, at the beginning, you have to know everything you can know about the victim. You have to know everything you can know about the circumstances of when she was last seen and what happened after that. And without going into a lot of detail that folks will see when they watch the show, we turned over more rocks, more than I thought there would be. I've said this before, this is one of the most complicated cases that I've worked on in 52 years of doing this, only because it has so many tentacles. AK's life stretched into so many different areas, and she interacted with so many different people. And unfortunately, AK got herself into some life situations that put her at risk, and you've heard from MK, and you've heard from NS what AK was like. I don't think AK realized the risks that she put herself into with some of the things that she did.

So we began following those trails. People came forward, interviewed these people, and they led to somebody else, who led to somebody else. But there were things that I found as I began working this that were very disturbing to me. And you know, I don't like to beat up on anybody, particularly LE, but this case was not investigated from the get-go. If was quite a while before anyone really started doing any looking into this case and it was precipitated by some news coverage. People started to come forward who'd never been talked to, said they were waiting for somebody to talk to them and had things to tell me. I did a total neighborhood canvas. I did a total neighborhood canvas from AK's mom's house all the way to EK's knocking on doors. People told me things they observed and heard. They'd never been talked to. Since the first two episodes have aired, people have come forward who knew a lot about AK's life, some who knew AK since she was a child, and told me things that confirmed certain things that I'd found. This is very recently. This is within the last couple weeks, have added to the information base that I have. And the real disturbing thing to me about this is that at least two of these people were told not to talk to me when I was first in Louisville. That's disturbing.

You know, when we did the Dr. Phil show last week, he made a statement, this is an all-hands-on deck case. You need everybody that knows anything to come forward. And that's what we need. Some of these people are coming forward. And I know that as the episodes continue, other people will come forward and confirm things. And the list of possibilities, of possible scenarios of what happened to AK will whittle down to the most probable. And it will just take that one or two people who have the tiny piece of a puzzle to fit in to resolve this. And I'm hoping that will happen.

AK has a great platform here. She has a worldwide platform right now. This is about finding AK and we will find her.


I hope so. I mean, I think one of the most fascinating things about Finding Andrea to your point, Joe, is that we get to sort of see all of you track down leads in real time and new evidence in real time. NS, I wanna take us to you, kind of, first, how challenging was it to discover some of this evidence in AK's disappearance on camera?


It was shocking. You go through a whole world of emotions because you know, you know you carry yourself in a certain way and you know how you've been your whole life. Like I never hung out with people who did drugs. You ask my sister; you ask a lot of people who know me. So that actually put into, like, the aspect of me not really knowing too much, like, the aspect of me not really knowing too much about what are the warning signs? What does it look like? Stuff like that. Yes, MIA handles drug cases, but we have a person that is actually a recovered addict, almost 20 years, that handles these cases because she knows, and she knows the ins and outs, and she knows, you know, just how that platform works.

And I wanted to say that AK, I guess hindsight being 20-20, I guess I should've noticed, but I didn't. And it hurt, you know, when finding out that stuff was like a whole emotional rollercoaster, but she's still my friend. She's still my best friend. And I don't think any less of her today as I did in the past.


Here's the real deal. Here's the real point. I've worked cases over the years where sometimes the victims were not good people. Sometimes they were very bad people. It doesn't matter. A victim is a victim. Whatever problems AK had in her life, she did not deserve this.


AK was a good person, a very good person, and I know she was a very good person to me.


MK, I wanna bring you in on this too. You know, obviously, the entire case has obviously been hard for everyone involved, but were there any particularly hard moments during filming that kinda stuck out to you, or ones that you struggled with, kind of, having on camera?


Well, of course there was. When it's your own flesh and blood, it's your daughter, she's, her middle names named after me, it's extremely personal. And when you get into the intimate details of your interactions or the lack thereof or the problems she and I had together, or the problems she and I had together, it got very emotional, eyes watering. And that was for AK and part of the family dynamics were really damaged due to this even further. And so, a relationship with my youngest daughter, SK, also had some major cracks in it as well. But, it goes far and deep and it's very personable, personal, and it just, it's something that you just, kind of, work your way through and try to withhold emotions. As I'm talking about myself, I usually release them when no one else is around. And so, the emotional aspect of it when it's family, or, is extraordinarily intense and lingering far after, anytime we deal with this and such as what we're doing here today.


You're forgetting that I spent many, many months and months out on surveillance with you, hanging flyers, doing all kinds of things, with you, hanging flyers, doing all kinds of things, with you, hanging flyers, doing all kinds of things, tromping through the woods at three o'clock in the morning.


I'll never forget that NS. I appreciate it [NS: I know]. And thank you so much.


I know that MK. But when I say that I worked a lot of cases in my time, and this is the most dedicated father and sister that I've ever seen. I mean, we, sometimes we'd be, would be even thinking the same thing. I'm like oh! AK used to like to go to the casino-Let's scope out the casino and see if I remember anyone that I, she used to talk to or something, or check her player card, talk to the manager, you know, just think of everything you can think of. And I called MK and he was like, I'm at the casino.


He beat you to it. [Yea, right.] at the same time.


One of the difficult parts of this for me, is maintaining professional, stepping back, and not becoming emotionally involved. And obviously, I became emotionally involved because of NS, but when MK and I met and MK and I've had a lot of late-night conversations, we've had a lot of hard conversations face-to-face. I've developed an emotional bond to MK. This case is just different. It's just different. And I am just committed to resolving this and it will get resolved.


It looks like the dedication from the team, I think, is indicative of the type of person that AK is, you know, surrounded by loving friends and family clearly who are clearly dedicated to solving it. And, you know, joe, I just wanna, kind of, bring back something that you said, because you said recently, in the past couple weeks, that you were told that people were specifically told not to talk to you. And I'm wondering, from your standpoint, how different was tracking down leads and evidence in a case like AKs on a TV program with, you know, the exposure that Discovery has as opposed to working on a case in the police department?


Well, I've never worked on something with people following me around and a camera over my shoulder, you know, go knock on a door and start to talk to somebody and they have something to say, then, you know, get into the conversation with 'em, wait, you know, these people across the street in the car, would you mind if they came over with a camera? And of course, some people said, you know, absolutely not. You know, I still recorded their statement, and you know, it became part of the evidence, but yeah, it was different. IT was definitely different. But I have to say it again. We would not be where are are today without the Discovery people doing what they did.


The astronomical expenses alone for us to be able to do this, I don't think her case would be where it is today.


And we're truly grateful for that. It was so terrific to interact with these people, becauae the people I interacted with in this production were top notch folks. They were people who, they are people who were involved in many, many true crime series, from camera people to the directors. I still remember, you know, driving back from an interview or on my way somewhere and I'd get this cadre of people in the backseat of the car, and we're talking like, this is one of my old partners from back in the day, you know, we're kicking this case back and forth, you know, what do we do now? What do you think? Let's go talk to this guy. Let's try this approach. It was just, I hate this word, but it was surreal. It really was.


Well, MK, you know, what has it been like seeing the show air and revisiting the investigation on your TV screen?


It was almost like re-watching the last two years of my life. So, it’s, Joe used a word a moment ago. It did seem surreal a little bit, that you've been through all of this, but it just brought it right back up. And, but you know, all the hard times that we've explained and things like that were expected. All the dirty laundry exposed was expected. We were, we are relentless in getting to a solution for this. So we pushed all that aside, we discussed it earlier, and we said, we don't care about that. All we care about is finding AK. So all the things that bother me while re-watching the show, although they're difficult, we fully expected them to be difficult. So we are fine and we're gonna get through this and keep our eyes on AK and nothing else.


So, I'm curious or all three of you, have any of you received any new leads, since the first three episodes of the show have aired? I imagine a lot of eyeballs are on this, more eyeballs best disinfected in sunlight, any new leads coming from this?


Yes. As I said, a few minutes ago, I've had people reach out to me and lengthy interviews with people who provided me with information specifically about what was going on in Ak's life the day she went missing, the day before, confirming some things about people she was involved with, people who could potentially be responsible for something happening to AK. And some of them feel very bad at this point, wishing they'd come forward earlier, but they've come forward and they've come forward because of the episodes.


What about you MK? Have you gotten any phone calls from people that you didn't expect or anything, any family members, any new leads like that?


No, the new leads would not come to me directly. Generally, they would go to JF or the PI group, and, but I am aware of new people coming forward as a result of this series. And I'm hoping that this is just the beginning. And I'm hoping that this is just the beginning and that they continue to come cause obviously there's going to be a lot more people to see the whole thing down the road. And we hope this plays a big role in solving this case. And we can get my daughter home.


I want an episode 5, where we find Andrea.

/END main interviews 36:36 min/

IDCONversations: Finding Andrea 10/28/2021
Eight years of Dateline's Missing in America: 169 still missing


Andrea Michelle Knabel, a 37-year-old mother from Louisville, Kentucky, who dedicated her time volunteering for an organization that searches for missing people, was last seen around 1 a.m. on August 13, 2019, walking in the area of the 4000 block of Fincastle Road near her home in Louisville’s Audubon Park. Andrea had been volunteering for the group “Missing in America,” an organization unaffiliated with Dateline’s digital series, which has a mission to locate missing adults and children. Louisville Metro Police said Andrea made some phone calls asking for a ride between 1:30 a.m. and 2 a.m., in the area where she was last seen. Her cell phone has not been active since then. The organization said Andrea is the first member of their group to have gone missing. In October 2021, the Finding Andrea Facebook page announced that the reward for information leading to direct recovery of Andrea is now $5,000. Andrea Knabel is described as 5’7” tall, approximately 190 lbs, with light brown hair. She was last seen wearing a light-colored tank top and white shorts. Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to contact investigator Tracy Leonard at (502) 618-9337, investigator Dan Washington at (502) 722-8181, Missing Person Recovery Specialist Nancy Schaefer Smith at (502) 500-3026 or the Louisville Metro Police Department at (502) 574-LMPD.
I’m watching Andreas episode of disappeared for the first time. I feel really bad for her dad. Can’t help but wonder why her mom hasn’t made a single public plea (that I can recall) for Andreas return. Maybe she is in the episode and I just haven’t gotten that far yet, but I won’t hold my breath.

these missing in America ladies seem very high school-ish with a flair for drama imo.

ETA- I didn’t realize the PI was so enmeshed with missing in America. Yeah, I’ll take everything he says with a grain of salt now that I know that. I am only on the beginning of episode 2 but I really feel like the missing in America people are being dramatic and trying to make themselves out to be more professional/skilled than they really are. Jmo. I think I’m gonna change the channel. I’m not going to feed into missing in America’s egos.
Last edited:
I managed to stick to it through 11:00. It got better when they got away from the Missing in America group. But I feel this was too long. It could’ve been done in a couple of hours.

Maybe if it’s on again in the future I’ll watch the episodes that don’t have missing in America featured. When the blonde lady started to point fingers at the older lady with pink lipstick, I cringed so hard that I’m surprised I didn’t wake up today with a stiff neck. Then the blonde lady’s new husband on his motorcycle. I can’t. When Andrea first went missing, didn’t the blonde lady just get married to someone else whose house was searched early on in the investigation or something? The missing in America club made a circus of Andreas disappearance. The blonde lady wouldn’t stop talking about herself and they all rubbed me the wrong way.

I think the show could have been done in one episode, mainly featuring Andreas dad and sister, and no missing in America club members. Jmo
Maybe if it’s on again in the future I’ll watch the episodes that don’t have missing in America featured. When the blonde lady started to point fingers at the older lady with pink lipstick, I cringed so hard that I’m surprised I didn’t wake up today with a stiff neck. Then the blonde lady’s new husband on his motorcycle. I can’t. When Andrea first went missing, didn’t the blonde lady just get married to someone else whose house was searched early on in the investigation or something? The missing in America club made a circus of Andreas disappearance. The blonde lady wouldn’t stop talking about herself and they all rubbed me the wrong way.

I think the show could have been done in one episode, mainly featuring Andreas dad and sister, and no missing in America club members. Jmo
I can’t watch that long. I can read articles but can’t have my pods in while I’m working. Were the missing in America club members in Andrea’s life on a day to day basis during the time she was living with her mom? When was the last time one of them actually saw her?
Okay the only information I have on this is from this thread and the show. Had to watch it twice. Here is what I have deduced using just observation and listening,ie the things that made Holmes a good detective.
1) None of the family is willing to take a polygraph.
conclusion: They either did it or now who did it. As JF said they are circling the wagons of v

2) the fiance has a history of violence to women,per the daughter through the father.

3) She was using meth, now I am not victim shaming but the people around her either where totally clueless or did not want to see the truth.

4) last known verified location is house where she was living

now lets throw out the things that are not relevant. The MIA ladies:hearts in right place but as Nancy said she usually did not involve the group in hi-risk activities. PI1: sleazy as he may be,I think one of the reasons he was dodging an evading the new investigator and didn't anyone "taking over" his investigation was he was using AK in off the radar projects that MIA had no knowledge about. Even though it looked good to start,as you look deeper it moves down the list.

Now prime suspect Evan. there is too much pointing at him. Left town quickly after the incident.refusal to talk to police.Anger talking to polic e.
not helping in search or vigils. post event behavior.

now the house: her room was repainted in days.her things in a pile on the floor covered in a tarp.the drywall ripped out.

Now couple basic questions for LMPD:why no cadaver dog at/in the house as it seems they now think it is a homicide case? Did they talk to Contractor?

Now if they think that SB did it and they think that SK is weak link there might be an easy way to get to her.
If AK did go to the ER after the fight and told the staff what happened. LMPD
Can arrest SK on Domestic Battery and assault. As defined by the Kentucky law they can go at her for at east 2 counts maybe 4 . That would mean up to 5years in prison min.
So go grab her, bring her back. Start interrogating her .I would let EB know what is going on only in that she is in custody,trigger his fight or flight hard.

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