KY KY - Andrea Knabel, 36, mother of two, Audubon Park, Louisville, 13 Aug 2019

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It's always so shady when someone is tearing down MP posters. I struggle to think of one non-nefarious reason somebody would do this. Sure, if I had a business and I was a real jerk maybe I don't want ONE flyer on my business, but to travel along a path and/or tearing down multiple posters...that just puts my hinky meter over 9,000.
It's always so shady when someone is tearing down MP posters. I struggle to think of one non-nefarious reason somebody would do this. Sure, if I had a business and I was a real jerk maybe I don't want ONE flyer on my business, but to travel along a path and/or tearing down multiple posters...that just puts my hinky meter over 9,000.

Unless it's you and you don't like the pictures used. There is a way to stop people putting them up. If the person who ripped off the posters didn't harm her they must have been angry at her. Did she break some guys heart, owe someone money or something that would make someone mad? It would help if we knew more about her.
Early on, the PI stated she was seen in the 4000 block of Fincastle, heading in the direction of poplar level. It looks like that’s officially changed since it’s being reported here that she was leaving Fincastle and heading towards another road in Audubon park.
Reward generates new tips in case of missing Louisville mother Andrea Knabel

Also from that article are a couple interesting things:
  • New tips are being generated due to the reward.
  • There are 8 private investigators on the case - Leonard and 3 others plus 4 part time investigators.
ETA article link for anyone that needs it again.
I’m sorry if I missed this part of discussion- have homeless shelters and camps and mental hospitals been checked? Feels like a scary downward spiral and the word “transient” keeps coming to mind.. moo
I’m sorry if I missed this part of discussion- have homeless shelters and camps and mental hospitals been checked? Feels like a scary downward spiral and the word “transient” keeps coming to mind.. moo
Some of us have had the same thought, but as far as I know, we don't know what is happening on that front. I also thought she might have joined the homeless community. If she is in a hospital of any sort, we likely won't know because of confidentially laws. I think both ideas are valid - but we just don't know.

A $1,000 reward is helping generate new leads in the missing persons case of Louisville mother Andrea Knabel.

The 37-year-old mother of two was last seen in the early morning hours of Aug. 13. Michael Knabel, Andrea’s father, said there was a family argument on the evening of the 12th and Andreas “seemed distressed” walking over to a sister’s home on Fincastle Road. Her father and investigators believe she was then walking from her sister’s home to her mother’s home about a mile away, when she disappeared.

Michael Knabel said there has been zero contact from Andrea to any family members or her children since that evening, which he said is out of character for her.

“It increases my instincts on saying that this is an endangered person that needs help,” he said. “Andrea needs your help. We need your help. We love her very much.”

He believes she is in danger and did not disappear willingly.

Along with Leonard, there are three other private investigators dedicated to this case. And four others are helping on a part-time basis. They are working voluntarily on finding Andrea, because she was a friend in the private investigator community.
Reward generates new tips in case of missing Louisville mother Andrea Knabel
There was a family argument on the evening of the 12th. Andrea seemed distressed.
Andrea walked to her sister’s house on Fincastle. They believe she was then walking from her sister’s house to her mother’s house.

Is that the correct sequence of events that evening?

Did Andrea make a habit of walking between these two houses? At that time of night?

Does the father live elsewhere since they refer to it as her mother’s house not her parents house?
There was a family argument on the evening of the 12th. Andrea seemed distressed.
Andrea walked to her sister’s house on Fincastle. They believe she was then walking from her sister’s house to her mother’s house.

Is that the correct sequence of events that evening?

Did Andrea make a habit of walking between these two houses? At that time of night?

Does the father live elsewhere since they refer to it as her mother’s house not her parents house?
Father lives elsewhere.
I live in Louisville and I have only heard about it through facebook shares, which include some local articles, but most of those are fairly dated at this point. I will keep my eyes peeled for flyers (and lack thereof) and should be able to get some pictures from the area she as last week within the next few days.

I've lived around this neighborhood before but not directly within it. It is a fairly safe neighborhood, but Poplar Level is a large enough road that any and all types could be traveling it late at night. JMO.
With the current info put out by PI T.
Could it be she was at her mom's first then went to sisters then the family upset continued, where she then left sisters and made it back to mom's. Stayed there a bit then left again from her mother's house. This could explain the ph call attempts. And more time in between the 1am and last call at 3 something in the morning. I am just still trying to find evidence in where she was needing a ride to at 3am. Or maybe she just needed to vent to someone.
Or what if she made it somewhere out of area completely and was calling to get ride back to her neighborhood?
Not sure how they came to conclusions that she was looking for a ride? If she left VM to someone I assume she would of stated location.

I hope Andrea is located and knows she is loved.
Depression and Stress can cause one to think the whole world is against them.
Even when it's not the case.
A lot of PI's on this case.
Maybe a break will come sooner than later.
I’m sorry if I missed this part of discussion- have homeless shelters and camps and mental hospitals been checked? Feels like a scary downward spiral and the word “transient” keeps coming to mind.. moo

Just from reading comments on this finding Andrea page, it looks like people have offered help and names of people who do community outreach stuff within the homeless community. Idk if they have used those resources though. There are quite a few bigger camps around the downtown area so hopefully they’ve searched and distributed fliers down around there. There’s one on the other side of Audubon park, on Preston hwy that I’m hoping they’ve also checked.
Some of us have had the same thought, but as far as I know, we don't know what is happening on that front. I also thought she might have joined the homeless community. If she is in a hospital of any sort, we likely won't know because of confidentially laws. I think both ideas are valid - but we just don't know.


If she’s in some type of hospital or facility, by law, they have to confirm whether she’s there or not since there’s a MP report. LE wouldn’t have to disclose her location if she didn’t want it disclosed to family or anyone else but they would be able to notify the family that she’s been found and the open MP case is closed.
What take JYO
On the reward of 1000.00
Is it noted that the reward is offered for info in finding her and actually recovering her.
Or info on any lead to help in finding her. Which would be any confirmed lead at all.
Confused also on the statement or JMO someone taking down fliers.
Is there a lot of CCTV in Business districts. Or traffic cam's
I find this creepy.
I remember in the Molly T case some of her fliers were removed. But usually in any of these cases we just never find out whom, why or what happened to cause the flier's being taken down.
Any one do you know why this happens? Or is this normal for active missing fliers to disappear.
Also Savannah's disappeard during active missing case.
I find this disturbing.
there are EIGHT P.I.'s working this case (4 in PT capacity, I understand, but STILL, WOW!!!!!) If she were in any sort of facility, those EIGHT PIs would know by now - it has been almost a month. And there are EIGHT of them.

In so many cases, families can not afford the money to hire even ONE, let alone have the time and energy to reach out to others asking for volunteer help.

There are EIGHT working Andrea's case.

EIGHT PIs. And nary a peep?

Where is she?
What take JYO
On the reward of 1000.00
Is it noted that the reward is offered for info in finding her and actually recovering her.
Or info on any lead to help in finding her. Which would be any confirmed lead at all.
Confused also on the statement or JMO someone taking down fliers.
Is there a lot of CCTV in Business districts. Or traffic cam's
I find this creepy.
I remember in the Molly T case some of her fliers were removed. But usually in any of these cases we just never find out whom, why or what happened to cause the flier's being taken down.
Any one do you know why this happens? Or is this normal for active missing fliers to disappear.
Also Savannah's disappeard during active missing case.
I find this disturbing.

There are definitely a lot of cams up and down poplar level, there are a lot of businesses up and down the road. I think sometimes people take signs down just to be jerks. It happened with the signs for Crystal Rogers too. Or, it’s also possible it’s a friend of hers or something who is helping her hide out. That’s still my hope for how this ends.

I also saw the info for tomorrow’s search. It looks like they’re hoping to get at least 100 people. I think I saw where they’re starting at 530am. It’s probably going to be difficult to get a lot of volunteers that early on a work day. Maybe they’ll be out all day and people will be able to trickle in throughout the day as they get off work or whatever. They’re also meeting off old 3rd street, which is near where a woman claimed to see her. Maybe they chose that location off of her tip.
They probably should just go ahead and meet up at Iroquois park since there’s a TON of parking available over there. It’s also still dark until around 715ish am so hopefully they don’t walk into any of the wooded areas until they can actually see. I wouldn’t want to get lost in the dark out there, especially around the park area, if they end up even searching that part of new cut road.
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