KY KY - Andrea Knabel, 36, mother of two, Audubon Park, Louisville, 13 Aug 2019

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A couple wks ago, Donna McIntyre, another missing persons advocate started helping the family out. She ended up removing herself a few days ago after some drama on the FA page. There’s some information on her FB page that might be worth a look, if anyone’s interested. We can’t really talk about it but it’s something that had been going around in discussion groups but never stated from anyone within the FA group.
I have never witnessed such negative engery in a Missing Case by professionals.
It's just sad. I feel like some law suits maybe filed.
I wish LE would stand up and get to the bottom of this.
JMO Reading the FA made's my stomach hurt.
Nothing but throwing rocks.
This is madness.
I am so sorry Andrea where ever you are I hope your at PEACE.
I have never witnessed such negative engery in a Missing Case by professionals.
It's just sad. I feel like some law suits maybe filed.
I wish LE would stand up and get to the bottom of this.
JMO Reading the FA made's my stomach hurt.
Nothing but throwing rocks.
This is madness.
I am so sorry Andrea where ever you are I hope your at PEACE.

I agree. It’s uncomfortable to watch. I will say though, that a lot of the drama has calmed down since they shut the FA page down and reopened it. The majority of drama that I see now, aren’t coming from commenters, but from the people running the page. It’s really distracting.
At first, it was run by her sister, NS and the PI. Then NS removed herself not long after Donna McIntyre came on. Yesterday, I noticed that NS was back on the page again and posting in the comments.

It looks like Tracy Leonard has started his own separate page for Andrea Knabel. It’s new and I think he just started it yesterday. It’s for tips and he has fliers posted. Honestly, i think it’s a good idea that he has a separate page for her. I’m hoping it will function as a reset and since it’s new, it’s free of clutter and posts that are completely irrelevant.
What’s the reason for all the drama if it’s not coming from people posting comments?
The focus should be on Andrea.

It’s not about MIA or NS.

I have no idea. There was definitely drama in the beginning bc of MIA and NS’s involvement. It didn’t help that some of the facts and early timeline kept changing. People were commenting and the majority of comments were legitimate questions. Ever since the WAVE3 article came out about the FA page being attacked by “trolls,” it’s calmed down a LOT.

I’ve been following the page and reading the comments since very early on and that article felt extremely exaggerated compared to what I had seen. Regardless, once the FA page was back up, it’s been quiet in the comments. Every now and then people will ask questions or speculate and they’re usually blocked from the page if it starts to get heated. I haven’t seen a whole lot of that happening as of late so I’m not sure why they’re still posting about leaving drama off the page.

It’s almost like they’re inviting it to happen. NS posted a live this morning, it really didn’t even have hardly anything to do with Andrea’s case and that started a whole lot of unnecessary arguing and back and forth. It’s just unprofessional and it makes it hard to really even want to check the page for updates. Last wk, the people running the FA page were like taking digs at each other and arguing back and forth in the comments and some of the actual posts, while all posting under FA and not their own personal FB’s. It was a mess.

I’m glad Tracey Leonard has started his own thing bc I’m really hoping it’s a blank slate to just post what’s necessary and to leave all the extra stuff off the page.
So MIA has been having... should I say... credibility problems since summer 2017 when a questionable person came forward as a missing child and brought up the names of other missing children. The founder of MIA got caught up in it and the claims turned out to be false and a hoax. Brainscratch has a good synopsis over 2 videos if you watch the Jennifer Klein updates.
Yesterday, her live was mostly her response to what happened and her involvement in the Jennifer Klein case. She seemed to really downplay the situation. When a commenter started posting screen shots of NS contacting news stations about her finding Jennifer Klein and “breaking the case open,” she promptly took the live down. Then, a few other MP advocates started arguing with her on their own personal pages lol it’s a mess.
What’s the reason for all the drama if it’s not coming from people posting comments?
The focus should be on Andrea.

It’s not about MIA or NS.

It was because Donna was not listening to Erin about incorrect info on the flyers. Erin wanted to correct the info and Donna would not oblige.
Then commenters tried to make Erin be the bad person. Ridiculous.
IMO, if you are against the family of andrea in any way, why contribute or comment?
Good grief. Why did that need to be hashed out in an open forum - do it offline, on a phone call or via your personal email. It detracts from the purpose of locating Andrea.

I agree, however, it is Erin and I sympathize with her. Imagine having your sister missing and being pulled in several different directions by so called advocates on trying to deliver the right info while being misconstrued by these advocates.
The only people we need to hear from is the police, PIs and family/erin. Everyone else is just on a power trip.
Andrea’s family comes across as genuinely concerned. They’re victims in this whole thing too. I think NS needs to completely remove herself from the forefront if she can’t keep her emotions in check. The back and forth on the FA page and the arguing with other MP advocates is unnecessary and it gives people something to talk about other than what’s important: finding Andrea. Idk how many lawsuits I’ve seen being threatened over the past few days, but it’s getting ridiculous.
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