Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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Two people on Facebook have commented and said they spoke to him via phone the night before he the timeline seems correct, at least.
Two people on Facebook have commented and said they spoke to him via phone the night before he the timeline seems correct, at least.

Did they mention anything about the phone calls? I know that I almost never talk to anybody by phone. It's usually texting or social media. If I'm making a call, it usually means that I have something specific to discuss.
Respectfully, I submit that I am not suspecting anyone of anything - simply that an uncorroborated timeline isn't useful to anyone. Technically for someone to be a "suspect"wouldn't there have to be a crime? What crime are you proposing someone committed? And again, respectfully, many, many, many, many other cases on here have speculation FAR worse than what I have stated here.
Not reporting a husband missing when he is recovering from surgery and not working is suspect to me. He left with nothing, not a car, just his wallet and phone. So if he is a victim of foul play, neither will be found on him. The person has what? Two weeks head start on LE. So they could have done anything with him, but when a spouse of loved one kills a family member, most of the time the body is close by. Buried. Women tend to put kids in water, men tend to bury, but it will depend on if someone had help or not. If you are small, you have to get rid of a body in the best way possible and that would be, dismemberment if you can't lift the person. If you can lift or drag, my may get them some place and bury them. So cadaver dogs are good, they just need to go back and do it again. All just my opinion. Not saying any family member did anything, just the way most of these cases seem to unfold and years of reading here. Hope he off having a good time, but I don't think so.
Did they mention anything about the phone calls? I know that I almost never talk to anybody by phone. It's usually texting or social media. If I'm making a call, it usually means that I have something specific to discuss.

The only thing one person said was that Mike was feeling hopeful about his upcoming medical appointments. And my apologies--the phone calls were two days before he disappeared.
I guess it's possible that Mike received sudden and shocking news about his health. It's also possible that someone was persuaded to get rid of him. Like a hit man or a secret lover.
its my understanding that he had been on medical leave for quite some time (maybe a year or more). if you saw him, it was not apparent that he was in physically bad health.
Forty-eight would be really late for symptoms of schizophrenia to show up. Typical onset for males is by age 25. If he had it and it went untreated I think it would have interfered with his life and career years ago, and if he'd had it and been treated I'm not sure if he would've been able to keep his career.

And for someone who doesn't know (like a family member or his doctor) to say he was a paranoid schizophrenic is odd. It's specific and what would he be based on?

Depression is another thing entirely though.

My hinky meter - am I using the term correctly? - says mental illness isn't the issue here.

What would be the benefits to the family if he died while still employed v. had to retire from flying because he could not quite rehab his arm? Besides life insurance? I just always look for who benefits? whether it's money, freedom, etc.
Mike's smart, he's had a great career and I find it hard to believe he wouldn't have a sizable savings. Regardless, he never struck me as the type to kill himself. Something isn't being said, but I don't know what it is. I mean, it took three entire weeks for any details except "he's missing" to come out at all. It just doesn't set right with me.

You can make good money and still live beyond your means. Not being able to fly, with its psychological implications for Mike, coupled with a huge downturn in lifestyle, with a 7 year old, could possibly overwhelm many people
the implication of being overwhelmed is that he did himself in.... but i suspect if that were the case, there would some evidence... e.g. his body would be at or near his house. as it is not, that suggests something other than suicide, in my opinion.
the implication of being overwhelmed is that he did himself in.... but i suspect if that were the case, there would some evidence... e.g. his body would be at or near his house. as it is not, that suggests something other than suicide, in my opinion.

Unless it just hasn't been found yet. It took over a month for Leanne Bearden's body to be found near her home (suicide, TX). And she was found simply because an older homeowner decided to check the back of his property. This case hasn't had a lot of publicity... have they asked local homeowners to check their properties? How big are the lots? Are their any vacant lots or other undeveloped land nearby?

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Unless it just hasn't been found yet. It took over a month for Leanne Bearden's body to be found near her home (suicide, TX). And she was found simply because an older homeowner decided to check the back of his property. This case hasn't had a lot of publicity... have they asked local homeowners to check their properties? How big are the lots? Are their any vacant lots or other undeveloped land nearby?

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It's an active community with people mowing yards and kids everywhere. Also, they had cadaver dogs out with the crime scene unit. It's possible they missed it, but doubtful that he is nearby... one would think the odor of a body would significant after this mich time. He has been missing since late May... so we are pushing 2 months at this point.

Also, there arent really any vacant lots or undeveloped land immediately nearby (I guess that depends on your definition of nearby). A neighborhood across the street has some undeveloped lots, but it would seem (to me) illogical to go there. Lots in most neighborhoods in the area are around 1/4 to maybe 1/3 acre. Which is basically small enough to visually survey pretty fast; plus people mow like it's religion here... so I am sure the yards have been seen.
As of now, that I am aware of - there have been no organized searches. There have been no requests for searchers. There have been offers from people to help search, but no offers have been accepted. There may have been one off people searching, but nothing organized.
It's an active community with people mowing yards and kids everywhere. Also, they had cadaver dogs out with the crime scene unit. It's possible they missed it, but doubtful that he is nearby... one would think the odor of a body would significant after this mich time. He has been missing since late May... so we are pushing 2 months at this point.

Also, there arent really any vacant lots or undeveloped land immediately nearby (I guess that depends on your definition of nearby). A neighborhood across the street has some undeveloped lots, but it would seem (to me) illogical to go there. Lots in most neighborhoods in the area are around 1/4 to maybe 1/3 acre. Which is basically small enough to visually survey pretty fast; plus people mow like it's religion here... so I am sure the yards have been seen.

Mowing is a religion there! That is true - this neighborhood is very well kept.
the implication of being overwhelmed is that he did himself in.... but i suspect if that were the case, there would some evidence... e.g. his body would be at or near his house. as it is not, that suggests something other than suicide, in my opinion.

bbm - No disrespect but this is an odd statement imo.

Unless your definition of 'near' is much wider than mine.

I think he could very well be in a wooded area just outside his neighborhood or in a park, for example. And imo it doesn't have to be near by where he lived but could also be a place he once visited and liked.

(If indeed this was a suicide, which I think is possible.)
It's an active community with people mowing yards and kids everywhere. Also, they had cadaver dogs out with the crime scene unit. It's possible they missed it, but doubtful that he is nearby... one would think the odor of a body would significant after this mich time. He has been missing since late May... so we are pushing 2 months at this point.

Also, there arent really any vacant lots or undeveloped land immediately nearby (I guess that depends on your definition of nearby). A neighborhood across the street has some undeveloped lots, but it would seem (to me) illogical to go there. Lots in most neighborhoods in the area are around 1/4 to maybe 1/3 acre. Which is basically small enough to visually survey pretty fast; plus people mow like it's religion here... so I am sure the yards have been seen.

bbm - in a warm climate such as KY in June/July the phases of decomposition that produce the strongest smell (called 'bloat' and 'active decomposition') have long passed. They only last 1-2 weeks. If he's lying somewhere dead out in the open his body would now very likely have reached the dry stage of decomposition, with very little tissue and fluids left that could produce a smell. Air decomposition is very fast, especially in warm temperatures.
According to the Facebook page, he left without his shoes as well. How far could he go without his shoes?
I don't mean to be morbid or gross, but this neighborhood appears to have many mature trees. There might be a need to look up.
According to the Facebook page, he left without his shoes as well. How far could he go without his shoes?

From what I understand, the wife is unsure if he left with shoes. I don't think that's an absolute.
It is quiet common for searchers to find a body in an area that has already been searched. Often, it is close to the home. I can think of at least three cases where the body was found buried in the dirt in the crawl space or beneath a porch. Places with lots of bushes and tall grasses also tend to be overlooked. Since he did not take his car, I think it might be good for volunteers to organize and conduct a thorough and well-organized grid search.

By the way, has the wife given any kind of statement about what she was doing when he left or about the mood in their house on that day? Was there an argument? Was it like usual?

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