Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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What is known is that he had no reason to think he would not go back to work. He was progressing and with physical therapy, everything was pointing toward his next medical being good and getting the go ahead to go back to work. He had not yet had that medical at the time he went missing. According to his Tennessee family, he had planned to bring his son to TN for a family visit this Summer and he had planned several fun things to do before the new school year began. The day before his disappearance, his son graduated kindergarten and there was a little party. He also visited a neighbor the day before with his son, and was in good spirits. There has been no public statement from the wife, other than a derogatory remark on her FB page, which was quickly removed.

Thank you - I really hope he's found safe asap. I'm encouraged by a recent missing man not too far away from there (last name Goetze, I think) who was just located in California. His case was similarly confounding, at least to me.
I haven't read this entire thread yet, just the beginning, latest posts, and some stuff on the Facebook group, but I'm getting the impression that his family haven't liked his wife since before he went missing. Maybe they never did. Anyone shed any light on that?

It doesn't sound like he suffered from mental illness, sure, but situational depression can pop up and be a BEAST, especially if you're not used to feeling that way. I remember being really surprised at how well I took my father's death, for example, but it's probably because I've suffered from clinical depression since about age 14. There's a chance he thought he'd never fly again. And everyone always says that so-and-so would never leave their child, but how many suicides have we seen where people said that about the person? A lot. When you're in that state you don't think about anything else but the pain ending, and usually you think everyone would be better off without you.

Then again, it's weird that he wasn't reported missing for 4 days, and I'd love to know more about his wife, the running over of his mailbox twice (like, did that happen to anyone else in the neighborhood; is it a common teenage prank there?), if there was any cheating by either of them...

I just can't tell if his family is trying to point fingers at his wife because they never liked her, or if there are reasons for it...

Went to read the FB tonight and it had really blown up. I see nothing from his family to his wife, and nothing from her to him (or anyone). Doesn't appear she is "on" the page. There are some pretty ardent supporters of the wife who have made deragatory comments about the "family in Tennessee" but that is it. The vitriol seems to come when people ask questions related to "why isn't this on the news, why isn't his wife saying anything, why aren't people searching", etc. and the wife's vocal supporters suddenly talking about the things that his wife is doing that no one sees or knows about, and being heavily offended by a lack of public comments in support OF the wife. (which is truly baffling given that she isn't "on" that page!!) There is even one individual who has implied that there is some sort gender bias (because he is a father, not a MOTHER) or deliberate attempt by the media NOT to run the story...tensions are clearly running high.
I read he had earned FAA's highest award, I think it was about two years ago, and the article stated that he had "met or exceeded the high educational, licensing, and medical standards."

Here's the article link if others want to read it too:

he is well known by face, if not by name, because he would spend many days outside watching the traffic come and go in the neighborhood. in fact, that particular behavior was found a little creepy by some residence. his mailbox was run down twice within a month about a year ago, and some think that's why he keeps a watchful eye.

Silly thought, but I wonder if his mailbox was upright the day they discovered him missing? Idle speculation here, but I could imagine him running out of the house - without shoes - to confront someone if he happened to see them tampering/battering his property out front.

(I guess it just brings back old memories of seeing a teenager hanging out the passenger window of a car, slamming mailboxes with a baseball bat all the way up and down our street once. I called LE, but I bet if my husband would have seen it happen he would have headed toward the car, even though the kid could have wacked him pretty severely with that bat).
Here's the article link if others want to read it too:

Silly thought, but I wonder if his mailbox was upright the day they discovered him missing? Idle speculation here, but I could imagine him running out of the house - without shoes - to confront someone if he happened to see them tampering/battering his property out front.

(I guess it just brings back old memories of seeing a teenager hanging out the passenger window of a car, slamming mailboxes with a baseball bat all the way up and down our street once. I called LE, but I bet if my husband would have seen it happen he would have headed toward the car, even though the kid could have wacked him pretty severely with that bat).

You know, now that you've said it I can see something like this happening too. Interesting idea!
I don't know Mike, but living nearby, I was terrified when I heard of this crime--or event. When I saw it on the news, the way it was worded put imagery in my head of being led out of his house at gunpoint via a home invasion. But, the wife did not state she heard anything. In fact, since I read all your posts, she is not speaking at all. I can see her point on both sides. As far as the 4 days before reporting, I get that too. Perhaps they had a fight, or never were close anyway. She wanted to wait to see if he would cool off and come back---hoping he had just got mad and left. I too would not tell anyone until I heard nothing for several days. I also read a contributor to this thread talk about the smell of death subsiding , and I have no idea about that, but I did tell my husband that if Mike wanted to "hide" within a crawl space or something and then got stuck or died regardless, he would have made a smell. In a nearby field he would smell or draw wildlife that might attract attention. I remember the show 48 Hours years ago (true crime events) that a young boy went missing and it turned out he crawled in the spare wheel well in the unused family station wagon and was trapped and died. I can't fathom why Mike would hide, but it was a thought. It is a bit hard to figure this out because no one is giving us many details. Did the wife find the door unlocked? Anything in disarray? Did they have a fight? When did she last see him? When did she notice he was gone? Was there any noises she woke up to? I wonder if he had a girlfriend who has suffered from not seeing him for the time he had to stay home to recover from surgery and finally gave him and ultimatum and came and picked him up to live happily ever after. But then to desert his child like that doesn't fit. I read someone saying perhaps he went for a walk--but I doubt that. Not that sort of culture in that area. I too wonder if he saw something and interrupted someone outside who made him get in the car with them. Remember folks, they found a man from Jeffersontown dead in his truck parked in a carport in the South End. I don't know what his story was, but there are people out there killing everyday. Bottom line, I hope strangers did not come into his home and take him away. That is pretty terrifying if you live in the area.
Welcome Anchorage!

Another thing I wanted to bring up, but this is probably rumor only because I think I read it from a commenter friend of the wife's on the Facebook page: They stated that she DID contact police the night he went missing. So just MAYBE the rest of the family in TN didn't hear about it until 4 days later (which would make me angry too - if a family member of mine went missing, I'd want to know as soon as it happened).

In these cases, whenever a parent or spouse is comparatively quiet and portrayed as "not doing enough", I always wonder about what my mom would do if I went missing. She's more private than the way people currently are now with social media and reality tv... and wouldn't have baseline knowledge about what people do in these situations. I could see her contacting the police and keeping up with the case through a detective and pressing LE and stuff, but it would all be behind the scenes. She's not into social media or computers, and I could just see people saying, "Doesn't she care?" I mean, yes, she does, but she's just not that kind of powerhouse of a person who would mobilize an entire town to search, put up posters, etc. Then again, she's in her 70s and I'm in my 40s... If I went missing as a child, I'm sure she'd be a lot different.

His wife is probably doing all she can to keep their son's life as normal as possible, and if these relatives in TN don't like her, she probably feels like nothing she does will satisfy them anyway...
Interesting there are so many different stories about the reporting & time line. Why would it take LE 3 weeks to respond?
I don't think that would even be a fair consideration at all. I, too, believe it is something more evil.
So take that further. He gets pulled into the car, even beaten. But somehow these juvenile delinquents are able tohidden his body for 8 weeks? Nah.
So take that further. He gets pulled into the car, even beaten. But somehow these juvenile delinquents are able tohidden his body for 8 weeks? Nah.

Why do we think they're juvenile delinquents?
Because they're driving around bashing in or running over mailboxes? This was hypothesis from the previous page that I was addressing.
Because they're driving around bashing in or running over mailboxes? This was hypothesis from the previous page that I was addressing.

Oh, okay. My mind went to someone doing it intentionally, not just random kids vandalizing the neighborhood.
Very strange that this is the first we are hearing about it. It looks like he disappeared on May 26 and media coverage didn't start until around June 19. When did his family report him missing?

He is not listed in NamUS. The family should get him listed.

Might want to adjust the heading. His name is James Michael Kimsey. It sounds like he goes by the name Mike.

Still not listed as of today.
Oh, okay. My mind went to someone doing it intentionally, not just random kids vandalizing the neighborhood.

yes, you have a great point. Could've been a couple of adults. But that changes up the whole thing completely. Why would he have been a personal target? Random violence seems unlikely to grab the guy and make him disappear, unless there's something else. I don't know what, but that something is.....who knows?
<modsnip> I, too, believe the information that was given to the police was an attempt to delay efforts to find him. I question if he really did take his cell phone and wallet with him in an effort to throw the police off. I question WHY she waited four days to contact his parents, why neighbors didn't know he was missing, and why this was not made known to the public until June 19th, WHY she isn't in the media PLEADING to find him, WHY she didn't start the Facebook page, WHY she isn't participating on it, WHY she isn't communicating with his family and wanting them here, not to mention a lot of other questions. She was the last one to see him alive. Has she been given a polygraph test, etc. In my opinion, HER actions in this whole ordeal are not making any sense. <modsnip> His family needs to be made aware of what is going on, if anything, in this case. We all know the first 48 hours are critical in finding a missing person. Something in this whole scenario smells fishy. All of this is "just my opinion".
WHY wouldn't she know if his shoes were there or not? Is she beginning to get things confused? Hmmm
Nothing is being done through the media in Louisville which is so strange because the case of the missing mother in Bardstown, Kentucky is all over the news every day. This case has been too hush hush since the beginning. If it were my husband/family member missing, I would be in the media PLEADING for his safe return, but she seems to be keeping a very low profile out of the public eye and it doesn't seem to be making any statements! In my opinion, something smells very fishy.
It does seem odd that he'd leave willingly without a vehicle. If he was known for watching over the neighborhood, I wonder if he heard something outside and decided to check on things? He probably grabbed his cell phone in case he needed to alert LE and maybe just grabbed the wallet that was sitting by the phone out of habit. Maybe was in too much of a hurry to throw on shoes thinking he'd just step outside. Seems unlikely something bad could have happened without waking up his wife/neighbors though. Did they talk to any/all of the subdivision residents? Maybe someone did hear something and they just don't realize it.

Did he have any enemies at work? Maybe someone who had taken over his position while he was on leave and then heard Mike would be returning to work soon. I don't know how competitive that position would be. Losing the position could potentially result in a pay cut/relocation/loss of job, at the very least a crummy day.
Welcome, LawFilly! It sounds like you know Mike - I'm so sorry he's missing and hope you're holding up okay given the circumstances. I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone; I assure you. Just throwing ideas out there. Do you have any ideas about what could've happened?
Police do not take a missing person report until they've been gone 24 hours! You should STOP making accusations about relatives in Tennessee not liking her until you can back up your statement. Keeping her son's life as normal as possible is BS, too. If she was so concerned, SHE would be out there PLEADING for the safe return of her son's father. Pleaseeee

KY statute 39F.180 Reports of search and rescue missions -- Golden Alert D -- Golden Alert --Immediate search for lost, missing, or overdue person permitted.

(This is a portion of the statue):

  1. There is no requirement in Kentucky to delay the search for or rescue of any lost,missing, or overdue person. Any person who is reported lost, missing, or overdue,adult or child, may be searched for immediately by any emergency management,fire, law enforcement, emergency medical services, search and rescue, rescue squad,or other similar organization to which a missing or overdue person is reported. Nopublic safety answering point, emergency dispatch center, or 911 center shall delayany call reporting a person lost, overdue, or missing to the organization specified inthe county search and rescue annex of the county emergency management plan asresponsible for searching for lost, missing, or overdue persons.
    Effective: July 12, 2012

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