Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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What comments did his wife post on her FB page? Anyone know? This is the first I've heard about that.
As far as having shoes or not, I find that questionable. My husband has several pairs around the house,and even some in the garage for yard work. I could see he left the pair he WAS wearing, but maybe slipped on another pair. The fact his credit cards and cell phone remain unused is frightening. And it occurs to me that the police and wife are hands off and quiet about this case because there are some more elements they aren't telling. It has to be. I think there is so much withholding of information that no one will solve it. They know more than they are telling, wife too. I am shocked no on in the media wants to investigate. I guess it's not ratings time. And no, I don't feel he was abducted because he was a pilot. You have to file flight plans to get off the ground, so he would be outed immediately. I wouldn't think other countries would send someone to Louisville to get a pilot. I never thought he had mental illness. It was never reported that I saw. People do not just vanish. There is more to this story! Gosh, I would love to interview the neighbors, and of course the wife!
I have been following this for weeks now and decided to join in the discussion. There are several threads here even with little information being posted. The first is what I would call the reluctant call for help, as if this had happened before. The second is the apparent estrangement between families which makes communication about the facts difficult at best. I cannot speak for the police, but their low key approach to this speaks to their belief that it is a domestic issue with a prior history with no or little involvement of a crime. What we know is that Mike is recovering from surgery, that he has a fixation on certain events surrounding his mail box, and that he likes to exercise walk. The issue of depression and a statement from someone reporting to police about paranoia is out there, although all admit it has no support in Mike's prior history. However, I have been able to find that certain prescription pain medications are associated with an intense paranoia in some cases. For opioids like Oxycodone, about 1% of users report paranoia. The other fact about these medications is that overdosing is very possible. I have read that an 80 mgm dose of Oxycodone can lead to death, essentially from suffocation as the automatic breathing response is affected unless one has built up a tolerance to it. Also, if certain elements in society know that these opioids are in the house, you can become a target for theft of them. I had a relative end up in prison from taking a large amount of morphine from a Hospice patient. I was on pins and needles with my mother when we were in the same state, possessing far more than was needed. I could not wait for them to take it away after she died. So that creates a motive. Now there are lesser pain relievers. I have asked which one was being used but I have not heard. Does anyone here know?
yes, you have a great point. Could've been a couple of adults. But that changes up the whole thing completely. Why would he have been a personal target? Random violence seems unlikely to grab the guy and make him disappear, unless there's something else. I don't know what, but that something is.....who knows?

Who knows is right. There is so much mystery surrounding his disappearance.

You said he's a friend? I'm sorry. :(
What we know is that Mike is recovering from surgery, that he has a fixation on certain events surrounding his mail box, and that he likes to exercise walk. The issue of depression and a statement from someone reporting to police about paranoia is out there, although all admit it has no support in Mike's prior history.

By all accounts, he had recovered from surgery and was feeling good. He was working out and exercising daily. No one close to him, family or friends, reports knowing anything about any medication that he was taking. The original report of schizophrenia, which everyone is reluctant to report who said, or maybe they just done know - but appears to have came from his wife seems to have spawned the medication angle. If you take out the wife's statement about mental illness and medication, which is contrary to what every other person that has worked with him, lived near him, been friends with him, or seems to have ever known him agrees with you are left with a very suspicious situation. Either he had everyone else who ever interacted with him fooled, or his wife deliberately stalled and misled LE. Oh, and by the way... The paranoid reaction to the mailbox has been debunked by multiple neighbors. They said they were accidental, explaining his house was in a curve and the sun was blinding at certain times of the day so there had been a couple of accidents - nothing malicious involved.
Do any of the neighbors have outdoor security cameras and were they checked, I wonder?
How do you know the family never liked her? I haven't seen them pointing fingers at anyone. Have I missed something?
The above also contains many knee-jerk defenses, a response I get on every side since this whole thing began. There is no chance that this will be solved, and Mike found, if every suggestion is made to look like a criticism of a perfect person, either Mike or his wife. You may understand the mailbox now, but at the time, he was reported to have been watching it, to the point that some neighbors were spooked by it. I am only trying to bring together all the reports and suggest a way that it could fit together. One must admit that either Mike walked away from his life in full possession of his reason, or Mike behaved strangely for a time and may have suffered an accident as a result, or that a criminal act was committed. To point the finger at a family member seems extreme to me. And it does not fit with the LE actions since the report was made.
Fifteen miles would easily get one from Old Henry Road to the Ohio River. Can that cell phone ping be confirmed?
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Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE.

Additionally, sleuthing family members or others that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members or others cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.
Somewhere along the way, it was mentioned that initially there were pings on his phone about 15 miles away from his house, although the phone was dead on the 4th day because family was trying to call and text him. He probably had it in his pocket as well as his wallet, if he was still awake and downstairs.

If this could be pinpointed to a specific direction, e.g. 15 miles North East or South West or whatever, then it would at least be a point to start searching.
How do you know the family never liked her? I haven't seen them pointing fingers at anyone. Have I missed something?

I read the comment as a question - not as a statement. e.g. is there pre-existing tension between Mike's birth family and his wife? Not as a statement that his birth family didn't like his wife. JMO - only how I read the comment. I believe the comment stemmed from some of the back and forth comments on the FB page associated with trying to find Mike Kimsey (Help Find Mike Kimsey). In the FB page there is obvious tension between THE PARTICIPANTS or "friends" of the page, when discussing the birth family and his wife.
In reality, I am sure BOTH of those groups want him home immediately, unharmed, and with a wonderful answer as to where he has been and what has been going on in the 2 months since he has been missing. However, stress (as both parties are undoubtedly under) does not bring out the best in people, nor the most rational of comments. I'm sure everyone is running on no sleep, caffeine and pure adrenaline, and may not have the best tone or word selection.

I don't think anyone here meant to state that Mike's wife was NOT liked by his birth family - again, it was a question born out of the conversation on that page. But I freely admit that is only my opinion.
i am a little confused by the posts assuming that Mike's family does not like his wife. It has been general concensus that the opposite is true, which seems confirmed by his wife's lack of communication with them. Although it seems that when the wife announced unttuthfully that Mike is mentally unstable, on Facebook, that would upset any loved one.

The only reference I've seen to him having a mental illness was a comment on Facebook but it didn't come from his wife. Is there a link or something to where she said it? (I apologize if I missed it. There have been so many references to his state of mind I can't keep track.)

The other thing, imo, is if she did say it she is the one who would know better than anyone else. If he has a mental illness (not suggesting he did as nothing I've seen verifies this - I sure don't trust one random FB comment) he might not want everyone else to know and only his wife would be aware.
I think if someone wanted to disappear, even today, it could be done fairly easily. If he had planned it for a while, there would be no need for credit cards or a bank account. I can't think of a place that doesn't take cash. If well planned, he could have also sporadically left clothes where he was planning on going as to not have to take clothes from home. Just because he's a good guy that loves his son, doesn't mean he couldn't have a breaking point. Maybe it started as a walk to clear his head and he just kept walking, maybe it wasn't planned at all.

I also agree that a wife may be the only one to know of mental illness or medication he might be taking. Once again, not saying that's the case, but I think most people, maybe even men more, get pretty bummed out when they aren't working. Maybe he was taking anti-depressants and hoping that he could discontinue them when he knew of a concrete time he could go back to work. My husband is the only one I tell when I'm taking medication, and only because I'm paranoid something terrible will happen every time I take anything after a really bad experience the first time I took a prescription pain medication.

I'm not ruling out foul play by any means. I think it's probably the most likely.
The only reference I've seen to him having a mental illness was a comment on Facebook but it didn't come from his wife. Is there a link or something to where she said it? (I apologize if I missed it. There have been so many references to his state of mind I can't keep track.)

The other thing, imo, is if she did say it she is the one who would know better than anyone else. If he has a mental illness (not suggesting he did as nothing I've seen verifies this - I sure don't trust one random FB comment) he might not want everyone else to know and only his wife would be aware.

With all due respect, I must disagree with you assumption. Initially, on the Help Find Mike Kimsey page, someone posted the circumstances surrounding Mike's disappearance. Included in the statement was the fact that 4 days after Mike was missing, his wife contacted Mike's parents to let them know he was missing, and then she called the police. When she saw this posted on the Find Mike page, she posted on her own personal Face Book page that Mike is Paranoid Schizophrenic. This was the first mention that Mike was mentally ill, and no one else in his life, including his doctor, has ever heard this before. He has no diagnosis, no friends ever noticed any change in his demeanor, behavior or disposition, no neighbors either, which he saw daily and was close neighbor friends with quite a few. His family had never heard of anything like this, never noticed any issues, and no family history. He received an FAA certification for Safety and excellent mental and physical health, just 18 months ago. Paranoid Schizophrenia does not just happen over night at 48 yrs old. It begins in the early 20s usually, if not before, it gradually manifests over time, it includes delusions, hearing voices, and bizarre behavior. None of which applies to Mike, and is laughable. So, the question remains "why" would the wife post this or imply this to police? Several of Mike's personal friends who were "friends" with his wife on Face Book, criticize her post, and she immediately removed the post. She ultimately deactivated her account. She has had no presence on the Help Find Mike page. She would not know better than anyone else on something like this. If something were wrong, then she MAY know that much, but she is not a doctor, and it is not her place to diagnose or label Mike. At the very least, the mere suggestion of this would be harmful to his career, so why would she even make this statement for any reason? This begs to be questioned. The only thing that you can find on the Help Find Mike page is where his friends and family have responded in disagreement to her post and tried to make it clear that it was a fabrication. And this is not to point fingers other than to factually state where this information originated, and hopefully this provides a small piece of the puzzle.

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