GUILTY KY - Kayla Williams, 17, Kortney, 14, & Ethan Frensley, 5, murdered, Roaring Springs, 15 Oct 2008

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DNA Solves
Thank you misscoyoteblue for the info! I'm not happy that it might take months for test results, but I hope whatever they wind up with will put this freak in prison forever.
Yes, particularly when she could also have chosen worried, sad, enraged, mad, miserable, or perhaps the most appropriate, nauseated.

Still, one has to wonder what kind of self-awareness does a woman have who marries a man capable of this kind of carnage. Sure the neighbors said he seemed like a regular guy, ( , isn't the I Love Lucy "do" fabulous?) but you think as a wife, she'd have a clue.

I doubt she would have married him if she knew what he would do. Larkin, sometimes i wonder your choice of words on victims..
A lot of times people lead double lives, look at the BTK serial killer, for decades his family was not aware. These killers can hide it well.

As for making fun of the neighbor "isn't the I Love Lucy "do" fabulous?" maybe she's comfortable wearing her "do" like that.
Thank you misscoyoteblue for the info! I'm not happy that it might take months for test results, but I hope whatever they wind up with will put this freak in prison forever.

If this "freak" is innocent, do you still want him to go to prison forever? Just a thought! If he is all means...I agree!!! There is still to much out there that we don't know for us to be saying innocent or guilty...IMHO
At this point, the evidence seems to be circumstantial - no forensic evidence results has hit the press as of yet. I am not convinced yet that he is guilty, so calling him a freak is a little premature. If he is guilty, then he deserves everything the justice system can hand him. This is a horrific crime. But if he is innocent... then he will have spent over a year in jail, lost his job, irrepairably damaged his marriage and relationship with his children....I daresay that most of us rush to judge, based on the media. We should step back and remember that he and every other accused person is still innocent until proven guilty. I will not believe anything but forensics. I do not live in Kentucky so don't have access to the local "rumors" . If anyone hears anything pertinent to the case, please share.
At this point, the evidence seems to be circumstantial - no forensic evidence results has hit the press as of yet. I am not convinced yet that he is guilty, so calling him a freak is a little premature. If he is guilty, then he deserves everything the justice system can hand him. This is a horrific crime. But if he is innocent... then he will have spent over a year in jail, lost his job, irrepairably damaged his marriage and relationship with his children....I daresay that most of us rush to judge, based on the media. We should step back and remember that he and every other accused person is still innocent until proven guilty. I will not believe anything but forensics. I do not live in Kentucky so don't have access to the local "rumors" . If anyone hears anything pertinent to the case, please share.

Um, the FORENSIC evidence may be premature. However, let's please not overlook the fact that this left an EYE-WITNESS. A woman who had seen him before and who may very well have seen her own children be murdered at his hands. I am not rushing to judgement based on the media. I'm not privy to any "rumors" either. I do feel there is a reason this is in custody for these crimes and IF he is guilty, I hope they give him the DP. That's just MO, of course.
The eye witness, the victim, did not POSITIVELY identify him as the killer/rapist - by all acounts I have read, she identified his as looking like the guy with different hair. I may be incorrect - as I said, I'm not in Kentucky and not privy to all the news reports. I have no doubt the PD feel they have the right person in custody, and it's certainly possible if not probable they do. I'm just saying that the guy's been in jail since October and didn't even get a bond hearing for months, and then the bond is impossible to meet. If he's guilty, then he deserves it. There is always more to any crime story than meets the eye - background info that doesn't always hit the press. These children certainly did not deserve to suffer and die the way they did before their lives were even started. And if this man did these crimes, then he deserves the death penalty. I'm just saying, that circumstantial evidence is just that - I'm still waiting on forensics.
I guess we shall see. The arrest was made quickly and I'm hoping there is a reason bail was set so high. My heart goes out to this woman, whose babies were brutally murdered that day. I want nothing more than to see the killer brought to justice.
The eye witness, the victim, did not POSITIVELY identify him as the killer/rapist - by all acounts I have read, she identified his as looking like the guy with different hair.

Where did you read that? Link please.

I have followed this case as well, and I have not read that anywhere. Please enlighten me:).
As a single mother, this case haunts me... what a nightmare...
This was from the Kentucky New Era article written by Alan Reed. I saw this repeated on several other news outlets. And this was early on in the case - there maybe more recent news that I have not seen. I also heard rumors of a school bus driver making some comments that are pertinent, but never found anything in print on them. I was a single mother too for many years, I understand your fears - I share them.

The detective said that Kristi Frensley has made unexpected progress in her recovery. Though she did not make a positive identification from photos, she indicated Dunlap as her assailant, holding her hand over the top portion of his head, and said that while his hair was different, the face looked similar."
This was from the Kentucky New Era article written by Alan Reed. I saw this repeated on several other news outlets. And this was early on in the case - there maybe more recent news that I have not seen. I also heard rumors of a school bus driver making some comments that are pertinent, but never found anything in print on them. I was a single mother too for many years, I understand your fears - I share them.

The detective said that Kristi Frensley has made unexpected progress in her recovery. Though she did not make a positive identification from photos, she indicated Dunlap as her assailant, holding her hand over the top portion of his head, and said that while his hair was different, the face looked similar."

Wasn't there blood found in his truck, and on his shoes? If so, and it matches their blood, I would think that was better than eyewitness testimony which is often not accurate.
My understanding is that they found what "appeared" to be very small amounts of blood in his vehicle and possibly blood on a pair of shoes. In my opinion, forensic evidence, blood, dna, whatever, is always a better bet than an eye witness. That's why I am reserving judgment until all the evidence is in. The prosecution has NOT made discovery to the defense yet, so as to what evidence the prosecution has and how accurate or how damning it is is as of yet unknown.
This is a slow process for everyone, and difficult to deal with. For everyone involved. Although the trial is set for November - which is 13 months after his arrest..there is a good chance it will be postponed, either by the prosecution or the defense. A lot will depend on how quickly, or how slowly the prosecution is to give the defense the info they are legally entitled to. If they wait til a week before the trial, then the defense will have no choice but to ask for more time to prepare. So much at stake here, neither side wants to make an error.

LIVINGSTON COUNTY, KY - A triple murder suspect's life remains on the line as he gets ready to face a jury. Friday attorneys for Kevin Wayne Dunlap failed to spare their client from facing the death penalty. A Livingston County judge denied the motion to take the death penalty off the table in the triple murder case.

Prosecutors say Dunlap raped Kristy Frensley inside her Trigg County home, then murdered her three children a little more than a year ago. Not only was the death penalty on the line in court today, but defense attorneys took aim at whether crucial elements are admissible in the case against Dunlap.

Just back from a month-long psychiatric evaluation, the defendant returned to court alongside his lawyers, who came armed with several pre-trial motions aimed at turning the case to their advantage. Up first, defense attorney James Gibson argued that a recent decision by the Kentucky Supreme Court to put executions on hold actually makes it too easy for a Kentucky jury to vote for death. "They're going to say, well, it doesn't matter. We can sentence him to death," Dunlap attorney James Gibson argued, "The Supreme Court is going to do something to him one day, or they're going to change executions. Whatever. We don't have to worry about it. We don't have to live with this. It's not our responsibility."

Every life tells a story. Each life has an introduction (that’s the day we were born), a plot (the life
we live) and a conclusion (our death). Some are short stories, some are full length novels, and​
some stories barely have time to introduce the characters before they end.
Kevin Dunlap pleaded guilty to killing the three children and the attempted murder of Kristi. He also admitted to 10 other charges including arson, burglary and kidnapping. The sentencing phase started this week. Currently Kristi is on the stand. The prosecution is seeking the death penalty.
Great news! Wow - I suppose the guilty plea takes the DP off the table, but at least he'll die in prison:

TRIGG COUNTY, Ky. - The sentencing phase in the triple murder case for Kevin Dunlap has been scheduled to start Thursday morning in Kentucky.
Police arrested and charged Dunlap with killing three children, Kayla Williams, Kortney Frensley and Ethan Frensley; nearly killing their mother, Kristy Frensley; and then setting the family's Trigg County house on fire.
The DP is still on the table. Also.. there was apparently a brain scan of some sort run on Kevin Dunlap,within the last month, showing that he is missing part of his brain. Is it not election year for Mr. Ovey and the Judge over the case? I also believe, that the Judge... was Mrs. Frensly's previous divorce lawyer? Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest for him to be presiding over the case?

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