GUILTY KY - Paige Johnson, 17, found deceased, Florence, 23 Sept 2010 *arrest in 2020*

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I don't know if I think the family was 'involved' in paige's disappearance, but I do think they know what happened. And I believe that Brittany saw that FB message from paige earlier than the next day.
I wonder about JB's silence. If he's protecting someone with his silence it's mis placed loyalty - no one seems to be coming forward with what they know.
Someone out there knows or has heard something.
I'm still hopeful that Paige is alive and share your concerns that whoever she is with using her for their own gain. It sickens me
This story is not related to Paige directly, but I find it interesting. We have speculated here that Paige possibly OD'd on drugs and Bumpass (or someone) dumped her body. In this case, this guy overdosed and his dealer, and the dealer above him are under indictment for involuntary manslaughter. This is the first time I've heard of this situation. I guess it's unique in that the authorities were somehow able to track these drugs back to these specific dealers. I'm guessing that's not too common in most OD cases. It sounds like this kid really wanted to turn his life around.

If Paige did indeed OD, I hope someone is brave enough to come forward and disclose how she got the drugs. Somehow I doubt that would happen though :(
Thanks inchhi - I'm in Cincinnati too and I didn't see the news today.
There has been speculation that Paige had OD'd...and if that's the case I bet Brittany was with her that night. I hate to think that Paige has died...but its certainly a possibility.
Her involvement with drugs seems to be pretty well accepted.
I hope she isn't out there doing things for drugs not able to find her way back home again.
maybe this should be posted on one of the Paige FB pages ? ?
I looked yesterday for a thread on Paige but didn't see one. I'm glad there is one and that it was bumped up today. This case peaked my interest when there was speculation that she may be in SW Ohio as that's where I live. Let me preface my comment/question by saying I have not read the other 13 pages yet, so this may have been discussed already.

Back when I first heard of this case, I looked up JB's MySpace and couldn't help but notice a comment left on August 2, 2010 asking who was carrying his baby. I thought I read in a few articles that JB and Paige were in a relationship? If so, what are the chances that she was pregnant again...either by him or someone else...and this could be a possible motive? The fact that JB and a friend are lawyered up is telling in itself, to me. I pray for Paige's family that answers are found.
it was rumored that paige was pregnant...but that hasn't been substantiated. there were lots of rumors. JB isn't paige's bf - another guy Ronnie Rider is Paige's bf. He moved right after she disappeared - and so did her sister. I found that odd - everyone close to paige cuts and runs when she goes missing?
I remember seeing that FB post too.
Well this is quite interesting...Bumpass's brother burning things in his back yard?

I'm glad the news media is keeping their attention on this case and not just letting it fade away.

I'm told it was a small group of friends having a Halloween get together and playing video games. There was a firepit in the backyard and a couple of the boys built a small fire. Funny how the most innocent thing looks guilty depending on how it's framed and how much information is left out by the media.
He was extremely angry about something the day before Paige went missing. There were a few exchanges on his FB page and even Paige was involved.

How do you get extremely angry from saying "I'll delete you first." To me as a Facebook user, it means if I have 2 friends and one is bashing my best friend, I will delete them first. Where is the anger? No cussing or anything. Just a simple we won't be friends anymore. It is not known whether those words pasted everywhere even referenced Paige or was someone else altogether. Either way, saying you'll delete someone in a facebook exchange means clicking the delete button by them on your friends list.
Never belive what you hear and only half of what you see. I know the girl Very well that said she was engaged to Jacob, and she was not that afraid of him Because she had me talk to him about her getting back together with him and he just said he didnt need all the ups and downs that went along with dating her and that was saying it nicely !!! I saw it first hand with her. I love Billie very much and wish her the best but she knows she was never afraid of him, She was upset that he didnt want her back.

Miracles I had to laugh out loud when I saw that post! Billie Jean is surely a likable girl, but she says it was too many ups and downs with him???? oh my! Her bipolar ways are pretty much legendary. Very moody. To see that she said something like that was both shocking and funny at the same time!
For all of this defense of JB, I've not seen any explanation of why his phone records would prove that he did not drop Paige off where he said he did. Why would he lie? Was he routinely driving around at 4am? That's a lot of gas for someone without much cash. Unfortunately, because of past observations I've not been very impressed with CPD. Hopefully they are doing a good job. Answer for me these questions: 1) Why did JB lie about where he was and where he dropped off Paige? 2) The Pimp or Protector theory: If JB were acting as a Pimp or "Protector" for Paige, why would he not disclose that to police? Apparently whatever he was up to would break his parole or make him a rat - either way he would be screwed so better to be silent. Is there anything to disprove this theory - Let's say he drove her to a client location, a house or an apartment to "perform" for someone. She never comes out. What would he do? 3) The Drug Deal theory: Similar to #2, he lets her out to make a buy, she never comes out. What would he do? 4) The OD theory: Let's say he picked up Paige, and he supplied her with something, or she already had something and she OD'd either in his car or somewhere where they both were. If he takes her to the hospital, he would go back to prison. What would he do? 5) The violent argument theory: Let's say for whatever reason JB accidentally killed her. What would he do then? 6) The bad debt theory: Let's say that Paige owed some bad people for drugs or something else and JB helped her to flee. What would he do? What other theory would make sense based on what is publicly known? It's clear that by not talking JB is either protecting himself or someone else. He either can't talk because it would incriminate himself and he would go back to prison, or he would point the finger at others who would then kill him, or he knows where Paige is and for her safety isn't talking. Who is he protecting by his silence?

VeryVeritas, your questions are all based on Jacob not dropping Paige off in Covington. Where are the questions for the scenario that he dropped her off? Your conclusion seems to be that by Bumpass not talking he is protecting himself or someone else. Again based on him not dropping her off. Did you forget that he DID talk though on parole and let detectives into his home voluntarily to look for her? He told them what he did. There won't be anything more he can say if he told the truth, and after 4 charges where is the incentive to continue to convince them he did so? The records do NOT show that Bumpass did not drop her off where he said he did. If the police think that, then they are technically incompetent. Research the wilder cell tower location in relation to his home and the drop off location and any fool can see that argument won't hold water. So redo your assumptions based on him dropping her off. The tower certainly won't prove that he didn't. There are two scenarios. Work them both. As to the drug deal scenario, it's laughable to assume that he sent a woman into such a situation. And what would he do if someone threatened a woman he was with? Probably beat them to a pulp. It is well known that he doesn't tolerate that sort of thing and has whipped many a man in his day for hitting or threatening a woman. Prostitution? He doesn't hang out with prostitutes. That would be certain people down in Covington which you aren't asking questions about because you didn't research the towers. Violent argument theory? Again, never hit a woman even though people are fond these days of saying how violent he is. If he is so dreaded violent, wouldn't you think he would have hit a woman by now? Instead he hits men who hit women. <modsnip> If he dropped her off in Covington as he said, how is talking going to help? How will he be able to say more than was already said? How will anyone ever figure it out if the basic premise has them going totally in the wrong direction?
VeryVeritas, your questions are all based on Jacob not dropping Paige off in Covington. Where are the questions for the scenario that he dropped her off? Your conclusion seems to be that by Bumpass not talking he is protecting himself or someone else. Again based on him not dropping her off. Did you forget that he DID talk though on parole and let detectives into his home voluntarily to look for her? He told them what he did. There won't be anything more he can say if he told the truth, and after 4 charges where is the incentive to continue to convince them he did so? The records do NOT show that Bumpass did not drop her off where he said he did. If the police think that, then they are technically incompetent. Research the wilder cell tower location in relation to his home and the drop off location and any fool can see that argument won't hold water. So redo your assumptions based on him dropping her off. The tower certainly won't prove that he didn't. There are two scenarios. Work them both. As to the drug deal scenario, it's laughable to assume that he sent a woman into such a situation. And what would he do if someone threatened a woman he was with? Probably beat them to a pulp. It is well known that he doesn't tolerate that sort of thing and has whipped many a man in his day for hitting or threatening a woman. Prostitution? He doesn't hang out with prostitutes. That would be certain people down in Covington which you aren't asking questions about because you didn't research the towers. Violent argument theory? Again, never hit a woman even though people are fond these days of saying how violent he is. If he is so dreaded violent, wouldn't you think he would have hit a woman by now? Instead he hits men who hit women. <modsnip> If he dropped her off in Covington as he said, how is talking going to help? How will he be able to say more than was already said? How will anyone ever figure it out if the basic premise has them going totally in the wrong direction?

Sorry, but someone who breaks the ankle of an elderly person has violent tendencies, IMHO. Or was this elderly person a man who was hitting a woman so he broke his ankle? Yeah, he's a peach and such a knight in shining armor. Definitely someone I would want my daughter (if I had one) to hang out with. :shakehead: When he let the detectives into his home voluntarily, was this before or after he ran from them?

To be clear, I am not saying his violent tendencies make him automatically guilty of harming Paige. <modsnip>

I see you've just recently joined WS. Tossing theories and scenarios around is what we do here. And yes, we also shoot holes in them and then come up with new ones. It's one of the main purposes of the message board. I've changed my theories/mind 100 times about this case. Care to share your theories with us?
I have a question...

If someone is on parole and LE or your PO come to your house, don't you have to allow them in and let them search? Also, don't you have to answer their questions or they could violate you??
I don't know about answering questions but yes they have a right to come into your home and search at ANY time.
No, LE do not have authority to search a parolees house by themselves unless you allow them. The parole group does because they are part of the state process for prisoners. The two agencies are not the same though in this case they became joined at the hip at some point. They are 2 different agencies and 2 different systems. It was LE who showed up and they were let in voluntarily.
The Probation and Parole agreement a person signs at least in my part of Iowa allows for search of person, vehicle, or home at any time by Probation/parole officer, or designated LE agency. No probably cause needed.
Peeples, an agency has to be designated. In the case of Kentucky, these are 2 independent groups with separate goals. LE to find those breaking laws and file charges; Parole to monitor parolees for infractions. LE is not authorized to enter a residence nor designated to do that. LE must go to the parole board. As I understand it, there were at least 3 entries to the home in question but their may have been 4. First was when he let LE detective in to check for Paige Johnson and talk to people there. Second was parole office searching the home. A witness said the parole officer said the house was clean and that alcohol bottles in outside trash were not enough to press charges. Subject was not in any trouble. Third entry was the following week when parole officers returned with LE and they arrested the subject finding 2 empty alcohol bottles and beer cans allegedly under the bed plus 2 native american wooden arrows and a tomahawk plus an administrative violation. Fourth entry would have been by searchers to look for forensics after obtaining a search warrant based on seeing dried kool-aide in the sink. A separate witness said the subject did not run during the 3rd entry to his home.

Yes, I've collected quite a few bits of information on the case and live here. I do have my theories based on what I hear from reliable sources (not the rumors though I do hear many of those too).
To correct an error, LE must go to the parole OFFICE, not the board. Sorry, my slip. Laws vary from state to state so thanks for the info on Iowa. Are LE openly designated there then? The two agencies basically one?
Another detail since someone above stated that they like for detail to be accurate, the dried kool-aide to obtain the search warrant was seen by LE in the third entry to the home which was a second parole office search with both parole and LE present (for the third entry). That means the parole office did let LE into the home. That or the subject let LE in for the third search. I heard that he was cuffed and put in the car though, so it doesn't seem he was present during the search or really had any say in the matter.

All items taken from the home including the dishwashing gloves, a pair of women's panties, and a couple of other items came back as unrelated to Paige Johnson. It has been confirmed that the substance in the sink was not blood but not confirmed to be kool-aide.
So at which of the 4 'visits' did JB run?

care to share your theories since you seem to be closer (in proximity) than the rest of us to the case?
It would have been the third visit that he was alleged to have run. And I had it firsthand from the only witness who is telling it far and wide that he did not run. The first visit from LE was early after Paige Johnson's disappearance, for the 2nd visit he wasn't home and the parole office was let into the apartment, for the third which is the one from which search warrants were obtained would be the one in which he was alleged to have ran. The witness said he didn't run and the witness was not in the suspects home when the 3 plain cars came for him. The witness was not a buddy. The search warrant for the fourth search apparently came from allegations of a blood like substance (see the wlwt news broadcast for photos) on his sink and that he ran.

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