Kyron Horman's general discussion thread for 2014

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It's a beautiful summer day and Kyron should be at a beach or lake, or maybe off to a special trip to Disneyland. He should be outdoors catching bugs and on camping trips with the boy scouts. He should be picking berries, or maybe building a fort with his friends. He should be sitting around a camp fire eating smores. But Kyron is gone, and most likely forever....

And how are Claire, or Teri, or whatever she calls herself today and her earily lookalike buddy DDS spending their summer? Have they been helping with efforts to find Kyron? Have they been scouring their brains to think of even the smallest detail that could help find him? Do they talk endlessly about him hoping that maybe someone knows anything that might help?

No? No? Why not!? If your step-son, or your best friend's stepson was missing wouldn't you be doing *everything* within your human power to find him?!
What *are* these two doing this summer? Why isn't the media sticking a camera in their faces and asking them again and again and again - "WHERE'S KYRON???"
And most of all, this question should be asked repeatedly of DDS because she knows a lot more about what happened that day than she is telling the public.
One thing I don't understand is why she would ruin her life (she will NEVER lead anything like a normal life until she speaks) for TMH. The disappearance of an innocent little boy is not an occasion to lawyer up and play the silent game, unless you are a guilty party, or aiding and abetting them.

DDS can go from being the oddball sidekick to a woman who repents and accepts God's forgiveness by SPEAKING UP. Time to speak up DDS. Face the consequences, do the right thing, and start sleeping at night.

All speculation and opinion only.

Hi RosesFromAngels,
Your post made me focus on a couple of questions: Why would someone who maintained the appearance of being a concerned mother and step-mother do anything that would hurt a child that she had known from the time he was a baby? What do we know of TH's behaviour that could indicate someone who would serve her own interests without regard to the consequences to other people?

So, I did some digging. 1. In 2010, according to the sources I've found, TH sent James to his maternal grandparents to live, although he continued his relationship with his biological father and step-mother. 2. Kaine denies that he forced TH to send James away. The "proof" that he did, so far as I have found, seems to consist of TH telling her friends at the gym that he did. Why would she lie about this? When I looked into this more, I have found a possibility I hadn't considered before. I think this possibility suggests if TH was a party to disappearing Kyron, it was a premeditated action and part of a larger plan to leave Kaine and go on to another relationship.

First, for myself, I wanted to clarify the context. The relationships within this family are complicated. TH's first husband, Ron Tarver Jr., is the biological father of James. They parted in mutual accusations of infidelity In 1998, TH's second husband, Richard Ecker, adopted James (Tarver gave up his parental rights) and paid child support to TH following their divorce. So, at that time, James Tarver legally became James Ecker. In January of 2010, while married to her third husband--Kaine Horman, TH legally changed James' last name to Moulton. Thereafter, TH's son was known as James Moulton. An interesting choice by TH--she could have asked Kaine to adopt James, if Ecker would have given up his parental rights. Or, she could have arranged to change James's surname to Tarver, which would have made it easier for both Ron and James should he be living with his biological father. Nonetheless, she chose Moulton, a name which belonged to her own family.

Still, Kaine was James' de facto father for eight years, and James continued to like him. Due to the circumstances following Kyron's disappearance, James had not been able to see Kaine for some time when the interview was conducted.
James said he misses his little sister — and would like to see Kaine as well. "He was like a dad to me," James said. "I lived with him for eight years."

A little more context. TH held a B.Ed. and an M.Ed., but had never held a full time teaching position, and had last worked as a substitute teacher in 2006. She did not renew her license from early 2007 until February of 2010. Even so, according to colleagues and friends, TH did identify very strongly as being a teacher. According to DY, during the time just before Kyron disappeared, TH vented about how she should have the job that Kyron's teacher held. Being known as a teacher was very important to her. My speculation is that TH was feeling frustrated at not being able to have a job as a teacher. It's possible that this frustration about her professional life could affected the way TH began to look at her sons--that they were somehow stopping her from pursuing her dream of teaching.

IMO, TH might have become obsessed with her imagined role as a teacher and become overly focused on the way that the classroom behaviour of James and Kyron might reflect on her professional persona. Kaine says that TH went through postpartum depression following their daughter's birth.
"She would lose her patience with both" James and Kyron.
. Perhaps it's possible that TH's patience was strained by fairly normal actions of children--inattention in class, poor exam resuls or skipping class--because of her PPD.

Kyron's 2nd grade teacher used coloured cards to indicate each child's classroom decorum. TH demanded a daily accounting from the teacher (and THAT should be looked at, IMO) which was not the norm. Kaine says TH used less than stellar colours as an excuse to punish Kyron.

[Kaine] said when Kyron brought home anything but a green card she wanted Kaine to discipline him by grounding him to his room for the evening, eliminating play time or not letting him watch movies. "There was no room for error," Kaine said. The couple frequently argued about disciplining Kyron, he said.

It's my guess that the pressure TH put on Kyron to excel at school must have been very uncomfortable for a little boy. DY bears that out. She described how Kyron wanted to spend more time with her.
“Kyron became increasingly unhappy about not spending time with me. He wanted to come and live with us. Several times he would just break down and just sob because he wanted to stay.”

It was not only Kyron who was not meeting TH's standards in regards to school. James admits that, although he read a great deal, he found school boring and frequently cut classes. I think this put more pressure on TH's image and her need to be seen as a good teacher. According to her former father-in-law, Chuck Ecker, image was important to TH.
Chuck Ecker said he never quite trusted Horman, suspecting she harbored ulterior motives. "She did things to impress people," he said.

To different people TH gave different reasons for sending James away. According to Ron Tarver,
...Terri Moulton Horman sent the boy to Roseburg in March this year because his grades were slipping and he was acting out at home. “He and Kaine on occasion butted heads, because James is hard-headed,” Tarver says.

JMO, but the head butting sounds like pretty normal teen boy/father relationship stuff. However, given her PPD, perhaps Terri was reading more into it than either James or Kaine did.

It was during this period, IIRC, that TH told her friends at the gym that Kaine was demanding that James leave their home. Kaine and James both deny this. Kaine says that, to the contrary, he did not want James to leave.

In February, Terri sent James to Roseburg to live with his maternal grandparents. "I was on a business trip when she made that decision," Kaine said. "She called me on my first day (in California) and said they had gotten into a fight. She couldn't handle it anymore. She was going to call his dad to talk about other options." Kaine said he didn't want James to move out, but it wasn't his decision.

Very different reasons: to her friends, Kaine is a villain who forces her to send away her son; to her first ex-husband, James was not doing well academically and had an antagonistic relationship with Kaine; to her then-husband, she could no longer maintain a positive relationship with her son.

As I thought about it, the fact that TH had completed all the requirements to change James last name to Moulton in January seemed odd. In the State of Oregon, changing the name of a minor is a complicated process. It involves appointing an adult as Guardian Ad Litem, posting a public notice of the name change for at least 30 days, personally serving the "other parent" (her mother or father?, appearances before a judge, and filling out several forms. ( The length of the posting process alone indicates to me that TH had decided to move James from the house well before she created any of her cover stories. Perhaps the boys' report cards reinforced her opinion that their work would not reflect well on her as a teacher.

She was making it difficult for both boys to stay. She was creating stories to make people sympathetic to herself. She was upping the pressure on Kyron. IMO, for her own reasons, TH had a plan in place and was carrying it through, step by step.

In addition, TH seemed to be scapegoating Kyron. DY says that emails she received from TH before Kyron disappeared were disturbing.
“She blamed a lot of the marital problems between Kaine and herself on Kyron; it was a huge point of contention in their marriage,” Young told Vieira. “She had expressed in great detail her hatred of Kyron.

TH was in direct conflict with Kaine over disciplining Kyron. She was in conflict with both James and Kaine over their behaviour in school. She was in internal conflict between her image of herself as a teacher and her reality as a stay-at-home mom. TH wanted to be seen as caring of her sons, and had the appearance of being a caring mother, so she had to shift the blame for sending away her James and Kyron to Kaine and DY.

I'm hoping that Sushan Sharma was right in saying "Time has it's own ways of revealing truth. Just be patient and live life, you will get answers of all questions sooner or later." For everyone involved in this case, I hope that in this case it will be much sooner rather than later.

Unless otherwise noted, quotes and references come from this source:!!!!! Fantastic post!
I got goosebumps when I read about all the boys name changes. think about it she is right in the process of trying to change her own name. this is an extremely important point. This could point to multiple personalities or anything else for that matter. I think that this point of all of these name changes really needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. I think it is a very Key point!!!!! Fantastic post!
I got goosebumps when I read about all the boys name changes. think about it she is right in the process of trying to change her own name. this is an extremely important point. This could point to multiple personalities or anything else for that matter. I think that this point of all of these name changes really needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. I think it is a very Key point

Thanks, RFA. When I found that information, I got prickles on the back of my neck, and when I re-read DY's statements about Kyron crying and not wanting to leave, I felt sick. Kaine had refused her requests to give custody of Kyron back to her and she hadn't fought for him in court ( IMO, this must continue to haunt her.

In my post, in the section about my theory that TH's decision to move the boys out of her home was because she wanted to begin a new relationship, I should have included some information about Michael Cook. IIRC, neither KH or DY thought MC was involved in Kyron's disappearance. However, he had been involved on different levels with TH.
The allegations of an affair with Terri came out in Kaine’s divorce filings. Michael Cook has acknowledged sexting Terri after Kaine left the house but denied they’d had sex...Records of calls and texts from Terri’s phone have also helped law enforcement in its efforts to pressure her. Investigators have provided information from Terri’s phone to Kaine—including evidence she was carrying on an affair, passed sealed court documents to Michael Cook and allegedly had paid her lawyer, Stephen Houze, $350,000. Kaine used all of that info to gain leverage in his divorce proceedings against Terri.
Thanks, wendiesan! Great job of putting together so much information in one post. Plus the additional, also very relevant IMO, post. Very impressive and helpful in jogging memories :blowkiss:
Truly, this needs a psychiatrist to put together a profile. This is some incredible stuff! It seems to run the gamut from borderline personality to narcissism to
This is all armchair speculation, of course. I would love to hear a professional psychiatrist/criminologist break this down. Heavy stuff.
Truly, this needs a psychiatrist to put together a profile. This is some incredible stuff! It seems to run the gamut from borderline personality to narcissism to
This is all armchair speculation, of course. I would love to hear a professional psychiatrist/criminologist break this down. Heavy stuff.

That would be awesome. And, I agree with you that the name changes are very relevant, and related. Seems TH has a history of trying to re-invent (or remove herself from) history to try to avoid whatever situation is not working for her, at any given time.
Wow. Affair. With Cook?

This came out in the divorce proceedings. Cook admitted to doing somethings with TH but not having sex.

In an interview with KGW on Monday, Cook admitted that he had used his cell phone to photograph the sealed restraining order, and that he had engaged in sexting with Terri Horman. Cook also admitted having inappropriate communication with Terri Horman but he denied having sexual relations with her. I never slept with her, Cook told KGW.

Cook did admit that he had Googled Kaine Horman's new address on his cell phone. She wanted to find out where Kiara was, Cook told KGW. I'm a pretty straight shooter, said Cook. I didn't have sex with her.
Truly, this needs a psychiatrist to put together a profile. This is some incredible stuff! It seems to run the gamut from borderline personality to narcissism to
This is all armchair speculation, of course. I would love to hear a professional psychiatrist/criminologist break this down. Heavy stuff.

I agree with you. KH made some comments during the divorce proceedings that made his position on TH pretty clear.

Kaine Horman argued in court files today that his estranged wife, Terri Moulton Horman, is an "emotionally disturbed individual focused on her own needs rather than the needs of Kiara or my missing Kyron."...He suggests that Terri Horman has an undiagnosed personality disorder or some type of emotional disturbance... He says Terri Horman's behavior after Kyron's disappearance -- failing polygraph tests, changing stories while displaying no emotions -- convinced him she's responsible.
This is off the subject of the current conversation of the name changes and TH's behavior (excellent posts, BTW, I cannot wait to start going over those points in more detail), but I wanted to share a quote from a Snapped episode I watched yesterday. It was about Michelle Gaiser, who was convicted of hiring three separate hit men to murder her longtime lover's wife. There was much speculation and some evidence that her lover, Jeff Stern, was involved, but Michelle was the only one ever actually caught on tape. One of the lawyers providing the commentary on the show said "In cases of murder for hire, you've got to get people on tape, asking for, making the payment for the actual hit. Otherwise you have no case."

That statement reminded me so much of the MFH plot allegedly set up by TH. Anyone that doesn't believe that it took place will say "if there was evidence of a MFH, she would have been arrested already." Not true, and this is the reason why. I believe that TH did try to hire a landscaper to murder Kaine. I also believe that LE tried to gather the evidence needed in the worst possible way. Sending this guy to get TH to slip up while the spotlight is right on her immediately after Kyron goes missing? Anyone with half a brain would have recognized that was a setup. The opportunity to get that needed evidence was lost forever with that botched "sting".
As I thought about it, the fact that TH had completed all the requirements to change James last name to Moulton in January seemed odd. In the State of Oregon, changing the name of a minor is a complicated process. It involves appointing an adult as Guardian Ad Litem, posting a public notice of the name change for at least 30 days, personally serving the "other parent" (her mother or father?, appearances before a judge, and filling out several forms. ( The length of the posting process alone indicates to me that TH had decided to move James from the house well before she created any of her cover stories. Perhaps the boys' report cards reinforced her opinion that their work would not reflect well on her as a teacher.

Thank you for this information! That means TH had to start the process for the name change right around the time she approached RS about the MFH plot. The premeditation is truly astounding. IMO she changed her son’s last name and moved him so he would not be associated with her plans to get rid of Kyron. And in the court docs, KH’s lawyers laid out the motive for getting Kyron out of the house:

“Based on the testimony of Mr. Sanchez, Respondent had been contemplating divorce for many months prior to the disappearance of Kyron Horman. Respondent, obviously, was aware of the presumption in Oregon that step-siblings should not be separated after a divorce, absent overriding reesons {sic} demonstrating that the welfare of a child is better served by separation from a sibling. See McBraver v. Randolf, 191 Or App 553 560, 83 P3d 936 (2004); Marriage of Moe, 66 Or App 947,951,676 P2d 336 (1984). Five months later after Respondent tried to have Petitioner murdered, Kyron Horman disappeared.”
That would be awesome. And, I agree with you that the name changes are very relevant, and related. Seems TH has a history of trying to re-invent (or remove herself from) history to try to avoid whatever situation is not working for her, at any given time.

Anyone else see the Bodybuilding phase as a reinvention?
Shadowboy;10846145]Thank you for this information! That means TH had to start the process for the name change right around the time she approached RS about the MFH plot. The premeditation is truly astounding. IMO she changed her son’s last name and moved him so he would not be associated with her plans to get rid of Kyron. And in the court docs, KH’s lawyers laid out the motive for getting Kyron out of the house.

Yes, that's how I interpret the timing as well.

IMO, the attempted kidnapping of Kiara from KH's gym demonstrates a pattern of behaviour that could support KH's contention that TH was involved in the abduction of Kyron.

The court documents state that on June 28, 2010, a worker at the gym where Kaine Horman works out (Xtreme Edge Fitness Club) and brings his daughter to the gym daycare, was contacted by Terri Horman. According to the restraining order, Terri Horman was not to go to the gym. The worker states that Terri Horman asked him to contact her and let her know when Kaine Horman and their 19-month-old daughter Kiara came to the gym. The worker contacted his manager who in turn contatcted law enforcement officials.
Stop Family Abductions,, a project of the Polly Klaas Foundation, ( publishes information for people concerned about potential child abductions. On the page is a list of nine warning signs that a child could be in danger of being kidnapped by a parent. I thought it would be interesting to see if any of those signs applied to the situation before Kyron's disappearance or before TH's attempted abduction of Kiara.

The Klaas Foundation. says that if any of the points match the behaviour of the other parent, they recommend taking steps to protect against a child abduction. My theory is that the behaviour of someone who would abduct and then keep a child in secret may not be all that different from the behaviour of someone who would abduct a child and hide his/her new whereabouts from the other parent even though the child was no longer with the abductor. The placing of information re TH in this framework is based on my opinions.

• Your relationship with the other parent of your child is volatile and you argue often over visitation;
⁃ KH said the two were arguing about parenting Kyron
• A parent has a history of threatening abduction or has actually abducted the child in the past;
⁃ KH believed TH was involved in Kyron's abduction
⁃ TH privately encouraged DY to take custody Kyron before his disappearance
⁃ TH attempted to kidnap Kiara from the childcare facility at KH's gym, so TH has a pattern of abduction behaviour
• A parent suspects or believes abuse has occurred and his/her friends and family support these concerns;
⁃ DY says Kyron begged to stay with her and not be sent back to TH
⁃ TH punishing Kyron about school work, demanding "proof" from teacher that Kyron was misbehaving
- TH blamed Kyron for marital problems between herself and KH
• A parent is paranoid delusional or severely sociopathic;
⁃ not yet diagnosed with any personality disorder but such a condition is suspected by KH.
- KH claimed TH is an alcoholic, has a personality disorder and is emotionally disturbed.
• A parent is a citizen of another country and is ending a mixed-culture marriage;
⁃ not applicable
• A parent feels alienated from the legal system and has family/social support in another community;
⁃ TH's parents (the Moultons) were prepared to support their grandson
⁃ TH's parents could financially support her
⁃ TH was able to pay $350,000 for her lawyer, unknown source of funds
⁃ TH may not feel alienated from the legal system, so this point may only apply in part
• A parent has no strong ties to the child's home state;
⁃ not sure this applies,
• A parent has no job, is able to work anywhere or is not financially tied to the area;
⁃ TH was not employed at the time of Kyron's disappearance
• A parent is engaged in planning activities such as quitting a job, selling a home, terminating a lease, closing a bank account or applying for passports, birth certificates or school and medical records.
⁃ TH had renewed her teaching license in January of 2010 --it had lapsed in 2007
⁃ TH had begun a relationship with MC, possibly an affair
⁃ TH had changed her son's name to James Moulton (her maiden name)
- TH moved James Moulton to her parents' home

So, given that more than one point indicates that TH's behaviour before Kyron's disappearance fit the profile of a parental abductor, and that TH would rather give up custody of her daughter than respond to LE questions about Kyron, I think it is very likely that TH knows what happened to Kyron and may have been involved in Kyron's disappearance.

Using the Klaas Foundation framework as a filter for information gave me a different perspective from which to evaluate TH's actions. These are just my impressions of TH's actions, and I know this is not really proof of anything, but it is food for thought, IMO.
Wendiesan - another powerful post! You really illustrate the probable powderkeg TMH truly is. While each point should be examined independently, it certainly suggests the profile of a woman capable of this nefarious act.

Well done! If you're not, I hope you go in to LE as a profiler or investigator!
Thanks RFA and AT. There are many ways to interpret the information, for sure, and I'm looking forward to reading posts exploring other perspectives.
Wendiesan, awesome posts. With a lot of time, perspective and years of watching her behavior it seems clear in the months preceding Kyron's abduction she was backing out of her marriage, rearranging her children's lives, homes, names and futures. James was gone, she was asking DY to take Kyron back, I do believe she wanted Kaine out of the picture (the MFH could have been a serious hit, or could have been Terri investigating her options and inquiring if a MFH was even a possibility) - she was shucking pieces of her life left and right. And in the middle of this the one child who is not her bio child and apparently regarded as a huge source of her unhappiness and perhaps hatred happens to go missing. Kaine and Kyron, the two she trash-talked and blamed, both with attempts on their lives during the same time that she was rearranging her life to suit her better.

I wish Kyron or his remains would just be found, give the rest of the family some peace, give the police an angle to get this woman off the streets, and get some justice for the victims.
Thank you for this information! That means TH had to start the process for the name change right around the time she approached RS about the MFH plot. The premeditation is truly astounding. IMO she changed her son’s last name and moved him so he would not be associated with her plans to get rid of Kyron. And in the court docs, KH’s lawyers laid out the motive for getting Kyron out of the house:

I see the son's name change as her (TH) making plans to move her son and possibly get a divorce. I don't see it as something nefarious. Also don't see why she would hurt Kyron if she was getting a divorce. JMO but it doesn't make sense to me.
Wendiesan - another powerful post! You really illustrate the probable powderkeg TMH truly is. While each point should be examined independently, it certainly suggests the profile of a woman capable of this nefarious act.

Well done! If you're not, I hope you go in to LE as a profiler or investigator!

:seeya: I want to second this post !

:great: Great job, wendiesan ! And :tyou:
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