Kyron Seen Near Truck? Could This Be New Info?

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We got some heavies in the room--weigh in please. ;)
impulsive is fine.

No, not Kaine's......."A TRUCK with SOMEONE ELSE inside it."

There are two parts there....I just noticed that.
Kaine's, said Desiree.

xin..I admire your posts for sure.but what is credible,reliable or factual...right now to me nothing.....this by NO MEANS is directed to you...if they have the above and have not made a arrest by now, good golly,what in the world are they waiting on......
Kaine's, said Desiree.

xin..I admire your posts for sure.but what is credible,reliable or factual...right now to me nothing.....this by NO MEANS is directed to you...if they have the above and have not made a arrest by now, good golly,what in the world are they waiting on......

Generally, people have consciences...generally people crack in one way or another, if they are involved in something so...evil. It's possible, LE thought given enough rope, TH (if only she were involved) or her group (if others were involved) would hang themselves, and make a better case for them.

That has not happened.

I expect an arrest (for what charge I do not know) will be made soon.

I would guess it will be for a lessor charge, just to see if her "crackability" is better in jail.
I admit I am completely lost with this whole truck and person business. I can't understand, if LE really wants help, why they are so vague and seem to be almost playing games about it. Won't say the sex, won't say where, won't say even if, there was a person or people. Hope they have plenty of money and time and staff to sort through whatever "tips" come in from assorted fruits and nuts who want to get involved in the case.

I do hope the case does not end up balancing on whatever witnesses come from these belated "memories"...the way they are being obtained, the flyers, the persistent hints from LE (it's not're getting warmer, i.e.) are not making them look like they know what they are doing.

Above BBM.. ITA and moved this post of mine over here because I too am concerned about just how vague LE is being and that its as if it is some sort of "game" being played...
My earlier post->
I just wish we didn't have to guess and speculate[and I'm not meaning about the entire investigation/case, as I've said I want the integrity to remain so that the guilty can be successfully prosecuted].. What I am referring to is wishing we didn't have to guess about the info that LE IS RELEASING[directly from LE].. It just seems to be that we're having to "guess" on the unclear info that LE IS RELEASING.. And I guess my greatest fear is that due to it being so unclear and playing the "guessing game" #1 people may not even understand what it is that LE is exactly needing(I mean we dissect everything to death and yet still there are items that still seem unclear)therefor possibly someone with info that is relevant and important may not be told because it is unclear.. and #2 people NOT understanding, it NOT BEING crystal clear ppl are not even gonna bother with it, like dang! I'm not gonna sit here and try to play fill in the blank game with the puzzle piece info thats coming out is something they may think and therefor not come forward with info that they do not even realize could be the "key"..

I just worry about the unclear nature of the info prohibiting relevant and possibly key info from coming forward.. JMO
I think LE is trying so hard not to influence memories that they are kind of doing the opposite, by using the flyers, showing the truck, saying it isn't Dede, showing
what Terri looks like again...some people are very apt to take in what they see and suddenly "remember" that they saw that truck or that person, and oh yeah, there was another person in the truck, now that I think of it. And someone may come close enough to whatever vague description LE has now so they may be considered a second witness. People want to help too badly, sometimes.

I think eye witness testimony is a mess at the best of times, and the way this is going down is a setting for disaster in court.

I know lots of people feel confident in LE's handling of this case and I usually am right there, praising LE, but I can't in this case, at least not right now. We know they are focused on Terri; we know she isn't talking; it seems that Dede, who may or may not have info, isn't talking. They have no real chance of finding Kyron without the perp confessing or an accomplice coming forward. So this bit about asking for witnesses, to me, screams of desperation, not of a cryptic plan. Kind of like the deal with the "sting" between Terri and the LS guy screamed of desperation.
Hi, Since the reporter said it was a man I think it might be what the case hinges on now. That's new. So my 'hunch' is it was either a male member of the family or the LS. IMO only I wonder if it is someone who met her at the school OR that she picked up on the way to the school ??? That has to be either, or the case, right?

See you tomoz. xox

I don't believe the reporter said it was a man. I believe she was asking Desiree if she believed it was a man that was spotted and asked Desiree what is the likeliest scenario? Desiree never answered if she thought it was a man or not.
Kaine's, said Desiree.

xin..I admire your posts for sure.but what is credible,reliable or factual...right now to me nothing.....this by NO MEANS is directed to you...if they have the above and have not made a arrest by now, good golly,what in the world are they waiting on......

the results and verdict of the GJ.
So here's a thought that came to me as I was waking up this morning....

"Well first of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with somebody else in it?"

What if "outside the school" DOESN'T mean in the parking areas? What if it's.....completely away from the school property altogether? Perhaps in a Fred Myers parking lot? Or along that road where DeDe works? Perhaps someone saw some sort of handoff?
So here's a thought that came to me as I was waking up this morning....

"Well first of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with somebody else in it?"

What if "outside the school" DOESN'T mean in the parking areas? What if it's.....completely away from the school property altogether? Perhaps in a Fred Myers parking lot? Or along that road where DeDe works? Perhaps someone saw some sort of handoff?

I think that is exactly what they are looking for, witnesses who at some point saw Kyron in the truck where ever the truck was seen that day. Hence the flyers, indicating where the truck was parked at FM. I don't think it was just to determine TH's alibi or solely to confirm if DeDe was in the truck but most importantly, Kyron.

Remember how far back she parked from the store with sick Baby K? This is probably an area where staff parked. I wish we knew the shifts, although someone could be coming in late. I think it is possible a staff member may have looked driving in to park to see who else may have been on that shift (maybe a friend's vehicle, or which manager is on lol) and may have noticed that nice looking white truck.
I think that is exactly what they are looking for, witnesses who at some point saw Kyron in the truck where ever the truck was seen that day. Hence the flyers, indicating where the truck was parked at FM. I don't think it was just to determine TH's alibi or solely to confirm if DeDe was in the truck but most importantly, Kyron.

Remember how far back she parked from the store with sick Baby K? This is probably an area where staff parked. I wish we knew the shifts, although someone could be coming in late. I think it is possible a staff member may have looked driving in to park to see who else may have been on that shift (maybe a friend's vehicle, or which manager is on lol) and may have noticed that nice looking white truck.

Hmmmm. What if Terri's 'out-of-character' extra long conversation with Andrea Leckey was to keep Andrea inside of the store while things may have been happening in the parking lot? Terri approached Andrea. Maybe this was to ensure Andrea did not see anything in the parking lot at the truck (a pass off to another vehicle or Kyron in the truck?) Andrea said that Terri had baby K in her arms. JMO
From another article:


According to several sources in the Skyline community, including people who have spoken with investigators, the person was seen by at least two witnesses while Terri was in the school with Kyron.

So there are how many witnesses? Two that saw a man in/around the truck while Terri AND Kyron were in the school, and another who saw Kyron and the man outside in/around the truck. If there are three credible witnesses, why has no composite been released? Surely between the two witnesses who saw the man in/around the truck and the witness who saw Kyron with the man in/around the truck a composite could be released, right?

LE releases composites based on much less information. I don't understand the delay in releasing a composite. This man could potentially hold the key to everything, right? Obviously neither Terri nor Dede have Kyron, so this mystery man probably does. Isn't that a reasonable assumption if one believes the witnesses are credible and the accomplice theory is true? Why on earth isn't LE rushing to identify this man?

The school's landscaper said he was on the access road a couple of time during that morning. I forget the exact times that LE has said are relevant in their questionaires, however unless a person said they looked at their watch when they saw this person in a white truck, how positive can LE be that the landscaper wasn't the one seen. Do they know how many white trucks were there that day?
The school's landscaper said he was on the access road a couple of time during that morning. I forget the exact times that LE has said are relevant in their questionaires, however unless a person said they looked at their watch when they saw this person in a white truck, how positive can LE be that the landscaper wasn't the one seen. Do they know how many white trucks were there that day?

The turf technician, after speaking with police, indicated that he and his truck were probably there until 8:45-9:00. I am guessing that after mowing, cleaning and loading his equipment, he might have sat in his truck having coffee or a snack. So there could have been someone seen, sitting or standing near a white truck. And if anyone saw Kyron standing near a truck with someone in it, I'd like to know how many trucks were parked there. The technician had to have been there at least until 8:45, so any truck parked there before and perhaps after that time would have been a second truck.
And any person who parked that second truck behind the groundskeeper's truck was risking being noticed by the landscaper.

Time question: If the last buses arrived by 8:35-8:40, could a bus rider/driver have seen the truck or the two trucks?
In her interview with KGW , Desree says ( at -1:54)

First of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with someone else in it?

Do you think this was a slip of the tongue and she was revealing information that has not been made public, or do you think this statement is not significant?

Good catch! Thanks.

I think that DY said, and meant, "a truck" vs. Kaine's truck. She's been precise in referring to Kaine's truck before.

Her comment, to me, comes across as scoffing. Kind of a "oh yea, right, like what he's going to be doing outside. And, oh yea, right, what would he be doing by a truck with someone inside it? Yea, right. And maybe a UFO came by too."

And I think the reason that she scoffs at it is because she is so heavily invested in the sole notion that TH did something to her child. I think that her hatred and her anger are maybe what's holding her together and driving her on, and she can't afford to consider, even for a moment, the idea that someone in "a truck" other than TH might have taken Kyron.

BTW, I want an Official Contrarian avatar or icon! Something in this interview really hit me wrong. DY is talking about how an article is all about KH, and people need to remember that it's about Kyron. Then Kaine picks up that litany.

However, I have to point out that from the get-go, these two have been the ones constantly talking about TH and attacking her in their media interviews. They've been the ones that have used every interview to talk about TH. So now to suddenly lash out at media and others for talking about TH and not Kyron is a bit...disingenuous.

A side note: in one of these interviews (I think it is, there have been so many) Kaine says that he wasn't aware that TH was unhappy. Yet earlier he talked about how they had had marital problems, had discussed divorce (I think he used that word, sorry), and that he thought that they had worked through them in a "positive" manner. I remember that "positive" because I keep picking up on Kaine's use of buzz words and what I call "babble speak"--move forward, etc. etc. All the current en vogue words and phrases that contribute dialogue but no real substance. (Please note, this is also a current cultural thing.) There's another glaring example of KH's use of buzz words that totally sidetrack an examination of something important.

I also think that the Hallmark version of the blended family, happy together, first presented was well, false. DY has probably hated TH for years now. There were probably all kinds of issues, and now the underlying emotions and problems are starting to seep out.

And like so many of us, I wish that the "reporter" hadn't interrupted Kaine when he was on a roll and was talking about "..the facts...". Good grief. If you get your subject to open up, why do you then derail them?
Did the LS or the GK ever meet Kyron or ever talk to him?

Hi there, I don't think we know for sure. All we know is that opportunity was there as both the LS and the GK were associated with the school and there at times, right?
.......which is why it's being discussed here. A few people want to know if Desiree let slip some information about another truck. Since she was so johnny-on-the-spot to correct reporter who referred to "Terri's truck" with a snort and "you mean KAINE'S truck......." it leaves one to wonder why this "a truck" wasn't referred to as Kaine's truck, also.

You mention a point that was disturbing to me. It seemed like a jibe at Kaine. I fully understand DY's anguish regarding Kyron's disappearance. But I have come to distrust her "instincts" because her overt dislike of TH seems to color her every word, imo. My feeling here has been that her suspicions were the impetus for LE's intense focus on TH from the first day. She seems totally unwilling to even consider an option that excludes TH as the primary culprit.

I have no strong feeling of whether or not TH is the guilty party in this tragedy. I do think that it is always unwise to have tunnel vision in a case like this, with no clear evidence that is apparent or disclosed.
You mention a point that was disturbing to me. It seemed like a jibe at Kaine. I fully understand DY's anguish regarding Kyron's disappearance. But I have come to distrust her "instincts" because her overt dislike of TH seems to color her every word, imo. My feeling here has been that her suspicions were the impetus for LE's intense focus on TH from the first day. She seems totally unwilling to even consider an option that excludes TH as the primary culprit.

I have no strong feeling of whether or not TH is the guilty party in this tragedy. I do think that it is always unwise to have tunnel vision in a case like this, with no clear evidence that is apparent or disclosed.

But, respectfully, "no clear evidence that is apparent or disclosed" to those of us sleuthing the case. We have no idea what LE has briefed the family on...or what the Family has been told to keep to themselves at this point.

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