Kyron's case on Dr. Phil 9/17 *includes tape of the show*

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I don't believe there is any good reason to deny a search. LE works with private groups all the time such as TES.


We don't know what search group would be doing it, or if there were any incidences between prior search groups and KH, we don't know if the search group would be using any new techniques that haven't been used before. For all we know Kaine is feeling harassed, or wants to keep this stuff away from his kids. Kaine could have very legitimate reasons to only want LE searching his property, which is a far cry from denying all searches.

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We don't know what search group would be doing it, or if there were any incidences between prior search groups and KH, we don't know if the search group would be using any new techniques that haven't been used before. For all we know Kaine is feeling harassed, or wants to keep this stuff away from his kids. Kaine could have very legitimate reasons to only want LE searching his property, which is a far cry from denying all searches.

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I'm sorry but I don't believe there is any legitimate reason for denying the child's mother the opportunity to search. DY's husband IS in law enforcement. I think his priority is on finding Kyron. Kaine's refusal creates the impression he's hiding evidence.

This story indicates dog search teams from across the country participated and that LE was involved.

A Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson said they were aware of the weekend search. Young said authorities were very supportive and were called to the scene "multiple times."

"I just want to rule out all areas (that) I can and search every area possible," said Young. "We're not going to find Kyron if we're not searching."
I'm sorry but I don't believe there is any legitimate reason for denying the child's mother the opportunity to search. DY's husband IS in law enforcement. I think his priority is on finding Kyron. Kaine's refusal creates the impression he's hiding evidence.


How is he hiding evidence if his property has been searched by LE and is open to further searches by LE?

If he's hiding evidence, I wouldn't think he would be so open to LE doing additional searches on the property.

He doesn't want independent searches. I'm sure he has his reasons. That in no way implies he's hiding anything.

I've not seen any evidence that proves Terri was or wasn't the last person to see Kyron.

The fact that Kaine refused DY permission to search his property doesn't help Kaine's credibility. There is no good reason for Kaine to refuse such a request.


Desiree hired as many cadaver search teams as she could afford and find during her last search. On several other sites, one of the cadaver search teams was considered to be occasionally inaccurate because the cadaver dog hit upon animal remains (not human remains) in a past search.

Kaine stated that LE HAD search his property and could search it again. He may be worried about having an inaccurate cadaver dog team incorrectly hit on his property. I don't blame him for denying potentially inaccurate cadaver dogs to search his property.
How is he hiding evidence if his property has been searched by LE and is open to further searches by LE?

If he's hiding evidence, I wouldn't think he would be so open to LE doing additional searches on the property.

He doesn't want independent searches. I'm sure he has his reasons. That in no way implies he's hiding anything.


Please re-read my post. I said his refusal "creates the impression" he is hiding evidence.

I think at this point, LE is watching his property whether he approves or not.

Desiree hired as many cadaver search teams as she could afford and find during her last search. On several other sites, one of the cadaver search teams was considered to be occasionally inaccurate because the cadaver dog hit upon animal remains (not human remains) in a past search.

Kaine stated that LE HAD search his property and could search it again. He may be worried about having an inaccurate cadaver dog team incorrectly hit on his property. I don't blame him for denying potentially inaccurate cadaver dogs to search his property.

BBM - Exactly. Kaine has worked with LE very well to show he isn't hiding anything. He has to protect himself and the remainder of his family, as selfish as that sounds. They need him too. Allowing a search team to search his property when it has already been searched, opening it up to false hits and even more speculation that he is involved is detrimental to his quality of life and possibly his family.
I'm sorry but I don't believe there is any legitimate reason for denying the child's mother the opportunity to search. DY's husband IS in law enforcement. I think his priority is on finding Kyron. Kaine's refusal creates the impression he's hiding evidence.

This story indicates dog search teams from across the country participated and that LE was involved.

A Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson said they were aware of the weekend search. Young said authorities were very supportive and were called to the scene "multiple times."

"I just want to rule out all areas (that) I can and search every area possible," said Young. "We're not going to find Kyron if we're not searching."

That article does not indicate LE was doing the searches. All it says is that search teams passed info to LE, which is very different.
That article does not indicate LE was doing the searches. All it says is that search teams passed info to LE, which is very different.

It says LE was present at the scene several times. fwiw, volunteer searchers don't actually handle evidence, they alert LE to it.

It says LE was present at the scene several times. fwiw, volunteer searchers don't actually handle evidence, they alert LE to it.


Exactly. LE did not search. LE dogs did not search.
BBM - Exactly. Kaine has worked with LE very well to show he isn't hiding anything. He has to protect himself and the remainder of his family, as selfish as that sounds. They need him too. Allowing a search team to search his property when it has already been searched, opening it up to false hits and even more speculation that he is involved is detrimental to his quality of life and possibly his family.

BBM. Who exactly must Kaine protect himself from?

btw, sometimes AFTER LE conducts a search, the perp moves evidence back into the area already searched. It happened in the Jessica O'Grady case and it just happened in the Elaina Steinfurth case.

Just a quick touching on the whole issue of his refusing any more private searches.. I say any more due to the FACT that Kaine's home and property have been searched on numerous occasions, INCLUDING HAVING ALREADY BEEN SEARCHED BY PRIVATE SEARCHERS AS WELL.. This, IMO making the whole issue a NON-ISSUE.


**Please forgive the limitations that come w/my posting via mobile ATM**
respectfully snipped

I believe that most people whose child has disappeared would be willing to have their entire property searched every day and even dug up completely, if there was even the slightest chance the child was on the property. Even, really, if there seemed to be no chance. I believe I'd be out there digging myself and searching, searching until my child was found.

Is there a small chance that Kyron is buried on the property? Yes. Terri says she was driving around most of the day, but was she? I don't remember any really thorough searches, and I believe some areas of the property have not been searched at all.

I have not understood Kaine from the beginning. I don't think he's guilty of anything concerning Kyron's disappearance -- for one thing, he's got an alibi -- but he reacts oddly to things, to say the least.
Exactly. LE did not search. LE dogs did not search.

Evidence is still evidence and it is collected by LE. I'm really not sure why you are trying to argue over it.

respectfully snipped

I believe that most people whose child has disappeared would be willing to have their entire property searched every day and even dug up completely, if there was even the slightest chance the child was on the property. Even, really, if there seemed to be no chance. I believe I'd be out there digging myself and searching, searching until my child was found.

Is there a small chance that Kyron is buried on the property? Yes. Terri says she was driving around most of the day, but was she? I don't remember any really thorough searches, and I believe some areas of the property have not been searched at all.

I have not understood Kaine from the beginning. I don't think he's guilty of anything concerning Kyron's disappearance -- for one thing, he's got an alibi -- but he reacts oddly to things, to say the least.

His actions raise many red flags. The time of the year of the search is always a factor. If Kyron or any evidence is buried on the property, all LE has to do now is monitor and conduct a thorough search when the weather reduces the vegetation.

His actions raise many red flags. The time of the year of the search is always a factor. If Kyron or any evidence is buried on the property, all LE has to do now is monitor and conduct a thorough search when the weather reduces the vegetation.


I mainly would like them to search because I'd like them to find enough evidence to put Terri away forever. There is no doubt at all in my mind that she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. Kaine does act odd, but Terri acts guilty.
Because it has been searched, over and over and over. At some point KH deserves his privacy. He is very open to LE searching whenever they want to, that should be enough for anyone.
I mainly would like them to search because I'd like them to find enough evidence to put Terri away forever. There is no doubt at all in my mind that she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. Kaine does act odd, but Terri acts guilty.

I thought they were co-conspirators until the newsy tidbit about his denial of DY's request for a search. If Terri acted alone, Kaine would have nothing to hide and would throw his house wide open as many times as requested.

Glad to see any press on this little guy. I also was surprised to hear that Terri emailed DY to say that her and KH were through and that they had a huge fight. I also didn't realize that the photo of Kyron that day was in his class room. I was under the impression this was another room, and then they walked to the hallway where he was going to his class room. So that is something new. I have posted for 3 yrs that I think she pass him off and I am happy to hear that KH and DY think the same because of the areas searched haven't turned up a body. I look at any kids I see his age, just in case. People will start calling the police on me, LOL.

BBM- That is very interesting. So why did TH watch him walk down the hallway if he was already in his classroom?

Also- enough court documents and LE comments have stated TH is at the very least a person of interest. They specifically asked for people to come forward about her movements that day. Nothing of the sort has been stated about Kaine. He is a victim and to suggest not letting private search parties access to his property that has been searched time and time again by LE is suspicious is probably getting pretty close to breaking rules.
LE often state people are "cooperating" but it is a giant leap to equate that with LE believing they are always telling the truth. LE are also legally able to lie in the course of their investigation.

I don't believe DY would have requested a search of Kaine's property without having a good reason to make such a request. THAT tidbit, btw, is new information to me.


Well, since they gave him a lie detector and he passed, and then they went public in their support of him while giving him inside information, then no - it's actually not a leap at all to infer their belief that Kaine did not kill his son. Belief that LE is lying and Kaine is also lying - without any evidence - is the big leap. At this point, since you don't have any facts, his feels like you're attacking one of the victims of this crime.

And of course DY had good reason to search the property - she's a mother, she holds out eternal hope that her son's remains can be found, and Terri Horman - the person of interest in his kidnap - used to LIVE on that property when the crime was committed. Which is why teams have searched that property several times and my guess is that Kaine himself has searched as well. And why Kaine has invited future LE searches of the property.

If you find it suspicious that Kaine doesn't open his property 3 years later, what is the theory behind that? That he is hiding 3 year old evidence and just held his breath through the other searches and will hold his breath through future searches, but this particular one he judged as being the sole search that he felt would uncover whatever he was hiding? I mean seriously - where is the logic in that?

KH's "privacy" is now more important than finding his child and taxpayers must fund any searches? That's quite an arrogant message to send to the court of public opinion.

It's weird how obsessed you are with attacking the victim of a crime here. Since Kaine's privacy and finding Kyron aren't mutually exclusive, your statement has no logic.

Please re-read my post. I said his refusal "creates the impression" he is hiding evidence.

I think at this point, LE is watching his property whether he approves or not.


I'm sure they are. There are two victims of a crime that live there, one a small child, and it's the former residence of the person of interest in a kidnapping.
Terri is also a victim. She was the primary care giver for the missing Kyron, and she has not been named a suspect or person of interest. She has been the target of a vicious smear campaign here and elsewhere. Public sentiment was shaped by innuendo and hearsay from the beginning. Who was driving that narrative and why?

I'm glad you brought this up. Terri herself is driving this narrative. The evidence that people are discussing here is based on Terri, her movements and her own words.

The smearing of her reputation has come from Terri. The lies she told - recorded in her own words, in her own email and text messages that are publicly available for all to read. This isn't innuendo. This is Terri getting revealed to have used her own baby as a lie-shield to go try to have sex with a man while searchers were out in the woods looking for her stepson. This is Terri giving up her baby, so she wouldn't have to contribute to the investigation. This is Terri buying secret phones and throwing them out during a kidnap investigation.

So yeah - it's a smear campaign, but it's Terri herself who smeared her own reputation with her lies and complete lack of concern for her missing stepson, followed by her complete lack of concern for her baby. Public sentiment was shaped by her own words and actions. People do tend to be rather unforgiving of people who show themselves to be of that character.
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